Update: Behind the Scenes on Jan 28th 8PM ET OWN Channel / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

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Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Remember that during the 2005 trial it was said that when Michael first heard about the fall out with the Bashir interview, the first thing he asked was about his children. To me that is a clear indication that Michael put his children's welfare first. Certainly before protecting his legacy and improving his public image.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I think about those 3 kids at least twice a day. I hope after all this, they come out fine. Because with grandparents like these, honestly....

Those kids should go to Diana Ross like Michael wanted. It's obvious Katherine is not fit to be their guardian. And Joe looming over them...didn't Debbie Rowe said he was not to be near her kids?

And why is the estate not stoppig this?
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

The children are beautiful, but it breaks my heart to see them with Oprah. Michael worked so hard to protect them from this.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Seeing this picture it makes you realize that Michael Jackson is indeed dead

Yep. For all the hoax believers, I hate it for them but if he was somewhere hoaxing, this would definitely bring him back.

This is unbelievable. Sometimes I feel like I'm in the twilight zone.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

And why is the estate not stoppig this?

simply because they can't. they aren't the guardians and they don't have the custody. they cannot determine who the children meets, talks, interviews.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

OMG! Did this really happened?:bugeyed

She didn't throw it hard enough.

And this from Harpo rep about molestation show just before the Jackson show:

"A rep for Oprah's production company tells TMZ, "There is no connection whatsoever between the two shows. This is purely coincidental."

Not coincidental??? :rolleyes: my butt! PFFTT!!

And omg i wanna know too if neve campell really did that 2 oprah ?
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I think about those 3 kids at least twice a day. I hope after all this, they come out fine. Because with grandparents like these, honestly....

Those kids should go to Diana Ross like Michael wanted. It's obvious Katherine is not fit to be their guardian. And Joe looming over them...didn't Debbie Rowe said he was not to be near her kids?

And why is the estate not stoppig this?

Michael wanted his kids with his Mother and you know nothing about what goes on to judge if she fit or not. Like it or not Joe is there grandfather And Debbie may be the Mother of two of them she is not the guardian and does not make descsions about who they can be around. Would rather they hang out with Marc Shaffel?
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I can not wait until Oprah is FINALLY off air! Enough is enough! The fact that she had and will have those Molestation shows surrounding MJ special(s) speak volumes! She even asked Lisa that damn question! Sure she would ask Katherine now or she herself (Katherine) will bring it up!?

Damn what a line up! o_O All about molestation! So not fair! A coincidence my @$$ Oprah! She making sure people don't forget by keeping that in their heads when the big get special(s) about MJ air(s)! SMFH
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Michael wanted his kids with his Mother and you know nothing about what goes on to judge if she fit or not. Like it or not Joe is there grandfather And Debbie may be the Mother of two of them she is not the guardian and does not make descsions about who they can be around. Would rather they hang out with Marc Shaffel?


In case you forgot, Michael also wanted his kids with DIANA ROSS which I think would have been better, in my opinion.

I may NOT live with Katherine, but judging by what has happen in the last few months, I can say that the kids would be better off with Diana. I judge by what I see. I don't like what I have been seeing. Diana would not use those kids as a commodity. She would have protected them. She's is super private. All her kids came out fine, so she must have done something right. None of them ended up in scandals or drugs or arrested...Can't say the same about some of the Jackson family members....

In case you forgot (again) Katherine had the kids sign a belt buckle for "charity". That was a poor desicion in my opinion, as well as the Grammy speech and this interview with Oprah. I don't care if the kids wanted to do these things, Michael didn't, therefore Katherine is not respecting her son's desicions.

Believe it or not Debbie is still legally the kids mother so she DOES have rights and can make a descisions on her kids. When the stun gun incident occur, one of the first who was called was Debbie Rowe.

Joe Jackson is a monster. That's by default. And no, he does not have to be near the kids. Debbie did not want that and she has a say so even if you don't like her. Michael rarely wanted to be near his father much less his kids be near him. And I am sure it was because of what Michael must have told Debbie, she didn't want that man near her kids.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Did anyone read that new article about Oprah airing Michael jackson and these molestation shows back to back?????

and after seeing those children in the picture,

.....I wish Michael were here.... :(
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Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I do not follow a lot of MJ news anymore, let alone participate in discussions... It's frankly too painful and destructive to my current health.

But, my heart sank to a new low when I learned that Katherine Jackson had gotten herself tangled up in the scams of Henry Vaccaro and affiliates (Howard Mann)--including the entire "Michael Jackson Secret Vault" premise which is exactly what MJ successfully fought to have shut down in court back in 2003-2004 and again in 2006-2007.

Oprah seems determined to make the world believe that Michael was a hardcore drug addict and that it was this massive, decades-long drug intake that caused his death--of course she won't reiterate the findings from the official autopsy/coroner report but instead seems to find willing participants to at least nod their head in agreement to her lead-in questions about drugs etc. I was unable to sit through the entire LMP interview with Oprah for this very reason.

After all this time, I am devastated to see that Michael's family and close associates remain as oblivious as ever with regards to the detractors and vultures from Michael's life, and the ulterior motives they hold. I became physically ill when I witnessed Frank Dileo and other close associates mingling with and posing for photos with Ian Halperin at Michael's memorial just days after Ian made some of the most outlandish and sickening claims against Michael. The sick feeling grew as people like Corey Feldman were invited by the family to the private funeral. And then there's Joe who happens to hire Bryan Oxman as an attorney. Still, even after all these months nothing has changed as far as the family's insight into who they should or should not associate with for the good of Michael's image and for the beliefs that he worked so hard to abide by when he was here. Either that, or they simply put money above all else. I am gutted.....

I really feel your pain here^^^. Looking at the picture my heart breaks even more to see Prince and Blanket smiling so much like Michael, and Michael is no longer here.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I agree, Blanket is Michael's double. It's such a sad image seeing these kids in this position. God bless them.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I would not like to be in mama Katherine shoes, raising these kids is a challenging even though I'm sure she loves her grand children. But imagine if you were in her position and you grant Oprah or whoever an interview and you said at the end of the interview i'm letting the kids come on to talk to you, that would very hard to do. For the simple reason that, people want to see the kids not Katherine. That doesn't make right it though, but I believe Katherine believes the more people see them ,the less interested they will be in trying to follow them and take photos of them. That is one reason she decided to send them to public school. Imagine if these kids had never made an appearance on the music award show. People's interest would of still be heighten, which would of lead to more invasion of their privacy, but like it not these kids would never be fully ride of paparazzi following them and the media hounding them. So even though I know many of you would not agree with me, I think it's best if they are gonna be hounded that Katherine do on her terms when she wants to.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

All these fans who wanted the family in control of the estate...I hope you guys finally understand why MJ left things the way he did.

The family is irresponsible.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

"The way he lived changed as soon as he got the kids. He was so concerned about their safety. He always worried they would be kidnapped or harmed in some way or taken hostage for ransom.

He called me when Diana died over in London and he was just totally freaked out. He said, 'That could have been me.' He said, 'We get chased so much,' and he was so worried. He was worried the kids would have a terrible accident, so that's why he kept the kids masked because he didn't want anyone to know what they looked like."

From interview with David Nordahl
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Are we even sure if there is an interview on camera or is this just a picture released by the producers? I have jury duty that day so I won't be home would rather spend the day there anyway
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Only oprah can get a interview with the kids wow how does she have the power? i mean nobody can even get a interview with the kids? I mean everyone trys but how they heck did she do it?
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I'm surprised to know that Katherine is courageous enough to have an interview for a woman against her son, SMILING!. I only hope Oprah won't break her heart.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I do not follow a lot of MJ news anymore, let alone participate in discussions... It's frankly too painful and destructive to my current health.

But, my heart sank to a new low when I learned that Katherine Jackson had gotten herself tangled up in the scams of Henry Vaccaro and affiliates (Howard Mann)--including the entire "Michael Jackson Secret Vault" premise which is exactly what MJ successfully fought to have shut down in court back in 2003-2004 and again in 2006-2007.

Oprah seems determined to make the world believe that Michael was a hardcore drug addict and that it was this massive, decades-long drug intake that caused his death--of course she won't reiterate the findings from the official autopsy/coroner report but instead seems to find willing participants to at least nod their head in agreement to her lead-in questions about drugs etc. I was unable to sit through the entire LMP interview with Oprah for this very reason.

After all this time, I am devastated to see that Michael's family and close associates remain as oblivious as ever with regards to the detractors and vultures from Michael's life, and the ulterior motives they hold. I became physically ill when I witnessed Frank Dileo and other close associates mingling with and posing for photos with Ian Halperin at Michael's memorial just days after Ian made some of the most outlandish and sickening claims against Michael. The sick feeling grew as people like Corey Feldman were invited by the family to the private funeral. And then there's Joe who happens to hire Bryan Oxman as an attorney. Still, even after all these months nothing has changed as far as the family's insight into who they should or should not associate with for the good of Michael's image and for the beliefs that he worked so hard to abide by when he was here. Either that, or they simply put money above all else. I am gutted.....
:clapping: :agree: :clapping: :agree: :clapping: :agree: :clapping: :agree::clapping:
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I do not follow a lot of MJ news anymore, let alone participate in discussions... It's frankly too painful and destructive to my current health.

But, my heart sank to a new low when I learned that Katherine Jackson had gotten herself tangled up in the scams of Henry Vaccaro and affiliates (Howard Mann)--including the entire "Michael Jackson Secret Vault" premise which is exactly what MJ successfully fought to have shut down in court back in 2003-2004 and again in 2006-2007.

Oprah seems determined to make the world believe that Michael was a hardcore drug addict and that it was this massive, decades-long drug intake that caused his death--of course she won't reiterate the findings from the official autopsy/coroner report but instead seems to find willing participants to at least nod their head in agreement to her lead-in questions about drugs etc. I was unable to sit through the entire LMP interview with Oprah for this very reason.

After all this time, I am devastated to see that Michael's family and close associates remain as oblivious as ever with regards to the detractors and vultures from Michael's life, and the ulterior motives they hold. I became physically ill when I witnessed Frank Dileo and other close associates mingling with and posing for photos with Ian Halperin at Michael's memorial just days after Ian made some of the most outlandish and sickening claims against Michael. The sick feeling grew as people like Corey Feldman were invited by the family to the private funeral. And then there's Joe who happens to hire Bryan Oxman as an attorney. Still, even after all these months nothing has changed as far as the family's insight into who they should or should not associate with for the good of Michael's image and for the beliefs that he worked so hard to abide by when he was here. Either that, or they simply put money above all else. I am gutted.....

Yeah, this.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I would not like to be in mama Katherine shoes, raising these kids is a challenging even though I'm sure she loves her grand children. But imagine if you were in her position and you grant Oprah or whoever an interview and you said at the end of the interview i'm letting the kids come on to talk to you, that would very hard to do. For the simple reason that, people want to see the kids not Katherine. That doesn't make right it though, but I believe Katherine believes the more people see them ,the less interested they will be in trying to follow them and take photos of them. That is one reason she decided to send them to public school. Imagine if these kids had never made an appearance on the music award show. People's interest would of still be heighten, which would of lead to more invasion of their privacy, but like it not these kids would never be fully ride of paparazzi following them and the media hounding them. So even though I know many of you would not agree with me, I think it's best if they are gonna be hounded that Katherine do on her terms when she wants to.

And Katherine did say in one of her recent interviews that she never liked that Michael covered the children's faces. So she's probably just doing what she thinks is right as their legal guardian (or being manipulated by Joe, et al). She is their guardian, not Oprah, not us.

I think the kids will be fine. It's just a talk show appearance. It's not like they are on stage performing in a singing group (although we know Joe would love that, heh).
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Did anyone read that new article about Oprah airing Michael jackson and these molestation shows back to back?????

and after seeing those children in the picture,

.....I wish Michael were here.... :(

Yes and I think it's disgusting.
Oprah is dispicable. She manages to get one of the biggest interviews in the world and she repays the Jackson family by airing a show about child molestation straight after. She clearly thinks that MJ was a criminal and although she is not expressing her views overtly, with her scheduling she is definitely conveying them covertly.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

And Katherine did say in one of her recent interviews that she never liked that Michael covered the children's faces. So she's probably just doing what she thinks is right as their legal guardian (or being manipulated by Joe, et al). She is their guardian, not Oprah, not us.

I think the kids will be fine. It's just a talk show appearance. It's not like they are on stage performing in a singing group (although we know Joe would love that, heh).

it really doesn't matter. when it comes to our kids..as parents, we wouldn't want our mother to override us on decisions concerning our kids. it's an unwritten rule. if Michael wanted to cover their faces, he was the parent. his decision was the right decision. and as we found out with Michael, more appearances didn't stop the frenzy directed at him. more appearances won't stop the frenzy toward his kids. not a good idea for the kids to be interviewed..especially, since child molestation shows will proceed that interview. Oprah doesn't have a sense of discipline. this is her last season and show. anything for money. there is no decorum, here.

and this is not directed at you, but i notice that if people have a real problem with what Oprah Winfrey does, others call it hating on Oprah. that's not true. if someone greatly disagrees..if a parent disciplines a child and a child hates it, and is prone to saying i hate my mother...that's overboard. if anything..discipline is anything but hate.. hating someone is just letting them run wild and undisciplined until they destroy themselves. Oprah comes off as a child without discipline. she doesn't care who she hurts, she doesn't think about the outcome..and i'm reminded of a producer who was talking about the last season of Smallville...he said..all rules go out the window. for Oprah, all rules are going out the window. and the only person she will hurt, in the end, is herself. she is clearly showing envy and hate for Michael, airing these molestation shows, and then interviewing Michael's kids. if anybody is doing the hating, it's Oprah Winfrey. it was she who said that a drug overdose was the TRUTH, in Michael Jackson's death. and she had NO proof. none. and that was BEFORE she asked Presley any questions. she has the acquittal of Michael by a U.S. court jury, after she, herself served jury duty, in another case; and with all that, she's airing this succesion of programs, knowing how subliminal media works. Mike's kids, most likely have no idea, what Winfrey will do, after the interview, as far as editing. NBC dateline is proof, as they made Katherine Jackson look like an ignorant buffoon, when all she was doing, was defending her son. and, after the Presley interview, the design scheme was clear. to portray Michael as a drug addict, in an interview where Winfrey was clearly asking leading questions to Presley. imagine what Winfrey can do, with the use of MJ's kids. and, perhaps, with the use of Katherine Jackson.

in fact, Winfrey's already used the kids, through the succession of the schedule of interviews. child molestation interviews, before Katherine interview and kids interview. by the schedule alone, Winfrey has used the art of subliminal media to portray Michael as a drug addict and child molester. we all know about subliminal media use. and Winfrey is queen of this. and also queen of denial. she has said these interviews are purely coincidental. this, from a powerful woman, who has her own production company and enterprise, and controls her own show?
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Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I see as usual that the fans are hysterical as ever. I see as usual that the fans think they can step in between Michael and his family. I see as usual that the fans think every Jackson not named Michael is automatically a user, a schemer, an exploiter, evil incarnate.

I'm sick of Michael Jackson fans running down Michael Jackson's family. You all think you can speak for Michael but you're not HIM! You don't know how he felt about them. You can't take the place of them. Family may fuss & family may fight but family is forever.

Michael forgave Joe who caused lots of emotional pain in his life. Michael forgave Jermaine who insinuated Michael hated his ethnic heritage in Word To The Badd. Michael even forgave LaToya who under duress from Mafia associate Jack Gordon called him a pedophile during his first allegations.
So where do fans get off running down the family that Michael himself loved???????

I bet money that if Michael heard fans talking about his family the way y'all do, he'd cuss you out & put you in your place. He might say "How dare you insult my family like that?" I bet money that you suckers would NEVER say that kind of crap to Michael's face like you do on here. And he wouldn't stand for it.

I haven't posted here since last year. And I had been a member since when this place was called MJJForum.com with MsTenda at the helm. I see nothing has changed when it comes to respecting Michael's loved ones.

The word 'fan' is short for fanatic & you guys prove that point each time you run crazy with all of this disrespectful talk to Michael's family. You don't have to agree with them & all of their decisions but have the decency to respect them as an integral part of Michael's life. If you have a concern, pass it on to Randy through Twitter or something & have him advocate your finding.

We all want to protect Michael's children, legacy, & estate. We all want the Jackson legacy to live on & not be ripped off by the vultures who swarmed around Michael until the end.

I don't trust Oprah either but I see this as walking directly into the Lion's Den & facing the Lion head on. I see Katherine is not so keen on hiding from everybody eternally.
Some people couldn't begin to understand Michael until they SAW Prince, Paris, & Blanket at the public memorial. When they saw & heard Paris speak, her simple words rolled back decades of misunderstanding & demonization towards Michael.

Those who ran him down took more time to understand & realized how wrong they were because they got to see the kids in full view for themselves. Suddenly the masks begin to make sense. These were well-adjusted intelligent healthy children & when they saw the result of that excellent parenting from Michael it made them doubt that this guy could ever be a pedophile. All because they saw the kids for themselves. No more "bad parent Michael who dangles babies". Now they could see that the stories were true about Michael's abilities as a father.

Katherine may be doing a service here by going on Oprah. Oprah has one of the biggest platforms on Earth & Katherine can handle herself. Like Michael, she's soft-spoken but strong-willed. Maybe she will finally breakthrough to Oprah about who Michael always was. The kindness you love from Michael comes from Katherine. SHE taught him these things. How can you run down the woman who Michael time & time again praised as an inspiration in his life?

People wanna praise Geraldo for 2005 but forget that in 1993 he ran Michael down on his talk show too. He was part of that tabloidish universe back then too. Yet Michael still talked to him in 2005. Geraldo talked trash afterwards but at that time he was fair & let Michael say his piece giving him one of the better interviews in Michael's life.

I want to see how The Jacksons handle themselves. They love Michael I don't care what some of you fans say. And Michael loved them. Let them say their piece & make your assessments afterwards. I don't trust Oprah but something tells me this will turn out alright.
John Lucas
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

You don't know how he felt about them.
yes, we do. he left them out of his will. actions speak louder than words.

anyway, even though I am deeply upset by this photo, I've decided to wait and see what happens. I just hope Oprah doesn't ask the kids any upleasant questions.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

yes, we do. he left them out of his will. actions speak louder than words.

Not only that, he also wanted Diana Ross to raise his children if his mother were unable to.

With all of those siblings that Michael has, in my opinion, that ALSO speaks volumes.

As to Oprah, she's a sneaky little bugger. She got that Tyler Perry show (along with the 200 molested men) lined up for Friday and she will be using that show to promote her Jackson family interview, which is on Monday.

She ain't slick! She puts it out there AND WITHOUT SAYING A WORD, she sends a message nonetheless, in my opinion.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound


I think the majority of fans know and respect how much Michael genuinely loved his family. The family's actions just make many wonder how genuinely they all loved and respected him, not as Michael the superstar--just as Michael.

Plus, Michael was always saying all he wanted was to be loved. Granted, we are outsiders looking in, but when we do, there is more than sufficient reason to again wonder WHY he so desperately sought it if he was getting it from his most immediate sphere.

I happen to believe that MJ's family does love them, but they look out for themselves at times when Michael and his wishes should be the priority consideration.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

if anybody is doing the hating, it's Oprah Winfrey. it was she who said that a drug overdose was the TRUTH

Did Oprah even mention Murray?
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound


I think the majority of fans know and respect how much Michael genuinely loved his family. The family's actions just make many wonder how genuinely they all loved and respected him, not as Michael the superstar--just as Michael.

Plus, Michael was always saying all he wanted was to be loved. Granted, we are outsiders looking in, but when we do, there is more than sufficient reason to again wonder WHY he so desperately sought it if he was getting it from his most immediate sphere.

I happen to believe that MJ's family does love them, but they look out for themselves at times when Michael and his wishes should be the priority consideration.

I believe it is 100% genuine. End of story.
We ARE outsiders looking in & I think most of us forget that.

We know Michael publicly because he had consistent character throughout the years. But we don't know Michael up close & personal. We don't know his interactions with his family.
We didn't know they had a Family Day on May 14th where Jermaine & Michael sang & talked to each other & Janet & Michael goofed around & joked. We only know because the family told us.

We can have our theories, our suspicions, our hypotheses, but at the end of the day we don't know the day to day ins & outs of the Jackson family.

It is ARROGANT to think we know Michael better than his family. It is ARROGANT to think his family is not genuine towards him.

Do you know of Diana Ross' drunken episodes a few years back? That's not a slam against her character. Everybody makes mistakes, everybody has setbacks in life. She is said to be an excellent mother. If the kids would have gone to her, I'm sure the fans would nitpick everything SHE did thinking they know what's best for the children. They'd probably be saying that Katherine would be a better choice ironically. :D

WE ain't raising those kids! Katherine is. It's so easy to play armchair quarterback but I bet dollars to donuts none of these fans got what it takes to raise those children, the offspring of the most famous man in the world & all that entails. They ain't got the dollars to sustain those kids' lifestyles. They're not gonna pitch in where it counts. They're just gonna talk shit.

When it's all said & done I put my money on the woman who raised 9 kids in a little ass house in the ghettos of Gary, Indiana. I put my money on the woman who is the Matriarch of Hayvenhurst. Michael knew EXACTLY what he was doing when naming the guardian of his children. It didn't surprise me AT ALL when Katherine's name came up.

LaToya said Michael's words at the memorial.
Family first, fans second.

Michael loved us even if he didn't know us up close & personal. We loved him even though we didn't know him up close & personal. He gave his all to us. And we showed our love for him especially at that trial.

But FAMILY takes priority over the fans as it should.
We do ourselves no favors by thinking we can replace them.
We must work WITH them. THEY are the reason Michael was the person we love today. Michael didn't create himself.
It's not Michael Michael. It's Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson of the Jackson Family.

We better remember that. We better respect that.
I guarantee you if you fans ran down Michael's family in front of Michael like that, he'd set you straight sho' nuff quick.

100% love. 100% genuine. That's not opinion. That's fact.
John Lucas
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

THEY are the reason Michael was the person we love today. Michael didn't create himself.

If you want to know how Michael felt when Joe told him the same thing, you should listen to the Glenda tapes.