Cover-Up in Michael Jackson Death?


Proud Member
Sep 14, 2009
Cover-Up in Michael Jackson Death?
Posted Mar 1st 2010 3:00AM by TMZ Staff

Michael Jackson received the fatal dose of Propofol through an IV in his leg, and law enforcement believes Dr. Conrad Murray may have tried covering it up ... this according to law enforcement sources and an anesthesiologist who reviewed the case for the LAPD.

Dr. Murray told cops he administered only a very small amount of Propofol -- 2.5ml shortly before Jackson died. But Dr. John Dombrowski, a noted anesthesiologist and member of the board of the American Society of Anesthesiologists who reviewed the LAPD file for detectives, tells TMZ that 2.5ml couldn't put Jackson to sleep, much less kill him. Indeed, the Coroner's report notes the level of Propofol found in Jackson's body was equivalent to that found during "general anesthesia for major surgery."

A small, empty, 20ml bottle of Propofol was found in the bedroom, but there was a secret compartment in a nearby closet that could be the key to the prosecution's case. Several days after Jackson's death, law enforcement found numerous bottles of Propofol in that closet, including a large, empty, 100ml bottle with a large tear in the rubber stopper.

The tear could be critical evidence. There are two ways of administering Propofol. The first is sticking a syringe into the rubber stopper, withdrawing a small amount and then injecting it into the tubing. The second way is by using a spike -- which creates a tear in the rubber stop -- and connects the entire bottle of Propofol to the tube.

Dr. Dombrowski says if a spike is used to connect the bottle directly to the IV tube, the doctor must use an infusion pump to regulate the flow of Propofol -- otherwise, the patient could easily OD. There was no infusion pump found in Jackson's home.

Dr. Dombrowski and law enforcement sources believe Dr. Murray may have connected the 100ml bottle of Propofol to the tube, and then either tried regulating the flow by eyeballing it or just letting it flow by itself ... and Dr. Dombrowski calls either scenario "reckless." Remember, Dr. Murray himself told detectives at one point he walked out of Jackson's room to go to the bathroom.

If Dr. Murray did indeed attach the 100ml bottle to the tube and the contents emptied into Jackson's system, that would be 40 times more Propofol than Dr. Murray said he administered.

There is no explanation for the empty bottle of Propofol in the hidden compartment.

Read more:

concentration for propofol

[Concentration: 10 mg/ml]

25 mg makes 2.5 ml.
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There are no words to explain how I am feeling right now. All I can say is damn you Murray!
the report says 25 ml or 2.5 ml ??? i don't remember

I believe those numbers are in Murray's statements to the police not in the autopsy report. but I too remember them mentioning 25 mg before.
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so, this TMZ article is BS?

I found out the reason for discrepancy. Previous reports say that he gave Michael 25 MG of propofol. And apparently MG and ML are two different things. I don't know how to convert those.

I found the concentration for propofol

[Concentration: 10 mg/ml]

so yeah 25 mg makes 2.5 ml.
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I'm not doctor but i think that concentration & density are two different things.
I know TMZ isn't the best source but i've believed Murray to be a liar from day 1. I believed he is wasn't truthful to the officals about the amounts of drugs he gave michael. I believe michael was dead long before he called for help and murray knew so he tried covering up to save himself then he made the paramedics take michael to the hospital to be pronounced dead and then he doesn't sign the death certificate and leaves the scene.If he was going to do something so stupid and dangerous like giving anesthesia to sleep the LEAST he could do was take the proper precautions.Where was the EKG? Where were the monitors? Why didn't he use the proper equipment? I don't understand how a doctor could be so reckless with another's life, the animals at the veterinarian are treated better than michael was. I really hope the charges are raised to 2nd degree murder, murray knew what he was doing.
totally agree with you nena

(I mean, actually I still have a problem believing it was premeditated, but I do believe Murray knew what he was doing, and I do believe it was completely reckless)
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totally agree with you nena

(I mean, actually I still have a problem believing it was premeditated, but I do believe Murray knew what he was doing, and I do believe it was completely reckless)
Yes, I'm not totally convinced this was premediated but this was so reckless he had to know this was a disaster in the making. Like shooting a bullet into a room full a people and someone gets shot.
The tear could be critical evidence. There are two ways of administering Propofol. The first is sticking a syringe into the rubber stopper, withdrawing a small amount and then injecting it into the tubing. The second way is by using a spike -- which creates a tear in the rubber stop -- and connects the entire bottle of Propofol to the tube.

Dr. Dombrowski says if a spike is used to connect the bottle directly to the IV tube, the doctor must use an infusion pump to regulate the flow of Propofol -- otherwise, the patient could easily OD. There was no infusion pump found in Jackson's home.

oh my goodness. i can't express what I feel right now. this is horrible.

"A Summer's Disregard,
A Broken Bottle Top
And A One Man's Soul"


law enforcement believes Dr. Conrad Murray may have tried covering it up .
well doh!

this story is pretty much what we have been saying along. interms of giving way more than he said and how itwas given. with evidence like this i cant see how its not murder 2 based on gross recklessness
Looks like they're finally catching on to what the fans have been suspecting for a while now.
according to posters on other boards this article is BS cause the amount of diprivan in the urine dont support anywhere near 100 being given

BS, the propofol in his urine does not say he was given anything near 100ml that day , 100ML=1000 mg NO WAY
So, this amount. Was it fatal? Why did I read all those stuff that he was overdose???

Yes, it was fatal. Read that line again - "Propofol found in Jackson's body was equivalent to that found during general anesthesia for major surgery". He died due to acute propofol intoxication, meaning an extremely high concentration of the drug was found in his system.
"A Summer's Disregard,
A Broken Bottle Top
And A One Man's Soul"


My God those words from Man In The Mirror are significant to this situation it made me want to cry. This pain just gets worse doesn't it?
how can Murray be a doctor, he gave CPR on a bed (even I know that's useless) and barely administrating lethal drugs, what the hell is up with this guy????

When I read these articles I feel so sick to my stomach, Why is this happening before all of our eye's not just Michael Jackson fans but the world. This is dangerous for every human being in the world. Letting doctors walk, who appear to be the best kinds of assassins. Everyday people die due to drugs overdoses not by illegal drugs but drugs given or prescribed by doctors. We don't hear about these people because they are not famous but they are still humans.
Why are people, law enforcement agencies and the legal system so afraid to go after these doctors? Just because you go to medical school and take an oath to protect lives, doesn't mean you should get a free pass. If you kill someone Dr. or not you should be treated the same as any other criminal who takes a life.
They DA in Los Angeles along with the LAPD, in my opinion has given this guy many allowances that regular citizens would not have gotten. When Murray turned himself in, the same way Michael Jackson turned himself in he was not handcuffed. When Michael was arrested his bail was 3 million dollars, he never took a life, yet Dr. Murray takes a life and get's 75,000 dollar bail. Michael was charged with 9 felonies and Murray charged with 1.
What will it take for people to wake up? If I hear one more Michael Jackson fan say, they would rather see Murray charged with manslaughter and maybe get 4 years than nothing, I am going to go mad! This is exactly the type of thing that plays into the hands of a system that allows two kinds of justice.
Murder is murder, and it should not matter to the everyday citizen, the police or prosecutors around the world, if your name has a Dr. in front of it or not! The simple fact that the world sits there and hears these lies that Michael Jackson was a drug addict and there for its Wrong. I don't care if it were true (which it isn't) and Michael was shooting up outside the stapes center every 5 minutes it doesn't give the Doctors a license for Murder!
We should not accept this, Michael Jackson or not it is wrong and it is a double standard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These absurd charges do not reflect this article. We are going after the LADA We strike now..while we have the chance.

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well doh!

this story is pretty much what we have been saying along. interms of giving way more than he said and how itwas given. with evidence like this i cant see how its not murder 2 based on gross recklessness

Agreed. No stacked charges even - why?