Latoya performing in Rasputin-nightclub


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011


International diva and superstar :giggle:
Pop History In The Making :hysterical:

Edited to add, I just watched the video of Latoya's "performance" :bugeyed
If Angelina Jolie's leg has its own facebook account, Latoya's toupee should have one too:)
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I like her make-up. It seems the wig started off nice and neat, but when she touched it with her hands and began shaking her head the ends became messy and the whole thing ending up looking like a nest. I like her outfit too.
You all are braver than I am. I'm too frightened to watch the clip, scared I may throw up and have nightmares...

It was horrible enough when she tried to sing "Wanna Be Startin Somethin'". :puke:
You all are braver than I am. I'm too frightened to watch the clip, scared I may throw up and have nightmares...

It was horrible enough when she tried to sing "Wanna Be Startin Somethin'". :puke:

Girlllll! I am not even gonna sugarcoat anything..when I saw her outfit and that wig I was like:

And then she sang..I was laughing for real though

...And then I realized that those poor souls were screaming for her like they liked her. I was like:

How much did she pay those people?? Lol
Girlllll! I am not even gonna sugarcoat anything..when I saw her outfit and that wig I was like:

And then she sang..I was laughing for real though

...And then I realized that those poor souls were screaming for her like they liked her. I was like:

How much did she pay those people?? Lol

*Crying laughing* BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA, I'm loving the Kevin Hart gifs!! See? Now I KNOW I made the right choice by not watching it.
I thought she did a very good lip-synching. Watching her wig deteriorate was kind of fascinating. There were no women in that club?
I like her make-up. It seems the wig started off nice and neat, but when she touched it with her hands and began shaking her head the ends became messy and the whole thing ending up looking like a nest. I like her outfit too.
I like her makeup and outfit too-I have no affection for LaToya, that went out the window in 93-but looking at this reminded me of how cute she was in the Jackson Variety show dancing with Michael-she worked really hard in that. And reminded of the "wolf" whistle she got at his Grammy sweep-a-thon.
And frankly, I'm glad that she's working and not "scheming" on a plan to overthrow the Estate.
Can anyone explain to me why is she dressing so much like a drag queen? A little too much time with Ru'paul I'm guessing.