Jermaine's hairstyle


Proud Member
Aug 27, 2011
Not trying to be funny, but does he paint on the sides? It's been like that a few years. I've seen all kinds of speculations on the net.
As my grandmother would say, his hair is fried, dyed, and laid to the
Jermaine has dyed his hair jet black and has some kind of perm in it to straighten the sides of his hair and he probably has an S-curl in the top part to give it that curly wave pattern.. I bet you he ties his hair up at night to keep the sides flat.. lmao...
As my grandmother would say, his hair is fried, dyed, and laid to the
Jermaine has dyed his hair jet black and has some kind of perm in it to straighten the sides of his hair and he probably has an S-curl in the top part to give it that curly wave pattern.. I bet you he ties his hair up at night to keep the sides flat.. lmao...

oh you KNOW he ties it up with a nice satin scarf. little richard style
:lmao: I said the exact same thing about the scarf to one of my girlfriends after watching the interview he did with Larry King! Too funny!
You guys!! :rofl: I swear he's had that hairstyle since the 90's.
As soon as I saw the thread title I burst out laughing :lol:

Should we really go there? :lol: All I remember is that when he was on big brother, he woke up with black stuff on his pillow.
oh you KNOW he ties it up with a nice satin scarf. little richard style

dead...f'n dead..lmaooooooooooooooooo omg, that pic just sets my post off.. omg, i am crying over here... hahahahahahaha i can't stop..
rt now my hair is tied up 2, but damn i am a chick..lmao
dead...f'n dead..lmaooooooooooooooooo omg, that pic just sets my post off.. omg, i am crying over here... hahahahahahaha i can't stop..
rt now my hair is tied up 2, but damn i am a chick..lmao

omg, you have me laughing over here! good times
that pic makes me want to snap a pic of myself rt now and show you all how my hair is tied up.. trying to preserve my hairstyle.. um I don't have that get up and go hair, and I spent good money getting my hair done..lmaoooo
still crying laughing over here at that post...I am glad someone knew what I meant when I said he ties his hair up..lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
that pic makes me want to snap a pic of myself rt now and show you all how my hair is tied up.. trying to preserve my hairstyle.. um I don't have that get up and go hair, and I spent good money getting my hair done..lmaoooo
still crying laughing over here at that post...I am glad someone knew what I meant when I said he ties his hair up..lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

hell yeah i knew, half of my childhood/teen years was spent tied up the exact same way and trying to sleep on my hand so I could be cute. lord the things we do for beauty....TAKE THE PIC!!! we wanna see ;)
@Bad, HELL NO, I don't want to scare you all..lmao.. just know that I could damn near be a twin of that lil Richard pic..lmao... Oh don't talk about when I have a roller set and I gotta sleep a certain way so my curls don't get smushed and stuff. Oh and I do have a satin pillowcase so my hair won't dry out..lmaoo
LMAO! Man, I've been talkin about Jermaine's fade 4 a loooong time! I really need him 2 "get serious" & let the gel-laden, jheri curl reminiscin', baby hair slickin' & savin' GO! Just let it go dude! Hilarious!!!!
:hysterical: wow. how funny!!

For 1.) Little Richard with a scarf on...that is forever burned in my brain as hilarious.
2.) Poor Jermaine, LOL I was just thinking the other day his hair is so boxy and ugly...and I can NOT tell how old an interview is usually unless it says on there because his hair looks exactly the same in all of them! LOL
As soon as I saw the thread title I burst out laughing :lol:

Should we really go there? :lol: All I remember is that when he was on big brother, he woke up with black stuff on his pillow.

I did the same! I read the title and was thinking, "They're going there. They're REALLY going there." :lol:

And the pictures of Little Richard and Prince just put me over the top! This woman across from me must think I'm crazy! :rofl:

Listen, ladies (and gentlemen), whatever these men do in the privacy of their homes to maintain their perfectly coiffed do's is their own business. We wouldn't want others to see us looking less than glorious (#1MJstan, for instance :cheeky:), so why should we intrude on them. Let's just know that we all know that, like us, they just don't wake up with no hair out of place and leave it at that. :lol: :lol:

I'm kidding, of course.
Black stuff on the pillow? They actually showed that? What happened, he tossed and turned all night and his Little Richard scarf came off? Please someone post a clip.. this I gotta see. :lol:
But if you look at a pic of Jermaine from back in the day, I bet you he use to roller set his hair.


I'm just sayin' that Jermaine has gone thru some hair do's... I wonder what kind of oil sheen he uses?? Pink Oil Moistrurizer... I am just going to need Jermaine to stop putting the pomade in his hair to make it slick and to just get a low haircut.. I would never let him put his head on my pillows unless he wore a plastic cap
^^^^^Mike wore that same 'do around the Moving Violation period
he's using beeswax or gel to lay the sides down. I'm sorry to say because i think Jermaine is cool and all, but I hate his hair style
Black stuff on the pillow? They actually showed that? What happened, he tossed and turned all night and his Little Richard scarf came off? Please someone post a clip.. this I gotta see. :lol:

Hey I never saw it! :lol:

But I remember other BB fans talking about it when he was in the house. Everyday on the forums.. "WTF is on Jermaine's pillow?!" :ermm: :lol:
Jermaine loves it too much to let it go


Is she really Tohme Tohme's ex wife????
He looks like a wax figure there... :lmao: Like something outta Madam Toussad's or something.

I've heard the exwife rumors but I'm not sure...
I lurve Jermaine's's unique and timeless!

I love Jermaine - his hair is really funny though, I've been thinking that for a while now. (Would do one of those laughing icons but still haven't figured out how to do it yet!)
I love Jermaine - his hair is really funny though, I've been thinking that for a while now. (Would do one of those laughing icons but still haven't figured out how to do it yet!)

Simple Pimple. :punk:

Jermaine's hair is like that but glued more.

Jermaine is sweet. :better: