Katherine Jackson Can Challenge Administrators

they are the people responsible for protecting mj's legacy , but all they have been doing ios completely destroy his image and legacy . I can't imagine what they are telling those kids everyday, the stories they are feeding them about their father . some of the siblings did not feel they were obligated to cater for their own children , it is really hard to believe that they believe the money should go to those kids when must of them don't or refuse to believe they are his kids .

I agree with you
now the kids have no parent and no one who really love them and take care of them. He was socked when I read interview from some jacksons when they had only one thing to say about them that mj was not their biogical father.
MJ said in an interview he decided to ask the kids to use masks whenever they were in public because people would analyze ever little detail and he did not want them to grow up and be psychologically screwed up , since his death the things he was afraid of are happening , his family is discussing their DNA with everyone , their pics are everywhere . nobody from the family cleared anything , they give interviews that only suggest that mj told them he was not the father , what are they telling those poor kids behind closed doors ?
and now joe is saying prince told him he saw needle marks on mj , so I won't be surprised at all if the family pushed the kids to testify that mj was unfit all the time . IT is indeed their only argument

I don't want to believe they would go as far as trying to convince the judge that Michael was a drug addict, and possibly use the kids to prove that, all for the sake of money
that would be the worst thing ever, destroying his name for the sake of money... that's just beyond sad :cry: I hope it won't be the case
I don't want to believe they would go as far as trying to convince the judge that Michael was a drug addict, and possibly use the kids to prove that, all for the sake of money

I hope they won't do that but since his passing they give interviews to the tabloids and portray Michael as a druggie so I don't know what to expect. I wish they could care more about Michael's good name and his legacy.
not just his money, jermaine wants neverland to be a freak tourist attraction. this is the first step in that direction.
I wish Neverland could be preserved for his children Michael didn't want to live there anymore but the didn't give up on it either, but I don't want it to become a tourist attraction all the crooks would be getting the money they don't care about MJ's legacy all they see is money in neverland
I was a supporter of Katherine up until this point. I disagree with the tactics she and her attorney are trying to use to gain control of Michael's estate. For them to try to declare that Michael was mentally incompetent when he made out his will? That he was under the influence of drugs?! No wonder MJ was so unhappy! He didn't trust his family and that is why he left his lawyers in control. Personally, I really hope the judge sees through this and lets Michael's will stand. If anything Michael has never been that is incompetent! Anyone that ever did business with Michael knows that he understood the ins and outs of contracts as good or even better than most lawyers. This is sad. I just hate that the children are caught in the middle of all this mess. :(
branca knows well the family and their antics. he's not afraid of their "undue influence". He can easily proove that they are not fit to manage the estate.

I think Mr. John Branca will spend his time trying to PROVE he DIDNT forge a "WILL" Michael Jackson NEVER had because more than likely Michael Jackson ONLY HAD A TRUST NOT A WILL. So Im sure he's not worried about the Jackson antics but his own EXPOSURE.

I hope this thread doesn't turn into another bash the jackson family thread.

Stop guys

I know its looks like The Jackson Family Bashers are in full force but thats because they know whats about to happen.

Ok, I was giving the family the benefit of doubt up until this point, but I'm really beginning to have other thoughts now. Notice how McMillan put out a "message" about an agreement right away. If Branca is as devilish as they claim, they're certainly willing to make a deal with him...

Im still BAFFLED why would any of Michael Jackson's FANS not even QUESTION Michael NOT leaving anything to his Mother, Father, Sisters, Brothers, Nephew, Nieces, or ANYONE else, dont believe everything in the media this FAMILY did NOT Hate each other at ALL; this whole so called "WILL" is FAKE and the TRUTH is IN THE LIGHT. WHy would Michael Jackson leave his LIFE LONG HARD WORK INHERITANCE to people that HATED him and he FIRED, who really believes the LIE John Branca WAS HIRED the Week before Michael was now as we know MURDERED ? A Lie just to Obvious and Im offended that John Branca and his Little Clique of Killers thought EVERYONE would FALL for THIS IS IT LIE.

I have no doubt whatever that katie will only embarrass herself and the family .......... .

Finally I hope Mrs Katherine Jackson will wipe the Courtroom with her SON Killers donkeys; these THIEVES have STOLE from her SON and his ESTATE for DECADES and we definantly will SEE who will be EMBARRASSED. The Jackson Family are alot SMARTER than most give them credit for.
I dont think katherine will paint michael as a drug addict,but place blame on the people that were around him, katherine know michael had fired the lawyer's, and he did not trust them, and then they came back into the picture before michael death, and dr thome hired dr murray enablers's joe believe they manipulated michael, joe and rowe said michael reached out to them for help. and maybe they can prove what they say, and michael did an interview for the courts not sure the year saying he did not remember signnig certain contracts because the medication he was on.
he may not have 'given it up' but he tore down anything and everything 'neverland' related. i woul dhate to stay in a place that made him sick and brought him grief. i think the kids feel the same way.

and i hop eNO jackson gets on there. maybe it's like what a previous poster said, IF she gets to put someone up there, mcclain and branca have to agree
I think Mr. John Branca will spend his time trying to PROVE he DIDNT forge a "WILL" Michael Jackson NEVER had because more than likely Michael Jackson ONLY HAD A TRUST NOT A WILL. So Im sure he's not worried about the Jackson antics but his own EXPOSURE.

I know its looks like The Jackson Family Bashers are in full force but thats because they know whats about to happen.

Im still BAFFLED why would any of Michael Jackson's FANS not even QUESTION Michael NOT leaving anything to his Mother, Father, Sisters, Brothers, Nephew, Nieces, or ANYONE else, dont believe everything in the media this FAMILY did NOT Hate each other at ALL; this whole so called "WILL" is FAKE and the TRUTH is IN THE LIGHT. WHy would Michael Jackson leave his LIFE LONG HARD WORK INHERITANCE to people that HATED him and he FIRED, who really believes the LIE John Branca WAS HIRED the Week before Michael was now as we know MURDERED ? A Lie just to Obvious and Im offended that John Branca and his Little Clique of Killers thought EVERYONE would FALL for THIS IS IT LIE.

Finally I hope Mrs Katherine Jackson will wipe the Courtroom with her SON Killers donkeys; these THIEVES have STOLE from her SON and his ESTATE for DECADES and we definantly will SEE who will be EMBARRASSED. The Jackson Family are alot SMARTER than most give them credit for.
there is a secret trust that we're not aware of. we know it's there but not to whom or how much. but everything connects w/ jermaine wanting neverland tobe something connected to mj's legacy.

row and randy not soo good
there is a secret trust that we're not aware of. we know it's there but not to whom or how much. but everything connects w/ jermaine wanting neverland tobe something connected to mj's legacy.

row and randy not soo good

I have no doubt Michael put EVERYTHING is a "TRUST" and it has his FAMILY names all in it not John Branca. I do not believe for "1" second Michael created a TRUST then put it inside of a WILL just ridiculous, Michael was way more smarter in Legal matters than that. Michael Family should have Neverland and every other Land with Michael's name on it and everything else that belonged to Michael and every one of them Billions of Dollars that belong to Michael's Family not these EMBEZZLORS called Executors, the only thing they Executed was Michael's Life.
I have no doubt Michael put EVERYTHING is a "TRUST" and it has his FAMILY names all in it not John Branca. I do not believe for "1" second Michael created a TRUST then put it inside of a WILL just ridiculous, Michael was way more smarter in Legal matters than that. Michael Family should have Neverland and every other Land with Michael's name on it and everything else that belonged to Michael and every one of them Billions of Dollars that belong to Michael's Family not these EMBEZZLORS called Executors, the only thing they Executed was Michael's Life.

Are you knowledgeable about estate law?

Creating a trust is the most logical thing to do...especially if you are a celebrity and don't want your business all over the media. All rich folks create trusts...go back to Onassis, The Kennedys, Spelling....that is THE smart thing to do.
Finally I hope Mrs Katherine Jackson will wipe the Courtroom with her SON Killers donkeys; these THIEVES have STOLE from her SON and his ESTATE for DECADES and we definantly will SEE who will be EMBARRASSED. The Jackson Family are alot SMARTER than most give them credit for.

smarter? we saw it with the shady startup up company from Middle East and their big bussinness deals
I dont think katherine will paint michael as a drug addict,but place blame on the people that were around him, katherine know michael had fired the lawyer's, and he did not trust them, and then they came back into the picture before michael death, and dr thome hired dr murray enablers's joe believe they manipulated michael, joe and rowe said michael reached out to them for help. and maybe they can prove what they say, and michael did an interview for the courts not sure the year saying he did not remember signnig certain contracts because the medication he was on.

first of all katie has to prove that Branca psychologically dominated Michael at the time he signed the will , which is in 1997 not 2002 as many here believe , in 2002 only Blanket's name was added but everything else remained the same .
she then has to explain why for 12 years mj did not change his will , and remove the executors, she is challenging the executors based on "undue influence" so she has to explain what was the very serious condition that prevented mj from removing them as executors even though he served ties with Branca two times in the last 12 years .

as for those who claims there was another will , that is not even a question at this point and to them Mcclain would have been the one to hold such a will since he was with mj in the last years not Branca, use logic please , according to some of you MJ did not want anything to do with Branca so why you hint Branca had the newer will, when logically Mcclain should be the one who had it or at least someone who is not at all close to Branca.

Tohme did not hire Murray , mj knew tohme only a year before his death or even less, Murray was in mj's life since 2006 or 2007 according to Dr.Abrams who said that murray claims that mj was his patient for the last six weeks of his life are total fabrications .

as for Rowe and joe , Rowe was fired by mj and he was hired in the first place because joe was constantly annoying mj with his demands , he hired him and fired him in a matter of weeks , joe and Rowe lied and said mj signed for 10 concerts only , the original contract was published and it had 31 concerts on it not 10 as they were claiming .

joe and Rowe are involved in a lawsuit against mj and his estate because of the crap reunion concert , they wanted to be part of the TIT concerts and when mj refused they went after him for the reunion concert . MJ testified under oath that he did not remember signing the contract with the company randy brought in to refinance the loan which turned out to be true , it was randy who signed the deal not mj and for an unbelievable interest rate .

as when he talked about medication , it was another affidavit , the attorney asked mike whether he could have signed it under the influence of medication he did not give a definite answer AS HE ALWAYS DID , he said maybe, could be , might have been true, can't deny nor confirm . a typical michael jackson answers.
Are you knowledgeable about estate law?

Creating a trust is the most logical thing to do...especially if you are a celebrity and don't want your business all over the media. All rich folks create trusts...go back to Onassis, The Kennedys, Spelling....that is THE smart thing to do.

ugh, ugh, o.k.; I believe thats what I said all along Michael had a Trust not A Will; no offence but are you knowledgeable about estate law and if so then you know the difference in a Trust and a Will. But yes a "Trust" is the Smart Way to Go but what Celebrity do you know who put a TRUST inside of a "Will" ? and yes this is why I believe The Will is Fake, Michael would have never put his Mother in a Courtroom, you do know you can have a "Trust" without a "Will" and a Trust does not pay a PERCENTAGE OF THE ESTATE EVERY YEAR TO EXECUTIONERS because there are NO Executors in a TRUST.
I think Mr. John Branca will spend his time trying to PROVE he DIDNT forge a "WILL" Michael Jackson NEVER had because more than likely Michael Jackson ONLY HAD A TRUST NOT A WILL. So Im sure he's not worried about the Jackson antics but his own EXPOSURE.

this is a bad joke really, the burden of prove is on the jackson family when basing the challenge on"undue influence" not the executors .

I know its looks like The Jackson Family Bashers are in full force but thats because they know whats about to happen.

we all know that the family is going to attack mj inorder to get his estate , that's why we are in full force. something they and their friends have been doing since his death and even before that when mj refused to participate in the reunion concert .

Im still BAFFLED why would any of Michael Jackson's FANS not even QUESTION Michael NOT leaving anything to his Mother, Father, Sisters, Brothers, Nephew, Nieces, or ANYONE else, dont believe everything in the media this FAMILY did NOT Hate each other at ALL;

he left his money to his three kids and enough money to his mother as long as she is alive she could enjoy the same lifestyle she had maintained during his lifetime . why would he leave anything to his brothers , sisters and their children , NO LAW, NO RELIGION says he had to provide for them . as for the love /hate relationship in the family, I have a feeling nothing was more fake than Marlon "tears" which we really did not see and him comparing mj's death to his twin brother who he had never saw or met . IT WAS SO FAKE .

this whole so called "WILL" is FAKE and the TRUTH is IN THE LIGHT. WHy would Michael Jackson leave his LIFE LONG HARD WORK INHERITANCE to people that HATED him and he FIRED, who really believes the LIE John Branca WAS HIRED the Week before Michael was now as we know MURDERED ? A Lie just to Obvious and Im offended that John Branca and his Little Clique of Killers thought EVERYONE would FALL for THIS IS IT LIE.

prince, paris and Blanket did not hate mj , as for charities mj had never asked for thanks it is something for GOD .credit to mj .

as for the killers, ask katie why she asked AEG to organize mj's memorial, why she invited them to his funeral . Randy philips was at the funeral by the way .

Finally I hope Mrs Katherine Jackson will wipe the Courtroom with her SON Killers donkeys; these THIEVES have STOLE from her SON and his ESTATE for DECADES and we definantly will SEE who will be EMBARRASSED. The Jackson Family are alot SMARTER than most give them credit for.

well, according to mj they were more stupid than we would have ever guessed . they are getting dumper as they are getting older
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Will law: Encyclopedia - Will law

Will (law)

In the law, a will or testament is a document by which a person (the testator) regulates the rights of others over his property or family after death. For the devolution of property not disposed of by will, see inheritance and intestacy. In the strictest sense, "will" is a general term, while "testament" applies only to dispositions of personal property (this distinction is seldom observed). A will is also used as the instrument in a trust.
branca knows well the family and their antics. he's not afraid of their "undue influence". He can easily proove that they are not fit to manage the estate.

I agree. I feel like Branca feels like he has nothing to be afraid of.

- Branca was not the one who prepared the will. He referred MJ to a lawyer who was an expert in trusts. So good luck saying that he influenced MJ.

- They will need to show that MJ did not know what he was doing starting from 1997 (the first will) and were not able to change it at all. This does not make sense as Branca was not the one that done the will and were not working for him for several years after the will was done.

- I don't think they can even demonstrate that Branca is not fit for such a job - heck he is the best entertainment lawyer.

- Perhaps they can try to show that he does not have MJ's best interest in mind but I personally think that he does.

I guess the only thing that they can do is to argue to add a third executor to the mix to keep tabs but will a judge allow it I don't know.
this is a bad joke really, the burden of prove is on the jackson family when basing the challenge on"undue influence" not the executors .

"I think its a Bad Joke worthy of The Jacksons to bring forth" he who laughes last laughes loudest. You may not know this but John Branca as been known and reported with a HISTORY of having "undue influence" with Michael and that was one of the reason he was Reported FIRED because of.

we all know that the family is going to attack mj inorder to get his estate , that's why we are in full force. something they and their friends have been doing since his death and even before that when mj refused to participate in the reunion concert .

"there are plenty of people who could careless what tactics The Jacksons use to get Michael's Estate from these Greedy Murderers and we support them fully. What else can be done to hurt Michael now? he's DEAD they Murdered Michael cant hurt him anymore in this Life, its time for those who so patiently planned his life's pitfalls and death to pay and The Jacksons are not scarred of none of them and they are just as patient now as his killers where for 30 years while they Murdered Michael Jackson".

he left his money to his three kids and enough money to his mother as long as she is alive she could enjoy the same lifestyle she had maintained during his lifetime . why would he leave anything to his brothers , sisters and their children , NO LAW, NO RELIGION says he had to provide for them . as for the love /hate relationship in the family, I have a feeling nothing was more fake than Marlon "tears" which we really did not see and him comparing mj's death to his twin brother who he had never saw or met . IT WAS SO FAKE .

How do any of us know how Michael Jackson left anything MICHAEL WAS MURDERED that means EVERYTHING is a LIE.

prince, paris and Blanket did not hate mj , as for charities mj had never asked for thanks it is something for GOD .credit to mj .

as for the killers, ask katie why she asked AEG to organize mj's memorial, why she invited them to his funeral . Randy philips was at the funeral by the way .

"Like I said The Jacksons are alot SMARTER than Michael MURDERERS there is a reason why MICHAEL ENEMIES where there and one day you will find out. The only thing I can tell you is read between the lines and dont believe everything you hear or see. But sometime when a person is projection a lie thats all they can see and hear".

well, according to mj they were more stupid than we would have ever guessed . they are getting dumper as they are getting older

"Wow, Im sorry I missed that when did Michael Jackson call his Family Stupid ? "

This is exactly what The Jacksons needed to do drag these Thieves into court; so whatever they have to do and say to MAKE IT HAPPEN do it, they have a whole Nation behind them. There are things that will come out in this that would never come out in a Criminal Trial, make them prove the Will is not FAKE. It may look like the burden rests on The Jackson but Its a Homicide Case now something these DUMMIES never thought it would be called. So really the Burden will be on none other than JOHN BRANCA. All his supporters and little helpers better get busier, no rest for the Wicked". They should have NEVER MURDERED MICHAEL JACKSON.
first of all katie has to prove that Branca psychologically dominated Michael at the time he signed the will , which is in 1997 not 2002 as many here believe , in 2002 only Blanket's name was added but everything else remained the same .
she then has to explain why for 12 years mj did not change his will , and remove the executors, she is challenging the executors based on "undue influence" so she has to explain what was the very serious condition that prevented mj from removing them as executors even though he served ties with Branca two times in the last 12 years .

as for those who claims there was another will , that is not even a question at this point and to them Mcclain would have been the one to hold such a will since he was with mj in the last years not Branca, use logic please , according to some of you MJ did not want anything to do with Branca so why you hint Branca had the newer will, when logically Mcclain should be the one who had it or at least someone who is not at all close to Branca.

Tohme did not hire Murray , mj knew tohme only a year before his death or even less, Murray was in mj's life since 2006 or 2007 according to Dr.Abrams who said that murray claims that mj was his patient for the last six weeks of his life are total fabrications .

as for Rowe and joe , Rowe was fired by mj and he was hired in the first place because joe was constantly annoying mj with his demands , he hired him and fired him in a matter of weeks , joe and Rowe lied and said mj signed for 10 concerts only , the original contract was published and it had 31 concerts on it not 10 as they were claiming .

joe and Rowe are involved in a lawsuit against mj and his estate because of the crap reunion concert , they wanted to be part of the TIT concerts and when mj refused they went after him for the reunion concert . MJ testified under oath that he did not remember signing the contract with the company randy brought in to refinance the loan which turned out to be true , it was randy who signed the deal not mj and for an unbelievable interest rate .

as when he talked about medication , it was another affidavit , the attorney asked mike whether he could have signed it under the influence of medication he did not give a definite answer AS HE ALWAYS DID , he said maybe, could be , might have been true, can't deny nor confirm . a typical michael jackson answers.
Yes katherine will have to prove her case against the lawyers, I read somewhere dont know how true but dr thome brought dr murray on and AEG were paying the bill for dr murray, and how do you know joe and rowe are involved in a lawsuit against mj estate? and how do you know randy signed the contract and not michael? michael did not say randy sign it in that video interview, michael said he did'nt remember signing the contract, and he did say it could have been the medication he was taking why he did'nt remember, he did not blame randy. you are speculating again.
mjmystery enough said . MJ's estate is gonna end in his kids hands HIS KIDS HIS KIDS even though the jackson and you believe otherwise . HIS KIDS whether you like it or not are gonna get EVERYTHING .
Yes katherine will have to prove her case against the lawyers, I read somewhere dont know how true but dr thome brought dr murray on and AEG were paying the bill for dr murray, and how do you know joe and rowe are involved in a lawsuit against mj estate? and how do you know randy signed the contract and not michael? michael did not say randy sign it in that video interview, michael said he did'nt remember signing the contract, and he did say it could have been the medication he was taking why he did'nt remember, he did not blame randy. you are speculating again.

no dr tohme did not bring murray , murray knew mj for three years before mj's death , tohme came into mj'slife only months before his death with the neverland issue .the claims about tohme bringing murray are coming from people who think sony, aeg hired murray to kill mike and they knew murray knew mj way before AEG .

joe signed the deal with the company in November, Rowe confirmed that mj agreed to be part of the concert and he should have been held responsible when he broke the contract by signing with AEG . allgood sued mj and are now suing the estate for 30 millions they are claiming they would have gotten from that one concert .

as for randy there was a lawsuit against mj, Randy was his manager at the time he signed the deal , mj knew and did not approve it , he was sued and ended up paying 5 millions because randy did sign the document . I mentioned this because i thought that was the case you were talking about .

from your second post i believe you are talking about dieter wiesner lawsuit , mj did not say I WAS UNDER THE INFLUNECE, he said maybe i took medication back then , HUGE DIFFERENCE . and a typical mj answer . FOXY .
it is fair to say that Frank is also part of the allgood concert saga , he signed a deal with them promising he would convince mj to be part of it within 4 months but he was not at all mj's manager at that time, and mj could have never been legaly held responsible for what frank signed at the time, joe also promised he would get mj on board along with the rest of the family . joe and rowe sold stories to rogy boy about mj's not being mentally and physically prepared to do the concerts when he turned the allgood proposals down .
there was a war launched against mj where the sources were always "close to the family", after his death they all revealed themselves. joe was one of the sources.
frank's rotten
rowe is rotten
faye is eh
ortega...all of them

but the family?

of course branca and mcclain know about what's in the trust. he was in debt when he died so to distribute those assets, they need to see how solvent the estate was. but that's besides the point.

no one is saying he left his family broke...this is them trying to get more. and honestly...would u want randy jackson in control of ur finances?
"I think its a Bad Joke worthy of The Jacksons to bring forth" he who laughes last laughes loudest. You may not know this but John Branca as been known and reported with a HISTORY of having "undue influence" with Michael and that was one of the reason he was Reported FIRED because of.

anything to back this up ?

As far as I know MJ fired Branca when he was close with Geffen (Geffen was saying bad things about Branca). But later he found out that Geffen was lying to him, severed his ties with him and rehired Branca. The second time around (during or after trial) Branca himself resigned as he was not happy with the people around MJ.
they have to explain why mj did not change the will in 12 years even though he served ties with Branca , How possibly could they explain that mj was psychologically dominated by Branca and at the same time say he was very suspicious of him and did not trust him at all to the point he "fired " him yet he did not remove him as an executor.

another thing , the will must have witnesses ,it will be interesting to know who were the witnesses .
no dr tohme did not bring murray , murray knew mj for three years before mj's death , tohme came into mj'slife only months before his death with the neverland issue .the claims about tohme bringing murray are coming from people who think sony, aeg hired murray to kill mike and they knew murray knew mj way before AEG .

joe signed the deal with the company in November, Rowe confirmed that mj agreed to be part of the concert and he should have been held responsible when he broke the contract by signing with AEG . allgood sued mj and are now suing the estate for 30 millions they are claiming they would have gotten from that one concert .

as for randy there was a lawsuit against mj, Randy was his manager at the time he signed the deal , mj knew and did not approve it , he was sued and ended up paying 5 millions because randy did sign the document . I mentioned this because i thought that was the case you were talking about .

from your second post i believe you are talking about dieter wiesner lawsuit , mj did not say I WAS UNDER THE INFLUNECE, he said maybe i took medication back then , HUGE DIFFERENCE . and a typical mj answer . FOXY .
It's allgood entertainment suing the estate, it's not joe or rowe suing the estate, you said in one of your response that rowe was fired by michael rowe said he was not fired by michael and that the people around michael were trying to keep him away, yes randy was michael manager at that time but michael did not say randy signed the contract in that interview, anything suggesting that is speculation. randy did not sign the contract if he did michael would have said so in that interview. why do you blame michael family for everything negative?
the one you are talking about is dieter lawsuit, the one i'm talking about is the lawsuit brought by the company randy made a deal with to refinance mj's loan . totally different thing .

rowe is part of the lawsuit, he was fired , he was claiming he did not see the paper mj sent to him where he told him he was not representing him , he did not say he was not fired , he said he did not receive the papers . michael did say that he did not sign any papers with that company , he even said he had never heard about the deal, he went and said randy and his associate wanted him to sell his share in the catalogue and that the billionaire ron burkle was warning him not to sign any paper under any circumstances .