Michael - The Great Album Debate

Sunset driver
Midnight rider
Friday's brighter
Taxi rider
He's an impersonator blighter (Aaow!)
Jean Walker aka Taxi driver happens to be the best MJ sound alike IMO ^^

Listen to this, insane! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDRjzvxUHFw&feature=youtu.be&t=3m5s

It's not really insane though. You can still tell it ain't the real deal. There's no point in mentioning MJ sound-a-likes because none of them actually do sound like him. I'm sure there is a Tupac one that is very close, but MJ not so much. He had things that people just couldn't imitate no matter how much they tried with pasted words and screams.
Anybody else thinks Jason Malachi's answer to John Branca's question if he had anything to do with this, is not what one would expect if he didn't have anything to do with it?

Something in the lines of (I don't have the exact quote): "No, that wouldn't be compatible with my career".

Not: "Of course that's a huge compliment, but no".

or: "I would never betray Michael, I love him too much".

or: "I'm heartbroken by fans who think I would do this to Michael and the controversy affected me very much".

They are not the answers I expect to hear.

Or is it just me who sees things that aren't there?
Actually, when I say SOUND ALIKE, I mean having a voice that sounds more like MJ. Not about his english or singing skills.
I can easily say the same thing to you but reverse it. If you can't hear that it is not MJ singing on these tracks, then you clearly do have an auditory defect. See how easy that was? At some point you have to stop relying on the inside information that somebody choses to share with you, things you are shown on a computer screen and actually listen with your ears. If you can.

Korgnex has been teasing us with critical information for years now. He's still yet to do anything of the sort. And Korgnex, if you read this, I'm not bashing you, just pointing out you have not delivered in the field of "proving" anything, just vocally opposing people like us. Point of the matter still remains: no proof, just claims. Just wild claims all around.
We have to dig deeper and do our best to get info. No one else is going to give it to us.

I know I'm not doing the best I can, but I have to make choices.

(and the English language makes it difficult for me, Oh...how I hate that)
Under absolutely no circumstances will they will be released. Ever. I can assure you of that.

There's no way Sony/the Estate will sit on 9 MJ tracks forever. Someone from the Estate may have told some fan that they wouldn't release them, but that's probably because they could tell that's what that fan wanted to hear, and they didn't want any controversy to overshadow the Bad 25 release party. But if they put out tomorrow morning "Michael Jackson -- The Cascio recordings", they'd sell more copies of that than Motown will of their new Jackson 5 comp, which is jam-packed with never-before-released Jackson 5 recordings.

They'll put out the songs, especially when the MJ well starts to run dry. And the anti-Cascio will whine, but in the end do nothing -- because they can't do anything. And I'll be jamming to "Soldier Boy" in my car with my kids.
Kreen, you are so sure the Michael well will run dry, but Cascio means surplus? Yet, you are here.
Things that make you go hmmm.
Sometimes, i don't care what i post. let me get my money's worth.

What you suggest, Kreen, doesn't give much creedence to Branca, and certainly puts enlightenment into why piracy is at such an all time high, record companies don't know their audiences, and artists have to complain, because consumers think that all music sucks and they want it for free.
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Someone from the Estate may have told some fan that they wouldn't release them, but that's probably because they could tell that's what that fan wanted to hear, and they didn't want any controversy to overshadow the Bad 25 release party.

If only you knew.
I believe the songs are Jason but the vocals have indeed been processed a bit. He also sounds like he's trying hard to sound like MJ while on some of his own songs (after Let Me Let Go) he does not try as hard. The formant and pitch have also been messed with. When I down-pitch something like All I Need, it just sounds even more like MJ.

There was this rumor going on that Jason did not sing some of his OWN songs in Critical and that someone named Matthew Najar sang for him. He was even sending people files claiming they were acapellas of himself singing Jason's songs and people said they were identical. I did see one video uploaded and it was so obviously fake it was a down-pitched version of Breaking News showing the guy's mouth miming in a studio.
There's no way Sony/the Estate will sit on 9 MJ tracks forever. Someone from the Estate may have told some fan that they wouldn't release them, but that's probably because they could tell that's what that fan wanted to hear, and they didn't want any controversy to overshadow the Bad 25 release party. But if they put out tomorrow morning "Michael Jackson -- The Cascio recordings", they'd sell more copies of that than Motown will of their new Jackson 5 comp, which is jam-packed with never-before-released Jackson 5 recordings.

They'll put out the songs, especially when the MJ well starts to run dry. And the anti-Cascio will whine, but in the end do nothing -- because they can't do anything. And I'll be jamming to "Soldier Boy" in my car with my kids.

I can imagine the scene with the kids singing these "genious" lyrics:

*got a bullet to the brain...
...he was stabbing her back, as a matter of fact...
Then his life became serious...

People say that you're blind
Then they say that you're fine
But they won't help you find
Find the road again

If they won't help you fight
So they torture your mind
Then leave you delirious

What Will.I.Am said ain't Mike was the whole thing which was finished without Michael's final involvement.That's Teddy riley,that's Akon,that's Neff-U,but that ain't Mike.
Whatever they want to say about the album,it's OK.Everybody is free to have an opinion.
Could you please ask Angelo about how he thinks about Jason Malachi's ability of imitating Michael comparing that with James Porte's?
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There's no way Sony/the Estate will sit on 9 MJ tracks forever. Someone from the Estate may have told some fan that they wouldn't release them, but that's probably because they could tell that's what that fan wanted to hear, and they didn't want any controversy to overshadow the Bad 25 release party. But if they put out tomorrow morning "Michael Jackson -- The Cascio recordings", they'd sell more copies of that than Motown will of their new Jackson 5 comp, which is jam-packed with never-before-released Jackson 5 recordings.

They'll put out the songs, especially when the MJ well starts to run dry. And the anti-Cascio will whine, but in the end do nothing -- because they can't do anything. And I'll be jamming to "Soldier Boy" in my car with my kids.

They know already that it is not MJ, so they will not be sitting on 9 MJ tracks, they'll be sitting just on 9 worthless tracks.

"The Cascio recordings" would sell 100 copies. MICHAEL album sold OK because there were 7 real songs as well so people like me bought the album too.

"And I'll be jamming to "Soldier Boy" in my car with my kids." That is just wrong and sad.
You know that it was John Branca who confirmed that there won't be any more Cascio tracks released, right? I should know; I heard him confirm it twice. The first time was to a fan (who I can only assume was Stella) and he later confirmed it to me when I had a brief conversation with him.

Want proof that I met him? Here:


Want proof that he said what he had said? We have two members here who heard him confirm it first-hand. No beating around the bush or using verbal loopholes; he straight up said "There'll be no more Cascio tracks on future products".
Did you or Stella ask John Branca if it's Michael singing the lead vocal on Cascio tracks or not? Or was he sure of it? Why? :)
Did you or Stella ask John Branca if it's Michael singing the lead vocal on Cascio tracks or not? Or was he sure of it? Why? :)

I think this was covered before. Yes he believes the songs are Michael and no he won't release them to please the fans.
I think this was covered before. Yes he believes the songs are Michael and no he won't release them to please the fans.

Yes it was a fairly lengthy conversation about the Cascio tracks and other stuff, but the songs mainly. They will absolutely not release them. They wish they'd never heard of the damn things.

PS - feeling Bad. Which is Bad as in good cos Wembley dvd is the most amazing thing I ever saw.
Welcome to this thread MajesticMusic.com! Hope this isn't your last visit. And thank you for answering some of our questions. Appreciate it!

( if it isn't someone fooling around, you never know with these usernames..)

These are the only comparisons I have.


And I'm sure someone else still has the 'Let the Monster go' comparison. It's a mash-up between 'Monster' and 'Let me let go' and very convincing. But if you just listen to the last track, I think you don't need any comparison.

Maybe you can debunk some of our theories or adjust. Any information about these tracks is very welcome!

Also interesting read (there are so many!):


My main problem with the tracks is that I don't hear Michael in them, and so I believe someone else is singing the lead.
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Kreen jamming to Soldier Boy in the car with his kids:



I imagine the kids asking: "Dad, what the heck is this song about -- got a bullet to the brain, then his life became serious"? :D