Some bitch told the Italian foreign exchange student that I was obsessed with him today :lol:
No wonder he was looking at me so funny!
I had no sleep last night; my friend slept over because we had a huge AP History test today; we studied all day and all night… slept 45 minutes and studied for a good 10 hours? Of course excluding when we took breaks to talk about italy boy :devil:
The test did OK… I got a D on my biology quiz (that sucks) and I have two more next week… plus two AP History essays due; one tomorrow and another on Monday. Yummy.
One due tomorrow:
Compare and Contrast: Western and Japanese Feudalism (actually really easy)
One due Monday:
Document Based Question: While the Hansa and Swahili shared many similarities, their differences were equally important. What differences in the two trading alliances were critical to the cultural, economic, and political development of the two alliances?
The rest of the day was cool… I met Italy boy’s best friend; she’s really nice and apparently half the school is crushing on him :mat:
Yeah… and I’ll be up all night doing homework