Michael Jackson Auction in 2009 [Official auction trailer on Post #160]

Re: Michael Jackson Auction in 2009

why am i not surprised. that is so cheesy and gordy that only mike could have designed that LOL

i really do wonder sometimes. no matter how much you want some new material.turning this story around and using it to blame mj is not gonna make the music come any quicker.just makes you loook daft and not have a clue as to what you are on about

Re: Michael Jackson Auction in 2009

Does anyone else around here have annoying friends who are now bugging you about this auction thing? Well mine are.... They find joy in making me frustrated. Last night at the bar that's all they did was harass me about if I was going to buy his glove. They were, of course, inebriated to the nth degree, and so was I a little, so that escalated the taunting also. But I know they would have mocked me if they were sober too.
A lot of people really think Michael is truly broke because of this auction he's holding. So that just, ya know...sucks. They couldn't even comprehend how much stuff this guy has.

I just wanna know i'm not alone on the whole 'friends mocking you' crap because of this auction.

BTW, I can't wait for the auction when it comes on live. I have the auction network so I will DEF. be recording that show!
Re: Michael Jackson Auction in 2009

Does anyone else around here have annoying friends who are now bugging you about this auction thing? Well mine are.... They find joy in making me frustrated. Last night at the bar that's all they did was harass me about if I was going to buy his glove. They were, of course, inebriated to the nth degree, and so was I a little, so that escalated the taunting also. But I know they would have mocked me if they were sober too.
A lot of people really think Michael is truly broke because of this auction he's holding. So that just, ya know...sucks. They couldn't even comprehend how much stuff this guy has.

I just wanna know i'm not alone on the whole 'friends mocking you' crap because of this auction.

BTW, I can't wait for the auction when it comes on live. I have the auction network so I will DEF. be recording that show!
You are not alone (no pun intended), my friends are asking me what am I going to bid on.. If I didn't have a fear of jail, I would take their credit card and charge up something at the auction..lol
Re: Michael Jackson Auction in 2009

You are not alone (no pun intended), my friends are asking me what am I going to bid on.. If I didn't have a fear of jail, I would take their credit card and charge up something at the auction..lol

hmmmmm..........good idea, lol!!!
Re: Michael Jackson Auction in 2009

Ivorykeys: i know how u feel!
My family & friends have been doing the same thing... but i just ignore them hehe
Michael jackson: Official auction trailer

Hey Everyone!!! I just stumbled upon this on You Tube. Its the official trailer for Michaels King of Pop Auction!

What do you guys think about this?
Re: Michael jackson: Official auction trailer

Hey Everyone!!! I just stumbled upon this on You Tube. Its the official trailer for Michaels King of Pop Auction!

What do you guys think about this?

thank you very much.
thanks for postin the trailer!~!! :yes:

*wishes I was rich*
i just bought the boxset of catalouges of Michaels collection, you can get it cheaper than $500 i paid only $163.50 which includes shipping, its only $100.00 if u scroll down you will see, worth adding to my million collection of mj merch:clapping::wild::D
i just bought the boxset of catalouges of Michaels collection, you can get it cheaper than $500 i paid only $163.50 which includes shipping, its only $100.00 if u scroll down you will see, worth adding to my million collection of mj merch:clapping::wild::D

yea but it aint signed by Mike!
A selection of the items will go on a tour early next year. I know they're due to visit London, but I don't know where else.
Re: Michael Jackson Auction in 2009

Michael would not have to sell all his shit if he'd just put out a record already! C'mon, do a video, or two! Something!!!

I've just had a thought - that Mike is sellign few unnecesary things and some of those money would go toward the new video. I think he wants to sponsor himself, like he did with thriller video. it would be such good idea, to not put Sony money into it and Mike to produce it 100%. That means no pressure on him or accusations like invincible ones - we gave you that and that, a lot and you yada yada.

If I were him I would so struggle to avoid that and just sponsor myself, do it in my own terms. :bugeyed
Re: Michael Jackson Auction in 2009

I've just had a thought - that Mike is sellign few unnecesary things and some of those money would go toward the new video. I think he wants to sponsor himself, like he did with thriller video. it would be such good idea, to not put Sony money into it and Mike to produce it 100%. That means no pressure on him or accusations like invincible ones - we gave you that and that, a lot and you yada yada.

If I were him I would so struggle to avoid that and just sponsor myself, do it in my own terms. :bugeyed

If he gets a good team behind him, that would be an excellent way to go.
Prince is just about to release a new album independantly and I know that the money he makes doing it this way has got to be much better.
The only problem I have is that Mike doesn't seem to be able to get the right team together. They all seem to be crooks that are just out to help themselves, which is unfortunate. I think many of the problems he has faced over the past 15 years or so could have been avoided (or reduced) if he had the right people in place.
Re: Michael Jackson Auction in 2009

The only problem I have is that Mike doesn't seem to be able to get the right team together. They all seem to be crooks that are just out to help themselves, which is unfortunate. I think many of the problems he has faced over the past 15 years or so could have been avoided (or reduced) if he had the right people in place.

Well it appears that things have changed for MJ. I mean, one indication is the progress he has made with all of those lawsuits, it didn't take that long and things have apparently turned a corner for MJ. I would have to say that the addition of Peter Lopez and Londell McMillian to the team have certainly been good for MJ.

And things "apparently" are looking good finance wise. With reports of MJ renting that fabulous home in Hombly Hills, I would definitely say that things are looking up for MJ. Don't you agree!
I'd love to find out more about this & I wonder if his stuff will be on tour elsewhere. BTW, I think the trailer is good.

A selection of the items will go on a tour early next year. I know they're due to visit London, but I don't know where else.
PART ONE: My Response These to Fanatical Reactions

Another one of my long posts. No preaching here, just sharing my view of Michael Jackson’s world. Only fans from the beginning of J5 until those fans from the very early 1980s will completely understand the thought behind my words. The rest of you will take what you like and feel free to leave the rest.


[FONT=&quot][/FONT]In regards to freakin' on Michael's every news stroy, the people on this board are fun to watch, but boring to chat with. Stop worrying about a thing. All actions are of his own making. Michael is selling himself and his brand on purpose. Articles of his oddities are back in the news and every small, and strange, rumor is picked up by the press and printed as face…just because you read it in a magazine or see it on a TV screen don’t make it actual, factual…What's going on? What is happening seems simple and plain from watching the man rocket to stardom. Michael is starting over.

Madonna innovator, more like imitator….ever wonder why she puts out nothing good lately? Michael continues making clever business moves. He recently gave up Neverland to a company created by a) Michael Jackson, and b) a Private Funding Company, and with the idea that they will continue and make money as a team. 50/50...half & half... Michael no debt but owns 50% of Neverland whose cash value is in the hundred million dollar plus arena. Hmmm...common knowledge: Michael owns 50% of a company named Sony/ATV…and yet his name is on neither.[FONT=&quot][/FONT]
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PART TWO: My Response These to Fanatical Reactions


Michael Jackson is a 51-year-old man. He has three children who just took a 'round the world trip, taken everywhere by the magical man, very much Auntie Mame of today…education, he has finally found a home…ok, castle…but he likes those. Michael is selling off his "treasures" because…

He is starting OVER. You people want the old Mike. Well, guess what? That is O V E R. It began with all of the re-re-re-re-releases. You people all blame Sony, but don't realize that Michael gets money (actually, LOTS of money) from those sales. He knows what is happening. He has been in control from the beginning...how quickly they forget. He is selling off Neverland because a family named Arvizo destroyed it forever; but face it, that place was a mess. He needed to grow up a bit since he was a new daddy. He was ready, and unfortunately was forced, to move on to his new role in life, father.
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PART THREE: My Response These to Fanatical Reactions


Then….news stories abound. No one sees a full Michael day. Just bits and pieces...Michael in new garbs funking out the camera for 10 minutes…Barnum & Bailey....Frank Dileo is back baby! The legend continues. Does anyone notice his manipulation of the press…again? Seriously, I'm just amazed that he has done this AGAIN without a flash of the eye, no one is catching on. Hang on fans.... The album will plop out soon. He has to create 100 or 200 tracks, and then it will come together in a month. So, be patient…cautious.

He is whispering and constantly talked about. Give it a little time folks, for it means…
…he's Baaa – aaaaaack !
(close up: Fist to the face/front of camera)
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why? is MJ selling his stuff why? cause he doesn't have as much money cause his music is not selling or this is just cause just asking? :yes: