What are you doing this very second?

relaxing to sunshine on my shoulders and reading mostly, posting a bit, before I have to do my all night house fixing marathon. .... yup.
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Why, Ape, have you been doing all this home improvement stuff during the wee hours of the night? Can you not do it during the day?
nope, because I have tried unsuccessfully all day long today and my wee one gets right in the way and some of it will be dangerous for her such as the boiling hot water I was using to scrub out carpet stains with and the floor refinisher needs no little feet walking across it for 6 hours after applied. I finished half the floor last night, let it dry so I could move the furniture over there to do the other half.

I love listening to him at night to relax. He's almost as good as a back or foot rub and a warm bath.
^ sounds like you have a good system worked out then, Ape.
Not exactly, I am going to be running on sleep deprivation madness pretty soon. But thank you for thinking so..lol.
Well, yeah, I can be duped into thinking someone has a good system with great ease. No prob. You're welcome. :)
Practical and your stomach thanks you for that I'm sure. :)
lol..I am listening to ^your song right now...care to guess what it's called?

well it could be your song too if you wish. :)

ms, Prayers, and promises. How's that for punny?
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This second Imma saying good night and sweet dreams to this fun bunch. Night, night, guys. *hugs* :D
WHAT???? NOOOOOOO I protest *kicks and screams all the way out the thread*

(c o m e b a c k )
I'm about to finish my break from painting and log off.....