Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael"/ Excerpt @pg151/New Interview Post 3743

Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

No matter if the stories already been out there doesn't mean that Frank as a right to confirm many of them and go into such detail about them cause many will believe them now just because of that. One thing is reading it in a tabloid or an article and another is that a former close Friend of MJ says their true. Only MJ should be the one to do that. Especially when it invovles his own children and since MJ has spoken about some things before he should have the last say, the final word cause it's his life and it shouldn't have someone adding to it.


Also I know that I can read the book for free if I wanted too. But, I also find it surprising that those who support the book and/or bought it would want people to read it for free. I don't see that as supporting Frank in anyway and one would think he wouldn't like that. But, The summaries may not be the "whole picture" as some want to call it but, it provides alot of info that IS in the book. So I don't see the problem with me addressing what's being provided by some who did read it. If I would of had no issues with what's being provided and just agreed to what was being written by some we wouldn't even be having this disccussion, which I also find very telling. Plus, I don't need to read the whole book to know he is wrong about Liz not talking to MJ for a yr, be uncomfortable about his realtionship with Shumely, not liking so much private things being revealed whether heard or not before and etc like I said before. So me reading the whole book will not changed what I already don't like about the book. Which is the very reason why I didn't buy it in the first place. lol

I think this comment is part to directing me base on your content here, so I would write my opinion about this. I don't know why you get the impression that I am supporting this book. I think the most important part to me is I want to judge it after I read his book and know what he actually said not just from pieces words reporting from the media or any source. When I say go read the book, I don't think it equal to I am supporting this book. As the result, I don't care how people read his book so I don't know what you were surprised about. Go buy it if people want, Go read on line if people want. I really don't care whether this book sale well or not. I just don't want to discuss some topic in a way that it's obvious Frank's words got twisted. Honestly, I also think he revealed to many things that he should not reveal and I also said I also had a lot of questions I felt skeptical about him.

The reason I said I suggested people go read the whole book then debate is because I do changed some of my opinion to what Frank said after I actually read the whole book. I am so pissed when he went on TV said situational addict and saw all the excerpt from his book in the news. I also posted here and said what he did is just horrible and fall big time to clear MJ's name as him claimed. However, after I read his book to see the whole story he talked about. I don't really think he intend to say MJ is an addict and think he tried to point out it's situational. Yes, I am still angry about the bad press he caused but I can see the struggle both he and MJ had during that time. So, honestly, I still think people should read the whole thing then comment and not just judge from the summary.

As for Liz's comment, I really don't care much. Maybe Frank is wrong, I don't know. Personally, I just don't think it's big deal. MJ and Liz had great relationship till the end and Liz loved diamond. Even the story is true, I still didn't see it's a big deal. For the Shumely, I do agree with you 100%. It always bugs me and still bugs me. This is one of the reason I don't fully believe everything Frank said in his book. For the private matter part, I also agreed with you that lots of thing should not be revealed, the pot story, Blanket's mother story etc.......

and at the end, no one is question you your decision not to buy the book. I myself probably won't buy it (I am on the fence at the beginning but got so angry after the interview and all the news) if my mother didn't give me as a present. But I do like lots of the stories he shared after I finished the book so I decided to keep the book. For this book, I still suggested people read the whole thing then debated.
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Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Many Michael Jackson fans were shocked, others atleast very disapointed at the early promotion of Frank Cascio's book. All over the internet fans spoke up for Michael and made their feelings known about what was seen as clear betrayal by a family that many expected to be advocates in the protection of MJ's legacy.

We did expect that most of the book would consist of nice stories, however when the first interview and the first quotes were release from the book it wasn't about that was it? The 20/20 interview and the samples from the book released just days later show a clear agenda. To capitalize on the trial by feeding the media typical sensational talk about drugs.

It's obvious to many that the fans had a big impact. Their reaction and making the extreme disapointment known seems to have caused the author to take a step back and be more clear when responding to the medias constant obsession to portray MJ as a drug addict.

Millions strong Michael called his fans his soldiers of love. Keep fighting because just like in court, the truth prevails.

MJ Legacy7
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Michael was very protective of his children and their privacy. I can't say that I feel okay him discussing about Blanket. Even if it's not new to people I don't think it was Frank's place to say. The fact that Michael said something differently to Bashir along time ago says to me that he wanted that kept private. If Blanket wants to discuss it someday then he has every right.

It doesn't sound like a bad book but I really don't like how much of Michael's private business is out there. It's like everything is out there with all these books.With the trial. Michael should have some privacy in death too. I guess the more I am hearing even if it doesn't sound really bad the more uncomfortable I feel.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

This issue isnt about what tabloids will write- this thread is about the actual book
some want to discuss the tabloids as being a reliable source of what the book is about and the
negative way they write. Like you expect them to write the truth or anything good. So to use
tabloid articles against Michael or anyone is just mind boggling to me.

Tabloids and media are going to be negative thats a given. Do you expect them to write positive things about MJ ??
They have always been that way with anything concerning Michael. Did we attck MJ for how the tabloid took his
words or deeds and write them out of context to make him look stupid or sinister?? Thats their job $$$$$$
"Good news doesnt sell" ~ MJ... A tabloid or biased media report is NOT a proper book review and its not
the writers fault for how a tabloid wants to twist or sensationlise the actual content or what they wrote

The tabloid/media is going to post negative and out of context crap .. no matter what ..
as long as they can place Michael Jacksons name $$$ in the artcle is all they care about

We are not her to defend the tabloids - in fact we are just trying to clarify in context
what the actual book says .. some want to believe the tabloid ish ??? and even seem
offended when they are told its twisted and not proper .. ???? like they want what the
negative tabloids write be the truth - Just somethign wrong with that picture to me
Oh I know all about that. I'm just posting reviews/articles about the book like some people are doing. I know DM is tabloid trash.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

But, I also find it surprising that those who support the book and/or bought it would want people to read it for free. I don't see that as supporting Frank in anyway and one would think he wouldn't like that. But,

because no one is supporting Frank in that sense. From the start of this debate all that people have been saying is that "read the book before you form an opinion" , no one ever advocated for buying the book.

and as always missred07 explained it a lot better :

I think this comment is part to directing me base on your content here, so I would write my opinion about this. I don't know why you get the impression that I am supporting this book. I think the most important part to me is I want to judge it after I read his book and know what he actually said not just from pieces words reporting from the media or any source. When I say go read the book, I don't think it equal to I am supporting this book. As the result, I don't care how people read his book so I don't know what you were surprised about. Go buy it if people want, Go read on line if people want. I really don't care whether this book sale well or not. I just don't want to discuss some topic in a way that it's obvious Frank's words got twisted. Honestly, I also think he revealed to many things that he should not reveal and I also said I also had a lot of questions I felt skeptical about him.

The reason I said I suggested people go read the whole book then debate is because I do changed some of my opinion to what Frank said after I actually read the whole book. I am so pissed when he went on TV said situational addict and saw all the excerpt from his book in the news. I also posted here and said what he did is just horrible and fall big time to clear MJ's name as him claimed. However, after I read his book to see the whole story he talked about. I don't really think he intend to say MJ is an addict and think he tried to point out it's situational. Yes, I am still angry about the bad press he caused but I can see the struggle both he and MJ had during that time. So, honestly, I still think people should read the whole thing then comment and not just judge from the summary.

As for Liz's comment, I really don't care much. Maybe Frank is wrong, I don't know. Personally, I just don't think it's big deal. MJ and Liz had great relationship till the end and Liz loved diamond. Even the story is true, I still didn't see it's a big deal. For the Shumely, I do agree with you 100%. It always bugs me and still bugs me. This is one of the reason I don't fully believe everything Frank said in his book. For the private matter part, I also agreed with you that lots of thing should not be revealed, the pot story, Blanket's mother story etc.......

and at the end, no one is question you your decision not to buy the book. I myself probably won't buy it (I am on the fence at the beginning but got so angry after the interview and all the news) if my mother didn't give me as a present. But I do like lots of the stories he shared after I finished the book so I decided to keep the book. For this book, I still suggested people read the whole thing then debated.

The issue here for me was that even though some topics were written and explained here some people kept misunderstanding what was being said. Perhaps it's a fault on the people who summarize, perhaps we can't convey what the book says in a few sentences in a proper way and so it gets lost. That's why I said "read it" because I strongly believe if you do you'll go " oh I see it now".

and honestly I don't care how you read it, Frank isn't related to me so I don't care if the book sells or not and I also read Latoya's book by buying / reading and then returning it. I'm not the moral police.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151



Well, now the discussion is about the mother of Blanket? :scratch: Why and for what? Who cares? :wtf: This is a private subject of Michael and no interest to us! :bugeyed :nono: Oh God :doh: :sigh:...

I think I'm gonna need more popcorn... :popcorn: :D :fear:
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

With or without reading the book in full many of the issues I have with it have been confirmed to actually being in the book from reading all the summaries, reviews & media articles. Plus Franks own interviews. Those things are to provide people info as to what the book is about. Now those issues I have a problem with may not a big deal to some but, for me they were. And those issues were the reasons why I didn't buy or have read the book in full. So I don't see that as a misunderstanding. Because their can't be a misunderstanding to me about not wanting certain details discussed about MJ cause that's my opinion. I also feel many things Frank is saying are not 100% accurate IMO. I also know that some said buy it and other didn't. But, like I said the things I had issues with and the reasons why I didn't buy the book or read it in full have already been confirmed to actual being in the book. I can't make it any more clearer then that. So moving right along.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151



Well, now the discussion is about the mother of Blanket? :scratch: Why and for what? Who cares? :wtf: This is a private subject of Michael and no interest to us! :bugeyed :nono: Oh God :doh: :sigh:...

I think I'm gonna need more popcorn... :popcorn: :D :fear:

I ditto that! and i thought talk like that bout the children were banned?...... if not i think it should be. Regarding to blankets ethnic background , its none of our business to discuss it imo
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

^ The more u guys explain the more I stand by what I said because to me I understood perfectly what I am reading. The problem is some don't like how I'm saying it but, oh well. Agree to disagree. And stop tellin me and others to read the book, we don't want to put money in his pocket so it isn't smart to tell us that now is it? Don't want people to ask questions then stop summerizing the book then. Cause no one will buy it if ur given away the info so freely. We appreciated the info coming in but, just because we understand it diffrently don't mean we should be attacked over it. No need to try to sell the book so hard if those that brought it enjoyed it, I say good for u and move on.

^^I LOVE THIS POST. What people should remember is that the summaries in this thread are critiqued and conclusions are drawn, in the same way Frank made conclusions based on what he saw while with Michael. Remember some keep stressing that it is his opinion of the relationship. If Frank could have his opinion, then some fans can have their opinions of what he wrote. There is nothing difficult to understand about this, and yes I know Frank based his opinions on what he saw and we base ours on what we read. The point is that they are all opinions that have been drawn.

If we are honest we will admit that those in favor of the book do not like how those in disfavor are critiquing Frank's work. Those in disfavor of the book do not accept the arguments in favor of the book. Therefore, there is no need to tell people to buy the book, if they do not want to. If there were no summaries here, there would be no information to base the opinions on. It is infantile to put summaries here and expect the group to have the same love of the contents or interpret it in the same way.

I was just wondering what is the advantage or merit in pushing a book that is not doing well among the buying public, if it not helping Michael's legacy in a significant way. I mean, if it was helping his legacy, and people were not buying, then I could understand the 8 people here pushing this book. However, there is no evidence that it is a great legacy enhancer.

Is it possible to simply give opinions of this book without having as an agenda a need to push this book?
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

^^I LOVE THIS POST. What people should remember is that the summaries in this thread are critiqued and conclusions are drawn, in the same way Frank made conclusions based on what he saw while with Michael. Remember some keep stressing that it is his opinion of the relationship. If Frank could have his opinion, then some fans can have their opinions of what he wrote. There is nothing difficult to understand about this, and yes I know Frank based his opinions on what he saw and we base ours on what we read. The point is that they are all opinions that have been drawn.

what is misunderstood in my opinion is that people are saying that it seems like the summaries aren't enough to form a good opinion.

for example I read 336 pages and then formed and opinion. You (generally speaking) read 2-3 peoples a few line summaries of what they understood from Frank's book and form an opinion and believe that you have the perfect understanding of the book. The reality is you don't. Some comments are obvious that people tend to understand stuff in a wrong way. And people are simply saying "hey read the book if you want to discuss this further" because it's really tiring when you write something, someone misunderstood it and you try to explain it over and over again to an already biased person.

and please spare me the pushing and agenda talk. When people advocate for not buying - that's not agenda and pushing but when people say it's not bad it's good , read it yourself (and not mention buying at all), that's pushing and agenda? puh-lease.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

I ditto that! and i thought talk like that bout the children were banned?...... if not i think it should be. Regarding to blankets ethnic background , its none of our business to discuss it imo

Guys I do not think we should go so deeply into Banket's parentage. It is disgusting to me that Frank did this to a small child to excite readers. Actually it makes me comfortable, and I hope we can cease discussing it for the sake of the small child. After all we are adults.

Ivy in reference to your last comment to my quote^^, remember I told you around the 15th that I would not question your views because I see where you are coming from and what is driving you to have the opinions you do in the thread. I only comment to you if you quote me and I see there is some disconnection between the quote and your response. Due to this, I cannot debate with you on the last comment you made above.
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Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Guys I do not think we should go so deeply into Banket's parentage. It is disgusting to me that Frank did this to a small child to excite readers. Actually it makes me comfortable, and I hope we can cease discussing it for the sake of the small child. After all we are adults.

Omg so frank actually wrote bout that in his book? :eek: i thought u guys were just talking bout it like randomly
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Omg so frank actually wrote bout that in his book? :eek: i thought u guys were just talking bout it like randomly

Yes very sad. I came across it here and felt very uncomfortable. It is like being adopted and you do not know, but nosey friends tell you about it. I say even though it is in the book, we should avoid it as a topic of discussion. This book has many lows in it, and that is my opinion.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Yes very sad. I came across it here and felt very uncomfortable. It is like being adopted and you do not know, but nosey friends tell you about it. I say even though it is in the book, we should avoid it as a topic of discussion. This book has many lows in it, and that is my opinion.

To me that is just the lowest of the low for frank to do that
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

To me that is just the lowest of the low for frank to do that

This is what happens when you are not driven by ethical and moral ideals and friendship when writing a book. You then look for tidbits that will help you make money. This is why this book's aim was all false. It's true aim was to make some money off a well known man who did not leave money to the author in his will.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

I pointed out clearly the issues I had with the book from the start and many that have read it do share similiar opinions to mine so I can't be all wrong. I never said the book was all bad. But, do to the things I felt were not acceptable in the book is the reason why I can't support it among other things like his questionable friendships he has with Friedman and Shumely.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

I pointed out clearly the issues I had with the book from the start and many that have read it do share similiar opinions to mine so I can't be all wrong. I never said the book was all bad. But, do to the things I felt were not acceptable in the book is the reason why I can't support it among other things like his questionable friendships he has with Friedman and Shumely.
Petrarose;3541890 said:
Yes very sad. I came across it here and felt very uncomfortable. It is like being adopted and you do not know, but nosey friends tell you about it. I say even though it is in the book, we should avoid it as a topic of discussion. This book has many lows in it, and that is my opinion.

8701girl;3541891 said:
To me that is just the lowest of the low for frank to do that

You think it's low because you assume Blanket doesn't know it? Otherwise the parts about Blanket's birth quite positive.

While we were in Florida in May 2001, Michael called me to his hotel room. When I entered, he couldn’t stop smiling.
“I’m going to be a father again!” he exclaimed, giving me a happy hug.
“Aw, I’m so happy for you,” I said. “You deserve this.”

Now, in the Florida hotel room, Michael was telling me that everything had worked out. A surrogate mother was pregnant with Michael and the donor’s baby.
“This makes three of ten, Frank, three of ten,” he said.

Later, Michael told his kids that they were going to have a younger sibling. I wasn’t there at the time, but afterward I saw how excited how excited Prince and Paris were. They couldn’t wait to help take care of the new baby.

My mother was with Michael when he picked up the baby from the surrogate’s representative at a hotel. They brought baby Prince Michael Jackson II back to Neverland on a private luxury bus.

“Look, look, look! How beautiful,” Michael kept saying. He was thrilled.

Michael led me to the nursery, the same nursery that Prince and Paris had used before they moved to their own room on the same floor. Blanket was sleeping, and as Michael and I looked in on him, I could see that he was just as adorable as both Prince and Paris had been at that age. As I glanced over at Michael, the look I saw on his face made it apparent that the eight months since Blanket’s birth had done little to lessen his enthusiasm for fatherhood.
ivy;3541906 said:
You think it's low because you assume Blanket doesn't know it? Otherwise the parts about Blanket's birth quite positive.

While we were in Florida in May 2001, Michael called me to his hotel room. When I entered, he couldn’t stop smiling.
“I’m going to be a father again!” he exclaimed, giving me a happy hug.
“Aw, I’m so happy for you,” I said. “You deserve this.”

Now, in the Florida hotel room, Michael was telling me that everything had worked out. A surrogate mother was pregnant with Michael and the donor’s baby.
“This makes three of ten, Frank, three of ten,” he said.

Later, Michael told his kids that they were going to have a younger sibling. I wasn’t there at the time, but afterward I saw how excited how excited Prince and Paris were. They couldn’t wait to help take care of the new baby.

My mother was with Michael when he picked up the baby from the surrogate’s representative at a hotel. They brought baby Prince Michael Jackson II back to Neverland on a private luxury bus.

“Look, look, look! How beautiful,” Michael kept saying. He was thrilled.

Michael led me to the nursery, the same nursery that Prince and Paris had used before they moved to their own room on the same floor. Blanket was sleeping, and as Michael and I looked in on him, I could see that he was just as adorable as both Prince and Paris had been at that age. As I glanced over at Michael, the look I saw on his face made it apparent that the eight months since Blanket’s birth had done little to lessen his enthusiasm for fatherhood.

I think you should stop making escuse for frank book, he has zerro right to include any information know or unknow about MJ children in his book, out of respect for MJ and knowing how he feel about his children private life. he drew no line and no topic was out of bound. It was a tell all in all it's glory, where I come from they call people like frank "friendnemy "
I must ask you would you have give the same latitude to any of the Jackson if they had done what frank did?
There come a time when we have to say the spade is black, frank sellout MJ for profit , like him or hate him that is what it sums up to.
The fact that MJ children was not off limit tell us who frank was, and I would not be shock if MJ did not write him off in the backstabbing bunch.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Thanks Bridgett for that thoughtful post, and lets hope that some will stop highlighting that topic.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Deborah Kunesh, the creator of Reflections On The Dance, An Honest Look at Michael Joseph Jackson website, posted some excerpts from Frank's book regarding the Arvizo's & the absurdity of the Bashir documentary on the site's FB page:

About the Arvizo's..."We were all doing our best to clear the air, but aside from these efforts, I have to say that the Arvizos were a handful to have around. They were rude and disrespectful. The children drove golf carts wildly around the property, crashing them into things. (I guess they mistook Neverland for the bumper car pavilion.) The behavior of Gavin's mother, Janet, was erratic. She was either demanding to be chauffeured somewhere or locked up in her room all day, ordering various services from the staff....

Janet Arvizo's bizarre behavior became a subject of concern for me and Vinnie. The first cause of alarm came when she approached Vinnie and accused one of Michael's business advisers of sexual harassment.

"He wanted to sleep with me," she told Vinnie. "He was all over me, ask anyone." Vince came to me deeply concerned. It was a shocking and upsetting accusation, and he and I took it very seriously. When we started to investigage, however, talking to the accused and to the people who Janet claimed had seen the adviser's behavior, it quickly became evident that nothing had happened.

Another time I went to Outback Steakhouse with Janet and her three kids when the two boys announced that they wanted to be in the movies when they grew up.

"Do well in school," I told them, "and one day we'll help you fulfill your dreams."

Then Davelin, their sister, declared, "I want to be a dentist." Janet leaned over and whispered in the girl's ear, and suddenly Davelin started to cry. Then, in a somewhat less than convincing manner, she announced, "I want to be an actress, too." I had no idea how soon all the Arvizo children would be practicing their acting skills.

Soon thereafter, Vinnie was at a mall with Janet and her three children, Gavin, Star, and Davelin. They saw some celebrity pass by and suddenly Janet was galvanized into action.

"Gavin!" she called. "Gavin, go up to him and tell him who you are. Tell him you're the kid in the Michael Jackson video."

Gavin wasn't especially eager to do this, and turning to Vinnie, he said, "I don't want to go up to someone I don't know and tell him I'm friends with Michael Jackson." He successfull stalled until the celebrity had disappeared into a store. But Vinnie told me the story later. Janet clearly liked her children to cultivate friendships with celebrities. All I can say is that it was gross." From "My Friend Michael" by Frank Cascio
"In Bashir's interview, Michael was shown holding Gavin's hand and telling the world that kids slept in his bed. Anyone who knew Michael would recognize the honesty and innocent candor of what he was trying to communicate. But Bashir was determined to cast it in a different light...

What Michael didn't bother to explain, and what Bashir didn't care to ask about, was that Michael's suite at Neverland, as I've said before, was a gathering place, with a family room downstairs and a bedroom upstairs. Michael didn't explain that people hung out there, and sometimes they wanted to stay over. He didn't explain that he always offered guests his bed, and for the most part slept on the floor in the family room below. But, perhaps more important, he didn't explain that the guest were always close friends like us Cascios and his extended family.

One of the biggest misconceptions about Michael, a story that plagued him for years following the Bashir documentary, was that he had an assortment of children sleeping in his room at any given time. The truth was that random children never came to Neverland and stayed in Michael's room. Just as my brother Eddie and I had done when we were younger, the family and friends who did stay with Michael, did so of their own volition. Michael just allowed it to happen because his friends and family liked to be around him.

What Michael said on Bashir's video is true. "You can have my bed if you want. Sleep in it. I'll sleep on the floor. It's your's. Always give the best to the company, you know." Michael had no hesitation about telling the truth because he had nothing to hide. He knew in his heart and mind that his actions were sincere, his motives pure, and his conscience, clear. Michael innocently and honestly said, "Yes, I share my bed, there is nothing wrong with it." The fact of the matter is, when he was "sharing" his bed, it meant he was offering his bed to whoever wanted to sleep in it. There may have been times when we slept up there as well, but he was usually on the floor next to his bed, or downstairs sleeping on the floor (in the family room that was part of his bedroom suite). Although Bashir, for obvious reasons, kept harping on the bed, if you watch the full, uncut interview, it's impossible not to understand what Michael was trying to make clear: when he said he shared his bed, he meant he shared his life with the people he saw as family....." From "My Friend Michael" by Frank Cascio
?"The bottom line: Michael's interest in young boys had absolutely nothing to do with sex. I say this with the unassailable confidence of firsthand experience, the confidence of a young boy who slept in the same room as Michael hundreds of times, and with the absolute conviction of a man who saw Michael interact with thousands of kids. In all the years that I was close to him, I saw nothing that raised any red flags, not as a child and not as an adult. Michael may have been eccentric, but that didn't make him a criminal.

The problem, though, was that this point of view wasn't represented in the documentary. Listening to Michael talk, people who didn't know him were disturbed by what he was saying, not only because his words were taken out of context but also because Bashir, the narrator, was telling them they SHOULD BE disturbed. The journalist repeatedly suggested that Michael's statements made him very uncomfortable. Michael was quirky enough without the machinations of a mercenary newshound, to be sure, but there's no doubt that Bashir manipulated viewers for his own ends. His questions were leading, the editing misguided. As I watched the broadcast, it seemed to me that Bashir's plan all along had been to expose Michael in whatever way he could in order to win the highest ratings he could for his show." From "My Friend Michael" by Frank Cascio
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

With or without reading the book in full many of the issues I have with it have been confirmed to actually being in the book from reading all the summaries, reviews & media articles. Plus Franks own interviews. Those things are to provide people info as to what the book is about. Now those issues I have a problem with may not a big deal to some but, for me they were. And those issues were the reasons why I didn't buy or have read the book in full. So I don't see that as a misunderstanding. Because their can't be a misunderstanding to me about not wanting certain details discussed about MJ cause that's my opinion. I also feel many things Frank is saying are not 100% accurate IMO. I also know that some said buy it and other didn't. But, like I said the things I had issues with and the reasons why I didn't buy the book or read it in full have already been confirmed to actual being in the book. I can't make it any more clearer then that. So moving right along.

Most of the part is fair enough to me. I only had problem when I saw some of Frank said got twisted then people jump on him base on twisted words. For example I said Frank and Eddie fall out because of MJ. You conclude that he blamed MJ for that. However, Frank didn't blame MJ for that. It's the bad summary I did and I admitted that. However, if you read the whole book, you would know when I wrote "because of MJ" it means Frank and MJ's fall out cause the tension between Eddie and Frank. People would understand what I wrote if they read the book. I don't need to explain in details when we discuss the things. AGAIN I don't have problem people don't like Frank and think he lied or whatever. My problem is I don't like to see people comment base on the twisted content (I said it might be our fault to summarize in a way that people misinformed).

^^I LOVE THIS POST. What people should remember is that the summaries in this thread are critiqued and conclusions are drawn, in the same way Frank made conclusions based on what he saw while with Michael. Remember some keep stressing that it is his opinion of the relationship. If Frank could have his opinion, then some fans can have their opinions of what he wrote. There is nothing difficult to understand about this, and yes I know Frank based his opinions on what he saw and we base ours on what we read. The point is that they are all opinions that have been drawn.

If we are honest we will admit that those in favor of the book do not like how those in disfavor are critiquing Frank's work. Those in disfavor of the book do not accept the arguments in favor of the book. Therefore, there is no need to tell people to buy the book, if they do not want to. If there were no summaries here, there would be no information to base the opinions on. It is infantile to put summaries here and expect the group to have the same love of the contents or interpret it in the same way.

I was just wondering what is the advantage or merit in pushing a book that is not doing well among the buying public, if it not helping Michael's legacy in a significant way. I mean, if it was helping his legacy, and people were not buying, then I could understand the 8 people here pushing this book. However, there is no evidence that it is a great legacy enhancer.

Is it possible to simply give opinions of this book without having as an agenda a need to push this book?

Your post probably not direct to me but you talked about the summary part so I think I should stated something AGAIN.

I totally don't have problem that people have different opinions about Frank's point of view. Like I stated multiple times, I myself also have problems with some of his views. I clearly stated that I am not pushing this book. I also stated before that I think Frank fail to clear MJ's name big time. I don't know why you have the impression that I put summary out to expect people to love the contents??????? I clearly stated that I got the book early and I just summarized at beginning to share the content. After, more and more people got the book, I stop doing that because I think it's better for people to read and judge themselves. So why you accuse me to put out summary and expecting people to love the book? Again, like I stated before, it's not my intention to ask people to buy Frank's book. What's that good for me?

Again, I don't understand why you have the impression that I am trying push the book???? I said go read it and judge yourself. Did I say go buy it? On the other hand, I said long time ago, I don't know what this book can achieve. I am angry about Frank give fuel for the media to run all those bad press and I don't know what he can do to reverse the damage. However, I do like lots of the loving story he shared. When people enjoy reading the book does that mean they are pushing the book? When people said go read yourself then debate, does that mean they are pushing the book? and what agenda people would have???? Are we going to make money by writing on fanboard? I really don't know what agenda I have.
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Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

I think you should stop making escuse for frank book,

I asked a question.

and I still have the opinion that people shouldn't comment without knowing exactly what they are commenting on. Although the details of Blanket's birth might be unnecessary by no means it's low or negative. To the contrary his biological mother's personality portrayed as good and perfect fit to Michael's and the rest is just lovely stories about how much Michael loved Blanket. It might be over-sharing but not negative.

To me lowest of the low would be when people question the paternity.

he has zerro right to include any information know or unknow about MJ children in his book, out of respect for MJ and knowing how he feel about his children private life. he drew no line and no topic was out of bound. It was a tell all in all it's glory, where I come from they call people like frank "friendnemy "
I must ask you would you have give the same latitude to any of the Jackson if they had done what frank did?

you do realize that many Jackson has commented on the children and their mothers - especially Latoya about Blanket- and none of you went crazy then. Jacksons already did what Frank did but I suppose everyone has a short term memory problem. Forget me , try to answer why when Jackson questioned the children it wasn't as big as a problem as it's now?
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

I could care less if people like or dislike the book or if they want read or not read to buy or not buy.
But Just becuase Franks wrote about somethign you dont like doesnt mean he he lacks moral ethical values. In fact You dont know any of these things about his character to be true. Im not happy with everything he wrote about but I certainly cant judge his mind or his character or even why he felt he should write about certain things. Myself I find it very difficult to judge people so harshly without knowing their intentions becuase of my faith and also I wouldnt want people to do that to me without knowing me, my intentions, or all the facts.

We personally dont know why Frank thought he should speak on these isues or his motives for doing so. We dont even know if Blanket doesnt already know his heritage. Most likely he does . Michael publically stated Blanket came from a surrogate Mother. Plus the Jackson's have spoken on this publically stating he came form a surrogate. Its not a new secret revelation that Blanket came from a surrogate. Frank added all the sweet things about that event to show it wasnt just a clinical thing. It was a beautiful miracle and Blanket was so wanted and loved. I just dont see the need to make such harsh, hateful, judgmental statements about Frank based on what little we actually know about him.

sheesh lets critic the book but there is no need for such harsh judgement of Franks character
in that manner just becuase some of you dont personally like some of the things he wrote about.
There is nothing Bad, Hateful or Mean in his book - all that is coming from the people criticing
him rather than the book itself .
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151


I think you should stop making escuse for frank book, he has zerro right to include any information know or unknow about MJ children in his book, out of respect for MJ and knowing how he feel about his children private life. he drew no line and no topic was out of bound. It was a tell all in all it's glory, where I come from they call people like frank "friendnemy "
I must ask you would you have give the same latitude to any of the Jackson if they had done what frank did?
There come a time when we have to say the spade is black, frank sellout MJ for profit , like him or hate him that is what it sums up to.
The fact that MJ children was not off limit tell us who frank was, and I would not be shock if MJ did not write him off in the backstabbing bunch.

Most of the Jacksons had done a lot worse things to Michael. He had the reason for not letting any Jackson to have that kind of an experience he shared with Cascios. Imagine any of the Jackson to have the privilege the Cascios had with MJ's children before his death. They were not in his life at all and they still wrote the books where they state many things as a facts knowing that they were not there. They talked in the media about children's life all the time after Michael's death. I'm positive that in the future there will be many books from Jacksons about MJ's children life after their dad death. They will do anything for money.

And I personally prefer to read about their life from someone who was there when they were born. And I knew about Cascios being there and I couldn't wait for Frank telling his story. By Cristmass I will buy at least 20 Frank's books for MJ's fans in different contries around the world.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

For example I said Frank and Eddie fall out because of MJ. You conclude that he blamed MJ for that. However, Frank didn't blame MJ for that.
So if I would have said MJ was the reason or/and the cause for the fallout between the brothers would it be better for u then?
ivy;3541906 said:
You think it's low because you assume Blanket doesn't know it? Otherwise the parts about Blanket's birth quite positive.

While we were in Florida in May 2001, Michael called me to his hotel room. When I entered, he couldn’t stop smiling.
“I’m going to be a father again!” he exclaimed, giving me a happy hug.
“Aw, I’m so happy for you,” I said. “You deserve this.”

Now, in the Florida hotel room, Michael was telling me that everything had worked out. A surrogate mother was pregnant with Michael and the donor’s baby.
“This makes three of ten, Frank, three of ten,” he said.

Later, Michael told his kids that they were going to have a younger sibling. I wasn’t there at the time, but afterward I saw how excited how excited Prince and Paris were. They couldn’t wait to help take care of the new baby.

My mother was with Michael when he picked up the baby from the surrogate’s representative at a hotel. They brought baby Prince Michael Jackson II back to Neverland on a private luxury bus.

“Look, look, look! How beautiful,” Michael kept saying. He was thrilled.

Michael led me to the nursery, the same nursery that Prince and Paris had used before they moved to their own room on the same floor. Blanket was sleeping, and as Michael and I looked in on him, I could see that he was just as adorable as both Prince and Paris had been at that age. As I glanced over at Michael, the look I saw on his face made it apparent that the eight months since Blanket’s birth had done little to lessen his enthusiasm for fatherhood.

Ivy i understand that you making the point that frank was talking bout the time around blanket's birth but frank had no right whatsoever to be writing bout blankets mother & how he was conceived.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

^^I LOVE THIS POST. What people should remember is that the summaries in this thread are critiqued and conclusions are drawn, in the same way Frank made conclusions based on what he saw while with Michael. Remember some keep stressing that it is his opinion of the relationship. If Frank could have his opinion, then some fans can have their opinions of what he wrote. There is nothing difficult to understand about this, and yes I know Frank based his opinions on what he saw and we base ours on what we read. The point is that they are all opinions that have been drawn.

If we are honest we will admit that those in favor of the book do not like how those in disfavor are critiquing Frank's work. Those in disfavor of the book do not accept the arguments in favor of the book. Therefore, there is no need to tell people to buy the book, if they do not want to. If there were no summaries here, there would be no information to base the opinions on. It is infantile to put summaries here and expect the group to have the same love of the contents or interpret it in the same way.

I was just wondering what is the advantage or merit in pushing a book that is not doing well among the buying public, if it not helping Michael's legacy in a significant way. I mean, if it was helping his legacy, and people were not buying, then I could understand the 8 people here pushing this book. However, there is no evidence that it is a great legacy enhancer.

Is it possible to simply give opinions of this book without having as an agenda a need to push this book?

Yes to the first paragraph but I must add that opinions of many are drawn here from the brief summaries not from the whole book.

I'm in favor of the book but I have no problem with people fairly critiquing it, what I object to are peoples words being twisted.

In terms of Michael's legacy, I look at the bigger picture far beyond us, this is a book from someone who was there, he witnessed it and he can categorically state that Michael was not a pervert, he was human, had some flaws but over all had the purest of hearts. I am not saying 'this book above all others' I am simply saying that in the bigger picture it has it's place.

I do object to the statement that '8 people here are pushing the book'. It makes me feel like I have a black mark above my name (maybe simply because you felt the need to count). I would really like to know how you think we '8' are pushing the book? And why would it offend you anyway? It's not like it's going to change anyones mind here - that was blatantly clear before the book even came out.

Seeing as it's still being discussed, I'm undecided at the moment whether he should have put anything about Blanket in the book, one hand - no, on the other hand, he has not disclosed any facts that we didn't already know but by including it it shows a softer more human approach to those facts - maybe?
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

I asked a question.

and I still have the opinion that people shouldn't comment without knowing exactly what they are commenting on. Although the details of Blanket's birth might be unnecessary by no means it's low or negative. To the contrary his biological mother's personality portrayed as good and perfect fit to Michael's and the rest is just lovely stories about how much Michael loved Blanket. It might be over-sharing but not negative.

To me lowest of the low would be when people question the paternity.

you do realize that many Jackson has commented on the children and their mothers - especially Latoya about Blanket- and none of you went crazy then. Jacksons already did what Frank did but I suppose everyone has a short term memory problem. Forget me , try to answer why when Jackson questioned the children it wasn't as big as a problem as it's now?

It's not a matter of me realiseing the Jackson have make comment about the children, we all know the jackson's sins and we have come to expect them to sell MJ,
it's about you and how you make escuse for frank and his book, compleatly over looking the elephant in the room, frank sell out MJ... This is the issue MJ trust him, and the fact that he turn around and write a book after MJ died about MJ I find it distasteful, he should have maintain the trust, but I guess MJ never have true friends... they love the dead president more.
As for people judging frank well he write a book behind his "best friend" back, sell for profit.. for all we know frank sins agains MJ might not stop there, at no time the end justify the mean, positive or negative, high or low, frank wrong MJ... By selling there friendship for $$$$... What say you ivy?
So is. Frank a good person? I don't know am I going to judge frank? yes he write a tell all about his dead best friend leaving no stone unturned... Really not cool, leave us wondering who really did love MJ more then what he could do for them?