Watching This is it with MJJC members in Holland

Phew Thijs confirmed that the link we used is the right one so all of the ppl who made reservations have tickets now.

OMG my heartrate was a little high during the past 30 minutes I really don't want to miss this

The only thing bothering me is that you couldn't decide which showing you want to go...
Thank god!!!!I was wondering about that too!!!! I hope they don`t put you in a showing without discussing it with us.....:scratch:
And will have to see i hope it all went well!

@ Hocus....i`ve bought it here
Phew Thijs confirmed that the link we used is the right one so all of the ppl who made reservations have tickets now.

OMG my heartrate was a little high during the past 30 minutes I really don't want to miss this

The only thing bothering me is that you couldn't decide which showing you want to go...
Seriously..cause that's what I was wondering too..
We didnt get an confirmation so i was all stressed out..
But we DO have tickets? I'm still kinda stressed..

MYGOSH :dropdead:
I made the reservation through the link, but I hope it went well. I really want a confirmation, so I can rest assure.

I'm also hoping I spelled my name and email right, because I didn't double check in my haste:doh:.
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I made the reservation through the link, but I hope it went well. I really want a confirmation, so I can rest assure.

I'm also hoping I spelled my name and adress right, because I didn't double check in my haste:doh:.

Me neither!
I was chillin and Mrs. Music texted me! So I had to run upstairs!
My heart was pounding like hell..I got all sweaty :''')
DANG I really want to know everything went right!
My heart was pounding like hell..I got all sweaty :''')

hahaha I had the same thing.
BTW nobody has got a confirmation email but Thijs receives all the reservations in his mailbox I think.
He confirmed he received my reservation so I assume everyone's reservation is fine :)
hahaha I had the same thing.
BTW nobody has got a confirmation email but Thijs receives all the reservations in his mailbox I think.
He confirmed he received my reservation so I assume everyone's reservation is fine :)

I really hope so! Everyone is going for the VIP tickets haha!
OMG I'm so happy right now.. :clapping:
I'm glad this is over with..Dang! That was a stressful 10 minutes! LOL
OMG I was so relieved when I made the reservation and now I am reading all your messages and I am getting stressed out again! :)
The only confirm they gave was that we would recieve information about paying somewhere around the end of september, so......
But let's just all asume that we DO have the VIPtickets and that the only thing to worry about now is which show we're gonna see.
I really wanna be in the same show as you guys!!!
Ok, I'm getting worried again. Some of you got this 'more payment information in septembre.' And I got a return to this page or something....

No hun, I got that in my email from Thijs because I asked if there were seatnumbers! So probably the rest got it through their mail too. ;)
It'll be ok! :)
I hope so!
I want to sit with you guys! We NEED to sit together! :mello:
Yeah! But we'll work it out! And otherwise we got someone to call to fix it for us. :')

For the ones that are still waiting for a confirmationmail; I don't think we get any! Probably hearing next week how we can pay for the tickets, they had to wait cuz Sony said so.
Just gotta hope our reservations made it through! ;)
Yeah! But we'll work it out! And otherwise we got someone to call to fix it for us. :')

For the ones that are still waiting for a confirmationmail; I don't think we get any! Probably hearing next week how we can pay for the tickets, they had to wait cuz Sony said so.
Just gotta hope our reservations made it through! ;)
HAHAHAHA Yeah he'll know what to do! One simple phonecall! :lol:

But seriously..I'm gonna pray like a madman! :angel:
lol those were the most stressfull 30 minutes in my life I think :laugh:
I really want to sit with you all too!!

Have you guys allready any idea what you're going to wear I saw the dresscode so..
Yeah i really want to sit with you guys to!!!:yes:

I`m going to go a little gala you know pantalon, blouse and my head and glve or something.....and i think we have to go with the button that`s made I loves that one! What do you guy`s think?
^ ( required ) Glitter&Glamour, Gala or MJ style. AMAZING!:shock: I already know what to wear, whoo! just a few hours and you can set me on the list too! yaay, I want to see you guys to hehe:p. Just make sure my sis is comin too..
my mom wants to wear the same thing we wore at Best
dunno if you saw us but we had a black pants white v-hals shirt(weet ff niet hoe dat in het engels is) white blouse and we sew a black band around our arm like mike had.
But I kinda want to go in glitter glamour style although I don't have the money to go and shop for it :(
Well it doesn`t matter because it`s all going to be wet when we get out of the it doesn`t matter what we are wearing!:cheeky:
Yeah, I think so too... :( Hey, I'll bring towels! :cheeky:
Oops, I almost forgot! :blush: Thanks for the link for the Opus book! :)
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I've just read the following info:
The TII movie will very probably also be shown in :
Tuschinski Amsterdam, Buitenhof Den Haag, Schouwburgplein Rotterdam & Groningen

Hope it's true!
I wouldn't mind seeing it a second time in Tuschinski!

@Veuvje: No, not yet. I have to find someone in my family with a credit card. Probably my dad...! :lol:
^ Yes its true. You can already see the trailer and info on pathe's website but you cant buy tickets there yet!:D I'm definitely gonna watch it once in pathe too!