Paris Jackson begins acting career - Lundon's Bridge - Summary of the book @pg42

Re: Paris Jackson to appear on Ellen - December 8th (Begins acting career)

Well we really have no idea who says what to whom. So lets not assume anything
Re: Paris Jackson to appear on Ellen - December 8th (Begins acting career)

I'd love to know how someone can call Janet selfish, her continuous charity work and donations alone prove she isn't a selfish woman. But that's off topic so I'll leave it al that.
Re: Paris Jackson to appear on Ellen - December 8th (Begins acting career)

Well we really have no idea who says what to whom. So lets not assume anything

Thank you, Just and that was my point. We don't know what Janet or anyone else has been or has not been saying to their mother. Since none of us are in that house or on their phone lines, we are just assuming what certain people did or didn't do. Not everyone air their family issues on twitter or CNN.
Re: Paris Jackson to appear on Ellen - December 8th (Begins acting career)

Personally, I don't think there's a single adult Jackson from the immediate family who is selfless enough to make a good enough guardian for those kids.

Who in their right mind will let a 13 year old child sign up definetely for a 5 movie franchise, which has no funding or name power to get the first movie off the ground? That's just way out crazy, and asking for a lot of legal trouble down the road.

Prince and Paris have some 4 -5 years until they reach adulthood. My hope is that they are mature enough by then, to see through the family's antics, and distance themself physically and emotionally from all the negative influences the family has brought upon them.
Re: Paris Jackson to appear on Ellen - December 8th (Begins acting career)

I'd love to know how someone can call Janet selfish, her continuous charity work and donations alone prove she isn't a selfish woman. But that's off topic so I'll leave it al that.

Are we talking about the same woman who endorses skinning of innocent animals for her & others' pleasure?
Re: Paris Jackson to appear on Ellen - December 8th (Begins acting career)

the last bit..... just tossing this in... "Go and do it better than i did"

Michael was not speaking at that moment about his kids entering the entertainment field 'as young children' why is that so hard to understand? The man has repeatedly spoken about his lost childhood and all he had to give up as a child to be in entertainment, the abuse and all the other crap he endured and you're hanging on to that clip? come on now.

BTW....he could've easily involved them in various arenas in the entertainment industry, but HE DID'NT! and there was an obvious reason for that.
Re: Paris Jackson to appear on Ellen - December 8th (Begins acting career)

Say What Meme?
Re: Paris Jackson to appear on Ellen - December 8th (Begins acting career)

lol wow. he said it and you still cant believe it. BTW These 2 are not children anymore they are teenager's YOUNG ADULTS they will make mistakes but i dont see this as a mistake on her part. I will support her like i do Michael. The LAST BIT is what i hang on to because its what Michael said. The rest of that interview is painful but thats not what im focusing on at this time.
Re: Paris Jackson to appear on Ellen - December 8th (Begins acting career)

Personally, I don't think there's a single adult Jackson from the immediate family who is selfless enough to make a good enough guardian for those kids.

Who in their right mind will let a 13 year old child sign up definetely for a 5 movie franchise, which has no funding or name power to get the first movie off the ground? That's just way out crazy, and asking for a lot of legal trouble down the road.

Prince and Paris have some 4 -5 years until they reach adulthood. My hope is that they are mature enough by then, to see through the family's antics, and distance themself physically and emotionally from all the negative influences the family has brought upon them.

My prayer is that "the Jacksons" will stop exploiting Michael Jackson's children for money. :angel:
Re: Paris Jackson to appear on Ellen - December 8th (Begins acting career)

Are we talking about the same woman who endorses skinning of innocent animals for her & others' pleasure?

What does have to do with her being selfish or not, she still donates to charity.
Re: Paris Jackson to appear on Ellen - December 8th (Begins acting career)

lol wow. he said it and you still cant believe it. BTW These 2 are not children anymore they are teenager's YOUNG ADULTS they will make mistakes but i dont see this as a mistake on her part. I will support her like i do Michael. The LAST BIT is what i hang on to because its what Michael said. The rest of that interview is painful but thats not what im focusing on at this time.

'young adults'? they are still CHILDREN period! and the facts still remain that at no point did we EVER see Michael pushing them into the entertainment field whatsoever. You can't just hang on to a bit of an interview, you've got to look at the WHOLE picture.
Re: Paris Jackson to appear on Ellen - December 8th (Begins acting career)

'young adults'? they are still CHILDREN period! and the facts still remain that at no point did we EVER see Michael pushing them into the entertainment field whatsoever. You can't just hang on to a bit of an interview, you've got to look at the WHOLE picture.

Yes ExoticPrincess you DO have to look at the WHOLE Picture. and yes they are young adults! as we were at that age.

We have no idea how Michael would react now, so why do we assume we know what he would or wouldn't approve of?
Re: Paris Jackson to appear on Ellen - December 8th (Begins acting career)

I at least wished she started with a movie that didnt loook so low budget....olike jaden and the karate kid type stuff....tho i didnt even like that
Re: Paris Jackson to appear on Ellen - December 8th (Begins acting career)

Yes ExoticPrincess you DO have to look at the WHOLE Picture. and yes they are young adults! as we were at that age.

We have no idea how Michael would react now, so why do we assume we know what he would or wouldn't approve of?

If you saw the whole picture, you wouldn't be oblivious to the trend of Jackson family members using Michael's kids for personal gain and self promotion.
Re: Paris Jackson to appear on Ellen - December 8th (Begins acting career)

I at least wished she started with a movie that didnt loook so low budget....olike jaden and the karate kid type stuff....tho i didnt even like that

I thought Jaden was super cute in that movie. And just my opinion but maybe a low budget film is something of a "Testing the water" type deal. If this movie doesn't work then it only either A:Made her stronger and more determined or B: turned her off to the whole institution of it.
Re: Paris Jackson to appear on Ellen - December 8th (Begins acting career)

If you saw the whole picture, you wouldn't be oblivious to the trend of Jackson family members using Michael's kids for personal gain and self promotion.

I am not oblivious to the trend i just dont see why we have to be completely negative about this. MAYBE Just maybe this is something Paris TRULY wants to do.
Re: Paris Jackson to appear on Ellen - December 8th (Begins acting career)

If you saw the whole picture, you wouldn't be oblivious to the trend of Jackson family members using Michael's kids for personal gain and self promotion.

I'm not at all happy with the Jackson family. But, if I just consider this project by itself, I wonder how can the Jackson make any substantial personal gain and/or achieve self promotion.

First, we all learned this film is a low-budget or no-budget promotion, so the producers have no financial means to pay the family big money. Are we assuming the family is going to get a cut of any potential profit? How about if the film flops like so many have already predicted.

Thus far, the only Jackson who is associated is Paris. Anyone found any LaToya connection yet? So, in what way the family get self-promotion from this film?

I agree the producers are taking advantage of Paris's status as Michael Jackson's daughter though.
Re: Paris Jackson to appear on Ellen - December 8th (Begins acting career)

I'm just happy for her. I hope she is strong enough to carry on.
Re: Paris Jackson to appear on Ellen - December 8th (Begins acting career)

Thank you, Just and that was my point. We don't know what Janet or anyone else has been or has not been saying to their mother. Since none of us are in that house or on their phone lines, we are just assuming what certain people did or didn't do. Not everyone air their family issues on twitter or CNN.

Isn't assuming the worst about people in Michael's life a recurring theme?

I'm scratching my head. In what basis can fans conclude that Janet Jackson is a horrible guardian and a selfish person?
Re: Paris Jackson to appear on Ellen - December 8th (Begins acting career)

I am not oblivious to the trend i just dont see why we have to be completely negative about this. MAYBE Just maybe this is something Paris TRULY wants to do.

I'm sure she wants to do this, but that doesn't make it right. She's all of 13, and requires guidance. If she didn't, the law wouldn't call her a minor and require a guardian for her.

It's an ill adviced choice, and who's responsible at the end of the day? Her guardian. The same person who has signed for and participated in many shady deals that involve her 3 minor grandchildren. This is not an isolated event, that has no involvement by Katherine. Her written approval alone is proof of her involvement. That she would allow some B-grade producers to approach and possibly exploit her grandchild makes her a responsible party.

I'm not at all happy with the Jackson family. But, if I just consider this project by itself, I wonder how can the Jackson make any substantial personal gain and/or achieve self promotion.

First, we all learned this film is a low-budget or no-budget promotion, so the producers have no financial means to pay the family big money. Are we assuming the family is going to get a cut of any potential profit? How about if the film flops like so many have already predicted.

Thus far, the only Jackson who is associated is Paris. Anyone found any LaToya connection yet? So, in what way the family get self-promotion from this film?

I agree the producers are taking advantage of Paris's status as Michael Jackson's daughter though.

And who is letting these producers take advantage of Paris, a minor?

Who approached who here? Did the producers seek out Paris or did someone in the family bring the deal to her? In either case her guardian is responsible.
Re: Paris Jackson to appear on Ellen - December 8th (Begins acting career)

First, we all learned this film is a low-budget or no-budget promotion, so the producers have no financial means to pay the family big money. Are we assuming the family is going to get a cut of any potential profit?

well either she'll be paid up front - but like you said it's unlikely as the film is just trying to raise the first $1M from book sales

so more reasonable expectation is that she has a percentage of profits deal ranging from sale of the book, box office receipts and dvd sales (I checked that's what happened in the movie Juno and King's Speech for example - actors all had percentage of profits deals) - with her being a minor that money would be controlled by an adult / guardian. Someone most probably would take an agent / manager cut from that money as well.

For example Daniel Radcliffe made $29M from first 4 movies and $50 for the last 2. Similary Twilight actors were paid around $2M for the first movie and now being paid around $12M per movie.

So if this becomes successful there will be a good chunk of money made from these movies. (ie : if we assume she gets $2M + $4M + $8M +$12M + $12M = $38M and manager getting 15% would get $5.7 million )

How about if the film flops like so many have already predicted.

Hurt Paris's image and future career in acting

Thus far, the only Jackson who is associated is Paris. Anyone found any LaToya connection yet? So, in what way the family get self-promotion from this film?

I don't think Jackson's are self -promoting. It's all an issue of Paris being taken advantage of by the producers and they are letting it happen. If successful some of the family can make quick buck on these projects. I think that's the reason why many is asking "who is the manager"?
Re: Paris Jackson to appear on Ellen - December 8th (Begins acting career)

fans have to shoulder some blame for it-they are feeding it, by giving the media what they want: to know, that MJ fans are so interested in these children, they'll give their stories clicks, and that some are so desperate to see and know everything these kids are doing, that they don't have the sense of a billy goat to look at the sinister motives behind these magazine spreads, tabloids, and the people who are writing all these stories.


Starting by the number of followers a 13 yo kid has on twitter when the only people following her should be her friends. Because at 13 you are NOT a young adult. Not Paris, not me or any of you. You are a kid.
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Re: Paris Jackson to appear on Ellen - December 8th (Begins acting career)

Yes ExoticPrincess you DO have to look at the WHOLE Picture. and yes they are young adults! as we were at that age.

We have no idea how Michael would react now, so why do we assume we know what he would or wouldn't approve of?
No, they are NOT young adults, and NO ONE at the age of 13 or 14 or even 15, 16 is a young adult. PERIOD.
Paris turned a 13 THIS YEAR ONLY. You do realize that her birthyear is 1998? and not 1989?

At 18, 19, 20, 21 you are a YOUNG ADULT. NOT at 13, 14, 15, 16!

at ignorance displayed by folks in this thread. This is not about Janet or anyone else this is about the fact that Paris Jackson with her mere 13 years is NOT an adult, not even close to one, and certainly NOT a 'young adult'. She goes in 8th grade for God's sake, since when are kids in 8th grade considered adults?! Seriously am I living on moon?! Did I miss something?
Remember that follower fan named Talitha? She was on here for a while and created a website about her lovely memories with/about Michael. I remember she said this about Michael's children...
While other kids were hooked up to the Internet 24/7, Michael’s children spent much of their time reading and being creative - drawing, painting, building model ships… They told me they weren’t allowed on the Internet, except on children’s sites while supervised, and always watched family movies together, taking turns choosing the title.

Michael protected his children from the harshness of the world. He didn't allow them access to news media because he didn't want them reading about him in the tabloids. And he kept them hidden from public view because he didn't want them to be subjected to the same scrutiny that he'd had to endure all his life
Re: Paris Jackson to appear on Ellen - December 8th (Begins acting career)

I agree with friedman. First thing I thought when I heard about this film was surely mj's kids could get a proper hollywood film with famous actors and production team. Why do the jacksons insist on choosing dodgy projects run by dodgy people?? Why not go to professionals??
I'd love to know how someone can call Janet selfish, her continuous charity work and donations alone prove she isn't a selfish woman. But that's off topic so I'll leave it al that.
charity begings at home. mj was left to pay for everyone in that house. he was the one hassled.even now she allows the kids to pay for that family instead of stepping in and giving her mother cash for the rest of them. aslong as someone else is paying and she doesnt get brought into any of the families money making scams she doesnt care about how others are used. Of vourse she has no prob believing whatever precious randy says and calling the bro she was hassling to be involved in the tribute concert a druggie. imo shes selfish and doesnt care about what goes on aslong ad the rest of the family keep her out of it.mj was that hes gone she prob wants even less to do with them as god forbid the leaches attach onto her. the kids are the new diversationAnd i wonder whos doing rogers bidding. its not like hes saying this out of the goodness of his heart. cascio?
Re: Paris Jackson to appear on Ellen - December 8th (Begins acting career)

@ Ivy, you previously mentioned that you purchased the book. I haven't had time to read the entire thread so I must ask, have you finished reading it? If so, what are your thoughts? Setting aside the issues with Paris, something seems odd about all of this. Its strange that a movie based on a book inspired by the death of a young daughter, that encourages eco and human responsibility and pledges 50% of its gross profits to troubled American schools couldn't generate enough money to be made. Many A-list actors lend their time and money to causes. Larry King isn't A-list but he certainly should have the credentials to go to actors, politicians and even CNN execs to elicit funds. There is absolutely no reason Paris should be used this way. Perhaps the book isn't very good and can't stand on its own or as a movie?
Re: Paris Jackson to appear on Ellen - December 8th (Begins acting career)

Anyway im sure we can all bet many things that this movie will never even get made anyway