[Updated] Full Initial List of Possible Witnesses for Katherine Jackson and AEG Live

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99 concerts were two concerts in diff time zones australia and usa on new years eve didnt follow the case as didnt have the net back then so cant
remember all the details interms of who was in the right. but they didnt seem realistic interms of the planning,travelling etc. avram worked with mj on dangerous. they were close. avram ended up in prison in germany where mj visited him in 98
Bubs;3801418 said:
From trial testimonies:
Phillips went to rehearsals on June 23rd and 24th.

June 25th Phillips got a call from Dileo around 10:30 – 11:00AM. Dileo told him MJ was having difficulty breathing and told him to go to Carolwood. It took Phillips 15 minutes to arrive to Carolwood. When he arrived paramedics were leaving the house so Phillips followed them to the hospital. Dileo joined him at hospital. Phillips saw CM at the hospital. CM was in severe distress and Phillips doesn’t remember what CM said.

But that only means that he came to house after medics were there, not that he was creeping around the house early hours.

I talking about Latoya's line about him being at the house on the 24th. Remember her going on about that?
Yeah LaToya is talking out of her arse:)
From trial testimony and I'm sure other dancers and people there saw him there too:
"Phillips says he attended rehearsals on June 23rd and June 24th. Last time he saw MJ was on June 24th"
Latoya stated in a video at a fan event that one of Mj's children let Randy Phillips into the house on the eve of the 24th and then they just went to bed . Then she suggested he could have possibly hid in the house till MJ came home. Suggesting he may have had something to do with his death.

Now I don't think the children were allowed to open the door and let anyone in that house. The bodyguards would have to do that. Plus if this was true why wasn't this evidence produced in court during Murray's trial. It has been verified that Randy Phillips was at staples center that night .. But it would certainly be a bombshell if Prince testifies to that. But then bodyguards would have to also be questioned about who was allowed through the gates of the property and in the house that eve and why none of them ever testified to that fact during Murray's trial. Why would Prince, Paris, bodyguards and the Jackson's withhold that IMPORTANT info during Murray's criminal trial. This just doesn't add up .. its very fishy to me and I don't think I believe it for this issues I've stated above. I will be shocked it it's proven true.
Latoya stated in a video at a fan event that one of Mj's children let Randy Phillips into the house on the eve of the 24th and then they just sent to bed . Then she suggested he could have possibly hid in the house till MJ came home. Suggesting he may have had something to do with his death.
Now I don't think the children were allowed to open the door and let anyone in that house. The bodyguards would have to do that. Plus if this was true why wasn't this evidence produced in court during Murray's trial. It has been verified that Randy Phillips was at staples center that night .. But it would certainly be a bombshell if Prince testifies to that. But then bodyguards would have to also be questioned about who was allowed through the gates of the property and in the house that eve and why none of them ever testified to that fact during Murray's trial. Why would Prince, Paris, bodyguards and the Jackson's withhold that IMPORTANT info during Murray's criminal trial. This just doesn't add up .. its very fishy to me and I don't think I believe it for this issues I've stated above. I will be shocked it it's proven true.

You don't happen to have a video for what LaToya says? I usually skip everything what she says, obviously I skipped this one too. I cannot see Randy P hiding in the closet and waiting MJ to come home, but I definitely can see Randy J just doing that.

I wonder if granny asked Prince to help to bring this info out, would he had done it to help granny?
MJ gave in many times when Katherine asked, is it Prince's turn now?
I just cannot believe Prince would have been sitting on this information for 4 years and said nothing!

It's fishy alright!
Now I don't think the children were allowed to open the door and let anyone in that house. The bodyguards would have to do that. Plus if this was true why wasn't this evidence produced in court during Murray's trial. It has been verified that Randy Phillips was at staples center that night .. But it would certainly be a bombshell if Prince testifies to that. But then bodyguards would have to also be questioned about who was allowed through the gates of the property and in the house that eve and why none of them ever testified to that fact during Murray's trial. Why would Prince, Paris, bodyguards and the Jackson's withhold that IMPORTANT info during Murray's criminal trial. This just doesn't add up .. its very fishy to me and I don't think I believe it for this issues I've stated above. I will be shocked it it's proven true..
I agree, I don't see Prince just going to answer the door like that either.

Also, before a person even gets to the front door, wouldn't they need to be let in through the FRONT GATES.

I remember when Michael first moved to that neighborhood, their was a neighbor who came over with a basket of bread and whatnot. He was out there buzzing the front gate, and if I recall correctly, the guards came down and spoke to him and took the basket of goods. He wasn't able to just walk up to the front door. (The whole thing was video taped, this is the same man who commented on Michael's Christmas lights.)
You don't happen to have a video for what LaToya says? I usually skip everything what she says, obviously I skipped this one too. I cannot see Randy P hiding in the closet and waiting MJ to come home, but I definitely can see Randy J just doing that.

I wonder if granny asked Prince to help to bring this info out, would he had done it to help granny?
MJ gave in many times when Katherine asked, is it Prince's turn now?
I just cannot believe Prince would have been sitting on this information for 4 years and said nothing!

It's fishy alright!

VERY fishy, and simply not believable, as IF, "hiding in the house?" But yeah, is there a video for this? If so, I'm surprised that she hasn't been sued for libel yet?
I agree, I don't see Prince just going to answer the door like that either.

Also, before a person even gets to the front door, wouldn't they need to be let in through the FRONT GATES.

I remember when Michael first moved to that neighborhood, their was a neighbor who came over with a basket of bread and whatnot. He was out there buzzing the front gate, and if I recall correctly, the guards came down and spoke to him and took the basket of goods. He wasn't able to just walk up to the front door. (The whole thing was video taped, this is the same man who commented on Michael's Christmas lights.)
LOl that whole thing was fake it wasn'nt even MJs gate he was at. It was just a stunt. It was a reporter who is also comedian doing that prank.

But yes you are right. First anyone who comes to the property must be let in the gates by the bodyguards and they would also contact MJ that someone was there. I don't see them allowing someone in the house at night with MJ's children when MJ wasn't home or without his permission. .. No Way ..
VERY fishy, and simply not believable, as IF, "hiding in the house?" But yeah, is there a video for this? If so, I'm surprised that she hasn't been sued for libel yet?

I don't "think" there is a video. As pointed out above, she was at some sort of fan function. I don't think there were many fans, so I guess LaToya felt safe making that outlandish comment and probably hasn't said anything like that since. We talked about it a bit on this board, other than that, I'm not sure it got a lot of traction.

But just like Alan Duke repeating that theory in Ireland, they think NOBODY will know they have said such things.
There's a video of Latoya saying it, you want to watch it all but the mention is at 5:00 mark

Thanks, Ivy. I hadn't seen this before. I see she's covering her butt in terms of libel, by saying "I wasn't in the house," and "I'm not accusing anyone" (while doing exactly that.) What is weird here (among other things) is that she seems to be looking to FANS to solve what she thinks is a mystery, when fans have had no resources to do that. If "someone in the house" let "someone else" in, that "someone" has not come forward in all these years, so hey!
Can someone with twitter account tweet link of the Dukes interview to Jen Heger?
I'm sure she will contact on Duke and ask about his interview, and it also lets Duke know that his interview is spreading:)
she was trying covering her her own butt .. but had no problem implicating Michael's children here in her story. Before she reveals they let RP in the house she says she believes someone not Murray deliberately injected MJ with propofol to kill him. Then goes on to say someone else was in the house. she says someone told her they let him in. Then she reveals who told her by saying they said daddy wasn't home and it was late so we went to bed. By her own statements here she is leading the children to believe they let their fathers murderer (RP) in the door and just went to bed ... I hate her for that among other things.
This is a lot of smoke and mirrors.

when did the kids go to bed? 9 -10 PM? I believe they said they last saw Michael on June 24 afternoon before he went to rehearsals. Michael did not return to home until 1:30 AM on June 25th. Phillips said he said goodbye to Michael at Staples center. Probably there are witnesses to that.

So even if he was in the house before kids went to bed - let's say 9:00 PM but then at the Staples center around 1:00 AM , that means he wasn't in the house when Michael died.
I agree even if he stopped by earlier for some reason. he wasnt' there when MJ returned. He was at staples when MJ left. But by her conspiracy statements here about RP she is leaving the children to believe they let their fathers murderer in the house and then just went to bed. That was my main concern first time I saw this video. how she so easily implicated them and tried to protect herself. I wonder if the kids ever saw this video. Thats probably why they find Murray so nice because we know Latoya told them he didn't do it, Some one else was in the house and deliberately killed him.
I found this from lsa, thanks to EmmaW
I was listening to Alan Duke from CNN being interviewed on Irish radio this morning, he said that Prince will have some "bombshell" testimony revealing a previously undisclosed person being in the house the night of Michael's death. He wouldn't say who but he said he is waiting to reveal it as soon as he has Prince's deposition to back it up. This is weird, why wouldn't this come out in the criminal trial?


OK so someone killed your dad, and a strange person was in the house that night, and you and your family do not run to the police and let them know? Am I in the twilight zone? If that information was withheld, then someone told this child not to say anything. If this information is true, it will benefit AEG, and Muarry could say, you see I told you I did not do it. If Muarry is not liable, then AEG did not negligently hire him.

Why didn't the camera pick up Randy when he moved toward the house, since the camera is motion sensitive. Then, why would Randy let someone open the door for him to kill Michael, when the person who opened the door could blab that they let Randy in. This trial is bringing out a lot of foolish theories & stories. I have a feeling that some people are trying to become even more famous, by trying to be the first ones to state outlandish bombshells.
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The Tour Expert a Richard Barnet, who teaches Concert Promotion and Touring; Advanced Concert Promotion; Music Industry Ethics; and Special Events Production at Middle Tennessee State University. He also cowrote a book "This Business of Concert Promotion and Touring: "A Practical Guide to Creating, Selling, Organizing, and Staging Concerts" Here are some of the reviews...

Plain fraud. This book states it is the only book on concert promotions, when HOW NOT TO PROMOTE CONCERTS & MUSIC FESTIVALS and the smaller book HOW TO PROMOTE CONCERTS SIMPLIFIED are the two best books out on the subject of promoting. That author is a real promoter where Wadell, the writer of this "Practical Guide" book is just a writer and not a promoter. This book (Wadell's)makes it clear that he's never promoted anything. Save your money, this book is a complete waste of time.

This book doesn't provide any useful information. After reading it I find there is a huge disconnect from the authors and who the intended audience is. instead of telling you how to book a tour, they tell you to hire a tour manager. Instead of giving info on how to promote a show, they tell you to hire a promotor. etc

waste of paper.

Unless you're rich don't bother buying this book. It only tells you things as if 1) you're a superstar or 2)rich. Its main focus is on how to put up big shows and which if you are already there (superstar) you don't need the book and even if you are rich you wont be putting up shows in arenas without being a superstar. I don't mean superstar as in someone who is "big" famous wise but has a great fan base.


Maybe next time, Michael Jackson will reconsider using Leonard Rowe over AEG Live for Concert Promoters!!!
This Richard Barnet is on Katherine Jackson's Witness List.

Thanks for this. I believe Marcel sued MJ a number of times. Wasn't the 99 cancellation due to the bridge that fell during Earth Song performance? There was a court case in 2002 (Avram vs. MJ) before the Bashit doc
Yeah, Michael testified why he didn't want to do the New Year's Eve Concert's, he just didn't think it was good for him, health wise. Flying from Australia to Hawaii in the same night, with the time difference and all, just wasn't Michael's cup of tea. Michael cancelled the Show's October 16, 1999.

I am surprised that Bashir didn't include this in his dramatic tell-all about Michael Jackson's life, as this was during the taping/filming of Bashir's documentary.

OK so someone killed your dad, and a strange person was in the house that night, and you and your family do not run to the police and let them know? Am I in the twilight zone? If that information was withheld, then someone told this child not to say anything. If this information is true, it will benefit AEG, and Muarry could say, you see I told you I did not do it. If Muarry is not liable, then AEG did not negligently hire him.

Why didn't the camera pick up Randy when he moved toward the house, since the camera is motion sensitive. Then, why would Randy let someone open the door for him to kill Michael, when the person who opened the door could blab that they let Randy in. This trial is bringing out a lot of foolish theories & stories. I have a feeling that some people are trying to become even more famous, by trying to be the first ones to state outlandish bombshells.

I agree this is one crazy story and I don't believe it. Why come up with it only now and not at the criminal trial? Sure, AEG's lawyers will ask that very legitimate question. It looks to me the kids were brainwashed and coached by the Jacksons and it's so sad. After last summer when the kids stood up for themselves I really started having hopes that they see through the Jackson family manipulation, but it not might be the case after all. (Also implied by things how Paris ignored Spike Lee for example.)

Someone mentioned earlier that the Jacksons do the same to these kids as what Evan Chandler did to Jordan or Janet Arvizo did to her kids - coaching them to lie to authorities. It would be very, very sad if things indeed came to that.
LaToya is crazy :crazy:
First of, she started talking about Joe, how he raised all of them and how good job he did, hello LaToya, realllyyyyyyyyy?
Taking out MJ, imho, most of them belongs to looney house. Child and wife abusers and rapist, refuse to pay child support, granny-nappers, thief's, too lazy to work for themselves, and LaToya herself, where is her tin foil hat? Yeah, what a great job Joe did indeed!

Qbee, I have watched many times Latoya's statement regarding her accusations of MJ, and what I saw in the video was duplicate of what she said back then. Only difference was that the receiving end was other person.

Not only she accused RP, but LAPD is in too! She said they erased the tapes and they know who was in the house:doh:
What I want to know, if this came from Prince himself, or is he being spoon-fed by LaToya?

If they are going to say someone else killed MJ, the case KJ vs AEG is going to fall apart, as Petrarose already mentioned.
OK so someone killed your dad, and a strange person was in the house that night, and you and your family do not run to the police and let them know? Am I in the twilight zone? If that information was withheld, then someone told this child not to say anything. If this information is true, it will benefit AEG, and Muarry could say, you see I told you I did not do it. If Muarry is not liable, then AEG did not negligently hire him.

Why didn't the camera pick up Randy when he moved toward the house, since the camera is motion sensitive. Then, why would Randy let someone open the door for him to kill Michael, when the person who opened the door could blab that they let Randy in. This trial is bringing out a lot of foolish theories & stories. I have a feeling that some people are trying to become even more famous, by trying to be the first ones to state outlandish bombshells.

Yes, you in twilight zone, and I'm right there with you :bugeyed

LaToya said in the video posted earlier that LAPD erased the video and they knew who was in the house, so according to her that is why we didn't see RP in the video :*****:

Alan Duke should be careful with Jackson's, or he could end up chasing D-listers down the Hollywood boulevard:)
Not only she accused RP, but LAPD is in too! She said they erased the tapes and they know who was in the house:doh:

I hope u guys dont hate me for saying this but considering what happened with 1993/2003 a big part of me just doenst trust the usa police anymore and i hope they havent done it
^^Yeah but they would not erase footage of a criminal that they do not have any allegiance to. Unless you think it is due to racism like Jermaine said. The idea would be that because Randy is white they erased him from the tape & chose a black man instead. I don't buy that. The security would see someone passing by, unless they fell asleep on the job before 11pm. Randy did not have the keys to the gate, unless he stole it or bribed the guards to give it to him. Randy would know that Michael would be at rehearsals, so I still do not understand why he would go to the house at that time looking for Michael.

It is true that someone in the house has to let you in, because I think in the trial one of the bodyguards said they had to call one of the kids because they did not have keys to the house. Does anyone remember that or am I mixing up something?

Anyway, can anyone tell me why Randy would want to kill Michael. Michael did not owe him money. AEG advanced Michael money that would come out of the tour revenues & the money was not Randy's personal dough. It belonged to his boss, so why would he kill Michael. AEG would make money whether Michael toured or not, so why would Randy kill him.
If she really saying the truth then i guess she can testify if she wants but in all honset truth why didnt she say this ages ago?

She better not be lying otherwise she will look like a fool by AEG if she is
If Sharon Osbourne testifies about what someone else told her, isn't that hearsay? Or, would it be admissible, or what? (not clear on that. . . .)
:unsure: I think hearsay is 3rd person info. She's saying someone at AEG told her.
Then, why didn't she come up with this story in 09 when this case began? Look how long we have been discussing this, you mean to tell me she has this important information and waits until the case began to do her duty?
Osbourne is a vile media whore whos said equally vile things about mj. unless she knows who hired murray shes irrelevent and
imo is looking for attention
Re: Sharon Osbourne

My guess is that she and other industry witnesses can create credibility issues more than any thing else.

That's what I think too! :fear:
Dr. Allen Metzger, is on the Witness List and was asked by Michael Jackson about using Propofol on the early afternoon of April 18, 2009, at Michael Jackson's Beverly Hills home. If Dr. Allen Metzger had said "yes" then Conrad Murray would have been out of the picture.

Which brings us to the point that Michael Jackson was bound and determined to use Propofol to help with sleep, as he was preparing for his Shows, in London, at the 02 Arena. It wouldn't have mattered what Conrad Murray's financial troubles were or how many females he slept with and how many outofwedlock children he had.

Michael Jackson found a licensed medical doctor to administer Propofol and it was Conrad Murray.

The security would see someone passing by, unless they fell asleep on the job before 11pm. Randy did not have the keys to the gate, unless he stole it or bribed the guards to give it to him. Randy would know that Michael would be at rehearsals, so I still do not understand why he would go to the house at that time looking for Michael.

It is true that someone in the house has to let you in, because I think in the trial one of the bodyguards said they had to call one of the kids because they did not have keys to the house. Does anyone remember that or am I mixing up something?

Anyway, can anyone tell me why Randy would want to kill Michael. Michael did not owe him money. AEG advanced Michael money that would come out of the tour revenues & the money was not Randy's personal dough. It belonged to his boss, so why would he kill Michael. AEG would make money whether Michael toured or not, so why would Randy kill him.

I had a look at trial testimonies, here is selection of how security worked at Carolwood:
MAW:Security was 24 hrs around home. They would either be checking gates, doing perimeter checks but were stationed in the trailer.

He told Alvarez to go to the house and told him to run. Nanny opened the door. Alvarez asked MAW for permission to go into the house and go upstairs.

(The door was locked)

2 security on the property 24/7. House has gates and those gates are monitored. Family only allowed by Michael's request.

(btw, this kind of supports CM claim that MJ told didn't want to be bank for his family any more, so he told to security to keep them out)

Faheem M testimony:
FM states he worked as a security chief for MJ, for approximately 10 months. As chief of security, he made sure MJ's house and children were protected, and daily routine was safe and planned out. FM states he was stationed in the trailer outside of the Carolwood home.

FM states that MJ stopped outside Staples to greet fans, and in front of the Carolwood home. FM states that they arrive approximately 1 a.m. FM states that security would normally take gifts that fans gave MJ and leave them at the bottom of the stairs

(fans didn't see Randy P going in?)

FM states that he arrived back at the house, types in the PIN for the gate, and enters the house. FM called Michael Amir Williams, asks if he can enter the house and go upstairs.

(In order Randy to be able to enter the premises, he would need to know the pin and security would have seen him coming in)

FM says there was a security camera recording the gate. FM is not sure about a security camera recording the door of the house.

June 27, LAPD asked FM to help them to take surveillance tapes from the gates. FM helped a technician from LAPD. FM cannot remember what was downloaded.

Alberto A testimony:
Security would be in the trailer outside he house, they will only go inside when requested. Two different security : Property security and personal security. Personal security were MAW, FM, AA, Isaac and Derek.

AA came to the front door and tried to open it but it was locked. Nanny came and unlocked the door.

I doesn't seem probable to me that Randy P would be able to enter in the premises without anyone knowing it.
If he was at rehearsals (witnesses can testify that, did he sneak in after MJ, passed security, and waited in to morning to kill MJ?)
I too wonder what would he had gained for killing MJ?
I highly doubt randy p sneaked into the house how could he?
Perdonally i think its daft to even waste time discussing such a ridiculous story
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