How was your day?

Originally posted by MJzAngel@Aug 25 2005, 09:35 PM
Real long and tiring.
I know how you feel. between homework ,schoolwork,and Athletics...but on the other hand I watched the orcas at Sea World Califonia perfomr on Shamu cam.YAY!
OMG, i hate to be the depressing one here but it totally sucked. I had to go to school half day then do service hour afterwards. School was boring and afterwards my stomach started hurting so bad i felt like i was gonna vomit. I couldnt finish doing my service hours and i just felt horrible, but i just came back from taking a lil walk and i feel better.
today I was in Norway's biggest newspaper, and became journalist for a day, it was just pretending, but it was so much fun. one task that 2 other teams got was to review Michaels greatest hits album, and both gave it 5 stars! :D :D I loved hearing Mikes music blasting. I got so suprised, what are the changes that exactly Michaels music got picked. and alot of youngsters will be hearing his music, and probably buying it too ! :wild: that made my day, so all in all, brilliant! :imbad :sarmoti
It was pretty long and interesting. I had a slight Michael Jackson moment today. I was walking in the mall with a friend today, so I went into the music store and I found lots of Michael Jackson CDs. Even Blood On The Dance Floor, 3 colors of Invincible including the orange one, which is the rarest, the Essential Michael Jackson, the regular Bad CD, the regular and Special Edition of Dangerous and some others. :wild: So that was cool. In the DVD section I found a couple Michael Jackson DVDs and one of Jacksons. I forget which DVD that was, but it had Marlon's picture in front. And then as we walked into another section of the mall, I heard "The Way You Make Me Feel" playing so faintly, but I heard it from a mile away and ran over to that section of the mall. :lol: So quite frankly I enjoyed my day because of it. Plus it was the last day of college for this term. So yay! :D
MJzAngel, really wonderful day!! :lol:
i'm happy for you :flowers:
Originally posted by MJzAngel@Aug 26 2005, 10:36 PM
It was pretty long and interesting. I had a slight Michael Jackson moment today. I was walking in the mall with a friend today, so I went into the music store and I found lots of Michael Jackson CDs. Even Blood On The Dance Floor, 3 colors of Invincible including the orange one, which is the rarest, the Essential Michael Jackson, the regular Bad CD, the regular and Special Edition of Dangerous and some others. :wild: So that was cool. In the DVD section I found a couple Michael Jackson DVDs and one of Jacksons. I forget which DVD that was, but it had Marlon's picture in front. And then as we walked into another section of the mall, I heard "The Way You Make Me Feel" playing so faintly, but I heard it from a mile away and ran over to that section of the mall. :lol: So quite frankly I enjoyed my day because of it. Plus it was the last day of college for this term. So yay! :D


Well today at half time at my school's football game, the twirlers and cheerleaders pulled out some MJ hats and glassed and did some of his moves.It was awesome! plus we won!
It's started out pretty badly, when someone directs a low comment towards me over a comment that wasn't personal. Now I'm not in a good mood at all.

my day was ok, i cleaned and went to the market, i bought nothing as u can imagine.

Georgie xxx
My day was going fine until now. It just got better cuz I just saw Michael's new pictures!!!! :D
Originally posted by MJzAngel@Aug 28 2005, 06:21 PM
My day was going fine until now. It just got better cuz I just saw Michael's new pictures!!!! :D

when mom gets her a picture of MJ and she'll get better.

My day was don't want to know what happened.