"Manly" Michael.


Wow, I mean just WOW
Oh my Godddddddd. I think it is somewhat tragic that I'm 21 and none of the current 'celebrities' appeal to me in anyway like Michael!!!! How will we ever find someone as hot/cute/beautiful/sexy/amazing/playful ..?




Oh my Godddddddd. I think it is somewhat tragic that I'm 21 and none of the current 'celebrities' appeal to me in anyway like Michael!!!! How will we ever find someone as hot/cute/beautiful/sexy/amazing/playful ..?

Same here!!!
Oh my Godddddddd. I think it is somewhat tragic that I'm 21 and none of the current 'celebrities' appeal to me in anyway like Michael!!!! How will we ever find someone as hot/cute/beautiful/sexy/amazing/playful ..?


Mhmm, I'm right there with you girl. Totally agree.
And oh my gosh, this photo is kiiiiillling me! :love:
Oh my Godddddddd. I think it is somewhat tragic that I'm 21 and none of the current 'celebrities' appeal to me in anyway like Michael!!!! How will we ever find someone as hot/cute/beautiful/sexy/amazing/playful ..?

yeah... i second this -_-
OMG OMG OMG!!! I loveyou guys so much!!! you just make my day!!!:wub::wub::wub:
All those pics...
Where to begin??? :wild::wild::wild:

soz thanks for trying to help me! Still doesnt work! :-(

Hey girl! You have to go to photobuket or tinypic and there there is anoption with alink that says forums you just have to copy that link and paste it here! I hope I helped :D

Why would I search for a boyfriend when THIS is what makes me loose myself.
Mmm.. Mike, why did you go, damn. Now I'm condamned to single status.

Welcome to my life... one you know Mike you realize the rest of men are just .... blaaaaaaaaa (no ofence to any of you boys hahah)

Oh and this one...dear god...his neck & caramel skin....:wub:


When I saw the titel of the thread I though of this pic inmediatelly!!! OMG he is so F**** HOt!!! :swoon::wub:


*drooling* :dribble:
I am going to need therapy after this!!! How??? just HOW??? someone can be this georgeos!!!???:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed


So hot :wub:
Don't have this in a better quality, but this Dirty Diana performance is just :swoon:

This needs movement!


OH GOD yes! :heat:

I have a new-found obsession with his neck because of this thread.

Neeeeeeeeeeeeck!!! I have always always love his neck.....:wub::wub::wub:

I love stubble. :wub:


I don't know who that girl is, but Michael looks HOT! :bugeyed

She is some mexican actress Barbara Mori... hate her for touching my man!!
So I'm not the only one ey.. bad isn't it!

Some more from Jesse Jackson's 66th Birthday (from mjjpictures.com 2006-2008 appearances.) Don't know if these are particulary 'manly' but hes lookin good!





So I'm not the only one ey.. bad isn't it!

Some more from Jesse Jackson's 66th Birthday (from mjjpictures.com 2006-2008 appearances.) Don't know if these are particulary 'manly' but hes lookin good!






Oh.... he looks great...:wild::wild::wild::wild::wild::wild::wild::wild::wild::wild::wild:
Neckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG :girl_love:
*pg licks, kisses, nobs, smells, moves to live in it*

Ok, I know y'all r gonna be like wtf? but This pic of him doesnt look like him. Or is it because his lips have a different color. I dont know...but yeah...its weird right? sorry to go off topic but I had to let it out!

What I actually find weird about this pic is that his eyes are looking at th same place..

*see Macro thread for this pic macroed ;)