Merged: Psychics channel Michael

You made me laugh, Amy :lol: Looks like you psychics were fake or you missed something?
Well I know she's not a fake...she probably just got the month wrong. But daaaang man. I've been waitin' 4 frikkin' years... bring on the change already! I guess I could have not done something I was supposed to do...ya know, free will combined with my lazy butt. Surely my soul self woulda known what position I would be in here though...exactly how my brain would work at this time. I see no way out except to just wait. And so I have. Bah.
I've been really busy lately and I just did a quick skim read and I feel the love from you guys and I ADORE YOU. I just wanna say... I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!
:group: :heart:

I noticed that we are quite the bunch of people who feel inspired by MJ...I'll shyly add my piece to the mix. I swear, my hand almost fell off playing that thing. I love hearing what you all wrote, it's amazing how many people feel inspired!
Wow, really beautiful, thanks :)

I believe when ppl create religious rules and dogmas, everything gets twisted because the religion becomes a social institution and works as tool to get money and power. This is what happened with Christianity imo. I think this is the last thing Michael would want to see for his legacy. However, I still consider Michael being a modern day’s prophet who delivered a message. I hope it makes sense for you guys. :)
I agree. Religion seems to always go bad because at first people come together with an idea, then they disagree on some key points, then someone takes charge to try to bring it all together and then the power structure is put in place... and darnit, eventually power corrupts and then you end up with a big ole mess that's nothing like it used to be or was meant to be.

Jeff Goldblum was also at the party lol. I remember I had another dream about him before nearly a year ago, where I just randomly bumped into him in a store while an alien was attacking New York.
Also, has anyone seen the movie "Waking Life"? I just watched it today and found it really fascinating. It's animated, about a guy who's lucid dreaming and he goes on a philosophical journey. It's really interesting. I recommend it.
Sounds like Independence Day (your dream, lol). No, haven't see Waking Life. Will have to see if that's available around here.

EDIT: I'm just realizing that it's March 31st... which means that the whole March 'prophecy' that I mentioned to you guys months ago...that I was given by some psychics... was WRONG. Wtf, man... that ain't cool. I'm peeved now.
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Here's a crazy story, on topic with amygrace's March prediction: One of the only times I've seen a psychic was in 1993, when I was 21. She had a great rep and and was totally right on when my sister saw her. She told me the next man in my life, like my forever love, and I would meet early the next year (1994). She went on to describe him. I'm not making any of this up... it's straight from my 1993 notes :lol:: He's in his mid-30's at the time I'm seeing him. He's about 5'9" to 5'10". He has dark brown to black curly hair that's thin in an area on the top. He's only truly been in love once and lost her, big heartache. He's got a lot of money, but ... like he didn't earn it all from work or something? Maybe through investments or gambling? He's VERY, VERY kind. He's warm, a very, sweet and caring person with a huge heart and lots of love to give. (I think she said you'd naturally want to hug him, like he's a big teddy bear, lol.) He's got a great sense of humor, laughs a lot, very playful and jovial, but he's also extremely self-critical. So these two may mix and result in jokes about himself... silly names, that kind of thing. He's feeling very lonely right now and is going through some really tough times.

:bugeyed I admit at the time I was in love with this guy from work (whom that description didn't match at all) and I was like... damn. :sad: But then I got to thinking about it and I was like.... whoooooaaa, wait a minute... that kinda sounds like someone :scratch: :wild: (The thin hair on top never clicked backed then... I mean we didn't really know much about that at the time) But then I thought... nahhhh, no way. But I almost had myself convinced that MJ and I were meant for each other and would soon meet, like our eye contact moment at Disneyland and the next-to-the-limo thing in Denver were precursors. OMG! And so I kept wondering how, being that I couldn't travel, we'd meet in Colorado in early 1994. One day I saw on the news that Michael had just been in Denver for a court appearance for that ho that claimed he stole Dangerous. But he flew out immediately after court. NooOoOOOOOoOoOOO! That was my early 1994! Michael!!!! Why???!!! :cheeky: I recently thought of this again and was like... what if? What if it was a possible timeline? Imagine, lol. Not that I don't love my hubby, but... :lol:

(I guess she was just picking up on MJ because he's my "forever lover" :wub:)
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Here's a crazy story, on topic with amygrace's March prediction: One of the only times I've seen a psychic was in 1993, when I was 21. She had a great rep and and was totally right on when my sister saw her. She told me the next man in my life, like my forever love, and I would meet early the next year (1994). She went on to describe him. I'm not making any of this up... it's straight from my 1993 notes :lol:: He's in his mid-30's at the time I'm seeing him. He's about 5'9" to 5'10". He has dark brown to black curly hair that's thin in an area on the top. He's only truly been in love once and lost her, big heartache. He's got a lot of money, but ... like he didn't earn it all from work or something? Maybe through investments or gambling? He's VERY, VERY kind. He's warm, a very, sweet and caring person with a huge heart and lots of love to give. (I think she said you'd naturally want to hug him, like he's a big teddy bear, lol.) He's got a great sense of humor, laughs a lot, very playful and jovial, but he's also extremely self-critical. So these two may mix and result in jokes about himself... silly names, that kind of thing. He's feeling very lonely right now and is going through some really tough times.

:bugeyed I admit at the time I was in love with this guy from work (whom that description didn't match at all) and I was like... damn. :sad: But then I got to thinking about it and I was like.... whoooooaaa, wait a minute... that kinda sounds like someone :scratch: :wild: (The thin hair on top never clicked backed then... I mean we didn't really know much about that at the time) But then I thought... nahhhh, no way. But I almost had myself convinced that MJ and I were meant for each other and would soon meet, like our eye contact moment at Disneyland and the next-to-the-limo thing in Denver were precursors. OMG! And so I kept wondering how, being that I couldn't travel, we'd meet in Colorado in early 1994. One day I saw on the news that Michael had just been in Denver for a court appearance for that ho that claimed he stole Dangerous. But he flew out immediately after court. NooOoOOOOOoOoOOO! That was my early 1994! Michael!!!! Why???!!! :cheeky: I recently thought of this again and was like... what if? What if it was a possible timeline? Imagine, lol. Not that I don't love my hubby, but... :lol:

(I guess she was just picking up on MJ because he's my "forever lover" :wub:)
:swoon: No way! That's amazing. Wow... I mean, I can see why she would pick up on Michael as being like the "love of your life" - but to pick up on him as someone you were actually going to meet? And then it so happened that he was right in Denver at that time period...? Daaang. Maybe she did intuit the message wrong...but, if that were me getting that reading...I woulda been running after him nonstop until I least got to shake his hand or something...:lol: I mean, I wouldn't normally put so much stock into psychic readings like that, but this is MICHAEL, man. When it comes to him, there's no room for messin' around. lol.
Mjbunny, could you tell me please how you can be in love with you hubby and Michael at the same time? I think it might be a bit confusing unless it is a diffrent kinda love :cheeky:
When I first met my husband I actually thought he was a girl (foreign name, you know - never can tell :lol:) because he talked so adoringly about Michael. So it's like he's "in love" (in a totally non-sexual way, I swear ;)) with MJ as well. I don't know... it's hard to explain. I've said before that sometimes we joke about "husband #1" and "husband #2" :lol:

I think I understand it mostly like this: my love for both of them is something spiritual and constant and non-physical. My hubby's my best friend. And although I might have more than that with him, in the end what is left at the base of it all, the REAL, is that friendship and the feeling we know each other from the other side. I feel the same about Michael. So while I might get all hot and bothered watching TWYMMF in Warsaw ( because... O-M--G! :heat: - :innocent:), in the end that's just a mood. It's a momentary desire that I may not need to feel in an hour's time. That's really what I've come to understand. There's the REAL and then there are moods we have because of physical life and physical bodies. My love for Michael in the end is ... well, the way I felt the moment I knew he'd left us: it's pure. Purely wanting with every fiber of my being and quantum atom of my soul that he be surrounded by love and light and taken care of by angels, no matter if I need him... wanting him to be happy, at peace and free. That's how I truly love Michael and that's what carries into eternity. And this is something I've found because of him and I'm learning to apply this to all relationships. In the end, if your mother pisses you off, ok. But what's at the base of your relationship? Being angry is a mood. It's not forever. Love lives forever. That's the REAL. Excitement, anger, lust, longing, sadness, fear... they're all just moods. Love is that deep part in your soul that's at the root of how you really feel about family, friends, Michael, the world, God. So my moods may cycle through all sorts of "in love" moments with Michael, but the real love is what I know in my soul. Hope that makes some sense ;)
^mjbunny, :clapping::clapping: excellent answer! I'd rep you for that but it says I have to give others rep before I can give you more. :lol: Great post though...couldn't have said it better myself.
^ Just wanted to add that I find the following songs really beautiful and to contain a reverance for the beloved that I could apply to both Michael and my husband: Speechless (you know who :wub:), Annie's Song (John Denver), Friend, Mother, Sister, Lover, Wife (Prince - I think his most beautiful ballad ever), Lady (Styx) ... among others. Those were just the first I thought of.
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I'm with you on Annie's Song...perfect for Michael indeed! :heart:

Edit: Never heard that Prince song it! The chorus is perfect. This part too: "Teacher, healer, feeler, sight for sore eyes". Thanks for sharing that!
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I'm with you on Annie's Song...perfect for Michael indeed! :heart:
What's always gotten me in this song, ever since I was a kid, are the lines "come let me love you, let me give my life to you, let my drown in your laughter, let me die in your arms". It's the "LET"... like I have all this love, please LET me give it to you, give me the privilege, honor, the gift of being allowed to love you. Let me love you. How terrible is it to love someone who won't accept your love :(

And I think MJ fans have felt this kind of love on such a deep level. It's why people always freaked out so much, not because we're crazed about celebrity or glittery socks. It's like you have all this LOVE inside and you just have to GIVE it or you'll burst, and if you ever had the privilege of getting close enough to Michael to be allowed to give it to him you just cried with "Michael, I love you! I love you! I love you so much!" because it's your chance (maybe your one chance in life) to give this love. Yes, we wanted to be close, to bask in his presence, to live the excitement... but in the end what you wanted the most was that you were allowed to tell him that you love him, that he would hear you, that he would feel it. That was my one comfort in the days after June 25th. I believed he was over there and could FEEL the love. He must've gone through a 'life review' where you fully experience how you've impacted others, right? He must've found out that we truly LOVE him, I mean in a way he maybe hadn't felt or understood it completely before. With the full impact, he knows it now. And that was always what I wanted beyond anything :cry:
It makes perfect sense to me. I love Michael too and it is very spiritual and it is somwhere deep in my soul.
Hovewer, I asked you this question because I was in love with two men at the same time lol and it was crazy confusing.
Also, they were friends and both very successful , very handsome and both loved me.:) They were equal to me.
I'll tell the truth my love to one man was spiritual and with another one we had relationships on many levels. It was the most craziest thing in my life and I had to choose in the end which one:) ;) Well, I made a wrong choice! :lol: Also, I have learned that those “triangles” never work.:lol:
LOL, well yes. Been in one myself, as one of the two women loved by one man :rolleyes2: I could never understand him... how could he truly love us both? If you love me and want me, then dump her. Pick one, dangit! You can't have both! :lol: And yeah, it turned out bad. I was hurt really bad after that long relationship with the guy I thought I'd marry :( With Michael, though, it's totally non-possessive. Like if some chick thinks she's laying hands on my hubby... ahhh HELLLL no! But if Bianca kisses on Michael in a group meditation :lmao:, well, you know. It's ok ;)

Edit: Never heard that Prince song it! The chorus is perfect. This part too: "Teacher, healer, feeler, sight for sore eyes". Thanks for sharing that!
Isn't it beautiful? Really, normally I don't like his ballads because they have lyrics that don't touch me and icky harmonies, lol. And I really like Prince overall. But this song is amazing. "Air, food, water... love of my life." Oh! :heart: (Actually he had a couple of other decent ballads on the Emancipation album too. It was during the time he was married. I guess that's what real love does :wub:)
What's always gotten me in this song, ever since I was a kid, are the lines "come let me love you, let me give my life to you, let my drown in your laughter, let me die in your arms". It's the "LET"... like I have all this love, please LET me give it to you, give me the privilege, honor, the gift of being allowed to love you. Let me love you. How terrible is it to love someone who won't accept your love :(

And I think MJ fans have felt this kind of love on such a deep level. It's why people always freaked out so much, not because we're crazed about celebrity or glittery socks. It's like you have all this LOVE inside and you just have to GIVE it or you'll burst, and if you ever had the privilege of getting close enough to Michael to be allowed to give it to him you just cried with "Michael, I love you! I love you! I love you so much!" because it's your chance (maybe your one chance in life) to give this love. Yes, we wanted to be close, to bask in his presence, to live the excitement... but in the end what you wanted the most was that you were allowed to tell him that you love him, that he would hear you, that he would feel it. That was my one comfort in the days after June 25th. I believed he was over there and could FEEL the love. He must've gone through a 'life review' where you fully experience how you've impacted others, right? He must've found out that we truly LOVE him, I mean in a way he maybe hadn't felt or understood it completely before. With the full impact, he knows it now. And that was always what I wanted beyond anything :cry:
Gah you are so right on. I thought about this a lot last night too...about feeling SO much love for Michael, but he's not here for me to just give that to him. It sounds like a silly thing but it's really hard, to have all the energy inside for someone and not be able to express that to them. I'm always offering my love...sending it out into the ethers...but I never see it being received in any real way. Just as you said I feel like I'm going to burst sometimes with this energy. Last night I was feeling it so much in fact that I had to do my own little visualization of me giving Michael my love...just envisioning me holding him as tight as I possibly could...gazing into his eyes, telling him I love him and just imagining that energy transfer. But in the end I just wanted to cry...because I can't really know or see that he feels and accepts my love. I feel like my energy is just frantically running around in circles.

While I was doing my visualization process, I listened to the song "To Make You Feel My Love". I know it's using the word "make" instead of "let"...but it's still a humble, beautiful song. The lyrics go:

When the rain is blowing in your face
And the whole world is on your case
I would offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love

When the evening shadows and the stars appear
And there is no one to dry your tears
I could hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love

I'd go hungry, I'd go blind for you
I'd go crawling down the avenue
There ain't nothing that I wouldn't do
To make you feel my love

There ain't nothing that I wouldn't do
Go to the ends of the earth for you
Make you happy, make your dreams come true
To make you feel my love

:cry: I just kept sending out that energy...'this is what I feel Michael, this is what I would do, because I care that you feel it?'

I think you are right, that in his life review he was surely able to see and FEEL the very real impact he has had on all of us...the true, deep love that we have for him. That thought really comforts me when I get to thinking about how he often felt so lonely in this life. :cry: All I could ever want for him is to feel the love from everyone... the love that he deserves. I guess what's still hard is just the fact that I can't see him receive my love personally... and in a real way, as I've said. That sounds selfish...but it feels selfless. Like handing over a gift to someone personally. It's all for them...but you want it to come straight from you. You want to hand it to them.
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Gah you are so right on. I thought about this a lot last night too...about feeling SO much love for Michael, but he's not here for me to just give that to him. It sounds like a silly thing but it's really hard, to have all the energy inside for someone and not be able to express that to them. I'm always offering my love...sending it out into the ethers...but I never see it being received in any real way. Just as you said I feel like I'm going to burst sometimes with this energy. Last night I was feeling it so much in fact that I had to do my own little visualization of me giving Michael my love...just envisioning me holding him as tight as I possibly could...gazing into his eyes, telling him I love him and just imagining that energy transfer. But in the end I just wanted to cry...because I can't really know or see that he feels and accepts my love. I feel like my energy is just frantically running around in circles.

While I was doing my visualization process, I listened to the song "To Make You Feel My Love". I know it's using the word "make" instead of "let"...but it's still a humble, beautiful song. The lyrics go:

When the rain is blowing in your face
And the whole world is on your case
I would offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love

When the evening shadows and the stars appear
And there is no one to dry your tears
I could hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love

I'd go hungry, I'd go blind for you
I'd go crawling down the aisle for you
There ain't nothing that I wouldn't do
To make you feel my love

There ain't nothing that I wouldn't do
Go to the ends of the earth for you
Make you happy, make your dreams come true
To make you feel my love

:cry: I just kept sending out that energy...this is what I feel Michael, this is what I would do, because I care that you feel it? I think you are right, that in his life review he was surely able to see and FEEL the very real impact he has had on all of us...the true, deep love that we have for him. That thought really comforts me when I get to thinking about how he was often so lonely in this life. :cry: All I could ever want for him is to feel the love from everyone... the love that he deserves. I guess what's still hard is just the fact that I can't see him receive my love personally... and in a real way. That sounds selfish...but it feels selfless. Like handing over a gift to someone personally. It's all for them...but you want it to come straight from you. You want to hand it to them.

I know how you feel :cry: :hug:
Like if some chick thinks she's laying hands on my hubby... ahhh HELLLL no! But if Bianca kisses on Michael in a group meditation :lmao:, well, you know. It's ok ;)
That made me LOL. Haha... ain't that just the way it goes.

Isn't it beautiful? Really, normally I don't like his ballads because they have lyrics that don't touch me and icky harmonies, lol. And I really like Prince overall. But this song is amazing. "Air, food, water... love of my life." Oh! :heart:
Oh yes that line...:wub: perfection. I don't really know much about Prince...have only heard a few of his songs. Maybe I should do more research on him...see what all he's got out there.
^ Nice lyrics :cry: I really believe he feels it :angel: (If You Don't Love Me just came on my mp3 player, lol.) And one day I think it will be 'in person'... one day. But I know it's (hopefully) a long time to wait.

Heading to sleep finally... goodnight all. Nice love conversations tonight :heart:
I truly hope he's there to greet me when it's my time to go. :cry:

Goodnight mjbunny, and everyone else...I'm headed to bed too. Love you all so much. :group:
Prince...have only heard a few of his songs. Maybe I should do more research on him...see what all he's got out there.

Its a shame Prince doesnt allow his songs on youtube. He has a few good ones. I was never too much of a fan even though he is from my state of Minnesota lol.
Gah, I miss all the fun at night everytime! Looool.

What's always gotten me in this song, ever since I was a kid, are the lines "come let me love you, let me give my life to you, let my drown in your laughter, let me die in your arms". It's the "LET"... like I have all this love, please LET me give it to you, give me the privilege, honor, the gift of being allowed to love you. Let me love you. How terrible is it to love someone who won't accept your love :(
Oooh...too weird, this is like the exact reason why I've been having this huge breakdown (well, among other stuff)...just having no one to accept my love while I'm basically overloading with it. :cry:

And I think MJ fans have felt this kind of love on such a deep level. It's why people always freaked out so much, not because we're crazed about celebrity or glittery socks. It's like you have all this LOVE inside and you just have to GIVE it or you'll burst, and if you ever had the privilege of getting close enough to Michael to be allowed to give it to him you just cried with "Michael, I love you! I love you! I love you so much!" because it's your chance (maybe your one chance in life) to give this love. Yes, we wanted to be close, to bask in his presence, to live the excitement... but in the end what you wanted the most was that you were allowed to tell him that you love him, that he would hear you, that he would feel it. That was my one comfort in the days after June 25th. I believed he was over there and could FEEL the love. He must've gone through a 'life review' where you fully experience how you've impacted others, right? He must've found out that we truly LOVE him, I mean in a way he maybe hadn't felt or understood it completely before. With the full impact, he knows it now. And that was always what I wanted beyond anything :cry:
Right onnn. His love was something else man, it's like...I think basically a lot other fans would feel like he's the true one for them (including me hehe) but that love of him was so deep and on such another level at the same time. It's like, he had love-love but also higher-love. (Craaaaazy that you got that description told to you by a psychic, ha! :bugeyed) But that love exactly made it so unreachable at the same time...I think also that he didn't really realize when alive how much love he had to offer and how much he had sent out. For the overall part, yes, but I like to think he indeed knows it now, how he sees the impact, like ' I was seen that way, I really touched so many hearts?'. D'aaaw.

But yeah, it's hard because in the end I keep on comparing every guy in some way to Michael. He has set like my whole requirements package for a guy, lol. Who found your perfect man, maybe there's really someone out there who touches my heart in some way like Michael does...or at least comes close, although Michael would always be a different kind of higher-love for me as well. :heart: :timer:
(Sorry about the kissing in meditations, HAHAH. :tease:)

While I was doing my visualization process, I listened to the song "To Make You Feel My Love". I know it's using the word "make" instead of "let"...but it's still a humble, beautiful song. The lyrics go:
:cry: I just kept sending out that energy...'this is what I feel Michael, this is what I would do, because I care that you feel it?'
Oh I love that song, it's quite an oldie...I remember they played it on MTV when I was feeling down somewhere in June and now I can barely listen to it anymore. That song got a whole different kind of meaning. Such true lyrics. :(

I think you are right, that in his life review he was surely able to see and FEEL the very real impact he has had on all of us...the true, deep love that we have for him. That thought really comforts me when I get to thinking about how he often felt so lonely in this life. :cry: All I could ever want for him is to feel the love from everyone... the love that he deserves. I guess what's still hard is just the fact that I can't see him receive my love personally... and in a real way, as I've said. That sounds selfish...but it feels selfless. Like handing over a gift to someone personally. It's all for them...but you want it to come straight from you. You want to hand it to them.
Think it's such a pity that he wasn't really able to feel that love he was getting, I some way he did "I can feel your love through the walls" (or something like that) but in the end he was still human...he must've had a hard time being alone, I can imagine. But I think we've talked about that before, how he maybe couldn't really be loved by only one person...that it would change his direction of love towards the world, it was just such another level. Now he's passed, I feel like he's cleared from those restrictions that earth has.
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I do think michael felt our love strongly and kept it with him always. But i guess maybe in some way it still felt like somethin was missing for him. I just wish he could have gotten that "somethin" and felt truly happy in his life.
mjbunny I agree with asedora, you have a great sense of humour. I'm always laughing at your posts. It's just the way you put things. :)

I'm listening to the Prince song now. It's very beautiful. I got a greatest hits album of his recently but that song isn't on it. (Off topic) He was being sued recently for canceling a gig in Dublin. The organisers were furious and he said something like 'Tell the cats to chill, we will sort this out' :lol:

I feel the same when it comes to Michael but I want people to get to kiss him in meditations. We know that we are not the only people who like him and that we are not actually involved with him so we are like a group of supportive mistresses :lol:

This is totally off topic but I thought you might find it amusing. I was listening to one of my songs yesterday. It's from 2006-ish.

The lyrics are:
He wants a life that's so far away
He doesn't know if he can take it
He doesn't know if he can fake the end
If he can fake it

I have had people tell me that they thought the song was about a man faking orgasm (!) and since that, I can't get that meaning for it out of my head. When I heard it yesterday I thought of the conspiracy theory that Michael faked his death. Now that one is stuck there :tickingtimebomb and the worst part is I can't remember what the actual meaning of it is anymore.

I know what the first two lines are, they're pretty obvious but what's with the last two?! I don't even know why I wrote that!
This is totally off topic but I thought you might find it amusing. I was listening to one of my songs yesterday. It's from 2006-ish.

The lyrics are:
He wants a life that's so far away
He doesn't know if he can take it
He doesn't know if he can fake the end
If he can fake it

I have had people tell me that they thought the song was about a man faking orgasm (!) and since that, I can't get that meaning for it out of my head. When I heard it yesterday I thought of the conspiracy theory that Michael faked his death. Now that one is stuck there :tickingtimebomb and the worst part is I can't remember what the actual meaning of it is anymore.

I know what the first two lines are, they're pretty obvious but what's with the last two?! I don't even know why I wrote that!

How the heck can those lyrics be bout a man faking a orgasm.....???? lol
I'd say they were just going by the last two lines. So many people can sing along to a song but never take the time to think about what it's about. Another one of my songs someone got confused with was 'I feel so lost and hated'. They thought I was saying 'I feel so constipated' :doh:
I'd say they were just going by the last two lines. So many people can sing along to a song but never take the time to think about what it's about. Another one of my songs someone got confused with was 'I feel so lost and hated'. They thought I was saying 'I feel so constipated' :doh:

Now thats even worse! :doh: how can....ok im not gonna even ask lol
Hey everyone! I've missed this thread. My internet connection screwed up, so it's been on and off for about 3 days. :mellow:

Hope everyone's ok. :hug:
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A poem that I wrote for Michael :

The birds are singing in the clear blue sky,
The sun is shining on the rooftops,
And apart from the silence of the city - nothing can be heard,
Not an engine,
Not a yell,
Nor a screech,
It all stands in the break of dawn,
Paralyised, unable to move,
And it draws the heavens together,
Along with the air and the ground,
And that, my love, is when I feel you.

I see your dance in the movement of the birds,
And hear your song in their tune,
I hear your mirth in the bliss of the moment,
Just as the sun is coldly beaming,
On the rooftops and in my eyes,
A dawn so cold it freezes my tears,
Tears of glee or pain?
I do not know,
But whatever it may be,
It's glad to feel you and all that you are,
And to know that no matter where you take flight,
You never forget those who shed tears for you, day and night.

As I look at the trees,
And see nature glide in unison,
It erases all doubts and fears of that of a niave person,
And re-educated that life continues in one form or another,
And that the worlds merge together when we let go off facts and figures and remember that not all is logic,
And that's when I hold the truest truth.

With that in mind I run back to my room,
My world, my joy, my peace, though not my universe,
My universe is the heavens and the skies combined with the light of your smile,
Death is not an obstacle,
Not for us,
So when I recall the truth,
That, my love, is when I feel you.
Gee, I can hear the birds chirping in here! ;) How are ya guys doing?

Still not doing too well myself, but I just laughed my ass mom was planning to go to my dad to sort things out with the divorce. She's been screaming "I hope he fells flat on his face" all week out of angryness, and guess what.....he called that he fell off a stairwalk tonight so she wouldn't have to come. He broke his foot and he has to rest for 2 weeks. Shit's too funny...I guess my mom's been sending out a lil' too much of her thoughts. I mean, he hasn't fell like that for like half of his life! :lol:

Also, I was just keeping up with the Inner Michael blog and saw this post...exactly what we've been talking about. :angel:

Once every millennium or so comes along…
a being who feels the world
and its pain
in his own heart
takes it on as his mission
exacts our attention
and leads us to compassion.
Some might call such a one “Humanitarian”
Some might call such a one “Prophet”
Some might call such a one “Visionary”
Some might call such a one “Shaman”
Some might call such a one “Guru”
Some might call such a one “Master”
Some might call such a one “Bodhisattva”
Some might call such a one “Messenger”

We had such a one.
And we just called him…
Michael Jackson
:heart: Good morning or goodnight or whatever ;D

^ Mrs Music - Crazy that thing about your dad. Maybe his energy accepted your mom's suggestion because he felt guilty and thought... that's right, I deserve to fall down! Just an idea, lol

Yesterday/Thursday I went to bed after that last post around 8am and then I saw no more of Thursday. I woke up Friday morning around 1am. LOL :doh: Then I kept sleeping and woke up again around 3am and am just staying up now. That's like 19 hours of sleep :bugeyed LOL, used to do that every other week when I was younger, though, lolol. Since my hubby also came home from work, took a nap and didn't set the alarm, now we have no food or anything (& it's Good Friday holiday ... all stores are closed until Saturday) :lol: Crazy. Guess it's not a bad day to fast. I think I'll have some green tea for breakfast :cheeky:

Had some really disjointed dreams, just weird random stuff. At one point I dreamed something about Michael and I was very sad, but I can't remember what ... something about June 25th. I just know I half woke up almost crying and thought, "Well, it's Good Friday. Jesus died. Michael died. It's fitting." (Just reporting what I thought when half asleep, lol.) Then I dreamed that hubby and I had gone back in time to the weekend of June 27/28 and we were in Los Olivos and wanted to go to the gates of Neverland, but he insisted on writing some big, long poem. It was near dark and I wanted to run by the flower shop beforehand and then drive the rest of the way to Neverland, so there wasn't enough time for that! Then some weird cop showed up and like kidnapped me and drove me around the area and I screamed at him to take me back, which he did. But hubby still wasn't done with his poem. I said, "Just write ... Michael, we miss you. We love you forever" and let's go... Michael can get your whole poem later anyway... he knows how you're feeling without leaving it at Neverland! :smilerolleyes: Don't think we ever made it there, though.

Then I was in London at a Burger King and their special was made from kangaroo meat: "Joey Burgers" (crazy shiz that my brain remembered young kangaroos were called 'joeys' -- if you'd asked me that yesterday I wouldn't have remembered consciously, lolol). So some guy and I split an order of small 'joey burgers' with peanuts on the side (huh?). This kangaroo thing is the 2nd Australia reference in two days... yesterday I had that dream about bringing "Christmas" to a kid in Australia (if anyone read that, lol). Then outside Burger King was a bookstore and lots of books about Michael and people were trying to be clever and tell me stuff I didn't know, but not succeeding :D And I said to one guy, "Ah, I hate all these cheap books that can't even get simple facts right, like MJ was working on writing songs for Thriller in 1983? ... . WRONG."