Was Michael Jackson really murdered? Who did it? Let's talk about it

It still just doesn't add up. He was pronounced dead at 2:26 pm in the afternoon.

With Thome Thome firing people left and right including nannies, why would a father want to sleep in the afternoon using drugs?

Michael Jackson had a rehearsal to attend.

I think you have picked up something there on the timing. The chef said about what MJ had for breakfast. Was it normal for him to lie in so late, and why would his doc be sleeping at that time.

Did anyone else read the investigation report by reporters Janet Fife-Yeomans and Carly Crawford? The local newspaper here featured a 3 day tribute to Michael and it's nice to see him in front cover of the newspaper again and many more pictures inside! It's about 14 (A3) pages long report. I'd tried to google the reports but I can only find a snip part of the article. If you guys can't find the article online, (it's very, very long!) I'm more than happy to type it out for your guys to read!

She says Doctor Murray arrived in the morning? And that she never saw him again. Yet she says he came downstairs to get breakfast and also take oxygen tanks downstairs? She says he routinely arrived at 9am! So how and when would this sleeping drug be administered? Wouldnt he be more likely to arrive late at night to administer it then stay and leave in the morning once Michael had woken up?
Have you all heard the latest breaking news? That murrays assistence may be the the one who gave MJ the death dose with demerol?!

MJ waked up and felt that he was beginning to wake up, he then asked murrays assistance for more sleeping pills. And the combination with demerol/propofol caused the cardiac arrest. When murray come back in to MJ, he was dead.

To me this is yet another lame attenpt to blame everything on Michael. People are stating to "wake-up to the strong eveidents that Michael Jackson was murdered. Why was he trying to sleep in the daytime anyway?
The press and their owners will continue these endless script about a fictional "drug addict" who they desperately want us to believe was Michael Jackson. Why would he hire a first rate Nutricianist making Health drinks and meals(who speaks of MJ being healthy) Kai Chase yet have this quack Murray(hired by AEG) to "abuse pain killers" and sleep meds( up to 40 a day according to the Media) It makes no sense. Michael has always been a health anti-drigs person. I think all these drug abuse stories are a lie.


Michael Jackon was doing fine in 2009 until that terrible day in June.

Michael Jackson in 2009
was not someone who was in constant "pain" nor a "drug addict" he was healthy and planning the greatest tour anyone could imagine. On 06/25/09 somebody and or group of people dilerately stopped this from happening. Their shils in the Media(most of them you can see everynight attacking MJ's life & legacy) began to spread lies about "what killed MJ. First it was a "heart attack" then it was stress and constant pain "accidental OD" to "drug addict". Look at the pictures from 2009 of MJ and see for yourselves he was not as the Media is propagating.
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Michael was thinner than usual in some of the pictures that were taken in recent months but he still looked great the times we saw him out and about, he had a great energy. Although recently all the times coming out of Kleins office, to me he looked heavily medicated and dazed. I know I made a comment in another thread about it, that I felt like his energy had changed recently and even in one of the pictures AEG released he looked so different than in previous pictures from even weeks before this happened :ermm: and I can't quite put my finger on it.....am I the only one that sees it?.....-_-

This was the end of October 2008


This is It Announcement - March 2009


June 2009

To me this is yet another lame attenpt to blame everything on Michael. People are stating to "wake-up to the strong eveidents that Michael Jackson was murdered. Why was he trying to sleep in the daytime anyway?
The press and their owners will continue these endless script about a fictional "drug addict" who they desperately want us to believe was Michael Jackson. Why would he hire a first rate Nutricianist making Health drinks and meals(who speaks of MJ being healthy) Kai Chase yet have this quack Murray(hired by AEG) to "abuse pain killers" and sleep meds( up to 40 a day according to the Media) It makes no sense. Michael has always been a health anti-drigs person. I think all these drug abuse stories are a lie.


Michael Jackon was doing fine in 2009 until that terrible day in June.

Michael Jackson in 2009
was not someone who was in constant "pain" nor a "drug addict" he was healthy and planning the greatest tour anyone could imagine. On 06/25/09 somebody and or group of people dilerately stopped this from happening. Their shils in the Media(most of them you can see everynight attacking MJ's life & legacy) began to spread lies about "what killed MJ. First it was a "heart attack" then it was stress and constant pain "accidental OD" to "drug addict". Look at the pictures from 2009 of MJ and see for yourselves he was not as the Media is propagating.

I hope Investigators are reading ALL your Post. This is WHY they Couldnt let him board a plane for LONDON, if he had made it to London EVERYONE would KNOW what You know WITHOUT A DOUBT, Michael was DETERMINE to GEt TO London JUST TO PROVE HIS CRITICS where NOTHING BUT LIARS and they where DETERMINE TO KILL HIM BEFORE HE GOT TO LONDON because their PLAN WOULD NEVER WORK AFTER HE HIT 02 THIS IS IT would have been THIS IS OVER HATERS! So they Cheated and Took His Life and now trying to take his LIFE INHERITANCE they are THE MOST EVIL ! ! !
Let me Explain how I beleive Michael Jackson was Murdered, its Graphic so dont read if that type things bothers you but his death was GRAPHIC and GRUESOME:

Michael entered his AEG RENTAL home early hours of June 25, 2009, Michael was very tired and just wanted to check on his children and go to SLEEP without DRUGs by the way, but Michael was Intercepted before he got to his Childrens Rooms (thats KIDNAPPED right thurr), something was placed over his face and he was temporarily unconscious, Michael was then taken to his bedroom where the Anestheic IV was waiting and where he regain consciouness long enough for them to tell him what they where doing and crucify him more with their taunts its no telling who all was in that room witnessing Michael Jackson's Murder he was TORTURED before he died. I am starting to believe that the reason Cherylnn came with her NEEDED TO SLEEP story is "they got scarred about finding the Propofol in his System" and needed to explain it so they jumped ahead and threw it out there, but how it was used was not for sleep but sustain life, they needed it to immobilize him and sustain his life for HOURS, I believe why he ended up in Dr. Murray bedroom is when they where Killing Michael which took Hours, they Undress Michael completely, cut his hair for TOxICOLOGY to not find out that HE WAS NOT ABusiNG DRUGS in his HAIR STRANDS, and he was loosing Body Fluids so they needed to change/REPLACED His Linen and/or MATTRESS, blood drops on linen they had alot of cleaning up to do. Michael Jackson died a Horrible Death they turned his Beautiful Bedroom into a Hospital Operating Room, then slowly while they kept him on this IV to keep him out they didnt care about stopping it, because he is a KIDNAPPED VICTIM now and all this is being done against his Will, but Michael goes in out out of CARDIAC ARREST SEVERAL TIMES BEFORE HE DIES, and they would resusciate him over and over with other heart drugs to bring him back because they needed his time of death closer to Noon and they would all be gone by then and they also needed to slowly inject him all over his body with Demerol, Morphine, and all manner of DRUGS of their CHOSING that they had gotten using his Fictational Names over the last year and stage the house with these drugs, they watch too much TV and from Listening to Anna Nicole's Murderers they thought they had everything taken care of. THe ONLY reason they used the PROPOFOL was to SUsTAIN his LIFE and let him LINGER BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH FOR HOURS, Michael didnt NEED ANYTHING TO HELP HIM SLEEP. They did SURGERY on MICHAEL and he died a HORRIBLE DEATH and THEY FILMED it and think its FUNNY, but GOD and Michael and those who Truly Love Michael will have The LAST LAUGH. Michael Jackson was dead before 10am or long before that. God Bless Your Soul Michael Jackson. They wouldnt even let him see his kids one more time to kiss them GoodNite! ! !
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Moth2aFlame, are speaking based on knowledge of what happened? or theoretically speaking? Just wondering.

Also an fyi, unless Michael shaved his entire body free of hair, any hair on the body can be tested for drug use, not just hair on the head. Also, there is a way to test hair follicles, they don't necessarily need actual hair for the testing.
Moth2aFlame, are speaking based on knowledge of what happened? or theoretically speaking? Just wondering.

Did you not read ? ? ?

Also an fyi, unless Michael shaved his entire body free of hair, any hair on the body can be tested for drug use, not just hair on the head. Also, there is a way to test hair follicles, they don't necessarily need actual hair for the testing.

Thanks here is so more FYI for you, Toxicology is done on a person hair strand by the length because it tells how long a person has or HAVE NOT been using drugs it tells the HisTORY, in simple term if you Lily just started doing Morphine last week it will only show up at your roots not the enitre shaft of your hair stand, if you have been doing it for MONTHS it will be down the entire hair shaft, so if one's hair has been cut guess what, it cuts the Truth out of that person NOT HAVIN A DRUG ADDICTION PROBLEM, because no matter how short the hair is, its all ready in the root hair strand anyway cutting the hair removes the length of time drugs have or in Michael's case HAVE NOT been used and ALSO the hair strand CAN DETECT ANY FOOD OR DRINK THAT WAS LACED and the person ingested over a long period of time would show up also in their longer hair which is why I really believe they cut his hair. May I ask why just "Michael's Hair Cut" got your attention out of all that.

Hair drug testing
Hair testing is considered accurate and can indicate drug use as far back as 90 days. As hair grows out, any drugs used are encased in the hair shaft. Longer hair can reveal an individual's drug history spanning a longer period than shorter hair. Human hair grows an average of 0.5 inches/month. Testing laboratories generally require between 0.5 and 1.5 inches for testing. This represents approximately 30 to 90 days of drug use. The standard for hair 1.5 inches or longer is 80 strand or 120 if only 0.5 inches as it is by picogram weight that the hair is uniformly tested.

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from TMZ live stream from court...

2:50 -- The judge has ruled that AEG has to provide a copy of their contract with Michael to Katherine Jackson

Good news!
I worked at a medical facility that did hair drug testing, I'm aware of how it is and can be done. :)

May I ask why just "Michael's Hair Cut" got your attention out of all that.

It's what I chose to respond to.
They can also see if needlemarks are fresh or old.
And there is no need to inject somebody with different needles to give him all kinds of drugs.
If somebody is hooked up to an IV, they can give him almost every kind of medication through that.
The changing the bedsheeds or mattress is of no use.
All body fluids can still be found after death on or in the body itself.

There are certain drugs that can't be traced after a short while.
If they tried to buy more time, I think it's because they needed the time for the drugs to leave the system.
@moth2aflame seriously how do u come up with these things?
i must say ur pretty good but why would they film it?
what doesn't add up is if murry gets michael's breakfast around 9 or 9:30am. According to kai. He didn't come down at all that day until it was him screaming for prince. So what was he up there DOING until he call the 911 at 12:21 (it think) which is hours later. Forget the 30 minutes that he admitted to waisting. What about all that time he didn't get michael food. Now who would believe this was an accident!

Murry being a doc would know that if mike when into cardio arrest michael only had 6 minutes before brain damage would set in. He knew that he didn't have a defibrillator to jump start michael heart back. So why after doing cpr for say...2 mintues would he continue to do cpr knowing that its not working and that if michael doesn't get shocked by the machine he a has no survival chance. Murry knew all of this. Just like he knew to do cpr on a firm surface not a bed. yet he did it anyway. Now who would belive that was an accident!

Farrakan stating that someone contacted him concerned for michael's well being just before this happened. Now who would believe this was an accident!

One minute michael is healthy and passing physicals and the next his health is deteroriating rapidly. According to the kai michael was fine until she was let go. Then once she comes back which was june 2 she notices michael was not himself, slower, not as vibrant as before. She attributed it to because she wasn't there to feed him. Um no! sorry! That little fru fru stuff she was making anybody could have made. Also I don't think michael would have not ate anything just cuz she wasn't there. He's went plenty of years eating without her. So how did his health go so quickly? Its bothering me and I have a thought but zero facts to back it up. Its just a thought. I don't think michael stopped eating once she left and especially since it was getting closer to opening night that he would stop eating and I don't believe his health and body would deteroriate as fast as it did off of her not being there for only 3 weeks.
Something else happened. An accident I think not!
from TMZ live stream from court...

2:50 -- The judge has ruled that AEG has to provide a copy of their contract with Michael to Katherine Jackson

Good news!

This is something I've missed or do not understand. What is the secret or big deal about the AEG contract?

what doesn't add up is if murry gets michael's breakfast around 9 or 9:30am. According to kai. He didn't come down at all that day until it was him screaming for prince. So what was he up there DOING until he call the 911 at 12:21 (it think) which is hours later. Forget the 30 minutes that he admitted to waisting. What about all that time he didn't get michael food. Now who would believe this was an accident!

Murry being a doc would know that if mike when into cardio arrest michael only had 6 minutes before brain damage would set in. He knew that he didn't have a defibrillator to jump start michael heart back. So why after doing cpr for say...2 mintues would he continue to do cpr knowing that its not working and that if michael doesn't get shocked by the machine he a has no survival chance. Murry knew all of this. Just like he knew to do cpr on a firm surface not a bed. yet he did it anyway. Now who would belive that was an accident!

Farrakan stating that someone contacted him concerned for michael's well being just before this happened. Now who would believe this was an accident!

One minute michael is healthy and passing physicals and the next his health is deteroriating rapidly. According to the kai michael was fine until she was let go. Then once she comes back which was june 2 she notices michael was not himself, slower, not as vibrant as before. She attributed it to because she wasn't there to feed him. Um no! sorry! That little fru fru stuff she was making anybody could have made. Also I don't think michael would have not ate anything just cuz she wasn't there. He's went plenty of years eating without her. So how did his health go so quickly? Its bothering me and I have a thought but zero facts to back it up. Its just a thought. I don't think michael stopped eating once she left and especially since it was getting closer to opening night that he would stop eating and I don't believe his health and body would deteroriate as fast as it did off of her not being there for only 3 weeks.
Something else happened. An accident I think not!


I think he was being slowly poisoned; once Kai was out of their way.
I don't know if they would slowly posion him because then his health would slowly decline and wouln't it be evident in his rehearsals when he dances and sings?

Anyways, to me he seemed pretty confident and healthy going to and from the clinic every week or two. Gosh when he was asked how he was doing and he replied "good!", I thought he was doing GOOD.

All I want to say is that they didn't really care about him. He was deep in fire!!
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Let me Explain how I beleive Michael Jackson was Murdered, .......... !

Gosh, you must have read too many murder books or watch CSI related series! How could you think of such cruelty being done to our beloved hero! I believe that is was the iresposibility and incompetance of the doctor using MJ as a Lab rat and even if it's murder, it will be just injecting fatal stuffs.
Farrakan stating that someone contacted him concerned for michael's well being just before this happened. Now who would believe this was an accident!

He's just looking for publicity. Don't give him any oxygen.
I don't know if they would slowly posion him because then his health would slowly decline and wouln't it be evident in his rehearsals when he dances and sings?

Anyways, to me he seemed pretty confident and healthy going to and from the clinic every week or two. Gosh when he was asked how he was doing and he replied "good!", I thought he was doing GOOD.

All I want to say is that they didn't really care about him. He was deep in fire!!

and so did all the other people that where working with Him, its all coming out and his EXECUTORS are running SCARRED.
I think it was just pure negligence rather than premeditated murder.

So Dr Conrad Murray not calling 911, not signing the death certificate nor speaking to the Jackson family and disappearance for 2 days then returning with hired lawyers was "pure negligence"?

I think not!
So Dr Conrad Murray not calling 911, not signing the death certificate nor speaking to the Jackson family and disappearance for 2 days then returning with hired lawyers was "pure negligence"?

I think not!

I agree too! Its also the perfect cover story as the general public are sheep and will probably buy it and never question that outcome.
So Dr Conrad Murray not calling 911, not signing the death certificate nor speaking to the Jackson family and disappearance for 2 days then returning with hired lawyers was "pure negligence"?

I think not!

Obviously the man is incompetant otherwise Michael would be here right now. There's a definite chance he was murdered, or it was manslaughter but I don't feel this was plan. It could be that he tried to cover his own ass by not calling 911, disappearance, etc.
Michael was thinner than usual in some of the pictures that were taken in recent months but he still looked great the times we saw him out and about, he had a great energy. Although recently all the times coming out of Kleins office, to me he looked heavily medicated and dazed. I know I made a comment in another thread about it, that I felt like his energy had changed recently and even in one of the pictures AEG released he looked so different than in previous pictures from even weeks before this happened :ermm: and I can't quite put my finger on it.....am I the only one that sees it?.....-_-

This was the end of October 2008


This is It Announcement - March 2009


June 2009


Both of the photos have him wearing shades except bottom one. 2nd picture was at awards show so he's caked with makeup.
what doesn't add up is if murry gets michael's breakfast around 9 or 9:30am. According to kai. He didn't come down at all that day until it was him screaming for prince. So what was he up there DOING until he call the 911 at 12:21 (it think) which is hours later. Forget the 30 minutes that he admitted to waisting. What about all that time he didn't get michael food. Now who would believe this was an accident!

Murry being a doc would know that if mike when into cardio arrest michael only had 6 minutes before brain damage would set in. He knew that he didn't have a defibrillator to jump start michael heart back. So why after doing cpr for say...2 mintues would he continue to do cpr knowing that its not working and that if michael doesn't get shocked by the machine he a has no survival chance. Murry knew all of this. Just like he knew to do cpr on a firm surface not a bed. yet he did it anyway. Now who would belive that was an accident!

Farrakan stating that someone contacted him concerned for michael's well being just before this happened. Now who would believe this was an accident!

One minute michael is healthy and passing physicals and the next his health is deteroriating rapidly. According to the kai michael was fine until she was let go. Then once she comes back which was june 2 she notices michael was not himself, slower, not as vibrant as before. She attributed it to because she wasn't there to feed him. Um no! sorry! That little fru fru stuff she was making anybody could have made. Also I don't think michael would have not ate anything just cuz she wasn't there. He's went plenty of years eating without her. So how did his health go so quickly? Its bothering me and I have a thought but zero facts to back it up. Its just a thought. I don't think michael stopped eating once she left and especially since it was getting closer to opening night that he would stop eating and I don't believe his health and body would deteroriate as fast as it did off of her not being there for only 3 weeks.
Something else happened. An accident I think not!

Who fired her? Thome or MJ?
Both of the photos have him wearing shades except bottom one. 2nd picture was at awards show so he's caked with makeup.

Michael Jackson was 50 so he will have some aging and yes he wore make-up. The point with the pictures are this is not someone who was (according to the Media) "so sick" "in constant pain" never could sleep" and "a 40 pill a day drug addict" .
Michael Jackson was 50 so he will have some aging and yes he wore make-up. The point with the pictures are this is not someone who was (according to the Media) "so sick" "in constant pain" never could sleep" and "a 40 pill a day drug addict" .
Michael Jackson was 50 so he will have some aging and yes he wore make-up. The point with the pictures are this is not someone who was (according to the Media) "so sick" "in constant pain" never could sleep" and "a 40 pill a day drug addict" .

True and he was actually thinner when he was younger and did thriller etc so the being too thin is stupid.


Also he had a phobia of needles according to his friend who is godparent to his children and an acupuncturist, who once gave mj acupuncture he wouldn't have it again due to phobia of needles, so that he was being injected with drugs is a bit fishy to say the least. unless it was against his will
