Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael"/ Excerpt @pg151/New Interview Post 3743

Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

The only really interesting part is that Frank details Michael's concept for the Unbreakable short film. Other than that the book is a series of accounts of different events in Michael's life that he, for the most part, would not want to be discussed in public.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

ivy, it's pointless. those that want to spread some H.A.T.E. here don't care to read the actual book, they have just found another gossip that allows them to spit on some public figure they hate due to a prejudiced opinion they've made based on bias distortion that is getting preached and annexed.


haters gonna hate :p

Would you recommed it then guys?

I have read 7 chapters - as of now yes. ask me again once I finish. :)

This is not Frank said in the book. I am sorry but you were picked everything apart just like media. I know people are mad about Frank and I stated in multiple post that I too are not happy about some of his comments in interview and giving fuel to media to condemn MJ. However, what you say here is totally just single out particular phrase. I don't think it's fair.

But this is what the press does! Don't you understand that? Why I did that?

Sorry but what press does shouldn't be an excuse for what we do. We are Michael Jackson fans for God's sake, we know what the press did to him. We cannot advocate for doing the same!!

What does he write about the supposed recording in 2007?

He totally skirts round the issue. But let's take a look at what he does say. According to Frank, Michael arrived at the house on August 19th. We know he had left by early November because he was in Beverly Hills for Jesse Jackson's 66th birthday party by the 8th. That gave Michael approximately 10 weeks to, according to Frank, write and record 12 songs as well as recording the WBSS 2008 parts. Of course, you also have to take off the time that Michael spent in New York in September when he was doing the L'Uomo Vogue photoshoot, amongst other things. As if by magic, this period of time becomes 4 months according to Frank's account. Frank states that Michael, Eddie and Porte wrote 12 songs together, which, for those who've been following the detailed research into the song registrations, will know is not true. He doesn't mention the controversy, authenticity issue or any details whatsoever despite stating how he was frequently there. Absolutely nothing about the alleged recording sessions is revealed, despite the wealth of detail about all other aspects of this stay.

Let me remind you this is not the topic for this thread but I'll correct the "wealth of detail about all other aspects of this stay" sentence. His whole stay is around 2 pages and it only includes Michael was recording, one room in their house turned into a classroom and Michael got up every morning to dress his kids and made sure that their teeth was brushed. Not much detail is given about that stay. Controversy is also briefly mentioned - he says some questioned the authenticity of the vocals and explains it as some people in Michael's organization turning against them - as it had happened in the past.

Also it's you that assumed Frank was writing this book to correct perceptions about the songs , he always maintained that the book was about his friendship. So you made an assumption and that turned out to be wrong.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

I do have to agree. The media won't care and just want the most eye grabbing headline. The public won't care and just read whatever the media wrote. I don't know how much Frank can achieve with this book as he claimed before for the public. The fact is he already did lots of damage because of this book and I really don't know what he can do to reverse that.

I think what you said is true and fair.

Fans were frustrated and angry a couple days ago because of the negative headlines this book caused. I really want to see how Frank is going to defend his book and reverse the damange during his book tour. But, I'm afraid it's too little too late.

Fact is that non-fans don't care and will not buy the book. The negative headlines just further reinforced their misconceptions. As for fans (or, I should only speak for myself), based on what I have read here and on LSA so far, Frank didn't provide any insight that enlightens me. I appreciate the nice stories about Michael though.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

I will give you a picture to laugh your heads off

This is Michael and Cascio's going trick or treating on Halloween

Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Let me remind you this is not the topic for this thread but I'll correct the "wealth of detail about all other aspects of this stay" sentence. His whole stay is around 2 pages and it only includes Michael was recording, one room in their house turned into a classroom and Michael got up every morning to dress his kids and made sure that their teeth was brushed. Not much detail is given about that stay. Controversy is also briefly mentioned - he says some questioned the authenticity of the vocals and explains it as some people in Michael's organization turning against them - as it had happened in the past.

Also it's you that assumed Frank was writing this book to correct perceptions about the songs , he always maintained that the book was about his friendship. So you made an assumption and that turned out to be wrong.

I wondered how long it would take you. I never assumed Frank's book to be about that at all. Their is a wealth of detail when you compare what he says about the stay to what he says about the recording process, which is nothing. He also lies, twice, both of which I pointed out.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

and what's the positive headline u are talking about???? I said the book just gave media so many headline to trash MJ.
Well, people were saying that we should wait for positive headlines when the book is released. So now the book is released and I'm waiting for positive headlines...

Sorry but what press does shouldn't be an excuse for what we do. We are Michael Jackson fans for God's sake, we know what the press did to him. We cannot advocate for doing the same!!
After reading the summaries, that was the impression I got.

Let me remind you this is not the topic for this thread
Why can't we talk about it? This thread is about Frank's book and he mentions the recording in his book, so?

Controversy is also briefly mentioned - he says some questioned the authenticity of the vocals and explains it as some people in Michael's organization turning against them - as it had happened in the past.
Lol! Seriously I would laugh my ass off if only it wasn't such a sad issue...
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

I wondered how long it would take you.

What? I came home and actively reading and posting. Why does it bother you?

I never assumed Frank's book to be about that at all. Their is a wealth of detail when you compare what he says about the stay to what he says about the recording process, which is nothing. He also lies, twice, both of which I pointed out.

do you even have the book? let me guess no. 2007 visit is a chapter, most of it is about their talk, the details about Michael's stay is around 2 pages only. When you compare it to how he details some of the other stuff, it's not wealth of information.

Why can't we talk about it? This thread is about Frank's book and he mentions the recording in his book, so?

and we wrote what he wrote in this thread. any authenticity debate should be continued in the appropriate thread.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

:lmao: His eyes are such a giveaway.

exactly what I thought :) I saw it and I was like "and he thought he wouldn't get recognized?" so hilarious
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

What? I came home and actively reading and posting. Why does it bother you?

do you even have the book? let me guess no. 2007 visit is a chapter, most of it is about their talk, the details about Michael's stay is around 2 pages only. When you compare it to how he details some of the other stuff, it's not wealth of information.

and we wrote what he wrote in this thread. any authenticity debate should be continued in the appropriate thread.

I bought the book from the US ibooks store so I do have it. And in my opinion it is a wealth of information.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Aww if there any more pics you can share with us? thanks for everything you are doing xx
I will give you a picture to laugh your heads off

This is Michael and Cascio's going trick or treating on Halloween

Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

I bought the book from the US ibooks store so I do have it. And in my opinion it is a wealth of information.

so you gave Cascio's $13 ? This must be the best thing I heard all day :)


For the ones that have the book: Who do you think Karen Smith is ? Evvy Tavasci?
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

so you gave Cascio's $13 ? This must be the best thing I heard all day :)


For the ones that have the book: Who do you think Karen Smith is ? Evvy Tavasci?

There is no need for sarcasm and nasty remarks. But I guess that's just you.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

btw guys let me ask this : I already prepared our questions for Frank.

Now the book is out and you have somewhat seen the contents - do you have any other questions that come to your mind? I will send the questions tonight , let me know if you want to ask anything more.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

remember the time :

so look to yourself first

thank you and have a nice day.

Exactly - how long would it take for you to start picking apart what I say and making nasty remarks. You are very unpleasant to some people on here.
ivy;3538304 said:

"I don’t know how much time passed before I finally dialed one of Michael’s most loyal employees, a woman I’ll call Karen Smith. Was this one of Michael’s schemes? A prank on the press or an ill-conceived attempt to get out of a concert? Sadly, Karen confirmed that what I had heard was true. We cried on the phone together. We didn’t say much. We just cried."

ivy;3538563 said:
For the ones that have the book: Who do you think Karen Smith is ? Evvy Tavasci?

I was gonna ask about her!! Does Frank mention this Karen Smith a lot in the book?

I immediately, for some reason, thought of Evvy when I read the prologue here.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Woah, no need to attack each other.. Ivy's post was a joke..
Dayum, if it isnt fans attacking the Cascios they are attacking each other.. where did the love go?
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

or an ill-conceived attempt to get out of a concert?
thanks frank. i know ppl may have thought that but jeez do u have to put it into print. pushing the image that mj was always trying to get out of things which when u look back through his career is rubbish. just a media excuse for when mj was really ill etc as god forbid mj could be ill. hes a subhuman he cant ever get ill.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011

I was gonna ask about her!! Does Frank mention this Karen Smith a lot in the book?

I immediately, for some reason, thought of Evvy when I read the prologue here.

no 5-6 times total.

He says John McClain wanted to fire her though (during Invincible recordings before 30th Anniversary) to replace with someone he picked.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

karen faye? stating the obvious i know. why change the persons name? ive heard the name karen smith b4
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

would you please educate me on this evvy tavasci person?
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

karen faye? stating the obvious i know. why change the persons name? ive heard the name karen smith b4

No, dont think its her because he mentions Karen Faye by name in the book, for instance when he went on tour, he would usually talk to Karen Faye and Michael lee bush.. so it must be someone else
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Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

would you please educate me on this evvy tavasci person?

Michaels personal assistant for many years... (early 90s I believe)

"From the deepest part of my heart, dearest Michael, I know that your soul is now resting in Divine love... embraced by the purity of love eternal. In our hearts, as one voice, we will strive to honor your memory, support your legacy and your precious family while we weep with breaking and bleeding hearts. I love you, more... Evvy"
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Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

btw guys let me ask this : I already prepared our questions for Frank.

Now the book is out and you have somewhat seen the contents - do you have any other questions that come to your mind? I will send the questions tonight , let me know if you want to ask anything more.

I'd like to know when Michael's relationship with "Emily" took place. Prior to LMP or after their divorce?
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

I appreciate the reviews and summaries so far but, I still won't be buying it. Some details to me were unnecessary. Even if he says it's only his opinion or MJ told him so but, didn't believe him, I still don't see a reason to even put it out there. Causing confusion and adding to the misconception and now given people other options to choose from as if there wasn't enough out there already. The fact that MJ didn't even trust the Cascio's who he thought as a second family with telllin them he found a lady he wants to marry kinda says it all to me. He didn't trust them 100% either. Therefore would he want so much of his private life out there in a book?.....I don't think so.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

karen faye? stating the obvious i know. why change the persons name? ive heard the name karen smith b4

No, dont think its her because he mentions Karen Faye by name in the book, for instance when he went on tour, he would usually talk to Karen Faye and Michael lee bush.. so it must be someone else

No it's not Karen Faye. Her name is openly written.

I actually also thought of Karen Langford - who happens to be a paralegal at Branca's firm and looked to Michael's legal / business matters for 20 years but she's not an assistant and I don't think she was directly working for Michael.

So it must be Evvy Tavasci.

would you please educate me on this evvy tavasci person?

Michaels personal assistant for many years... (early 90s I believe)

yes also her home office was raided during the second allegations and they confiscated her emails and such.
No, dont think its her because he mentions Karen Faye by name in the book, for instance when he went on tour, he would usually talk to Karen Faye and Michael lee bush.. so it must be someone else
Ok thanks kinda ironic he ferls the need to change the persons name