MJ really meant BAD tour to be his last tour


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Ok i dont buy the laryngitis line for the HISTORY tour , ok for some concerts fine , but not for an entire tour ( if that was the case then why perform? ) Anyways my theory for him doing the lip synching is because he was so elaborate in how he recorded his songs from BAD onwards with the triple layering , basically using his own voice for the backgrounds also. The BAD tour performances of Dirty Diana are nice to see , but he does not manage them well, the same goes with TWYMF , they are too hard for him to do in a " live " setting . I guess I am just having a rant , I hear so much stuff about the BAD tour and have watched / listened to it yet when you compare the DANGEROUS tour versions of for example SOOML compared to BAD tour ones , the DANGEROUS tour versions he sounds so much better. Yet Human Nature sounds so much better on the early BAD tour legs compared to the late BAD tour and then DANGEROUS tour versions. It just makes me wonder tho , did MJ get too elaborate OR did he really mean it when he said after he finished the BAD tour that it would be his final tour ?
I highly doubt that the complexity of any of his songs would justify as a reason for his miming. I've always attributed it to his age and his refusal(?) to scale back some of his dance routines.
No, no.
He never meant to have it be his last tour.
It was just hype to ensure it did exceptionally well. (it was going to anyway, but it doesnt hurt to declare it be the final time).

It's possible at the time he was thinking that. Between the tour, album, and shooting the videos, it was his busiest 3 years. But you know he wasn't seriously just gonna stop.

It was his first solo tour and it made hella bank for him. He wasn't going to put out future albums and NOT properly support it.
Yeah I also dont thinkt the layering etc had anything to do with that. I dont know how it worked back then but today singers have their own backing vocal playing on the concerts. Its of course impossible to replicate that but he had back up singers too, which is not the same but still.
I think the main reason was that he basically was singing since he was little, his health was getting worse, heavy dance routines and simply he was just older. I dont blame him as such a tour can put a lot of strain on your voice.
Anyways my theory for him doing the lip synching is because he was so elaborate in how he recorded his songs from BAD onwards with the triple layering , basically using his own voice for the backgrounds also.

For me, lip-syncing was preferable to pre-recorded vocals because pre-recorded vocals are perceived as a way to fool the audience.
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Didn't he have huge vocal cord problems in the middle of the BAD tour.
I vaguely remember something like, a doctor told him, that he can't keep going on like this,
concert after concert, month after month with full power voice with the kind of songs he had or his voice would soon be damaged.
(Maybe one of his vocal coaches said that.)

That, plus his sense of perfection (album vocals sounded best) plus the dancing, which made it hard to sing at the same time...
all together probably gave the reason for the lip syncing.
Didn't he have huge vocal cord problems in the middle of the BAD tour.
I vaguely remember something like, a doctor told him, that he can't keep going on like this,
concert after concert, month after month with full power voice with the kind of songs he had or his voice would soon be damaged.
(Maybe one of his vocal coaches said that.)

That, plus his sense of perfection (album vocals sounded best) plus the dancing, which made it hard to sing at the same time...
all together probably gave the reason for the lip syncing.

MJ, during that period, was on the verge of permanently damaging his vocal chords.
Didn't he have huge vocal cord problems in the middle of the BAD tour.
I vaguely remember something like, a doctor told him, that he can't keep going on like this,
concert after concert, month after month with full power voice with the kind of songs he had or his voice would soon be damaged.
(Maybe one of his vocal coaches said that.)

That, plus his sense of perfection (album vocals sounded best) plus the dancing, which made it hard to sing at the same time...
all together probably gave the reason for the lip syncing.

Yes. That is true. He rescheduled and cancelled some shows on the bad tour because of this,(remember he was going to conclude the tour in Tokyo 1988 but rescheduled the remaining 6 nights in LA for 1989). Laryngitis had been a recurring problem for MJ.

So I don't understand quite the "I don't buy it" part that he had laryngitis since it has been confirmed by several associates, friends, doctors etc etc. he even had a throat surgery in 1993. On top of that he had pulmonary problems and that too makes it hard to run around and sing flawlessly as he did when he was younger.
Well.... Michael never lied when he said ''this is going to be my last tour''. He never toured in the US again. (With exception of Hawaii).
It's the first time I hear this. Do you have more info?

It's in one of the deposition videos. He says something about how he can't speak loudly because he had just had a throat surgery. I'll try to find the exact one.
Are you sure it wasn't the Mexico deposition where he just had dental surgery? He wasn't easy to understand then.
Are you sure it wasn't the Mexico deposition where he just had dental surgery? He wasn't easy to understand then.

Hmm, I have a pretty strong memory about him saying he had a throat surgery and I saw someone point this out in the Michael Jackson Archives group from Facebook not too long ago. But I could easily have mixed the two up. I will try to find the exact video.
Michael always said "this is my last tour" or "this might be my last album". He said it for Bad (tour), he said it for Dangerous and again for HIStory. I think by the time HIStory was over and done with, he was burned out, which is why when This Is It was being planned out, he only had London (for the time) being the only city during the "tour"
During Mexico Deposition (1993), MJ confirmed that he had undergone an oral (mouth), not a throat surgery:

MJ: “Excuse me I know that kills the microphone man.”

Atty 1: “You have not been feeling well the last few days.”

MJ: “Yes, that’s very true.”

Atty 1: “You’ve had some oral surgery?”

MJ: “Yes.”

Atty 1: “If at any time, you’re not feeling well or uncomfortable, will you let me know and we’ll take a break?”

MJ: “I sure will.”
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When Michael did sing on the HIStory Tour I think it was pretty obvious that something was wrong with his voice.

Just listen to this
He sounds really bad here, And this was the very beginning of the show. So you can't say that he was tired and out of breath.
I was just thinking about something like this today. After Bad, there's hardly any material that feels like it was written for live performances in an auditorium, while Bad sounds like an album built for live shows. I don't think Jam or Scream or TDCAU ever really made sense live and almost had to be lip synced to sound right. I guess Earth Song worked, but he pretty much never did that live for whatever reason. I always thought most of the later work was made for listening to with high quality head phones to pick up every detail. There are still new sounds on Dangerous, History, and Invincible that I'm finding now. You can listen for a new part and then play the song over to see how that sound or effect or note or phrase fits into the song overall.
analogue;4095594 said:
When Michael did sing on the HIStory Tour I think it was pretty obvious that something was wrong with his voice.

He sounds really bad here, And this was the very beginning of the show. So you can't say that he was tired and out of breath.

It was a combination of tiredness (the first leg of the tour was coming to an end) & throat problems.

Also, take into account that during the European leg of the ‘Dangerous’ Tour MJ was taking painkillers in order to soothe his severe throat problems (also, several times after the concert, he was taken back to the hotel in an ambulance).

At the end he had no choice but to cancel the remaining, last dates (Istanbul, Izmir, Athens, etc.).
I always think he meant it. He said he went back on tour for Dangerous ONLY bc of Heal the World foundation.
The movie industry screwed him over and he had no choice IMO.
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I always think he meant it. He said he went back on your for Dangerous ONLY bc of Heal the World foundation.
The movie industry screwed him over and he had no choice IMO.

I agree. I think after the Dangerous tour he had plans moving on to movies but it fell through because of the allegations. He really had a hard time touring because of his insomnia and I think that's what he meant when he said "I go through Hell touring" and that's why he did not want to tour any more. People may think it was just PR to generate more interest for his current tour, but I don't think it was just that. I think he meant it at the time. It's another thing that later things turned out differently in his life than how he planned them.
Every tour MJ did was his "last".... no! lol
I always think he meant it. He said he went back on your for Dangerous ONLY bc of Heal the World foundation.
The movie industry screwed him over and he had no choice IMO.

how did the movie industry screw him over??
It didn't. If he wasn't getting cast, it's because his stardom would have been too distracting to actually play a character role, amongst other reasons.

Luckily, he stayed in his lane and did what he does best. Music and performing.
AtlasAir;4096564 said:
how did the movie industry screw him over??
It didn't. If he wasn't getting cast, it's because his stardom would have been too distracting to actually play a character role, amongst other reasons.

I don't know what exactly Barbee meant but before the 1993 allegations actually there were big and serious plans with movies. And it wasn't necessarily playing in movies. He was supposed to be a partner in Dreamworks. Also Sony gave him money to fund his movie plans. Here is what David Nordahl told to the Reflections on the Dance website in 2010:

“I was working on sketches for his [Jackson’s] film production company, called Lost Boys Productions. Sony had given him (Michael) $40 million to start this production company and that little boy’s dad (Evan Chandler), who considered himself to be show business material, because he had written part of a script. After that he considered himself a Hollywood screenwriter, and being friends with Michael and his son being friends with Michael, this guy had assumed that Michael was going to make him a partner in this film production company and that’s where the $20 million figure came from. He wanted half of that Sony money. It was proven. It was an extortion. Michael listened to his business advisors and they all told him to keep his mouth shut and to go on to Korea, go on with your tour, you’re in the middle of a tour. We’ll take care of it.”

We also know by now that he was dropped from the Addams Family project because of the allegations.

I would not characterize it as the movie industry screwing him over - it were the Chandlers -, although I'd like to know the real and full story behind those Dreamworks plans, especially knowing that the logo of that company is eerily similar to the Neverland logo.
life on the road is very hard. even when you can afford first class accommodations.

it's amazing more artists with the level of wealth michael achieved don't stop touring and actually enjoy their lives.
Didn't he have huge vocal cord problems in the middle of the BAD tour.
I vaguely remember something like, a doctor told him, that he can't keep going on like this,
concert after concert, month after month with full power voice with the kind of songs he had or his voice would soon be damaged.
(Maybe one of his vocal coaches said that.)

That, plus his sense of perfection (album vocals sounded best) plus the dancing, which made it hard to sing at the same time...
all together probably gave the reason for the lip syncing.

Now when you that, it makes sense to me. Because, that's when he started lip-synching on a serious level. If you listen to the Madison Square Garden concert in 1988, you can tell he's having trouble keeping up with the heavy dance routines and his voice starts
sounding scratched and worn out by the end of the concert. Half a year earlier, he danced his buttocks off, but he could keep up, but not in the same way by march/april 1988.

The Singing-while-dancing had taken a great toll on him, so he had no choice but to Lip synch a few songs for the reminder of the tour. Even then, he still sounded strained at times.

Also, don't forget his problems with lupus. His lungs didn't function properly during the "flare-ups".
It cannot be understated how difficult that was to deal with. He propably had a tough time getting ready for the next day and toss around in his bed, in a futile attempt to sleep - every - single - night. Especially with that sore throat.
THANK YOU, I've been waiting for someone to remind that he had lupus and it affected his lungs.