Update: MICHAEL JACKSON WON!! 100 Best Madison Square Garden Shows: Top 10 - FINAL ROUND

Re: 100 Best Madison Square Garden Shows: Top 10 - FINAL ROUND

I vote daily. Mj's vote are being divided by 2 concerts and led zepplin is gaining up fast so we need to stay put for this. Its 12 more days so cant give up now! bad tour has to be No.1 and it will give more coverage to BAd tour with a possible chance of seeing some HQ clips of MSG concert when they run in a TV special or news about who won. So don't forget that aspect also.

If we are lucky we may get HQ footage of TWYMMF or Smooth Criminal!

Can someone tell me how you vote more than once in a day? Sometimes when I go in I can't vote at all! but thank goodness I was able just now.

Bad - 41
2001 MJ - 30
Zep - 20

Please keep voting!
Re: 100 Best Madison Square Garden Shows: Top 10 - FINAL ROUND

Can someone tell me how you vote more than once in a day? Sometimes when I go in I can't vote at all! but thank goodness I was able just now.

You can vote repeatedly daily or several times in succession; you have only: refresh the page (F5 or use the button in your browser) and delete the cache (!!) and, if you allow cookies on msg, even the cookies.

Re: 100 Best Madison Square Garden Shows: Top 10 - FINAL ROUND

Voted x-times!!! :)

MJ 1988: 40.9581%
MJ 2001: 30.5233%
Led Zep: 20.6380%
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Re: 100 Best Madison Square Garden Shows: Top 10 - FINAL ROUND

Voted (again & again) :)
Re: 100 Best Madison Square Garden Shows: Top 10 - FINAL ROUND

Voted :)
This has already become a routine for every evening :yes: but I only vote once a day, I think Michael can win this without any tricks ;)
Re: 100 Best Madison Square Garden Shows: Top 10 - FINAL ROUND

guys there are some people who are cliaming that MJ fans are cheating and etc, read the comments.
Re: 100 Best Madison Square Garden Shows: Top 10 - FINAL ROUND

guys there are some people who are cliaming that MJ fans are cheating and etc, read the comments.

well... let them complain then. As if they are not doing it. Plus honestly, it is about time MJ got some credit and good name.

Not that I care about it... but I could see that as "cheating" or whatever if you could only vote once from an ip address and that is it. But with this thing heck no
Re: 100 Best Madison Square Garden Shows: Top 10 - FINAL ROUND

It is what it is, we rep hard. If it let you vote multi times why not vote multi times. Putting my vote in right now. Where does it say you can only vote once?
Re: 100 Best Madison Square Garden Shows: Top 10 - FINAL ROUND

Led zeppelin is at 21% now. people do not lose sight of this. This could be our chance to see some rare HQ clips from that BAD concert.
Re: 100 Best Madison Square Garden Shows: Top 10 - FINAL ROUND

Voted again! Zeppelin so far being kept at bay down at 21% :)
Re: 100 Best Madison Square Garden Shows: Top 10 - FINAL ROUND

Thanks for posting! Everyone please keep voting everyday..
Re: 100 Best Madison Square Garden Shows: Top 10 - FINAL ROUND

yup mj's bad is down to 39 and zeppelin is up to 22 now! I have a suspicion that Zepplin is going to gain steadily from now onwards. We need ALL the effort on bad 1988.

Remember that MJ being and 1 is ALOT better than having two concerts at 2nd or 3rd! I think it would be best of all MJ fans concentrated their efforts on bad 1988 first.

Right now MJ's vote is divided between 2 concerts
Re: 100 Best Madison Square Garden Shows: Top 10 - FINAL ROUND

Re: 100 Best Madison Square Garden Shows: Top 10 - FINAL ROUND

Re: 100 Best Madison Square Garden Shows: Top 10 - FINAL ROUND

Re: 100 Best Madison Square Garden Shows: Top 10 - FINAL ROUND

Re: 100 Best Madison Square Garden Shows: Top 10 - FINAL ROUND

as much as i'm always voting mj 1988 and love the may 1988 audio bootleg, i doubt casual mj fans would vote for it. why- because there's NOTHING available on video.

admittedly, i have "the song remains the same" dvd of led zeppelin at the msg in 1973 and they were spectacular. the reason why so many ppl vote for it is that there's actually a video of it!

i find it weird that if mj's 1988 performances are the eventual winner of this poll, they will have no proper video footage (imo, "heartbreak hotel", "another part of me" and "dirty diana" don't show that much compared to "wanna be startin something" and "beat it", etc. where there'd be even more screaming and fainting) to back up the claim as the greatest msg shows ever. at least the 2001 shows are shown on tv and are all over youtube.

but yes, i hope that the msg 1988 shows are released on dvd. i've never heard a single performance of "wanna be startin somethin" from the 1st us leg apart from the "bad tour around the world" snippets. and u can tell the u.s. audiences went nuts too! and of course, "smooth criminal", "the way you make me feel" and "bad" ALL LIVE.
Re: 100 Best Madison Square Garden Shows: Top 10 - FINAL ROUND

as much as i'm always voting mj 1988 and love the may 1988 audio bootleg, i doubt casual mj fans would vote for it. why- because there's NOTHING available on video.

very true

admittedly, i have "the song remains the same" dvd of led zeppelin at the msg in 1973 and they were spectacular. the reason why so many ppl vote for it is that there's actually a video of it!

yes that is one heck of a concert! That is actually like MJ's wembley performances for them so that is why you see soo many votes for them too. If I was not voting for MJ that concert would be my favorite by FAR.

i find it weird that if mj's 1988 performances are the eventual winner of this poll, they will have no proper video footage (imo, "heartbreak hotel", "another part of me" and "dirty diana" don't show that much compared to "wanna be startin something" and "beat it", etc. where there'd be even more screaming and fainting) to back up the claim as the greatest msg shows ever. at least the 2001 shows are shown on tv and are all over youtube.

yes again true and this is EXACTLY what I am hoping will cause the release of some new HQ footage from that BAd concert! I mean if they need to do a TV or news special about it, they will have to show footage. How much is debateable and depends if this gets just a news mention or something special like 30min of MTV /other channels TV section.

MJ's vote are heavily split at the moment and a MJ concert at #1 is infintely better than two MJ concerts at 2nd and 3rd positions. I am sure 99.9% of MJ fans will agree with this
Re: 100 Best Madison Square Garden Shows: Top 10 - FINAL ROUND

Voted again

Maybe I'm saying this too early, but I really do think Michael will win this anyway. At the moment the question remains: is the winner 1988 or 2001. So people, keep voting (for '88 ;))!