Positive websites and videos that celebrate MJ

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Michael Jackson: 10 Reasons We Can Never Forget The King
Date: 2010-06-25 | By: Karina Martinez

Today marks the first year anniversary since we lost the legend Michael Jackson. Here are 10 reasons we can never forget the King of Pop.


The Jackson Five
He launched his career in the mid 60s as a member of the The Jackson Five, with his older brothers, Jackie, Tito, Jermaine and Marlon. Even back then his fans would go crazy to watch him perform. He was young, charming, and talented. Songs like “ABC,” “I Want You Back” and “I’ll Be There” reached the top of the Billboard Hot 100.

The Moonwalk
He popularized the moonwalk, a dance only a few can master. The move was first seen during his performance to “Billie Jean” on ‘Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever’ in 1983. He was also good at doing the robot, pop locking, and smooth spins.

The album is still considered to be the best selling album of all time since its release in 1982. Last we heard “Thriller" was certified 28 times Platinum, which equates to 28 million copies moved, and well on its way to 29x platinum. This album was one of the first to use music videos as a promotional tool. Seven out of the nine songs in the album were released as singles.

Thriller video
Where else will you see Michael lead a dance routine to a group of zombies and monsters? The full narrative version is 14 minutes long, inspired by horror films of the 1950s. It is one of the greatest videos ever made.

This sound is recognized across the world. You can hear him scream in most of his songs and performances. His iconic dance move could not be completed without a scream at the end of his performance, Eeeheee!

The Moonwalker
The short film was released in 1988 around the time the album “Bad”, was released. The film contains a collection of long form music videos from his album. Joe Pesci played one of the main characters in the film. Although it was short lived and criticized for not having a plot, the music and dancing is enjoyable and entertaining.

Fashion Icon
He was the only person to get away with wearing black trousers, silver socks, silver shirt, black fedora, black sequined jacket and one silver-white sequined glove all at once. With the 80s look back in style, you can now find people on the streets and artists wearing the red leather jacket. With a signature look like that, who can forget him!

Neverland Ranch
A ranch renamed by Michael, after the fantasy island in the story of Peter Pan. He made his dream home a reality. 2,675 acres full of fun; it contained a private amusement park with two railroads and a zoo.

Superbowl XXVII
His performance in 1993 increased audience figures during the half-time show. He was the only performer in the entire show unlike many previous performances. He captivated the football fans with his opening stand, frozen in one of his famous poses, followed by an outstanding performance.

Humanitarian Contributions
He donated and helped raise money for many charities. He was compassionate about helping the world be a better place. As well as being the most successful entertainer of all time, he was a notable humanitarian and philanthropist.

Michael Jackson will always be in our hearts. R.I.P. King.

Note by MJJLaugh: Thriller sold a lot more than 28 million copies! 110 million copies, see wikipedia with two sources:

Source: http://www.singersroom.com/lifestyle/274/Michael-Jackson-10-Reasons-We-Can-Never-Forget-The-King
Legacy of the King of Pop; Michael Jackson's tribute mix

Very cool mix of most of MJ's songs, accompanied by images from his short films and concert footage. Enjoy! :heart:

Michael Jackson And The Mystery Of Number 7 !

There is a Truly bizarre set of coincidences involving Michael Jackson and the number 7. It looks like the 7 number had a constant presence in the life of MJ, you’re not gona believe this, check this out :

■Michael Jackson was the 7th of 9 children.
■Michael Jackson was born in 1958 … 19 + 58 = 77
■Michael Jackson died on the 25th … 2 + 5 = 7
■Michael Jackson has 7 letters in his first and last name.
■Michael Jackson signed his will on 7/7/02.
■Michael Jackson’s memorial was on 7/7/09 … exactly 7 years after the will was signed.
■Michael Jackson’s two biggest hits — “Black & White” and “Billie Jean” — were each #1 for 7 weeks.
■Michael Jackson’s three biggest albums — “Thriller,” “Bad” and “Dangerous” — each produced 7 top 40 hits.
■Michael Jackson latest album (his 7th solo album) was to be called 7, and feature MJ in the shape of 7.
■In the History Teaser, see picture he wore 777 on his left sleeve.


Source: http://mjthekop.com/fans/michael-jackson-and-the-mystery-of-number-7/
Michael Jackson and Seven Trivia

(Disclaimer: Excellent video except for one comment "the ambulance that supposedly took him to the hospital". I do NOT support hoax theories at all!)
Michael on magazine covers throughout the years - 1980's

Rolling Stone
April 1971


December 1982


October 17, 1983


November 1983


February 13, 1984


March 19, 1984


May 1984


May 7, 1984


July 21, 1984


September 1987


June, 1988


July 14,1988


August 25, 1988


April 1989


July 13, 1989

MJ FUNNY STUFF 4 : Speech Paper Evilness (Original Upload)

Sometimes we can all use a good laugh to get us through the day
wipe away your sad tears and cry some happy tears when you watch the master in action,
Improvising on the spot!

Dancers learned the steps before dance tribute in Stockholm last summer.Some of them was interviewed
and here is what they said

1:04 "I´m here to make a tribute to Michael Jackson."
"What did he do that was so good?"
"His songs were very good and he was dark in the background in a white society,that´s what inspired me,
if he can everybody can"

1:22" What I think he was very good at was o f course his dance,the rytm in his songs,
every time you see him you want to dance and have fun."

1:44 "His theme was much; you can do anything if you do it together.Together you can change things.
This was kind of a proof."
"His music will never die, you will always dance to his music"
Michael Jackson on Magazine Covers - 1990's

Entertainment Weekly
November 29, 1991


December 23, 1991




Rolling Stone
January 1992


February 20, 1992


February 29, 1992


March 16, 1992


April 15, 1992


June 11, 1992


July 1992


October 31, 1992


Entertainment Weekly
February 26, 1993


March 18, 1993


June 1993


June 16, 1993


July 8, 1993


October 14, 1993


December 16, 1993


October 1994


October 1994


Paris Match
May 29, 1995


June 1995


December 2, 1996


TV Guide
December 4, 1999


Source: http://mjthekop.com/history/magazine-covers/
Michael Jackson Is The Wind Beneath My Wings!

"Did I ever tell you you're my hero?
You're everything, everything I wish I could be.
Oh, and I could fly higher than an eagle,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings...
Thank you, thank you,
thank God for you, the wind beneath my wings."
- Mjslover4ever

Michael Jackson Albert Einstein and the Bees

Do you remember Michael's message in 'This Is It' ? The one about the secrets and magic of nature and protecting our planet before it's too late. Did you start to wonder what the reference to the "we have only four years to get it right' really meant ? I know I did. Yesterday I read an article on bees and it all made sense!
But before I elaborate any further, let's take a closer look at his precise words:

"I respect the secrets and magic of nature, that’s why it makes me so angry when I see these things that are happening, that every second, I hear, the size of a football field is torn down in the Amazon. That kind of stuff really bothers me! That’s why I write these kinds of songs, you know, to give some sense of awareness and awakening and hope to people. I love the planet! I love trees. I have this thing for trees and the colors and changing of leave…I love it!! I respect those kinds of things”.

“I really feel that nature is trying so hard to compensate for man’s mismanagement of the planet. The planet is sick, like a fever. And if we don’t fix it now, it’s at the point of no return. This is our last chance to fix this problem that we have, or it’s like a run-away train and the time has come, this is it”. Then Michael issues a heart-felt plea, to us, his fans, by saying this: “People are always saying “Oh, they’ll take care of it, the government or they will…they?…they who?…it starts with US! It’s us or it will never be done”.

“We need to put love back into the world and remind the world that love is important, to love each other. We’re all One. And take care of the planet. We have 4 years to get it right or else it’s irreversible damage done. So we have an important message to give…it’s important. Blessings to all”.

Or listen to him saying these heartfelt words:

I read a magazine article on bees and how so many of them are disappearing. They are not found dead in their hives, they abandon the hive and fly away, to die ?
Within the article was this alleged quote by Albert Einstein:

“If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man will have no more than four years to live”

Was this perhaps what Michael was referring to ? But what was causing these problems ? What are possible solutions ? What can we do ? What can I do ?


Albert Einstein

once said that ‘if the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would only have four years to live’.

For the last couple of years the reduction in numbers of honey bees has become very noticeable. This is indeed a threat to human life although most people are not aware of the repercussions. Bees pollinate more than one third of the food that grow around the world. This includes rice, wheat and other grain, potatoes, vegetables, fruit, nuts and a whole list of other foods.


Varroa mite attached to developing honey bee

The reduction in honey bee numbers has, in the past, been attributed to the varroa mite which embeds itself in the respiratory system of the bee. However, recent research has discounted this as a main cause of the problem.


An abandoned beehive, but where have the bees gone. There are no dead ones here.

Experts have been alerted to the fast disappearance of the honey bees by the large number of deserted hives and they have coined a new phrase to describe the problem: Colony Collapse Disorder, or CCD in bees. This literally refers to the abandoning of beehives.

The problem appears to be global and has been observed in USA and Europe, especially in Spain and Poland which have many commercially operating hives. France and Italy banned the use of some pesticides after their beekeepers complained of declining numbers and they do not appear to have been affected in the same way as other European countries, but there is no proof that pesticides are causing CCD in bees.


Healthy honey bees around their hive.

The strange part is that whatever the cause, the bees just seem to disappear. There have been no reports of dead bees being found in hives, which is what you would be expected if the cause was pesticides, or disease. The theories include microbes, and poisonous pollen taken back to the hive by the bees, but this still doesn’t explain where the bees have gone to and why they didn’t die in the hives.


A sunflower bee gathering pollen

The big problem here is that unless the problem can be identified, it cannot be resolved and if we don’t stop this mysterious disappearance, the honey bees will disappear from our planet.

Then we will see if Einstein, whose other theories and predictions were correct, is right about the bees.

Read more: http://scienceray.com/philosophy-of...-the-mystery-of-the-dying-bees/#ixzz0uhA7ExBm


What can I do to help the bees ?

» Take up bee keeping: If you live in an outlying area, think about starting up hives of your own. You’ll bring in bee populations, have a wonderfully pollinated garden, be able to study how the hive performs and have honey galore from your own local source.

»Leave off the pesticides: Practice integrated pest management (IPM) and think before you apply a chemical to your home or garden. Products like Sevin are sold as harmless despite continued research exposing them as toxic to humans. And, read the labels on all pesticides. Trade names may change despite keeping ingredients the same. Sevin is, after all, Carbaryl in sheep’s clothing. Oh, and one more note on these pesticides. Realize that when you kill off predators like wasps, hornets and yellow jackets, you are disturbing natural ecosystems. The beneficial predators (aka wasps, etc.) take longer to repopulate than the pests (aphids, cabbage loopers, tent caterpillars, etc..). Once you’re out of balance; it can be hard to get back into balance.

» Plant diversity: By providing a wide array of blooming plant materials you will give the beneficial insects the food sources they need to keep their populations high and our gardens blooming for generations to come. Remember: If the bees aren’t here to pollinate the flowers, then our plants die. If our plants die, so will we.


Kent Beauty Oregano Visited By Honeybee

Following are some great plants and planting ideas to incorporate in your garden for the bees:

» Fruit trees: These bloom early in spring as the orchard mason bees come out briefly. Orchard mason bees are non-aggressive, small black bees that love orchard fruits. It’s not unlikely for you to miss them during their brief active cycle in spring.

» Herbs: Bumble bees and honeybees alike love herbs like thyme, oregano, rosemary, lavender and sage. Hey, and the hummingbirds love lavender and sage too!

» Berries: Again, the bumblers and the honeybees vie for the chance to spread pollen from one blueberry to another. And raspberries? Well, I’m glad they all get pollinated and then set fruit. Ahead of fruit set, my canes are a-buzz for weeks!

» Fruiting vegetables: I call them fruiting vegetables because I’m encouraging you to plant tomatoes, eggplants, squash, cucumbers, green beans, peppers and peas. These plants provide their fruit for us to eat – despite the fact that we call their fruit a vegetable! Bring in the food crops and bring in the honeybees.

» Vegetative vegetables: These are the ones that produce leafy, stalky food that we love like cabbage heads and unbloomed broccoli bunches. And what if you get a cabbage looper worm? Well, if you’ve got parasitic wasps and yellow jackets cruising the garden, they’ll snatch’m up or lay an egg in them faster than the green crawly can fatten up. And, if you’ve got a chicken, robin, or house finch pecking around, she’ll thank you for the tasty snacks you brought home for them.

Hopefully, you’ve gotten the message that by providing a natural, pesticide-free habitat for bees and birds, particularly by planting edibles for yourself, you have the opportunity to create a complete ecosystem. The bees pollinate the plants. The wasps parasitize the pests. The birds pollinate the flowers and eat the pests. And you? Well, you benefit from a healthy planet and a garden that feeds you organically and locally.

Every garden needs pollinators and bees are among the best. Without them there would be limited flowers and even fewer fruits and vegetables.


Bees are basically looking for 2 things when they visit your plants:

1.Nectar - netar is loaded with sugars and it’s a bee’s main source of energy.

2.Pollen - pollen provides the balanced diet of proteins and fats.
Many popular flower varieties are hybridized for features that are valued by the gardener, like disease resistance, flower size or color and bigger, longer blooms. Unfortunately much hybridization has reduced the production of nectar and pollen and sometimes leaves the resulting plant completely sterile and useless to bees and other pollinators.

Another factor is that the amount of nectar secreted is dependent of climate conditions such as temperature, humidity and moisture in the soil. Here is some advice from the Xerces Society on what to plant to attract more bees to your garden

Choosing the Right Flowers
To help bees and other pollinator insects—like butterflies—you should provide a range of plants that will offer a succession of flowers, and thus pollen and nectar, through the whole growing season. Patches of foraging habitat can be created in many different locations, from backyards and school grounds to golf courses and city parks. Even a small area planted with good flowers will be beneficial for local bees, because each patch will add to the mosaic of habitat available to bees and other pollinators.
Native plants are usually best for native bees, and can be used in both wild areas and gardens. There are also many garden plants—particularly older, heirloom varieties of perennials and herbs—that are good sources of nectar or pollen. Together with native plants, these will make a garden attractive to both pollinators and people.

On the next page are 2 plant lists for bees. One lists native plants, the other cultivated garden plants. They are not an exhaustive listing of suitable plants for all areas and you may have to research which species are local to your area, but they provide a good starting point. These lists, combined with the notes below, will help you choose the right plants for your area. A field guide will tell you which species from these lists are local to you. Your local chapter of the Native Plant Society and native plant nurseries are worthwhile contacts for advice on choosing, obtaining, and caring for local plant species.

General Gardening Advice for Attracting Bees and Other Pollinators
1.Don’t use pesticides. Most pesticides are not selective. You are killing off the beneficial bugs along with the pests. If you must use a pesticide, start with the least toxic one and follow the label instructions to the letter.

2.Use local native plants. Research suggests native plants are four times more attractive to native bees than exotic flowers. They are also usually well adapted to your growing conditions and can thrive with minimum attention. In gardens, heirloom varieties of herbs and perennials can also provide good foraging.

3.Chose several colors of flowers. Bees have good color vision to help them find flowers and the nectar and pollen they offer. Flower colors that particularly attract bees are blue, purple, violet, white, and yellow.

4.Plant flowers in clumps. Flowers clustered into clumps of one species will attract more pollinators than individual plants scattered through the habitat patch. Where space allows, make the clumps four feet or more in diameter.

5.Include flowers of different shapes. There are four thousand different species of bees in North America, and they are all different sizes, have different tongue lengths, and will feed on different shaped flowers. Consequently, providing a range of flower shapes means more bees can benefit.

6.Have a diversity of plants flowering all season.[/v] Most bee species are generalists, feeding on a range of plants through their life cycle. By having several plant species flowering at once, and a sequence of plants flowering through spring, summer, and fall, you can support a range of bee species that fly at different times of the season.

7.Plant where bees will visit. Bees favor sunny spots over shade and need some shelter from strong winds.
Michael says it like this:

"There's nothing that can't be done, if we raise our voice as one"

And then interestingly enough I found this video with some thought provoking ideas on the possible root causes for CCD in bees, among others the bees sensitivity to vibrations - good vibes and bad vibes. They tend to avoid areas with bad vibes. I found it interesting:








Michael Jackson - Trust (Dancing the Dream)


As I was feeding squirrels in the park, I noticed a small one that didnt seem to trust me. While the others came close enough to eat out of my hand, he kept his distance. I threw a peanut his way. He edged up, grabbed it nervously, and ran off. Next time he must have felt less afraid, because he came a little closer. The safer he felt, the more he trusted me. Finally he sat right at my feet, as bold as any squirrel clamoring for the next peanut.
Trust is like that — it always seems to come down to trusting in yourself. Others cant overcome fear for you; you have to do it on your own. Its hard, because fear and doubt hold on tight. We are afraid of being rejected, of being hurt once more. So we keep a safe distance. We think separating ourselves from others will protect us, but that doesnt work, either. It leaves us feeling alone and unloved.
Trusting yourself begins by recognizing that its okay to be afraid. Having fear is not the problem, because everyone feels anxious and insecure sometimes. The problem is not being honest enough to admit your fear. Whenever I accept my own doubt and insecurity, Im more open to other people. The deeper I go into myself, the stronger I become, because I realize that my real self is much bigger than any fear.
In accepting yourself completely, trust becomes complete. There is no longer any separation between people, because there is no longer any separation inside. In the space where fear used to live, love is allowed to grow.

- Michael Jackson ( Dancing the Dream
Michael Jackson - Trust (Dancing the Dream)


As I was feeding squirrels in the park, I noticed a small one that didnt seem to trust me. While the others came close enough to eat out of my hand, he kept his distance. I threw a peanut his way. He edged up, grabbed it nervously, and ran off. Next time he must have felt less afraid, because he came a little closer. The safer he felt, the more he trusted me. Finally he sat right at my feet, as bold as any squirrel clamoring for the next peanut.
Trust is like that — it always seems to come down to trusting in yourself. Others cant overcome fear for you; you have to do it on your own. Its hard, because fear and doubt hold on tight. We are afraid of being rejected, of being hurt once more. So we keep a safe distance. We think separating ourselves from others will protect us, but that doesnt work, either. It leaves us feeling alone and unloved.
Trusting yourself begins by recognizing that its okay to be afraid. Having fear is not the problem, because everyone feels anxious and insecure sometimes. The problem is not being honest enough to admit your fear. Whenever I accept my own doubt and insecurity, Im more open to other people. The deeper I go into myself, the stronger I become, because I realize that my real self is much bigger than any fear.
In accepting yourself completely, trust becomes complete. There is no longer any separation between people, because there is no longer any separation inside. In the space where fear used to live, love is allowed to grow.

- Michael Jackson ( Dancing the Dream

Who’s Michael Jackson? You Are, I Am, We All MJ
Monday, June 28th 2010


It is truly amazing that the tribute single, “Better on the Other Side,” was written, recorded and released on Diddy’s Twitter account within 24 hours after Michael’s death. Wow! The ‘GameBoyz’ got on it with no time to spare! Deeply saddened, and still in a state of shock, inspiration welled up from deep within rappers DJs Skee and Khalil. Even though MJ’s style of music was not rap, these artists had just lost their mentor and “king” forever. MJ’s influence crossed music genre boundaries. A tribute was quickly in the making. Featured on the song are rapper recording artists, The Game, Chris Brown, Diddy, Polow Da Don, Mario Winans, Usher and Boyz II Men who pooled their talents for the impromptu project.


[Diddy talking]
I remember the first time I seen you moonwalk,
I believed I could do anything,
you made the world dance,
you made the music come to life

[Chris Brown - Chorus]
This the type of song that make the angels cry,
I look up in the sky and I wonder why?
why you had to go, go
I know it’s better on the other side,
you were chosen from the start
never gon let you go,

[The Game]
Whose Michael Jackson?
You’re Michael Jackson,
I’m Michael Jackson,
We all Michael Jackson,
I guess what I’m asking is, everybody bow their head for a legend,
don’t breathe for a second,
now let the air out, grab the hand of somebody you care about,
so you can hear my message, my confession, someone tell Usher,
I seen the moonwalk, I guess the young thriller touched him,
like he touched me, like he touched you,
so carry on his legacy, something i must do,
and I trust you lighting candles, concrete visuals,
me and my brothers listen to Jackson 5 in the living room,
first thing i did when i heard was call puff,
cos him and Mike tried to stop the beef between us,
who was us? Me and fifty, that beef is dead,
him and Mike Jackson gonna take us to the ledge.

[Chris Brown - Chorus]
This the type of song that make the angels cry,
I look up in the sky and i wonder why?
why you had to go, go
I know it’s better on the other side,
you were chosen from the start
never gon let you go,

As I’m pouring out this liquor candles start to flicker,
when list my air ones, MJ was my nigger.
Not the one that play ball, the one with the hollywood star,
and since I’m a Hollywood star Imma tell you my story,
never had a family that close,
never see Berry Gordy walking through Interscope,
but just like me, they always had Mike in a scope,
no matter what you say,
imma love him and hes still dope,
let me take you back to ‘85 when i was in a zone,
dancing for my momma, ‘Thriller’ jacket with all the zippers on,
now im doing 90 bout to crash in this Aston,
listening to Outcast, I’m sorry Mrs Jackson
anything I can ever do to better you your son was our king
so we wont Corretta you,
I’m writing this letter to all the Jackson kids, we all Jackson kids,
time to let us through.

[Chris Brown - Chorus]
This the type of song that make the angels cry,
I look up in the sky and i wonder why?
why you had to go, go
I know it’s better on the other side,
you were chosen from the start
never gon let you go,

[Boys II Men]
This the kind of song that make the angels cry,
look up in the sky and ask God, why o why why
Do we live and let die
This the kind of song that make the angels cry,
look up in the sky and ask God, why o why why
Do we live and let, live and let die.


These guys totally respected and admired Michael, not only as a mentor, but as a friend. As it mentions in the song, Michael encouraged Game and 50Cent to make amends in their relationship, and “stop the beef.” According to The Game, Jackson had tried to end the feuding and tension between rapper 50 Cent and The Game in 2005. “I was on tour in Canada, sitting in my room, cutting my hair…Then my road manager knocks on my door. Boom, boom, boom. He told me, I got MJ on the phone. I ran and snatched up the phone.” The Game said Jackson started the conversation by talking about music and complimenting him on his records. Then [Jackson] said, ‘I don’t know how you’re gonna feel about this, but I want to ask you something. I don’t want you to judge me, but I don’t really know everything that’s going on between you and 50. But I want to be the middleman behind you putting this situation to bed.” This gives us insight into Michael, the peacemaker.

Everything about this song is impressive. It is a powerful testimony to the profound influence that MJ had on a wide range of artists, both professionally and personally.

Source: http://michaeljacksonrememberedwithlove.com/2010/06/
I'll Be There - Michael Jackson

Michael sings a duet with himself as a young boy in this Pepsi commercial. It's so touchingly beautiful and heartfelt, it shakes me to my core. This is followed by the Heal the World Speech and the NAACP Entertainer of the Year award in 1993.
It cannot be said enough: Michael is pure love and we love him for it! :heart:

Thank you so much MJJLaugh.
Better on the other side was the very first song I heard about Michael right after his passing.
Powerful song is all I can say. A loud cry straight from the heart. I didn't know the history behind the song and I'm deeply impressed, once again, by Michael's influence and inspiration to artists' souls.
A Prayer by Francis of Assisi




This prayer by Francis of Assisi, reminds me of Michael in so many ways; the way he lived his life, and through his poems and essays, music and dance inspired the world to follow "the ecstacy of divine union between music and dance".
He engrained the words in his heart,
set his mind on healing the world,
his actions spoke volumes
and love radiated from his eyes,
he lived this simple prayer his entire life!

"Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon:
where there is doubt, faith ;
where there is despair, hope
where there is darkness, light
where there is sadness, joy
O divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.
~ Francis of Assisi


“In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe.”
~ Michael Jackson


“And my goal in life is to give to the world what I was lucky to receive: the ecstasy of divine union through my music and my dance.”
~ Michael Jackson


“Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation.”
~ Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson Tribute - The Prayer

The video ends with the words "Love lives forever"
Isn't that the truth ?
If you reap what you sow, it is clear what Michael sowed all his life. :heart:

Michael Jackson Fans are a Rare Breed


“Michael Jackson fans are a strange breed. One would be hard pressed to find another fan community whose object of admiration is the subject of so much unnecessary condemnation. Over time, Michael Jackson enthusiasts have watched their beloved’s seemingly global idolization transform into apparent worldwide mischaracterization and mistreatment by the press and public alike. Yet, through it all, true Michael Jackson fans have abandoned him not. If anything, the harder Michael’s opponents try to shove him to the depths of despair, the harder his devotees love him, if only for summoning the courage to persist in the midst of it all. Michael’s continued endurance is an exercise in strength and resilience in the face of adversity and uncertainty. Michael’s fans have learned well the lesson, as they steadfastly brave the almost daily emotional roller coaster ride that is a requisite experience of every Jackson supporter. They marvel at his seemingly inexhaustible talents and applaud his victories. They laugh with him in his happiness; weep with him in his sorrow and pray for him in troubled times. Their hearts are warmed when he is embraced, and bleed when he is ill-treated. Despite the stratospheric highs and seemingly cavernous lows that come with being a Michael Jackson fan, they remain loyal. They, like Michael, refuse to allow naysayers to steal their joy, obstruct their way or shape their opinions. They, like Michael, refuse to have their destiny defined or dictated by another. They also refuse to stand idly by as others attempt to deny Michael his rightfully earned legacy. Simply, Michael Jackson’s fans are just like Mike in that they will not be deterred. By nature of their calling, Michael’s fans are constantly summoned to put on the full armor, stand on the front lines and fight. Oftentimes with their pen as their sword, they fight alongside and for Michael’s right of humanity. By so doing, they fight for tolerance over prejudice, unconditional love over criticism; wisdom over ignorance and justice over inequality – not only for Michael, but for themselves as well. The battles are never-ending, hard-fought and oftentimes mentally and physically exhausting. Still, rather than surrender or reconcile, Michael’s fans resist. They resist the desire to abandon Michael when all seems lost. They forsake the notion that theirs is a lost cause. They refuse to throw in the towel and resign themselves to the path of least resistance, which so often involves renouncing their fan support of Michael. When the going gets tough, with weary minds and heavy hearts, they press on. They press on through Michael’s tribulations and the attacks to which he is subjected. They press on in spite of tire. They press on despite mockery and question as to why they bother fight at all for Michael Jackson, a man some deem undeserving of their adoration. Hazrat Inayat Khan once said, “God breaks the heart again and again until it stays open”. Michael’s devotees can see him as living proof of this idea, as he seems to be the embodiment of the notion. His own heart has been broken much and his fans personally feel the sting of each break. By the grace of God, Michael’s heart does not become hardened as a result of its frequent fractures. To the contrary, his shattered heart allows for its tenderness and openness. Since out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks, Michael’s fans are able to truly see the fullness of his heart when they listen to him articulate his desire for acceptance, understanding, positivity, love and peace through song and speech. As their efforts to break Jackson himself have continually proven unsuccessful, some Michael Jackson opponents have turned their focus to attempting to disband the fan community by attacking his defenders. Time after time, the press uses condescending, defamatory terms to describe Michael’s fans. Being referred to as “delusional” and “*****” is not foreign to Jackson’s supporters. However, Michael’s devotees choose to ignore the juvenile name-calling and taglines bestowed on them by the media. The fans refuse to allow the press to project its negative, inaccurate perception onto them. This is because Michael Jackson fans realize that such inflammatory terms do not depict their true nature as intelligent, grounded individuals with a healthy admiration for Michael’s music, vision and humanitarianism among other things. Interestingly enough, Michael Jackson’s influence is global and thus, so is his fan base. His detractors are under the false impression that his fan base is minuscule as well as one-dimensional. To the contrary, Michael Jackson enthusiasts are nothing if not vast and multi-dimensional. They can be found on every continent, in every country worldwide. Michael’s fans transcend racial, age and socioeconomic boundaries. The fact that Michael’s fans are so diverse adds to their beauty. Few entertainers, if any, can lay claim to having the type of dynamic and varied fan base of which Michael Jackson can boast. If it is true our lives are open books for others to read, then the fans’ study of Michael Jackson has taught them more than they ever could have imagined they would learn about life, love and survival. Michael Jackson is a living testament of the notion that whatever one dreams and desires for his or her life can be achieved. Michael lives by the mantra that love should have no limitations -no conditions. Michael has shown all who dare take notice that it is possible to not only stay alive, but to thrive, with grace and fortitude despite adversity. By merely existing, Michael Jackson has taught his fans what it is to dream without fear, to create without boundaries, to listen without prejudice and to love without judgment. Simply, Michael Jackson’s fans are a hard act to outshine. Their loyalty, enthusiasm, intelligence and genuine adoration of their musical idol is unparalleled by other artists’ fan communities. However, for all their attributes, when it comes to one particular matter, Michael Jackson’s admiring fans, will always be bested. For try as they might, no matter to what infinite degree they say and believe they love Michael Jackson, the King of Pop in true regal fashion, will always say and prove he loves them more … “

by Fantam

Source: http://soldiersoflove.wordpress.com/2010/06/22/michael-jackson-fans-are-a-rare-breed/
Michael - Somebody Already Broke My Heart

I wish you had someone at your side who truly loved you, with your best interest at heart, respectful, caring and kind, a true love at your side, so your eyes would not have that sadness in them. I wish I could have taken away all the hurt and anguish, you did not deserve to suffer so much!

Michael - Somebody Already Broke My Heart

I wish you had someone at your side who truly loved you, with your best interest at heart, respectful, caring and kind, a true love at your side, so your eyes would not have that sadness in them. I wish I could have taken away all the hurt and anguish, you did not deserve to suffer so much!

The Song Speechless

Speechless is the 8th song on the Invincible album that appeared in 2001.
The song was written by Michael Jackson and it is one of my favorite songs.

"Everything with Michael is a stand-out moment," said engineer Bruce Swedien, prior to the release of Invincible, "but an absolutely gorgeous piece of music called Speechless was really an event. Michael sings the first eight bars a cappella. At the end, he closes it off a cappella - it was Michael's idea to add the a cappella parts."

It is one of three tracks Michael chose as his personal favourites from the album, during his online chat with fans on 26th October 2001.

Read more: http://www.mjtunes.com/modules/mydownloads/singlefile.php?cid=1&lid=199#ixzz0v6LZ2Vzw

"VIBE: Tell me about the inspiration for "Speechless". It's very loving.
MJ: You'll be surprised. I was with these kids in Germany, and we had a big water-balloon fight - I'm serious - and I was so happy after the fight that I ran upstairs in their house and wrote "Speechless". Fun inspires me. I hate to say that, because it's such a romantic song. But it was the fight that did it. I was happy, and I wrote it in it's entirety right there. I felt it would be good enough for the album. Out of the bliss comes magic, wonderment, and creativity."

Source: http://www.allmichaeljackson.com/interviews/vibemaginterview.html



Your love is magical, that's how I feel
But I have not the words here to explain
Gone is the grace for expressions of passion
But there are worlds and worlds of ways to explain
To tell you how I feel

But I am speechless, speechless
That's how you make me feel
Though I'm with you I am far away and nothing is for real
When I'm with you I am lost for words, I don't know what to say
My head's spinning like a carousel, so silently I pray
Helpless and hopeless, that's how I feel inside
Nothing's real, but all is possible if God is on my side

When I'm with you I am in the light where I cannot be found
It's as though I am standing in the place called Hallowed Ground
Speechless, speechless, that's how you make me feel
Though I'm with you I am far away and nothing is for real
I'll go anywhere and do anything just to touch your face
There's no mountain high I cannot climb
I'm humbled in your grace

Speechless, speechless, that's how you make me feel
Though I'm with you I am lost for words and nothing is for real
Speechless, speechless, that's how you make me feel
Though I'm with you I am far away, and nothing is for real

Speechless, speechless, that's how you make me feel
Though I'm with you I am lost for words and nothing is for real
SpeechlessYour love is magical, that's how I feel
But in your presence I am lost for words
Words like, "I love you."
Michael Jackson - Speechless (WIDESCREEN HD TRIBUTE)

Although the song was inspired by children happily playing, to me the song is a tribute to the Divine One, His grace, by which he's humbled. He said once:

"Children show me in their playful smiles the divine in everyone. This simple goodness shines straight from their hearts and only asks to be lived." ~ Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson - Speechless (WIDESCREEN HD TRIBUTE)

Although the song was inspired by children happily playing, to me the song is a tribute to the Divine One, His grace, by which he's humbled. He said once:

"Children show me in their playful smiles the divine in everyone. This simple goodness shines straight from their hearts and only asks to be lived." ~ Michael Jackson

Elmira, I agree with you on this. My interpretation is the same regardless of what inspired Michael to write it. I think it all goes goes together anyway. By the way, this is absolutely wonderful and inspiring to watch. Thank you for posting this and all of the information you post. :better:
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