Would You Like Prince, Paris, and Blanket To Have Their Own Separate Section?

Would Like a Separate Section Created To Read Updates About Prince, Paris, and Blanket Jackson

  • Yes, I Would Like Prince, Paris, and Blanket to Have a Separate Section.

    Votes: 15 37.5%
  • No, I don't want Prince, Paris and Blanket to have a seperate section

    Votes: 25 62.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Yes, I Would Like Prince, Paris, and Blanket to Have a Separate Section; so I do not have to read about the other Jacksons whenever I read updates about Michael Jackson's children.

No, I say keep the updates about Michael Jackson's children with the information about Joe and Katherine's children and

And I ask :fear:: but why should we have a separate section for PPB? :unsure: Well, do not go out every day or every week thousands of news about them (thank God! So be it... :pray:). I prefer that they stay off as it has been in recent times... :coffee: I wish that the press leave them alone. :pray: We (and the press) do not really need to know every step of PPB. :fear:
I don't think it's necessary, they are all children living their lives. Why put more focus on them? There is nothing to warrant this kind of attention on three school going minors
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We had that discussion before and the answer was NO. Do you remember that Cherubim? There was some discussion about this, but I can't remember what year.
I, personally, am sick and tired of every time I want to read an update on Michael Jackson's children I have to filter through headlines like:
"62 year old Jackie Jackson is having a new baby with his soon to be new young wife".

It would be different if the headlines were about Katherine's and Jo
e's children, protecting and guiding Prince, Paris, and Blanket,
but they are not.
The children are children and don't deserve to be analyzed and/or discussed at all by every step and gesture they might do or even not!
Will be hard enough when they'll be adults one day!
They need to be shielded and protected from this as much as possible till then!

No section for the children! pretty please!!!
NO! They are Michael's children, but they are not Michael and not celebrities themselves. I'm a Michael fan and not a fan of his children. Of course, I love them and I want all the best for them, but they did nothing so far on their own, they are not famous for something they did. They are just kids. I agree full heartedly with Mechi. Dissecting, analyzing, discussing these kids and their every step is just wrong and tabloidish IMO.

It's different with the brothers and sisters because no matter what you think about them they did music, they had their careers as the Jackson 5, Jacksons, as well as their solo careers. So they are some kind of celebrities themselves (even if far from Michael's level). But Michael's kids? No please! That's only feeding into the tabloid culture.
I, personally, am sick and tired of every time I want to read an update on Michael Jackson's children I have to filter through headlines like:
"62 year old Jackie Jackson is having a new baby with his soon to be new young wife".

It would be different if the headlines were about Katherine's and Jo
e's children, protecting and guiding Prince, Paris, and Blanket,
but they are not.

yes i agree interms of what you are saying above as id rather not know what the rest of them are upto but tbh as others say they arent celebs and hopefully there wont or shouldnt be enough stories on them to support an individual section
Well, beginning with Prince Jackson, as each of Michael Jackson's children turns 18 years old, I vote to separate them out of this section
about Katherine's and Joe's children and grandchildren.
Another suggestion would be to pin on top a thread for the kids (or one for each child), so those who don't care for the other Jacksons won't have to scroll through other threads.

This way all info would be kept in one place instead of multiple topics with the same discussions sometimes.
i dont think they need it i personaly find following their activties creepy as i rember when they were born and am a fan of their daddy
Yes, I Would Like Prince, Paris, and Blanket to Have a Separate Section; so I do not have to read about the other Jacksons whenever I read updates about Michael Jackson's children.

No, I say keep the updates about Michael Jackson's children with the information about Joe and Katherine's children and

I know you love posting their pictures here and etc... but they've received enough attention already and so far it's been dreadful.

Please allow them to have a life.
Another thing is, I know we got to know a lot abouttl them with home videos being sold, the paps haunting them, the public social media accounts, the selling and pimping done by their so called grandma, the ****ery going on during katherine's disappearance, the aeg trial, Paris'suicide etc, but I still feel it would be disrespectful toward Michael. Just because nobody else respects his wishes, doesnt mean we should do the same by bringing further attention on them, fact still remains that he didnt want them exposed, he didnt wanna share them with the public and sacrifice their privacy.
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^^^^^^ Totally agree. We are chastised for having an opinion regarding Katherine's actions and told to respect and listen to how Michael felt about her, how about listening to Michael regarding his children.
I know you love posting their pictures here and etc... but they've received enough attention already and so far it's been dreadful.

Please allow them to have a life.

I do appreciate people's votes in this poll.

Michael said something like my children are your children and we should care about every child on the planet.

Michael´s children need protection from paparazzis and tabloids and what I can do is to avoid to look at their pictures ,don´t buy tabloids or visit their websites.
Let Michael´s children have the childhood Michael never had.
While he was with us on Earth, Michael Jackson never allowed his children to be just lumped in together with Katherine's and Joe Jackson's children and grandchildren.
Before the passing of their father, Prince, Paris, and Blanket
had very little association with Katherine's and Joe's children and grandchildren.
But that has nothing to do with giving them a separate forum. He also protected them from being exploited by fans or the media. Michael left his children to his mother charge in his will. So this is now and that was then. Like it or not they are part of the Jackson family. Plus there is not enough in the media about them to even warrant a whole forum. Do we really want them to be singled out for attention in that way . We certainly don't want all the paris fan sites posted that exploit her, post her personal pics and stalk her every move either. It is not healthy for her. The children don't need fans. It bad enough how they are Scrutinized in here. Giving them a seperate forum will only Escalate that attention IMO.

I don't think it is good thing to create a fan forum for Michael's children. Which is basically what you are asking for. They should be allowed to lead as normal a life as possible away from all that type of harmful attention. Thats was partially the cause of Paris's problems. She was over stimulated by it all, unable to reason or cope with all that had happened and was happening to her. All that attention was to much, to overwhelming for a child. It inhibited her ability to cope, reason and grieve. The results were heartbreaking. I personally dont think we should take part in any of that.

Once the children are of age and have done something to warrant having fans besides being Michael's children, we could reconsider it.

All that being said I do understand how much you love the children and want them to be special in our eyes. Please know they are and thats why we want to protect them. I dont see how giving them a seperate forum will do that at this time.
They are children and do not have careers

Michael worked hard for years to shield them and give them the privacy they deserve. I don't agree with fans following their every move and I don't agree with giving them a seperate section

Some fans are following, analyzing, and criticizing every thing they do, and that makes them just as bad as the tabloids IMO
i am much more angry about to have all that bullshit stories about gaga, bieber, perry, timberfake,... in the michael jackson forum. b-stars that most people are hating. i'm sure its much more appreciated to filter that stupid stories out of the forum than splitting the jackson family.
My answer: NO! We don't need to know what's going on in their lives. They are Michael's kids and we don't need them to go through what their daddy went through!
No. If there was anything in the world I can do for them, I will.

I appreciate that this is one of the few forums that does not partake in the stalking of underaged children.
Half the time threads in regards to the children end up being a roving mob with pitchforks and condemning xyz, which still won't help the children at all.

I worry much about the children, being a mother myself and being a mother I can absolutely not fathom my child being put under the microscope, no matter the originally noble motive.