Was Michael Jackson really murdered? Who did it? Let's talk about it

Well turns out that he WAS asking people get him stuff, unfortunately.

Yeah I think he was, he is human and had the money to get drugs to try and stop pain and insomnia. The question is did Dr Murray give him too much on purpose? and why did he not call 911 earlier or perform CPR correctly being a 'trained cardiologist'?
I agree it could have been on any day, but specifically this person spoke of June 25th.....maybe I'm reading too much into it, but it just bugs me. -_-

Lily, OMFG!!! I have tried to pm you but for come reason, I can't figure out the feature?

Thanks for that link about that thread from 2006! Damn! I read the entire thing. That person named "Back" was telling us something! That Riddle from 2006 was about Michael's unpcoming controversial Death=Murder. The clues 'Back" gave were significant to all we know now, for instance, the date of: June 25th, he./she referred to "Time" and ending post with "Keep watching", indicating that as of 2006 it hadn't happened yet but the occurence would happen in time. he/she said something to the effect of it going to be written down in history and in the history books, it would be written about. Soooooo creepy, especially now.
'back" also said something about a "Take Over". This is exactly what many of us including some Jackson family members believed he died for. Others wanting to take over his Estate.

You need to make a seperate thread for that link and what "Back" said. All fans should read that. It's eeeery. We need to decide what if anything we can do about that riddle being written on a MJ forum 2 years before his mysterious death. It's obvious is talking about a future killing and someone coming online 2 years before and given MJ fans a riddle to figure out. "Back' even knew the significance of 7/7. July 07. The date of Michael Jackson's memorial. How could that be? who was this person? wtf?

I just read all that too and am completely freaked out - the weirdest thing is this (Posted by Rita Gibson, i guess she's trying to figure out the riddle)

Rita Gibson:
June 25th 2006 = Art = Michaelmania.

Crystal ball = To see into the future, and to focus on a moment in time = a date, a moment in history.

Is it cooking, does it smell good = perfection.

3+4+0= July. 7+0= Saturday.

Mystery = conspiracy

777= 7th July 07.

On Saturday 7th July 2007 Michael Jackson will appear on TV which will be broadcast around the globe, to announce the release of his new album. The announcement will be made to the world after his defeat of the biggest conspiracy in entertainment history.

I'm not into conspiracy theories but I also don't believe in coincidence. This is weird...
Lily, OMFG!!! I have tried to pm you but for come reason, I can't figure out the feature?

Thanks for that link about that thread from 2006! Damn! I read the entire thing. That person named "Back" was telling us something! That Riddle from 2006 was about Michael's unpcoming controversial Death=Murder. The clues 'Back" gave were significant to all we know now, for instance, the date of: June 25th, he./she referred to "Time" and ending post with "Keep watching", indicating that as of 2006 it hadn't happened yet but the occurence would happen in time. he/she said something to the effect of it going to be written down in history and in the history books, it would be written about. Soooooo creepy, especially now.
'back" also said something about a "Take Over". This is exactly what many of us including some Jackson family members believed he died for. Others wanting to take over his Estate.

You need to make a seperate thread for that link and what "Back" said. All fans should read that. It's eeeery. We need to decide what if anything we can do about that riddle being written on a MJ forum 2 years before his mysterious death. It's obvious is talking about a future killing and someone coming online 2 years before and given MJ fans a riddle to figure out. "Back' even knew the significance of 7/7. July 07. The date of Michael Jackson's memorial. How could that be? who was this person? wtf?

You're welcome for the link. That thread has bothered me from the time I first read it and I feel like I'm nuts and the only one that finds it eerie. -_- It was Ape that brought it to our attention. Here's the thread she started on it. Maybe the Mods can move it to the Investigation Thread?

Exactly, Exactly. This is how Michael was MURDERED. Michael when he first entered his bedroom was overpowered which didnt take much given his weight and him being afraid to eat and drink thinking these people where poisioning him already thats why he fired that Ape Cherlynn the The Lying Nutrionist, and by him being a Health Conscious Person didnt eat food from any Restaurant either. But anyway Michael was overpowered and given Succinylcholine or Vecuronium these are drugs used in Operation Rooms in every hospital in America, they cause Paralysis while the Anestisiologist put the breathing tube in the patient, it allows the Patient to feel no pain but allows them to be still while the tube is put in and it is NOT traceable, All you can do is move your EYES. Michael Jackson was tortured for hours before he died I can see the tears falling from his eyes, he went in and out of CARDIC ARREST for HOURS, when they first gave him the Succinylcholine he could not MOVE but he saw EVERYTHING they did to him, they started INJECTING Michael with Low Dosages of Morpine, Demorol and other Narcotics and Anit-Depressants for the next 7 HOURS his Killers spent ALOT of time with Michael that Morning, each time they would inject him with heavier dosages some in the SAME Injection sites until he went into FULL CARDIC ARREST, they made him die a very slow Death to throw off Time of Death. I say Michael Jackson real time of death is between 9am and 12pm Joe Jackson is right that "Michael had BEEN Dead" and the Parmedics rumors that "he was dead when they got there" are TRUE, there is a 4 hour window that Doctors CANNOT call time of death and the Doctors that really murdered Michael know this, they call at a certain time because thats the time LEGALLY they have to call it when brought into an Emergency Room. The sad part that I feel is for the Fans who dont understand what has happened here. But for the so called Fans thats perpertrating and apart of this Conspiracy surfing the net under 10 different names same person and posting Negative, Riduclous Threads and Messages to sway these innocent loving Fans, we have a Prayer Group going that God have no MERCY on them because they are part of Michael's Murdered. Its time out for letting MURDERERS get AWAY with Murder wheter in a small Community, our Community or across this Nation, there are people trying to help Michael's Murderers get away with Murder but they want get away not this time, we are required by Law and God not to allow Murderers to get away with Murder, but some people have already sold their Soul and they know their End so they will do anything for Money. But we all will see Michael Jackson again and he will show and reveal to us exactly what happened to him on the morning of June 25, 2009 and it want be no ACCIDENT involved. I can tell from just reading the first line on a post those who are for Michael Jackson and really want the Truth and those who is against Michael Jackson and already know the Truth they are not hard to spot and recognize they may try to mix a little smpathy in the post but their overall message is, believe it was an Accident, SONY and AEG are GOOD Business People, The Executors are Good, Joe Jackson is Bad, like I said they know what they are doing but they shall reap the World Wind for It. Sometimes you would think this is a Michael Jackson Hate Forum instead of Fan Site. But they exposed themselves Well and so shall they in their Court Appearance trying to take Michael Jackson's Estate not only from Joe and Katherine Jackson but Paris, Prince Michael and Prince Michael II these people could careless about these 3 children either, they have plans to Bankrupt their share of the Estate anyway, dont believe me just keep watching this unfold.

Very interesting senario. I too believe he was dead before the call was even made.

If the first shows hadn't been rescheduled, he would have probably already been in London. But because the start of the concert series was pushed back because of production issues he was still in LA. It could have happened anywhere but did this happen in LA for a reason, like they never expected him to make it to London? :ermm:

I believe the hit had to be in LA. I believe their control is most optimal there. If he had made it to the UK he would be alive now. Once there the world would have been watching everything. There as with the rest of the world fans would be near Michael 24/7(protecting him with their love and mania) They would have seen any and everyone going in and out. They(the criminals) knew it had to be done in America before the shows.

You're absolutely right. And right after Michael announed his highly anticipated number of shows in London with so much confidence, I actually thought about all those haters, making fun of him and saying all those rumors and how IDIOTIC they would look when Michael finally hits that stage in London.

But I was also afraid if those haters would try to stop him :(

But then I just let it go since Michael was obviously sooo healthy like they said. And seeing the papz saying stuff like "When you going to London dog?" "Good luck in London!" And Kenny Ortega was tweeting every single day of how rehearsals were amazing and how Mike was amazing.

Who would have known that something very sinister was secretly being planned behind Michael's and everyone elses back? (and I believe more than one person was involved)

Also the media in the begining said over and over again that the shows would not happen. RS even had a poll where one option was the it would never happen. The Media is a big part in all of this.

What has been done to Michael Jackson is enough to start World Wars, and the plot is so entriquing the coverup so elaborate just Unbelieveable, and his death so horrible, I believe wholeheartdly they filmed the whole thing like a trophe, oh its a dvd somewhere of Michael Dying. They planned Michael's Murder for years, decades, like a poster said on another Forum "Michael didnt start having any problems until he purchased them DAMN catalogs", and Michael even told his sister they where trying to Murder him, all these times we saw Michael acting strange and confused they where Doping him, thats why its no doubt he was on Drugs, they where drugging him the entire time in his food and drinks, he used to drink Health drinks alot its no telling what they where putting in those. Michael must have been the Richest and Most POWERFUL Man in the Music Industry, Fake Lisa Marie married him thinking they where going to get Michael to sign her Daddies Catalog over to The Presleys, even Tommy Mottlo worked for him everyone worked for Michael Jackson and they HATED that, then they spent MILLIONS paying off Child Molestation Liars nothing work not even Murdering him will work they DAMN their own Soul in taking his Life, how do they think God is going to let them get away with his Murder. We just didnt pay enough attention to what Michael was telling and showing us. I want be DAMN now to help them COVER UP HIS MURDER. They better Enjoy spending their BLOODMONEY they are stealing from Michael Jackson Estate because they will spend their Eternity in Hell for Murdering Michael Jackson and everyone that didnt believe this BS will watch.

You are so right this is another "9/11" in my book.
Another cry for help but ignored. This corraborates what Campbell Brown of CNN said the day after Michael died;Someone (i forget who, she had them on the phone i think) was saying Michael had told Frank Dileo he wasn't feeling well, the night before he died.

Damn! I can't believe how I almost forgot about that. Anyone remember that too?

Wonder why Frank didn't take him to the hospital?:mello:
Interesting thread here. What I have read re 25th June. It is just after Summer Solistice, when energies are high. Glastonbury Festival was also on generating mass energy.

Memorial on 7/7/2009 a full moon, energies are high. Massive amount of grief across the world creates an energy that tptb can use. They do practice these rituals there is some footage on the internet of a journalist who sneaked in to bohemian grove and filmed all the top people in the world practicing rituals and using symbolism. The number 7 is interesting, Michael also had a new album called 7

Originally Posted by Moth2aFlame
What has been done to Michael Jackson is enough to start World Wars, and the plot is so entriquing the coverup so elaborate just Unbelieveable, and his death so horrible, I believe wholeheartdly they filmed the whole thing like a trophe, oh its a dvd somewhere of Michael Dying. They planned Michael's Murder for years, decades, like a poster said on another Forum "Michael didnt start having any problems until he purchased them DAMN catalogs", and Michael even told his sister they where trying to Murder him, all these times we saw Michael acting strange and confused they where Doping him, thats why its no doubt he was on Drugs, they where drugging him the entire time in his food and drinks, he used to drink Health drinks alot its no telling what they where putting in those. Michael must have been the Richest and Most POWERFUL Man in the Music Industry, Fake Lisa Marie married him thinking they where going to get Michael to sign her Daddies Catalog over to The Presleys, even Tommy Mottlo worked for him everyone worked for Michael Jackson and they HATED that, then they spent MILLIONS paying off Child Molestation Liars nothing work not even Murdering him will work they DAMN their own Soul in taking his Life, how do they think God is going to let them get away with his Murder. We just didnt pay enough attention to what Michael was telling and showing us. I want be DAMN now to help them COVER UP HIS MURDER. They better Enjoy spending their BLOODMONEY they are stealing from Michael Jackson Estate because they will spend their Eternity in Hell for Murdering Michael Jackson and everyone that didnt believe this BS will watch.

I thoght the exact same thing about the security footage. I too believe it is somebody's (VIP) trophy. Just as the 1993 strip search photos (which have not been destroyed nor returned) are in various Hollywood VIP's private collection.I remember even Geraldo said during the 2005 situation that he had seen those nude photos of Jackson. This was orchestrated( Names we would all recognize including alot of MJ's former associates and "friends") from the top. I also think he was being slowly poisoned not doped over a long period of time. Along the line Dick Gregory mentioned and the "doctors"(perfect assassins) would perscribe/manipulate Michael into taking this or that (as treatment)to "help" the suppose ailment. Michael's charactor and actions do not fit the "drug addict" claims.

These links illustrate why I think MJ was not the hypochondriac the media claims.

Listen @ 7:47 Where MJ talks about Doctors.(Maybe hard to watch)

Michael Jackson's Healing Tape to Mr. Morita( This is not the man that would embrace drug addiction. Listen @ 2:40


Doctors' Kline and Hoffman should be investigated more so than Doctor Conrad Murray. Back on the 25th someone on Youtube "sludgereport2" posted a satire video that jokingly claimed MJ was murdered by the CIA. Of coarse I do not believe the CIA took Jackson out.
But how he said he was really killed was interesting.(This I am seriously starting to think this may have been the actual method used) He said that Michael Jackson used a special make up(made only for him) that was contaminated with a poison and is nearly untracable; this slowly killed him. Now this video was removed instantly from YouTube and everywhere it has been reposted in hours and the account was suppended for 2 weeks for this post. Jackson was never seen without his makeup. I am begining to think he may have stumbled onto something by accident.

Here is where the video was last seen before it was too instantly censored; I never got the chance to save it unfortunately. Note all the other crazy theories from Iran or whoever are still up and do not talk about the make up.

Kline and Hoffman know alot about Michael Jackson's death and I believe they are both deeply involved.
^^ Ok guys, are you for real with all this, I mean you really believe that this is the biggest crime conspiracy of all time, numbers and dates and songs ....???:blink::ph34r:

don't take it bad, it's just me wonders....:mello:
I don't think there was intent to kill. I think its gross medical negligence due to a total reckless behaviour. Murray putting him on IV without moitors for breathing, pulse that's ocnsidered reckless (as in latest TMZ report).

He must get manslaughter for what he has done, you cannot play with peoples lives, especially not Michael's. Plus in the Daily Mirror yesterday (yes I know its a load of tabloid junk but...)it said from a doctors opinion that propoferol breaks down in the blood very quickly once administered, often it won't show in there after 2 hours....why Murray did you wait til you called the police???? F****in scared were you? Cos he realsied what he'd done, wanted to cobver it up that he had recklessly administered a powerful drug without watching over the best loved most beautiful person whom the world needed. That's what I think anyway....
Michael Jackson was killed by a conspiracy of murderes.
Who among the staff conspired with Dr. Conrad Murray?
Who calmly called 911 without mentioning Michael Jackson by name?
Who removed the surveillance tape from the home?
I don't trust the nurse going around saying: Michael "begged" for Propafol.
Michael Jackson was not a medical doctor or scholar.
I don't believe he ever knew the names of his medications.
Michael Jackson trusted his doctor, who, apparently, killed him.
Doctors make perfect assassins. Dr. Murray perscribed/manipulated Michael into taking this or that (as treatment)to "help" the suppose ailment.
Michael's character and actions do not fit the "drug addict" claims.
Just like you and me:


I thoght the exact same thing about the security footage. I too believe it is somebody's (VIP) trophy. Just as the 1993 strip search photos (which have not been destroyed nor returned) are in various Hollywood VIP's private collection.I remember even Geraldo said during the 2005 situation that he had seen those nude photos of Jackson. This was orchestrated( Names we would all recognize including alot of MJ's former associates and "friends") from the top. I also think he was being slowly poisoned not doped over a long period of time. Along the line Dick Gregory mentioned and the "doctors"(perfect assassins) would perscribe/manipulate Michael into taking this or that (as treatment)to "help" the suppose ailment. Michael's charactor and actions do not fit the "drug addict" claims.

These links illustrate why I think MJ was not the hypochondriac the media claims.

Listen @ 7:47 Where MJ talks about Doctors.(Maybe hard to watch)

Michael Jackson's Healing Tape to Mr. Morita( This is not the man that would embrace drug addiction. Listen @ 2:40


Doctors' Kline and Hoffman should be investigated more so than Doctor Conrad Murray. Back on the 25th someone on Youtube "sludgereport2" posted a satire video that jokingly claimed MJ was murdered by the CIA. Of coarse I do not believe the CIA took Jackson out.
But how he said he was really killed was interesting.(This I am seriously starting to think this may have been the actual method used) He said that Michael Jackson used a special make up(made only for him) that was contaminated with a poison and is nearly untracable; this slowly killed him. Now this video was removed instantly from YouTube and everywhere it has been reposted in hours and the account was suppended for 2 weeks for this post. Jackson was never seen without his makeup. I am begining to think he may have stumbled onto something by accident.

Here is where the video was last seen before it was too instantly censored; I never got the chance to save it unfortunately. Note all the other crazy theories from Iran or whoever are still up and do not talk about the make up.

Kline and Hoffman know alot about Michael Jackson's death and I believe they are both deeply involved.

When I was a child I would watched horror movies about people pledging to Satan and Satanic Purposes upon this Earth, older people would tell me to watch out for bad people because I had a veil upon face when born and my birthdate has 7, 7 and I am the 7th child I was greatly protected and being Multiracial I grew up with so many diversity I was allowed to study many cultures and religions, but now I know there are people who are sworn to Evil on this Earth, there are real Monsters like in Michael's Thriller The Walking Dead, they are here and they are carrying out their Father's command, but the Good thing is they will fight against you but will never Win. They Hide in Plain-Site and sometimes are the Kindess people you will ever meet but they are Killers.

Michael Jackson was NEVER going to make it to London because then EVERYONE would know he was Healthy, not Using Drugs and Very Able to Sleep. They had to kill him before he made it to London. Michael Death and Murder was ALL Premediatated.
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^^ Ok guys, are you for real with all this, I mean you really believe that this is the biggest crime conspiracy of all time, numbers and dates and songs ....???:blink::ph34r:

don't take it bad, it's just me wonders....:mello:

con·spir·a·cy - An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.

The above definition describes the Media, Police and Hollywood's actions and behavior toward Michael Jackson for the past 16 years.

No I do not nor ever stated it was the "biggest crime conspiracy of all time".

However this is definitely the biggest conspiracy crime and planned murder(of the most famous person on earth) by this certain Hollywood based group.

I do not get in to the numbers nor other meta-physical aspects. All numbers will; by synchronicity calculate patterns of sevens and nine.

I don't think there was intent to kill. I think its gross medical negligence due to a total reckless behaviour. Murray putting him on IV without moitors for breathing, pulse that's ocnsidered reckless (as in latest TMZ report).

He must get manslaughter for what he has done, you cannot play with peoples lives, especially not Michael's. Plus in the Daily Mirror yesterday (yes I know its a load of tabloid junk but...)it said from a doctors opinion that propoferol breaks down in the blood very quickly once administered, often it won't show in there after 2 hours....why Murray did you wait til you called the police???? F****in scared were you? Cos he realsied what he'd done, wanted to cobver it up that he had recklessly administered a powerful drug without watching over the best loved most beautiful person whom the world needed. That's what I think anyway....

I cannot trust the media specifically TMZ who is an online tabloid who reports anything and verifies nothing. Also notice how they are the sole source for nearly all Michael Jackson new, Why?

Question: How did TMZ know Jackson would be "dead in six months" (when they and the rest of the media) kept printing the stories from that shill Ian Halperin saying that MJ was dying with no validation. Why did Rollingstone and many other in Hollywood keep saying the concerts would never happen? Why was Michael Jackson written about worse than Osama Bin Laden for the last 16 years? Why is the media going 24/7 to make-believe that Jackson died of first a "heart attack", "Stress", "drud addict" now "accidental homicide" by doctor?

Jackson was murdered and with perps in the highest levels of the Police, the Media, and the Hollywood Entertainment industry are involved and working hard to cover it up. Conrad Murray is the fall guy yet will not go to jail. They have written a great script; as Michael Jackson "official" epitaph because this is what they do. But I will never believe them.
Wonder why Frank didn't take him to the hospital?:mello:

Michael could have just said he was feeling off colour. Unless he was showing really bad symptoms, Frank probably told him to rest. Anyway, Michael had a full time Doctor nearby.
Originally Posted by goldiee
Wonder why Frank didn't take him to the hospital?:mello:

Originally Posted by goldiee
Wonder why Frank didn't take him to the hospital?:mello:

Because he was like the rest waiting for Michael Jackson to die from the poisons. Franks employement was with AEG not Michael Jackson and he was not a friend. Think about it If you work for or are a REAL Friend of somebody who specifically asks; "Take me to a Hospital." There is no excusing not doing this. Conrad Murray "Michael Jackson's doctor" was hired by AEG this "full time doctor" was the instrument that enabled the evil deed. Who did not call 911 and 30 -60 minutes a call was made purposely too late.

I only fault Micheal Jackson in ( not having one of his family members watching his back) and in surrounding himself with devils and crooks who killed him. Why he did not listen to Dick Gregory(who claims to have in 2005 taken Michael to the hospital unannounced) when he needed help and many others who really cared I will never understand

The plan was murder and that plan has succeeded.

This August 3rd 2009
Follow the money
The Children(Hiers)
Debbie Rowe(The new"mother" of the year according to the Media)
SONY next move
AEG next move
John Branca(the fixer)

Special note on Elizabeth Taylor
I have a strange feeling her "hospitalization" was also arranged by the criminal network to keep her quiet.
She would be (if able) correcting all these lies about Michael Jackson the "drug addict".
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I do feel there is too much coincidence with all the acts of Dr. Murray. This can't be true, there must have been a plan. It all sounds so freaking planned.

Does anyone has an idea how to fit in the letter of that Dr. Alex in 2002, where he refers to THIS IS IT, the second chapter etc? I mean this also sounds too weird, especially fitting in the current situation. And what about the Morphine lyrics, it undeniable describes what happened....

Can anybody help trying to fit this in?
Originally Posted by goldiee
Wonder why Frank didn't take him to the hospital?:mello:

Because he was like the rest waiting for Michael Jackson to die from the poisons. Franks employement was with AEG not Michael Jackson and he was not a friend. Think about it If you work for or are a REAL Friend of somebody who specifically asks; "Take me to a Hospital." There is no excusing not doing this. Conrad Murray "Michael Jackson's doctor" was hired by AEG this "full time doctor" was the instrument that enabled the evil deed. Who did not call 911 and 30 -60 minutes a call was made purposely too late.

I only fault Micheal Jackson in ( not having one of his family members watching his back) and in surrounding himself with devils and crooks who killed him. Why he did not listen to Dick Gregory(who claims to have in 2005 taken Michael to the hospital unannounced) when he needed help and many others who really cared I will never understand

The plan was murder and that plan has succeeded.

This August 3rd 2009
Follow the money
The Children(Hiers)
Debbie Rowe(The new"mother" of the year according to the Media)
SONY next move
AEG next move
John Branca(the fixer)

Special note on Elizabeth Taylor
I have a strange feeling her "hospitalization" was also arranged by the criminal network to keep her quiet.
She would be (if able) correcting all these lies about Michael Jackson the "drug addict".

There is no evidence that Michael asked Frank to take him to hospital and Frank refused. Michael apparently said he didnt feel well. I don't know about you, but if a friend said they weren't well, unless it was an emeregency, I would tell them to get some rest not automatically take them to hospital.
Wait for the reports! Not everything in his life was a conspiracy, and probably not his death.
Michael Jackson was murdered, and a conspiracy of evil people were involved. All of these conspirators will BURN IN HELL FIRE!!!!!
If some idiot MJ-hater poisoned him, I would be devastated. I was afraid MJ was gonna get shot down some day, im glad he did not suffer from that.

I think the doctor gave him to much propofol, i wont forgive him.
There is no evidence that Michael asked Frank to take him to hospital and Frank refused. Michael apparently said he didnt feel well. I don't know about you, but if a friend said they weren't well, unless it was an emeregency, I would tell them to get some rest not automatically take them to hospital.

I retract the statement about Frank Dileo; however I do not trust this person.

Wait for the reports! Not everything in his life was a conspiracy, and probably not his death.


con·spir·a·cy - An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.


You will find that as in Life many so called "natural", sudden" and especially "accidental" deaths are indeed conspiracies all.

The Doctor does not call 911 why?

Why was Murray missing?

Why was the Jackson's home not secured the first 24 hrs.?

Why no discussion about what was stolen nor the missing security recordings? Why is all the "news about "Jackson, drug addict"?

How did Jackson(now called a drug addict) pass a physical, rehearsing everyday being seen in public regularly; be able to take all these drugs then at home hook up to morphine and demorol everynight?
Are we expected to believe this is even possible? Why is the Media telling us this with out evidence over and over again?

Who will get the children; the principle heirs to the estate?

Will The Trust and Estate go to Katherine and the Children?

If so will Katherine suddenly die aswell?

Why is AEG now apart of the Estate and Will preceedings?

Why was he insured for exactly what the Media and the (as yet unreleased)
Toxixology report will say happened? You will see this when it happens.

Why is every media outlet "reporting" an undervalued worth of Michael Jackson's 50 % of SONY/ATV as the "Beatles catalog" being 500 million - 1 billon dollars?

Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC is one of the world's largest music publishing companies. The company was formed by the 1995 merger of the Sony Corporation of America's music publishing business with ATV Music, which Michael Jackson had purchased in 1985 for $47.5 million from Australian businessman Robert Holmes à Court. Given that Jackson's ATV Music was more valuable asset, he was awarded with $110 million alongside with receiving 50% of shares in the merged company. Also, Jackson kept as his sole property Mijac Music Publishing catalogue, which owns all of artist's composed music, as well as of many other acts.
The S/ATV MP or administers over 750,000 copyrights, including works by The Beatles, Michael Jackson, Willie Nelson, Bob Dylan, The Everly Brothers, Hank Williams, Jimi Hendrix, Elvis Presley, Neil Diamond and numerous others. Among Sony/ATV's most valuable holdings is the Northern Songs catalogue, consisting of 180 songs written by The Beatles (mostly by Lennon-McCartney). According to the Sony/ATV Music website, the company owns or administers 1,963 songs from the Lennon-McCartney catalog.[1]. In May 2007, Sony/ATV acquired the Famous Music publishing company from Viacom's Paramount Pictures for $400 million. The Famous Music catalogue includes 125,000 songs. The company is co-owned by Sony and trusts formed by Michael Jackson

This is all being done with a reason and purpose.
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Why was he insured for exactly what the Media and the (as yet unreleased) Toxixology report will say happened? You will see this when it happens.

Yes that is the answer right there. They know the public knew he had a prescription drug problem once and 'may' have more recently so they know that if the autopsy shows that then it won't be doubted by the majority, hence the perfect cover up story to a murder and AEG get their insurance cash. I just don't understand why Randy made that public knowledge that overdose was covered... seems he slipped up there by declaring that.
Yes that is the answer right there. They know the public knew he had a prescription drug problem once and 'may' have more recently so they know that if the autopsy shows that then it won't be doubted by the majority, hence the perfect cover up story to a murder and AEG get their insurance cash. I just don't understand why Randy made that public knowledge that overdose was covered... seems he slipped up there by declaring that.

Maybe he is over confident that Murray will take the heat? However I just read from another post that the autopsy will supposedly be delayed indefinitely??? I guess the media can continue with the insane propaganda untill maybe the family says something.
Have you all heard the latest breaking news? That murrays assistence may be the the one who gave MJ the death dose with demerol?!

MJ waked up and felt that he was beginning to wake up, he then asked murrays assistance for more sleeping pills. And the combination with demerol/propofol caused the cardiac arrest. When murray come back in to MJ, he was dead.
Have you all heard the latest breaking news? That murrays assistence may be the the one who gave MJ the death dose with demerol?!

MJ waked up and felt that he was beginning to wake up, he then asked murrays assistance for more sleeping pills. And the combination with demerol/propofol caused the cardiac arrest. When murray come back in to MJ, he was dead.

who is claiming this now
It still just doesn't add up. He was pronounced dead at 2:26 pm in the afternoon.

With Thome Thome firing people left and right including nannies, why would a father want to sleep in the afternoon using drugs?

Michael Jackson had a rehearsal to attend.