Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael"/ Excerpt @pg151/New Interview Post 3743

Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011

Chapter 5
asked people to put their feet in MJ's shoes to think how he went through during 93. He said MJ tried to remained strong and kept saying he had rhinoceros skin but they can see the truth. MJ would sometimes vent to them. MJ would complained that "I had to get up on stage and perform and pretend everything is perfect" I give everything I have, I give the performance that everyone wants to see. Meanwhile my character and reputation are under constant attck. When I step off that stage, people look at me as if I were a criminal." Frank said he and Eddie helped him continue the tour because MJ felt responsible for them and he can't fall apart in front of children. MJ need to be strong for them and this kept him going.

Talked about Maxico city, they didn't expect it's the last stop. MJ was in extreme pain every night said MJ dehydrated and need doctors to help him recover. Give nutrient through IV and drank protein supplement drink. He said doctors would give MJ medicine to help him sleep. He said he didn't know at time but learned later it's demerol. Said MJ was introduced to prescription medicine because pepsi accident. The doctor gave him painkiller because of the horrible pain. He said maybe it's doctor's instruction but he said it may have been MJ's idea because he need to escape the pressure. Talked about how hard for MJ to perform every night physically. On top of that is the mental pressure from the accusation. He said he can't tell MJ was upset or overwhelmed but his father saw MJ was under lots pressure when visiting them.

Frank said MJ only had two options. One is give up but MJ won't want to show weakness. He wanted to prove he was innocent. He had to go to endure it. He said the "medicine" MJ used to fall asleep didn't affect his experience of MJ. The doctor came and MJ went to bed. Frank didn't know much and say the doctors was there to make sure he was healthy. He was young and believe the doctors are always good to cure patient.

Mentioned one incident. MJ helping them doing homework and suddenly in the middle of conversation said "mommy I want to go to disneyland and see mickey mouse. He was confused and asked applehead are you ok? He said MJ snapped back to reality and didn't realize what he said. When Frank told him MJ said it must be the medicine. Frank was worried and asked doctor and the doctor said it's side effect. He was 13 so he trusted the doctors. He said MJ revealing the deepest truth that he wanted to be a kid and his parents can take him to disneyland.

Mentioned another incident. in Santiago hotel hot tub. They were playing around with MJ in hot tub. MJ said I am going to hold my breath and slipped under water and never got up. He scared and pulled MJ up and asked applehead are u ok? MJ was conscious but a little out of it and said yeah I don't know what happened I must have fallen asleep. He said it might sound strange but he believe MJ was sober that time. Later throughout the years, he said he can tell whether MJ was on something and he really believe MJ was sober that day. He said it's like MJ can't believe what happened and kept apologizing that he didn't want to scare them.

Frank said he though MJ was fine until Liz showed up in Mexico city. Frank said his dad is the one who arranged the first meet of MJ and Liz. (talked about the story how Frank's dad deliver the message for MJ to Liz) Said Liz told them before the show that MJ didn't feel good and need to get some help. They watched the last show and was sad that the tour got cancelled. They went with MJ to airport and all cried like babies. They went back to hotel with one of the security pretending to be MJ. They slept on MJ's bed and talked almost all night.

Frank claimed in later years, MJ explained to him that the cancellation of the tour had nothing to do with drug addiction. It's because the next city was Puerto Rico and it's on American soil. If MJ entered US at that time, he might got arrested. MJ's team came up with a way to get him out and the only way to guarantee the cancellation be covered by insurance would be MJ opted out. ???!!!

So Frank claimed what the news reported that MJ tried to flee to UK was true???? hum? or it's just MJ's explanation about the drug use?

BTW, Going to sleep, 1am now.
The Chandlers, Avico or whatever way you spell their name, etc are going to have to pay for causing this kind of pain on a person. I am hurt over MJ death but then a part of me is not sad because MJ now has rest and with God who loves him and do not have to deal with this nonsense no more. This is just heartbreaking. Then you have idoits like Kurt Loder making comments about MJ now (Kurt is jerk. He is a hater of MJ and janet because MJ out did Madonna and Janet said she did not like Madonna).
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Chapter 7
MJ married LMP. [...] Frank's parents asked why and MJ can't answer it. Said MJ kept various parts of life separate from one another. MJ told them he made decision for business reason because of Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal. The Prince believe that it can restore MJ's image. This is what MJ told him.

so "marrying to please the Arabs" didn't make the relationship / love fake.. and a kid and a adult had different perspectives.. see the magic of reading the whole thing?

Magic? "He married her for business but he loved her." Doesn't make it sound any better imo :no: Doesn't Frank realize that what he says about the reason for the marriage makes no sense at all?
Maybe I can't say I was friends with Michael, but I can say with certainty that Michael married her because he loved her, because he wanted her to be his, because he wanted children with her, and because it was actually him who had strong family values, who wanted to marry and who wasn't fond of sex outside of marriage. And all this is what Michael himself told us. Of course his relationship with her also helped his image but I believe this was not the main reason why Michael married her! He was also capable of falling in love, you know. That's it for me. Love.
Another thing which makes me mad is: while they were married, they had to endure this shit of the public saying their relationship was fake. After Michael's death Lisa once again defended their marriage on national TV, saying that they were a completely normal couple, etc. Now we have Frank Cascio, who was a "friend and family" to Michael, claiming that Michael married her for business and giving reasons why he chose Lisa Marie as if Michael was purposely doing that for his image... Really?! :doh:

Thanks missred for the summary.

Chapter 5
He said maybe it's doctor's instruction but he said it may have been MJ's idea because he need to escape the pressure.

Mentioned one incident. MJ helping them doing homework and suddenly in the middle of conversation said "mommy I want to go to disneyland and see mickey mouse. He was confused and asked applehead are you ok? He said MJ snapped back to reality and didn't realize what he said. When Frank told him MJ said it must be the medicine.

Mentioned another incident. in Santiago hotel hot tub. They were playing around with MJ in hot tub. MJ said I am going to hold my breath and slipped under water and never got up. He scared and pulled MJ up and asked applehead are u ok? MJ was conscious but a little out of it and said yeah I don't know what happened I must have fallen asleep. He said it might sound strange but he believe MJ was sober that time. Later throughout the years, he said he can tell whether MJ was on something and he really believe MJ was sober that day. He said it's like MJ can't believe what happened and kept apologizing that he didn't want to scare them.

Why doesn't he just shut his mouth?

Said LMP didn't understand all different sides of MJ. Said MJ didn't like confrontation. MJ told him that LMP like to fight. Quote: when she complains, I start clapping my hands and smiling. it would makes her stop and I ask her if she done arguing. Frank felt thing didn't go well. Said both MJ and LMP were the center of the world and it's hard for them to take care of each other. He think LMP tried hard enough but it's hard for her to find her role in MJ's complicated world. MJ and LMP finally fall apart. MJ claimed one of the reason is LMP was jealous of the Cascios because MJ prefer to spend more time with the Cascios than her. Frank said he didn't see the evidence and don't believe his family was the reason. He said they were part of the routine of MJ's life that MJ unwilling to change. On the other hand, MJ wanted to be father. He wanted to adopt kid from Romania but LMP didn't like it. He wanted to have kids with LMP but LMP was not ready. MJ didn't want to change his life because of LMP and wasn't willing to learn to be in a relationship. Frank said when MJ and LMP split, MJ seemed sad but not heartbroken. Said MJ and LMP loved and respected each other. He was a little relieved when MJ divorced LMP because he had his friend back.
How is this supposed to reflect Michael in a positive light?!

MJ claimed one of the reason is LMP was jealous of the Cascios because MJ prefer to spend more time with the Cascios than her. [...]He was a little relieved when MJ divorced LMP because he had his friend back.
So who was jealous? Lisa or Frank???

- Lisa Marie had problems with the people / families that were already in Michael's life (yes even the Cascios)
And Michael later told her that she was right.

Chapter 6
MJ was paranoid that people would steal his idea. Frank said this paranoia expand far beyond later in MJ's life.
Hell, he was not paranoid! He had reasons for thinking that way!

They went to Turkey and Michael suddenly decided to trash the hotel room so they did it.

So let me summarize it:

Michael was a calculating and paranoid person, incapable of maintaing a relationship, who trashed hotel rooms just for fun, couldn't answer why he married his wife other than saying "for business" and took drugs to escape the world and which made him do strange things. :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2:
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

So who was jealous? Lisa or Frank???


So let me summarize it:

Michael was a calculating and paranoid person, incapable of maintaing a relationship, who trashed hotel rooms just for fun, couldn't answer why he married his wife other than saying "for business" and took drugs to escape the world and which made him do strange things. :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2:

And he wanted to go to Disneyland to meet Mickey Mouse.;)
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

So let me summarize it:

Michael was a calculating and paranoid person, incapable of maintaing a relationship, who trashed hotel rooms just for fun, couldn't answer why he married his wife other than saying "for business" and took drugs to escape the world and which made him do strange things. :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2:

I don't know about the other stuff but regarding the trushing of the hotel room, it wasn't trushing. They just messed with the sofa cussions, changing their place and putting them on other places and they just repositioned the painting on the wall, so they were not straight any more. You can't call that trushing a room.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Lisa Marie had problems with the people / families that were already in Michael's life (yes even the Cascios)
Apparently there was no love lost between LMP and the Cascios. I wonder how does this affect Frank's view of that marriage.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Thanks Missred 07 and Ivy for the summaries and reviews. I think the book seems to do a good job of the '93 allegation period, i find it all desperately sad, and hope jordan chandler reads this book to once again see the terrible damage he and his father caused. I feel everything stemmed from that event, right through to 25 june.

Agree with love is magical and others, about the paranoia. MJ lived out the adage that just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you. Who does he trust? Everyone seems to have a price and you have the media circling with their chequebooks ready to sign up any negative story from anyone connected to him. Unbearable way to live.

One thing that made me laugh -

Chapter 7
Said MJ didn't like confrontation. MJ told him that LMP like to fight. Quote: when she complains, I start clapping my hands and smiling. it would makes her stop and I ask her if she done arguing. Frank felt thing didn't go well.

This would have driven LMP round the bend.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

I agree. This is just Frank's view of it and admittedly he didn't see the whole picture of that relationship. One because he was a child, two because Michael kept it separately, apparently it wasn't a thing he confided in the Cascios about (he didn't even tell them he would marry). This basically just confirms my feeling that perhaps there wasn't a single person on this Earth for whom Michael let see the whole picture about himself and with whom he shared everything.

Also, if Michael really told Frank he married LMP because the Arab prince advised him to improve his image that way, it can be significant WHEN he told that. If after the marriage, he could have said it because he was hurt by LMP (not giving him kids, filing for divorce etc) and wanted to play down the whole relationship in the hindsight. It happens all the time when you get disillusioned in a person you previously loved.

Agree with the bold part. There is just so much depth, complexity and wisdom in Michael Jackson. Born to be a genius. Born to have an ability to perceive things differently than regular people. Then, combined with his unusual upbringing. The result is a truly unique individual who will never ever come the world again. The daunting part is that no one on Earth can say he/she fully understands Michael Jackson. No wonder Michael felt so lonely most of his life. He's alone on top of the highest mountain. People try to look up to him and get to the zenith where he's at. He's forever intriguing and elusive.

Isn't Willa Stillwater spot on when she said studying Michael Jackson is like six blindmen feeling an elephant? Different men would come up with different descriptions and no one could see the whole picture.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Just wondering, will you be writing a review ivy? I tend not to read the summaries because I like to read the funny stories and things in the book for the first tiem.

yes I will write a review but it will probably take me 2-3 days to finish the book. My review will only be after I read the full book. I read the first 4 chapter and then I woke up middle of the night I skimmed through other parts(something I really hate to do). After work I'll continue reading from where I left off.

for the time being I can tell this

- like the prologue said it's about Michael Jackson the man and not Michael Jackson the superstar

But for now, bookwise, I think this is the best one among the books written by family/friends about MJ.

I will double this sentiment. I haven't finished the full book yet but to me currently it seems like the best book. We all said Frank was there for 25 years and he really was. It's not the same old story , in this instance you get inside details.

Edit: and I didn't agree this one is like JRT. JRT tend to write all the stories and make u believe it's all real. Frank actually wrote MJ told him this and that. He will told u what he thought at that point and what he thought now. He would tell u this this this are his interpretation. I think it's better that you can read all these and judge whether the story is true or whether story MJ told him is true.

Frank did write out which part is his opinion. Which part is what MJ told him. Sometime he also stated that he didn't know whether MJ told him is true or not. That's why I said it's not like many other books that they will write like everything is what really happened. Frank did tell you from different aspect and people can make their own decision.

this is also something I agree. Unlike JRT (or Latoya for that matter and Jermaine to some extent) Frank doesn't give you a fixed story. He says Michael told me this , I thought that, my parent believed this and that. So you are basically given an event from 2 or more perspectives and you are left to your own devices to form your own opinion about what is the truth or who want to believe.

Thank you! Did this happen after the trial in 2005 when they had a falling out?

I haven't also completely read it but there's a period after the trial that they didn't talk , they also had a brief falling out after the MTV award thing.

That's another good thing about the book, he doesn't seem to sugarcoat their relationship either, good and bad is equally mentioned. I posted a quote from 2007 before. When you read it further you read that Michael was angry with him and you also read that Frank was equally angry that Michael believed to what some other person said about him (that he would betray him).

About Michael's marriage with LMP, I wouldn't pay too much attention to what Frank said. In my opinon, he simply offered his views or reflections of what he observed. It may not necessarily be the true account. Like he said, Michael kept his relationship with LMP separate. The Cascio family didn't even know Michael's relationship with LMP until after the marriage. It seems to me that Michael didn't tell Frank exactly what's going on. So, how would Frank knew the issues in the marriage? Also, he was just a teenager back in the mid-90's.

I agree. This is just Frank's view of it and admittedly he didn't see the whole picture of that relationship. One because he was a child, two because Michael kept it separately, apparently it wasn't a thing he confided in the Cascios about (he didn't even tell them he would marry). This basically just confirms my feeling that perhaps there wasn't a single person on this Earth for whom Michael let see the whole picture about himself and with whom he shared everything.

True. He clearly states that was something they found out after the fact. Something Michael kept private from them. Some might even think that Michael didn't want to share his emotions and love with them and made the Prince story to get out of talking about his feelings. Also it seems like what Michael shared with him and/or what he has seen and experienced has dramatically changed once he started working with Michael.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Well I'm not surprised about Roger Friedman. We always knew he was getting his "exclusives" from Frank in exchange for his support. Newsflash Roger: the reason we know the songs aren't Michael has nothing to do with John McClain and everything to do with the fact that they don't sound anything like Michael. Idiot.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Reading through the summaries and excerpts (and skimmings..:D) Thank you very much Missred07 (very good job knowing English isn't your first language. Really perfect) and Ivy.

Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Magic? "He married her for business but he loved her." Doesn't make it sound any better imo :no: Doesn't Frank realize that what he says about the reason for the marriage makes no sense at all?

he says that's what Michael told him, he doesn't seem to believe it and his father saw the whole thing as Michael wanting a family and to have children. He doesn't give a fixed opinion. he allows you to choose to believe whatever you want. He also clearly states his marriage wasn't something he openly shared with Cascio's. As I wrote before that might even be a random explanation he came up with so that he wouldn't discuss his real feelings with them.

Maybe I can't say I was friends with Michael, but I can say with certainty that Michael married her because he loved her, because he wanted her to be his, because he wanted children with her, and because it was actually him who had strong family values, who wanted to marry and who wasn't fond of sex outside of marriage. And all this is what Michael himself told us. Of course his relationship with her also helped his image but I believe this was not the main reason why Michael married her! He was also capable of falling in love, you know. That's it for me. Love.

as I said that's also in the book. Frank's father had the same beliefs as you about Michael's marriage. And Frank also regardless of the reason Michael gave him clearly states that it was love between them. He multiple times mentions Michael adored Lisa Marie Presley.

Another thing which makes me mad is: while they were married, they had to endure this shit of the public saying their relationship was fake. After Michael's death Lisa once again defended their marriage on national TV, saying that they were a completely normal couple, etc. Now we have Frank Cascio, who was a "friend and family" to Michael, claiming that Michael married her for business and giving reasons why he chose Lisa Marie as if Michael was purposely doing that for his image... Really?! :doh:

he's not saying that. He just says when Michael married and got them by surprise and when he asked how -why, Michael gave the Prince explanation. Frank himself says he was skeptical about that explanation and his father didn't believe it. Then you read their love, respect and even their fights , problems, talking about having children etc.. By all account it's portrayed as a real and true love.

So let me summarize it:

Michael was a calculating and paranoid person, incapable of maintaing a relationship, who trashed hotel rooms just for fun, couldn't answer why he married his wife other than saying "for business" and took drugs to escape the world and which made him do strange things. :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2:

actually his paranoia is explained after 1993 allegations and got worse as the time goes on - simply put people started to take advantage of him and he became paranoid
in terms of relationships he mentions Michael's first love was music and he wanted nothing to get in the way for that
trashing the room is just moving the furniture around and throwing rose petals on the floor. He clearly says that they came up with the idea to "trash the room" but they really didn't "trash" it.
and it's clear you didn't read the part I wrote about the drugs.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Agree with the bold part. There is just so much depth, complexity and wisdom in Michael Jackson. Born to be a genius. Born to have an ability to perceive things differently than regular people. Then, combined with his unusual upbringing. The result is a truly unique individual who will never ever come the world again. The daunting part is that no one on Earth can say he/she fully understands Michael Jackson. No wonder Michael felt so lonely most of his life. He's alone on top of the highest mountain. People try to look up to him and get to the zenith where he's at. He's forever intriguing and elusive.

Isn't Willa Stillwater spot on when she said studying Michael Jackson is like six blindmen feeling an elephant? Different men would come up with different descriptions and no one could see the whole picture.

The film citizen kane always reminds me of this aspect of mj. The desperate search for 'rosebud' that will reveal the key to who he is, but in actual fact will never be found.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

ivy, it's pointless. those that want to spread some H.A.T.E. here don't care to read the actual book, they have just found another gossip that allows them to spit on some public figure they hate due to a prejudiced opinion they've made based on bias distortion that is getting preached and annexed.


It's a sad truth of celebrity then when something isn't officially denied or legally contested, outside commentators feel free to push the boundaries of fantasy until myth is cemented as fact.
Jermaine Jackson

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Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Magic? "He married her for business but he loved her." Doesn't make it sound any better imo :no: Doesn't Frank realize that what he says about the reason for the marriage makes no sense at all?
Maybe I can't say I was friends with Michael, but I can say with certainty that Michael married her because he loved her, because he wanted her to be his, because he wanted children with her, and because it was actually him who had strong family values, who wanted to marry and who wasn't fond of sex outside of marriage. And all this is what Michael himself told us. Of course his relationship with her also helped his image but I believe this was not the main reason why Michael married her! He was also capable of falling in love, you know. That's it for me. Love.
Another thing which makes me mad is: while they were married, they had to endure this shit of the public saying their relationship was fake. After Michael's death Lisa once again defended their marriage on national TV, saying that they were a completely normal couple, etc. Now we have Frank Cascio, who was a "friend and family" to Michael, claiming that Michael married her for business and giving reasons why he chose Lisa Marie as if Michael was purposely doing that for his image... Really?! :doh:

I don't know it's because I summarized it in a wrong way or what. But I said in my previous post it's not what Frank said. Frank said in his book clearly that it's what MJ told him. He didn't know it's true or not. Frank also state that his father think MJ wanted to have family with LMP. It's just really simple. Frank also stated in his book that from his point of view that MJ and Lisa did love each other and respected each other. He didn't say MJ only married him for business. He stated there were multiple reason why MJ fall in love with Lisa and why Lisa is a perfect match to MJ.

So who was jealous? Lisa or Frank???
Again, Frank state clearly in his book that one of the reason MJ gave to him is because Lisa is jealous of the Cascios. Frank himself didn't think so. He didn't know why MJ said that and he list couple possible reason why MJ said this to him. Frank also said that just like every teenage boy. If you have your best buddy start dating with other girl, you will feel a little bit left out by your best buddy. He stated he understand the situation and hope MJ well because he also want MJ to wish him well if he found his girl.

Hell, he was not paranoid! He had reasons for thinking that way!
Yes, Frank did say MJ have every reasons to think that way. The 93 case basically destroy MJ's faith in human. MJ started to suspect that people approach him for purpose. [/QUOTE]

Michael was a calculating and paranoid person, incapable of maintaing a relationship, who trashed hotel rooms just for fun, couldn't answer why he married his wife other than saying "for business" and took drugs to escape the world and which made him do strange things. :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2:

This is not Frank said in the book. I am sorry but you were picked everything apart just like media. I know people are mad about Frank and I stated in multiple post that I too are not happy about some of his comments in interview and giving fuel to media to condemn MJ. However, what you say here is totally just single out particular phrase. I don't think it's fair.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

This is not Frank said in the book. I am sorry but you were picked everything apart just like media. I know people are mad about Frank and I stated in multiple post that I too are not happy about some of his comments in interview and giving fuel to media to condemn MJ. However, what you say here is totally just single out particular phrase. I don't think it's fair.
But this is what the press does! Don't you understand that? Why I did that?

What does he write about the supposed recording in 2007?
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

This is not Frank said in the book. I am sorry but you were picked everything apart just like media. I know people are mad about Frank and I stated in multiple post that I too are not happy about some of his comments in interview and giving fuel to media to condemn MJ. However, what you say here is totally just single out particular phrase. I don't think it's fair.

I love the way you have explained the book and answered any ones thoughts with the book :) so thank you for that :)
Another thing, you are right about what you said here.. even before the book was out many gave a negative opinion.. just judged the whole book on a few words.. now it is out everyone can see that it is actually a positive book :)
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

But this is what the press does! Don't you understand that? Why I did that?

What does he write about the supposed recording in 2007?

Just like I stated in the post couple days ago. I really don't like the fact that he gave material for the media to condemn MJ again. At the time I did blame Frank for that. I said he fall big time to clear MJ and I still believe some of the damage has been done. I also stated that I think Frank should be more careful not to fuel the media. However, what media did doesn't equal to what Frank said. I also stated in the previous post that I hope the public won't only have the impression of those things the media reported. It's sad that probably only fans would buy this book but not the public. I also stated that the media don't care and lots of people just read the headline. I said I don't know what Frank can do to save the damage done by him. However, I don't think it's fair to twist his words like the media because it's not what he wrote in the book.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

shame he didnt have the balls to call the jacksons out in his book. ie randys B.S
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Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

But this is what the press does! Don't you understand that? Why I did that?

What does he write about the supposed recording in 2007?

He totally skirts round the issue. But let's take a look at what he does say. According to Frank, Michael arrived at the house on August 19th. We know he had left by early November because he was in Beverly Hills for Jesse Jackson's 66th birthday party by the 8th. That gave Michael approximately 10 weeks to, according to Frank, write and record 12 songs as well as recording the WBSS 2008 parts. Of course, you also have to take off the time that Michael spent in New York in September when he was doing the L'Uomo Vogue photoshoot, amongst other things. As if by magic, this period of time becomes 4 months according to Frank's account. Frank states that Michael, Eddie and Porte wrote 12 songs together, which, for those who've been following the detailed research into the song registrations, will know is not true. He doesn't mention the controversy, authenticity issue or any details whatsoever despite stating how he was frequently there. Absolutely nothing about the alleged recording sessions is revealed, despite the wealth of detail about all other aspects of this stay.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

No matter what he wrote the media will have a ball over it and the public will accuse Michael of being a paranoid, eccentric, weirdo like they have always portraited him to be. It makes no difference to them whether he suffered or not, whether he was lonely and whether he was a good man who helped people the best way he could! There is no "selling" of papers and stories in the good stuff when it comes to Michael and the media and we know it! He shouldn't have written the book, period! He will contribute to damage even more, wait and see. The best way to honor a friend is to keep silent!
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

No matter what he wrote the media will have a ball over it and the public will accuse Michael of being a paranoid, eccentric, weirdo like they have always portraited him to be. It makes no difference to them whether he suffered or not, whether he was lonely and whether he was a good man who helped people the best way he could! There is no "selling" of papers and stories in the good stuff when it comes to Michael and the media and we know it! He shouldn't have written the book, period! He will contribute to damage even more, wait and see. The best way to honor a friend is to keep silent!

yeap i have to agree. i find this whole thing leaves a very bad taste in my mouth. even more so now than if frank had written this if mj were still here and he wrote a tell all after falling out with him.. it feels so wrong on so many levels. from the effect this may have on the kids. (talking about how blanket came about) to the whole invasion of privacy issues.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Hey where did you find the audio book? thanks :)
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

No matter what he wrote the media will have a ball over it and the public will accuse Michael of being a paranoid, eccentric, weirdo like they have always portraited him to be. It makes no difference to them whether he suffered or not, whether he was lonely and whether he was a good man who helped people the best way he could! There is no "selling" of papers and stories in the good stuff when it comes to Michael and the media and we know it! He shouldn't have written the book, period! He will contribute to damage even more, wait and see. The best way to honor a friend is to keep silent!

I do have to agree. The media won't care and just want the most eye grabbing headline. The public won't care and just read whatever the media wrote. I don't know how much Frank can achieve with this book as he claimed before for the public. The fact is he already did lots of damage because of this book and I really don't know what he can do to reverse that.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Just like I stated in the post couple days ago. I really don't like the fact that he gave material for the media to condemn MJ again. At the time I did blame Frank for that. I said he fall big time to clear MJ and I still believe some of the damage has been done. I also stated that I think Frank should be more careful not to fuel the media. However, what media did doesn't equal to what Frank said. I also stated in the previous post that I hope the public won't only have the impression of those things the media reported. It's sad that probably only fans would buy this book but not the public. I also stated that the media don't care and lots of people just read the headline. I said I don't know what Frank can do to save the damage done by him. However, I don't think it's fair to twist his words like the media because it's not what he wrote in the book.
Ok, I see your point. But would you allow me to form my own opinion about it? I don't like the way he expressed himself about Michael or some things he wrote. I don't understand the need to write that book or to reveal certain stories. He says how private Michael was, but then he writes this book?! He gives himself too much credit, imo. He portrays himself and his family like saviors...
I have an already formed opinion about Frank which, as you might have noticed, is not positive (and it's not only based on the tracks). Writing two or three good things about Michael will not make my opinion change. I just don't think he's credible. For me it's just another attempt to make money off of Michael.
First and foremost, he and Eddie should tell the truth about how the songs were produced and give us proof. And then we can see further...

So where are the positive headlines? Can someone gimme a link?
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

yeap i have to agree. i find this whole thing leaves a very bad taste in my mouth. even more so now than if frank had written this if mj were still here and he wrote a tell all after falling out with him.. it feels so wrong on so many levels. from the effect this may have on the kids. (talking about how blanket came about) to the whole invasion of privacy issues.

But he's dead now so everything is allowed and permitted. :sarcasmmodeon:
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Ok, I see your point. But would you allow me to form my own opinion about it? I don't like the way he expressed himself about Michael or some things he wrote. I don't understand the need to write that book or to reveal certain stories. He says how private Michael was, but then he writes this book?! He gives himself too much credit, imo. He portrays himself and his family like saviors...
I have an already formed opinion about Frank which, as you might have noticed, is not positive (and it's not only based on the tracks). Writing two or three good things about Michael will not make my opinion change. I just don't think he's credible. For me it's just another attempt to make money off of Michael.
First and foremost, he and Eddie should tell the truth about how the songs were produced and give us proof. And then we can see further...
So where are the positive headlines? Can someone gimme a link?

I do agree most of the things you stated here. I am just trying to point out that people should not just twist his words like the media did both to him and MJ. As I stated before, I was on the fence when I knew he was going to write a book. But I have to admit that I am more on the side of supporting it because unlike others he was there. Lots of fans also complains about no one stand out to clear things for MJ etc and only trash books flooding around the market. I do see your point about whether he should write a book. I still don't know what's the answer to whether his friend should write a book since MJ is a very private person. As for his credibility, I don't know. I should not comment so fast since I haven't finish the book and think carefully to compared with the known fact. I can just said for the part I read, I think it's the best one among the friend/family books. However, the bar is quite low since you have LaToya's out there lol.

Although I do believe those songs were MJ's (I think it's really unfinished and produced in a weird way by the Cascios and the leading voice did belong to MJ)I do think he and Eddie really should come out to say what the hell happened to those songs. It's really suspicious they kept avoiding the issue. I only became more and more suspicious about the song fiasco when they refuse to answer questions and never give out the so called working tape.

and what's the positive headline u are talking about???? I said the book just gave media so many headline to trash MJ.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

What does he say about the 2005 trial and the Arvizos? He was there.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

I am going to say this one more time: Stop making this thread about those Cascio tracks. For the love of everything good, please just stop it.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

So let me summarize it:

Michael was a calculating and paranoid person, incapable of maintaing a relationship, who trashed hotel rooms just for fun, couldn't answer why he married his wife other than saying "for business" and took drugs to escape the world and which made him do strange things. :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2:

That sums up how I've taken it.

He also mentions that MJ did call it Jesus Juice.

Why bring that up?