Spike Lee announces Off The Wall Documentary - Estate Announcement Page 66

^^^ Mate you need to give it a rest, you must have little problems in life if all your worried about is the word 'bizarre' and how it is used against Michael Jackson.
hi everyone, hope you are all well. i had to remember my login details as i have not been able to bring myself to watch or read anything Michael ever since, but i just wanted to wish you all well. and im glad to be back!

anyway i wanted to ask what about a petition? If we get loads of sigs by us the fans we have a voice maybe the estate will release these concerts if there is a full one of course, but i think there is remember Michael recorded every single show he did.

Can a petition be done?

EDIT * oh wow my first post in over 6 years and i totally forgot i had images for my sig: why cant i see them? has the coding advanced???

EDIT2* Just created a Petition. Hope MJ Estate will hear us if we make a big enough impact.


I dont think a pettion will do anything

if anything they will just look at it and ignore it
Maybe fans dislikes word bizarre when it is usually used against Michael in bad way, and fans have been spending years defending MJ against certain media outlets.
I could have sworn there was thread here on MJJC about certain media outlets that when somebody talks about MJ, word bizarre is used against him in bad way or something similar?

Maybe that person who was interviewed really didn't mean it in bad way, but his way of saying it can and will be used against Michael.
Unfortunately Billboard run with it:
Meanwhile, Byrne and Questlove speak to Jackson's odder side with a timely reference to Star Wars' influence on the song's lyrics.

"I didn't even know that he was saying, 'Keep on with the force, don't stop,' I thought it was about forks," said Questlove, laughing.

If BB considers lyrics makes MJ odd, well there is a long list of singers and bands with lyrics that would make those people odd:D

For the next SL documentary, we should contact on him and tell him to make sure that word bizarre is left to cutting room floor:)

Now, can we get over with this bizarre argument over word bizarre:cheeky:
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Media can do negative from anything, so Imo there's no use to hold back. To watch out for every single word won't help, really.
Sometimes, I think we should give ourselves a break and just enjoy the moment.

As for misunderstanding/misheard lyrics, I bet I'm a champion in this, LOL!!! Thinking of Tabloid Junkie alone.
Idk why it must be taken seriously, I have soo many stories connected to misheard Michael's lyrics, that would be a documentary, LOL!!!

It's very heartwarming to hear similar stories, such small things make us all MJ FAM!
^^^ Mate you need to give it a rest, you must have little problems in life if all your worried about is the word 'bizarre' and how it is used against Michael Jackson.

I gave it a rest. I don't have any problems in my life. I'm not worried at all. I'm just discussing the trailer on MJ discussion board. We got to the point that your arguments won't change my mind and my arguments won't change yours. So we'll just have to agree to disagree and move on.
We need another clip so we can concentrate on something else:rollin:

Desperately trying find something else to talk about............................................................................................................. does anyone know who wrote the essay that comes with OTW album?
Don’t miss the premiere of Showtime’s Documentary Michael Jackson’s Journey from Motown to Off The Wall Friday, February 5th. A great production done by Spike Lee and the Estate of my son. My wife Katherine and I participated on this project and I am very happy and excited to see it finally released.

Pictures in link
I think it's ironic how people talk about Michael like they knew him...
I am just so glad to see that this is going to finale happen can not wait to see it:yes:
Watch @theweeknd in a preview of Michael Jackson's 'Off the Wall" documentary: http://bit.ly/1RNOSl5

If you can't hang with the feelin'
Then there ain't no room for you this part of town #OffTheWall
What a cruel irony that MJ spent his whole live filming his shows for the archives, and now when a documentary is coming out about a pivotal moment in his career that could use said archived footage to it's full advantage, it's apparently not available by the gatekeepers to the archives themselves.
Interview with Spike Lee (removed non MJ related parts)

Spike Lee on His Revealing New Michael Jackson Documentary and Why Donald Trump Is 'Bananas'
1/14/2016 by Rob Tannenbaum

Your new documentary, Michael Jackson's Journey From Motown to Off the Wall, is a lot of fun to watch. It was the simplest period of his life, wasn't it, before all the tabloid *headlines and abuse accusations?

Back in 1979, there was no big pressure on Michael for Off the Wall. There were no expectations. It all turned after Thriller -- things get complicated when you sell the most records ever. People got swept up in Thriller, but Off the Wall's my favorite of the three records he did with Quincy Jones. Many people say that in the documentary, too.

His mom, Katherine, says Michael was very hurt when he won only one Grammy Award for Off the Wall in 1980. How much did that motivate him?

Michael Jordan's a good friend of mine. Any *negative thing someone says to him, he uses that as fuel. When Michael didn't win the Grammys he thought he should have won, it's like, "Alright, motherf--ers. I got somethin' for yo' ass." And that was Thriller.

Michael never seemed like an "alright, *motherf--ers" kind of guy.
No, he was. Let's not get it twisted: Michael was competitive. Any record he did, he wanted the thing to be No. 1. He was hurt, and he came back with a vengeance.

Did you like Michael?
Yeah. Mike came to my house in Brooklyn. I put on the CD -- this was [1995's] HIStory -- and he said, "Pick any song you want to direct." So I picked "Stranger in Moscow." He said, "No, that's not the one you want! You want to do 'They Don't Care About Us.' " (Laughs.) Michael was slick.

When Michael was making Off the Wall, a lot of people thought his career was over, didn't they?
There were doubts. But Michael never doubted *himself. He just knew he had been given the freedom to do his thing. And to do that, he and his brothers first had to get out of a Motown contract. And then he had to step away from his brothers, too. Family is a cross to bear.

In the movie, you don't address Michael's accusation that his dad, Joe, was physically abusive. Why not?
Here's the thing, and I appreciate your *question: So many people focus on the other stuff. We wanted to focus on the music. People might say that's a cop-out. I don't care. Personally, I'm not going to say Joe Jackson was a bad guy. Have you ever been to the Jacksons' house in Gary, Indiana? There were nine kids sleeping on top of each other. He saw talent in his kids, and he made it work. Nowadays, if you hit your kid, you're going to jail. Back then, if you messed around -- I'm just talking for black folks -- you got hit. I don't think children should be beat, but sometimes, upside the head? (Shrugs.) Maybe I'm old-fashioned. And that house in Gary? That should be a national landmark. Alright, President Obama. You've got one year left. (Laughs.)

It seems like Joe was simultaneously the best artist manager of all time and the worst.
Joe's OK in my book. Of course, he wasn't my father! (Laughs.)

Michael's brothers Jackie and Marlon, who have good relationships with John Branca and John McClain, the executors of Jackson's estate, are in the film. But Janet, Jermaine and Randy, who have denounced the executors, are not in it. Why?
They didn't want to be a part of it. It's no secret that there's tension between [parts of] the family and the estate. Any time money's involved, there's going to be static.

There's one thing about your *documentary that isn't great: the title. Why such a *cumbersome title?

Wasn't me.

Was the title dictated to you by the estate?
It wasn't me. (Laughs.) Man, I should be running for office right now. That was a true politician's answer, wasn't it? Give me Iowa!

This is your second Jackson documentary -- the first was Bad 25. Do you want to do another one?

I'd really like to do a documentary about Thriller. I've let the estate know, but I've not been given the job yet.

Do you think the success of Thriller was bad for Michael's music? After that, he was *obsessed with topping it.
Thriller became a monster on his back. Every record after that, he was trying to sell more records. I think there's a cost for that.

Hahaha for the title response. But I think it's very good title. Better than just Off The Wall or Off The Wall # because the doc is not just about the album. We've seen Gamble & Huff were interviewed, and The Jacksons so I'm sure it will be discussions about that time period 1975-1979. I think the title fits. What do you think?
He did record every single show he did. But for archiving purposes, not for release. The majority of those shows are just jumbotron footage without audio multitracks and such concerts can't be released. Of course some concerts have been professionally filmed for release. But those are few shows from every tour, not every single one he did.

Yeah i know they were not recorded for release they were recorded for his personal use etc.

Re the title: wasn't the multi part documentary about the Bad Tour back in 88 called something like 'From Motown to Your Town"?

That was on Showtime too back then. Thank goodness NBC also ran it because we didn't get cable in my area until 1995.
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^^ Yes, Spike wasn't really tactical with his responses:)

Anyways, if Spike gets the chance to do Thriller documentary, it'd better be series or at least 5 hours long.
If Spike Lee does do a Thriller documentary, I hope he'll follow that up with a Dangerous, HIStory/Blood On The Dance Floor and Invincible documentaries. I don't want ALL the focus to only go to the Q produced albums.

Dangerous could make for a real good documentary, because like Off The Wall that was also a big time in Michael's life. He was leaving Q, which was a huge risk taker considering all the success MJ had working with him. Michael could have easily played it safe and continued working with Q, but he took a chance. Dangerous is an important chapter in Michael's musical career
If Spike Lee does do a Thriller documentary, I hope he'll follow that up with a Dangerous, HIStory/Blood On The Dance Floor and Invincible documentaries. I don't want ALL the focus to only go to the Q produced albums.

From his interviews I got a feeling that he doesn't have any desire or will to do anything post Q. Sadly.
I'm not sure if the 'pack' picture has already been posted...I might have missed it.

As regards the doc. title, I think 'casual' buyers might find it difficult to find on Amazon etc, as it seems not to be listed under the film title but under 'Off the wall CD + DVD' or 'Off the Wall De Luxe'.

Logically the title should be 'Journey from Motown to CBS....... :)

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