July 28, 2009 Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

This just in:

DEA agents, Los Angeles police and Las Vegas police are executing a search warrant on the Las Vegas home of Michael Jackson’s personal physician Dr. Conrad Murray, a law enforcement source tells FOXNews.com. The officials descended on Murray’s gated community early Tuesday morning.

Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

yes i just saw it on foxnews as well! theres one major problem with this - the timing of the search warrant. they did a search warrant on his office last week and theyve waited a week to do this one - if there was any recriminating evidence it gave the doctor time to destroy it. if they were smart they would have done them both together.

This just in:

DEA agents, Los Angeles police and Las Vegas police are executing a search warrant on the Las Vegas home of Michael Jackson’s personal physician Dr. Conrad Murray, a law enforcement source tells FOXNews.com. The officials descended on Murray’s gated community early Tuesday morning.

Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

yes i just saw it on foxnews as well! theres one major problem with this - the timing of the search warrant. they did a search warrant on his office last week and theyve waited a week to do this one - if there was any recriminating evidence it gave the doctor time to destroy it. if they were smart they would have done them both together.

Yeah, I agree they won't find anything. I mean, Michael is dead for a month and they are doing the search now. C'mon, what do they expect?
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Sources tell us they are looking for all patient records connected to Michael Jackson.

We're on scene and watched multiple DEA agents walk in the back door of Dr.Murray's home and other agents are at his office.

Story developing
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Exactly! and they did the search warrant on his office last week! Hello, big tip off that they likely will check your home sooner or later. We've seen this with other police search warrants - if you're gonna catch them in the act you issue search warrants asap and you do them across the board simulataneously - mixing it up so the bad guys dont get a chance to think or get rid of evidence. You hit them hard and you hit them fast!
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Do they really expect Murray to have sat there drinking coffee and watching TV on his couch without doing a little bit of house "cleaning"? The cleaning happened long ago according to reports!
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

makes the police look like they are doing something and care
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

yeah they said that a few days back
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

you can read more about the search warrant at this link which was just posted online:


also theres more about the 911 call:

"We can't tell you exactly when 911 was called," attorney Edward Chernoff told "Good Morning America" last week.

Chernoff said that once Murray realized that CPR was not bringing Jackson back, Murray, he said, tried to dial 911 on his cell phone but did not have the exact address of Jackson's home. And with none of the phones in the home working "for privacy reasons," Murray ran around the house till he found Jackson's chef, who alerted security.

It was the security person, Chernoff said, who eventually dialed 911. CPR, he said, was done for 25 to 30 minutes before emergency officials arrived.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

guys, it's an ongoing investigation. he has to remain anonymous.

and, yeah, heartbreakhotelmjj, it shouldn't have been in his house period. propofol is not supposed to leave the hospital.

and if it is an ongoing investigation, we can't decide that we have any truth here, either. we don't know if anything was in MJ's house. we don't know anything. so there cannot be a double standard, where someone can remain anonymous, but we can draw conlusions as if we have the truth.

someone on the board floated an explanation that the nurse speaking out was a good thing, so AEG's plans were thwarted. but AEG could still be thinking that they could make more money to make up for it, post June 25. so a conspiracy would still be a possible speculation. and that same someone speculated that the nurse 'warning MJ' could be true, leaving people to think that MJ refused to go to a hospital, which leads more people to believe that MJ killed himself. again..all this based on PURE SPECULATION. this is supposed to be a speculative board. yet, people are taking speculation, and using it to justify veiled threats against the doctor, via what-if-crazed-fan scenarios. and this same nurse speculation could lead to all kinds of thoughts and possibilities, via speculation, such as MJ might have been afraid to go to a hospital for fear of a lawsuit from people including some fans because he has been accused, constantly, in the past of faking hospital visits to get out of obligations. (see memories of HBO special) so that would be a catch 22 scenario for MJ.

So..we have to remember that this is a speculative board. Nothing more. there is no truth. only speculation. i don't care if you think the tv networks are credible. the authorities still say they BELIEVE Michael was killed by an injection of propofol. they BELIEVE. that can't be repeated enough. that can't be STRESSED enough. they DO NOT sound sure. yet people here are taking a lot of things as gospel truth. it can't be stressed enough that this is still a SPECULATIVE board. and we really HAVE to prepare for the possibility that it will ALWAYS be a speculative board when it is all over. the greatest fear has come to light. that the media would start a ball rolling, blaming Michael, one last time. and, there are people here that are rolling with it. and yes...it looks to me, like the media was planning to wait...let some time pass, so that when they came out with this, nobody would be raw enough to strike out at the media. we don't know if there were any tox findings early, or not. we don't know if the government waited on purpose or not, and if they are in cahoots with the media, or not. it's all speculation, but it seems to be working, unfortunately, because people ARE drawing seemingly all to final conclusions in the name of closure.
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Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

makes the police look like they are doing something and care

agreed!!! They should of done this along time ago. Unless.....the extended tox testing that they were waiting for just became available, which I find hard to believe. Search warrants should of been issued for his home and offices along time ago. The other thing that is making me soo mad is that his lawyer and Murray himself keep saying "lets just wit and see what the toxicology report shows" common now this guy knows he did something. he is just praying that it wasnt the something that he did that caused Michael's death. I am sorry but cannot give Murray the benefit of the doubt.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

oh i hope they get this SOB...im watching this coverage...i am sooo mad...do we know what they're looking for? do we know if they can charge/arrest him anytime soon?
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

they are looking for Michael's medical records

oh i hope they get this SOB...im watching this coverage...i am sooo mad...do we know what they're looking for? do we know if they can charge/arrest him anytime soon?
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

btw - theres now 2 threads about this in this Michael Jackson General Discussion & News. which do people post in?!
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Ok, I just want to say that this drug IS NOT (Dipirvin or whatever) a narcotic, it is an ANESTHESIA. BIG DIFFERENCE. You CANNOT become addicted to an anesthesia. Some doctor suggested it to Mike and it worked and Michael was probably under the impression that it was safe, which it is IF IT IS MONITORED BY A DOCTOR/NURSE. The doctors probably failed to mention or stress how risky it really was without the proper precautions taken. Michael wasn't stupid and he would not have put himself in danger because of his three children above ANYTHING else. They were his world. So I truly believe that he was not told how risky it could be IF it was not plied in a hospital where there would be round the clock surveillance by doctors or nurses. Insomnia is NOT a joke. Point blank period Mike just wanted rest...UGH! It's fucking ridiculous.

Just because you had an addiction problem in the past DOES NOT MEAN you have it in the present. And this applies to Mike.

The media WANTS people to think he was an addict and are trying every way possible to paint him as one.

I've just wanted to say this and I have so I'm done.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star


Jackson is believed to have been using the drug for about two years and investigators are trying to determine how many other doctors administered it, the official said.
If Murray met Michael in December 2006, then that's about two years. Is that a coincidence?

Today is tuesday, on the morning news cnn, they said that Michael's personal nurse said that michael was taking a diet pill, he would lose up to 5 lbs a day between not eating properly and dancing rehearsal for the show.
That contradicts the MSNBC report, which quotes her as saying he would lose 5-6 lbs a day in water weight due to vigorous rehearsals. She doesn't mention diet pills there.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Ok, I just want to say that this drug IS NOT (Dipirvin or whatever) a narcotic, it is an ANESTHESIA. BIG DIFFERENCE. You CANNOT become addicted to an anesthesia. Some doctor suggested it to Mike and it worked and Michael was probably under the impression that it was safe, which it is IF IT IS MONITORED BY A DOCTOR/NURSE. The doctors probably failed to mention or stress how risky it really was without the proper precautions taken. Michael wasn't stupid and he would not have put himself in danger because of his three children above ANYTHING else. They were his world. So I truly believe that he was not told how risky it could be IF it was not plied in a hospital where there would be round the clock surveillance by doctors or nurses. Insomnia is NOT a joke. Point blank period Mike just wanted rest...UGH! It's fucking ridiculous.

Just because you had an addiction problem in the past DOES NOT MEAN you have it in the present. And this applies to Mike.

The media WANTS people to think he was an addict and are trying every way possible to paint him as one.

I've just wanted to say this and I have so I'm done.

I disagree with you. We don't know what Michael's drug issues were. And you are painting all of these doctors as "willing to do anything to put someones life in danger". If Michael Jackson what given Diprivan in the Past and Present, it was WRONG WRONG WRONG. It is not just Dr. Murray who is alleged in giving Michael Diprivan, it is also other doctors. If this is the case, then you have to question Michael Jackson and his lack of common sense or judgement. LIke I have said before, there are going to be somethings that will not be pretty when it comes to Michael and his history with drugs. So don't be so quick to fault the media for reporting this. I don't fault the media at all. I hope they focus on all of his doctors.

I have yet to see any doctor that has been speaking about what happened to Michael say that it was ok to give people Diprivan outside of a hospital. Every single doctor that I've seen on T.V. said that is was un-heard of.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

first of all. Do you ppl honestly, and try and use you head on this one, do you think for a second that michael just up and pulled diprivan out of his head and then doctor shopped to get it. UMMMMM NO! The nurse didn't even know what it was. So surely michael wouldn't have known either. Think for a second folks. Someone with extensive medical schooling introducted diprivan to michael. :doh:

Now after you have processed that bit. Ask WHY was any good doctor recommend or even suggest this dangerous drug to michael when they are countless other safer alternatives for sleep then diprivan. :doh:

With that said. How can anyone blame michael for wanted this and believing it was safe to use when he used it before and everything went fine. of course he believed it was safe he was a witness that it was, plenty of times. And he was right, it was since he hadn't ran into any problems before hand. When diprivan is administered properly it is safe. I could take it right now and be fine if I have the right doctor do it.

And I have no problem accepting the truth but im not just going go blaming michael especially when I don't have all the facts, michael point of view, and when ppl are known for lying on michael.

MJ is not a drug addict. There is a different becoming a drug addict and drug dependant! Many iressposible doctors introduced him to those drug and since it helps him to feel better, he just become depedant from it.

Sure Michael should not have taken that stuff. But not much can be done now can there?..he's gone. But guess who's not? Murray ran off like a chicken and hired a lawyer....yeah that wasn't suspicious at all! great move:clapping: .. see he knew it from the very beginning.

Exactly! People forget that. Its not like someone said hey MJ you have got to take this against your will. People who knew Michael have repeatedly said if Michael was challenged or didnt get what he wanted he thew a hissy fit and just cut them out of his life. So whadya do? From reports his sister Janet and his Mother tried an intervention but it didnt work. Though its not 100% proven that again fits the behavior of an addict. They hate being challenged and most certainly deny they have a problem. Compounding the issue is tons of fans who refuse to believe Michael could be at least partly responsible because he's their idol and he's perfect in every way.

guys Michael took that drug at the advice of his doctor saying it was okay, as long as he was monitored. Michael wasnt a doctor, he didnt open a book one day and decide that was the solution to his sleep problems! He may have been an addict but to suggest he used propofol to satisfy a drug addiction is ridiculous.

Ok, I just want to say that this drug IS NOT (Dipirvin or whatever) a narcotic, it is an ANESTHESIA. BIG DIFFERENCE. You CANNOT become addicted to an anesthesia. Some doctor suggested it to Mike and it worked and Michael was probably under the impression that it was safe, which it is IF IT IS MONITORED BY A DOCTOR/NURSE. The doctors probably failed to mention or stress how risky it really was without the proper precautions taken. Michael wasn't stupid and he would not have put himself in danger because of his three children above ANYTHING else. They were his world. So I truly believe that he was not told how risky it could be IF it was not plied in a hospital where there would be round the clock surveillance by doctors or nurses. Insomnia is NOT a joke. Point blank period Mike just wanted rest...UGH! It's fucking ridiculous.

Just because you had an addiction problem in the past DOES NOT MEAN you have it in the present. And this applies to Mike.

The media WANTS people to think he was an addict and are trying every way possible to paint him as one.

I've just wanted to say this and I have so I'm done.

^^ I agree 100%.

People.....Michael Joseph Jackson was NOT a drug addict. The only thing Michael is guilty of is wanting to sleep and using his influence to get what he thought he needed.

Anybody who is so ready to accept what the media is saying that Michael was a drug addict should really question themselves about how well they know the PERSON Michael Jackson to be.

Michael was SO responsible when it comes to his children, he cared about everything his fans thought, he cared deeply about his physical health and vitality, he wanted to live forever.....

But somehow cast that ALL aside, all of a sudden he's a stark raving doped up junkie??

Open your eyes people....Michael is being made out to be what he is not.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Well you can disagree with me all you want, but I'm just stating what I have been observing from day one. I am not some blind fan who thinks Michael could do no wrong, but I am a very logical person and all the media reports coming out are NOT adding up. It's like 2+2=5 and
NOTHING is adding up. So I guess I'm in disagreement with you.

I don't fault the media at all.

NOW I can fault the media. Based solely on their track record in regards to Michael, YES I CAN. They have tried to label him EVERYTHING under the bleedin' sun and this whole "MJ was a drug addict" story has been one of them circulating FOR YEARS. The media spins things to fit into the stories THEY WANT to put out. They did this in the 1990s, they did it during the 'Invincible' era, they did it during the trial, and they're doing it now. There are VERY few true journalists out there who are looking for the truth, most of the media in regards to Michael Jackson only give a shit about one thing and that's ratings which equates to Money. Bottom line. So are the media to be faulted? You bet your ass they are. It's all about spin and that's EXACTLY what they've been doing from day one, spinning all this hearsay and BS to fit into what they want to report. You can agree or disagree with me I don't care, but to say the media is not at fault or not to be faulted is just stupid.

THERE ARE NOT TWO SIDES TO EVERY STORY THERE IS ONLY THE TRUTH! And the truth is something the media, ESPECIALLY in regards to Michael, usually tends to ignore or they try and twist it for their own selfish reasons.

Anyway, I've stated my opinion and if you agree or disagree doesn't matter, and I frankly don't care. I've said it and I'm done, and this is the last time I'll speak/type on this matter here.
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Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

^^ I agree 100%.

People.....Michael Joseph Jackson was NOT a drug addict. The only thing Michael is guilty of is wanting to sleep and using his influence to get what he thought he needed.

Anybody who is so ready to accept what the media is saying that Michael was a drug addict should really question themselves about how well they know the PERSON Michael Jackson to be.

Michael was SO responsible when it comes to his children, he cared about everything his fans thought, he cared deeply about his physical health and vitality, he wanted to live forever.....

But somehow cast that ALL aside, all of a sudden he's a stark raving doped up junkie??

Open your eyes people....Michael is being made out to be what he is not.

I agree 100% with your post.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Well you can disagree with me all you want, but I'm just stating what I have been observing from day one. I am not some blind fan who thinks Michael could do no wrong, but I am a very logical person and all the media reports coming out are NOT adding up. It's like 2+2=5 and
NOTHING is adding up. So I guess I'm in disagreement with you.

NOW I can fault the media. Based solely on their track record in regards to Michael, YES I CAN. They have tried to label him EVERYTHING under the bleedin' sun and this whole "MJ was a drug addict" story has been one of them circulating FOR YEARS. The media spins things to fit into the stories THEY WANT to put out. They did this in the 1990s, they did it during the 'Invincible' era, they did it during the trial, and they're doing it now. There are VERY few true journalists out there who are looking for the truth, most of the media in regards to Michael Jackson only give a shit about one thing and that's ratings which equates to Money. Bottom line. So are the media to be faulted? You bet your ass they are. It's all about spin and that's EXACTLY what they've been doing from day one, spinning all this hearsay and BS to fit into what they want to report. You can agree or disagree with me I don't care, but to say the media is not at fault or not to be faulted is just stupid.

THERE ARE NOT TWO SIDES TO EVERY STORY THERE IS ONLY THE TRUTH! And the truth is something the media, ESPECIALLY in regards to Michael, usually tends to ignore or they try and twist it for their own selfish reasons.

Anyway, I've stated my opinion and if you agree or disagree doesn't matter, and I frankly don't care. I've said it and I'm done, and this is the last time I'll speak/type on this matter here.

Because I am not a blind fan is why I feel the media has been fair...
Well I live in Los Angeles and all of the media coverage has been fair. As far as how they treated Michael in the past, what makes you think anything was going to change now that he is dead?

The truth is that you don't know what Michael's drug history past and current was because he rarely talked about it. What we all know is that he had a drug problem. Also it appears to be some truth that Michael was taking Diprivan, I don't care if it was a drug or not, the fact is by all medical experts, he should not have been given this.

So my question is how can you come to the conclusion that the media is trying to destroy him because they are reporting on information about Michael Jackson that you don't like?
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Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I am so annoyed....this whole "Michael was a drug addict" thing is just another cop out!

Over the years they come out with stories....

Michael bleaches his skin.
Michael sleeps in oxygen tank.
Michael wants elephant man bones.
Michael molests little boys.
Michael this.
Michael that.

He always said don't JUDGE me until you get to KNOW me.

Most people can't say they knew Michael on a personal one on one level, but then again in many ways we can. Listen to his music, watch his interviews and his home movies, read his writings.

If you know the true ESSENCE that Michael is you'll know this stuff is a big pile of bull crap.

It's very easy to say "Well he was an eccentric, he had such a hard life, he was depressed and that's why he XYZ" and it's just trying to explain it all away.

"I'm a warrior....I have Rhinoceros Skin"...That's what he always said and I believe him.

For too many years Michael has been scapegoated and certain powers have detracted from his VAST and far-reaching positives and not even focused on but FABRICATED 99.9% of the negatives.

I don't know what makes it all different now that he's gone.

To just eat up the allegations that Michael was a strung out drug addict to me is no different than all the people out there ready to believe Michael was a child abuser.

Also, it really IRKS me when comments are thrown around that Michael's fans want to think that he's "perfect" and that "he could do no wrong".


Michael was a person just like the rest of us and I'm sure he's made many mistakes and had many regrets in his life like any normal person.

Having a functioning brain and the ability to put two and two together doesn't make one the blind faithful.

Nobody drank any "Michael Jackson Cult Kool Aid" up in here!

I think I'm gonna take a break from this thread for a while before I burst into flames.

DISCLAIMER: This is not directed at anybody in particular. I'm just still royally pissed about the whole sordid thing...
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

let's just say that anyone with a hard line judgemental attitude..especially without hard line evidence, most likely has skeletons in their own closet. and karma works hard line, too.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

let's just say that anyone with a hard line judgemental attitude..especially without hard line evidence, most likely has skeletons in their own closet. and karma works hard line, too.

I've noticed that too.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

what i was asking really was why would tht matter that he fell asleep the patient just remains comatose and is woken up later. i guess something went wrong and dr wasnt there. which suggests to me that the dr usually didnt hang around but this time he didnt he got unlucky.

It matters if you have to inject propofol hourly or half-hourly. It matters if you fell asleep if you have given intentionally more than the normal dose and then fall asleep. I am saying that the dr gave him a dose for 2-3 hours and didnt monitor that. So stupid.

People are saying that it was dripped, but as far as I know it was injected. Both are called iv (= intravenously) but its risky if you have to inject PLUS monitor when you could have just monitored during dripping...
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Ok, I just want to say that this drug IS NOT (Dipirvin or whatever) a narcotic, it is an ANESTHESIA. BIG DIFFERENCE. You CANNOT become addicted to an anesthesia. .

No you can't get addicted BUT you CAN become addicted to what it does and therefore HAVE TO HAVE it. There are different types of addiction IMO.

The doctors probably failed to mention or stress how risky it really was without the proper precautions taken. Michael wasn't stupid and he would not have put himself in danger because of his three children above ANYTHING else. They were his world. So I truly believe that he was not told how risky it could be IF it was not plied in a hospital where there would be round the clock surveillance by doctors or nurses.

Erm... he was warned by his plastic doc and by his nurse. She warned him loads of time not to take it. Even Uri warned him so yeah he did know. The nurse was told to travel to the other side of the town to get a medical dictionary to show MJ in black and white how dangerous it was to have the anaesthetic but he still wanted it.