Merged: Psychics channel Michael

^ Asedora, depending on where you are in Canada: ??? :scratch:Guess that's pretty rare in those parts!

I am in Toronto but not in Downtown. I am far from downtown... I do not know. Yes it is VERY rare in Canada. I do not know now.... They said that quake occurred at 1:41 p.m
Well, I was in my room very close to 2 pm but it passed 1:41 pm for sure cose I looked at my clock when I was driving. So I do not know now what to think.... .
^ Crazy. The first time I felt a quake here in Germany, I was like... wtf? :bugeyed Because you don't usually hear of quakes in Germany! In Seattle it was like... ooo, earthquake! It's expected there, but in some places it's like... :doh:??? Yeah, a 5.0 is definitely something you can feel for miles. I was in a 6.8 once. That's a yikes, I'll tell ya. CaptainEOLove and CyberJackson have probably felt stuff like that before in Cali ;)

P.S. Funny EQ story. I was in Seattle and husbunny was here in Germany. It was 2002, I guess. We were talking on the phone and I started to sing YRMW to him and right at that moment he's like, "Whoa the bed is shaking! Seriously! I can feel it moving! What the...???" It was an earthquake, lolololol. Perfect timing.
^ Crazy. The first time I felt a quake here in Germany, I was like... wtf? :bugeyed Because you don't usually hear of quakes in Germany! In Seattle it was like... ooo, earthquake! It's expected there, but in some places it's like... :doh:??? Yeah, a 5.0 is definitely something you can feel for miles. I was in a 6.8 once. That's a yikes, I'll tell ya. CaptainEOLove and CyberJackson have probably felt stuff like that before in Cali ;)

Earth quake in Germany? Great! Looks loke Germany is close to Japan now. Crazy stuff!:bugeyed
Funny about you hb and you singing at the same time lol lol

Edited: Amy, lovely song. :heart: With this sudden earth quake or wahtever it was I forgot to tell you that.
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Thanks girls for the sweet comments on my song! :huggy:

I also thought of this one. It goes with the crack house environment:
Bahaha...perfect. I hadn't seen that one yet either *SAVED*

Well that's interesting. :scratch: lol
Hehe. It was his character in City of Angels that did it! I was 13 and he was an angel. :wub: He really was like a Michael in that movie; looked like the most beautiful soul I'd ever seen. Goes to show how well the brother played his part!

Mrs. Music said:
I don't know what they did to him for this movie but he was hella fiiiine! :shifty:
Exaaactly. He was really able to get the whole angel look down... damn, just the look in his eyes in that movie, it's so moving somehow! They seriously just sparkle with sweetness. So irresistible.

Or this exchange:
Maggie: Got a message for me?
Seth: I already gave it to you.
Maggie: Well, did you use my pager? 'Cause I usually don't get my messages unless you beep me.
Seth: You've definitely been beeped. :giggle:
Teehee...yeah that part was cute. I think Michael has definitely beeped us all.

mjbunny said:
When I die, I want to be buried with this, lolol:

:lol: YES.
Good idea.. lol For real or you are just kidding? lol
:lol: I was just kidding, but I would want something 'MJ' there.

Ok, I'm having something kinda weird tonight. Bliss was playing an hour of MJ vids and I left it on and just sat there on the couch with the volume low, kind of talking to/about MJ to him/myself. And I got these BRIGHT white light streaks along the right field of my vision about 3 or 4 times in a row, like being inside the edge of a light globe?! I mean, BIG pure white light streaks. Just a few times, but I've never seen anything like it except for that one night about a month and half ago (?) when I saw a streak of white a couple of feet to my left. But these were on my right and took up big parts of my vision (hey, like the photo of Seth in City of Angels, yeah). I was like... WHOA! And I felt someone was here. And then a short while later, during YANA, again... whoosh, light streaks along my right field of vision near the ceiling and warmth all along my face. I was thinking... oh yes, please, can I see you!? :wild: It happened a few times, but not again and it's been like an hour now. As long as it's not a seizure, retinal detachment or I'm about to die, lol, I welcome it back ;) No, seriously though, I really felt profoundly that I was NOT alone at those moments (YANA!), so... ??? :angel: :heart:
:lol: I was just kidding, but I would want something 'MJ' there.


Like a couple CD's or DVD's or a few pictures? LOL I think it will not matter really if you agree that the body is just a shell.
Ppl still can make arrangements though before they pass lol Even to choose the right music. YANA sounds good lol The problem is that most ppl do not know when and how they are going to die. It can happen any time... .
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^ Actually, I don't care so much what is done. I was just saying MJ stuff should be there just on principle, lol, not like I'm a pharoah needing it for the afterlife ;)

8701Girl - :lol: Michael knows, baby. Michael knows.
While looking for the "are you high?" macro, I ran across this one again and thought... When I die, I want to be buried with this, lolol:


I'm right there. He better show me a "major luv" when I get there. There is obviously a reason some people have a connection, he better "make some time" to show me a major luv, and I mean MAJOR. The more major, the better. You don't just follow someone for 20 years without a case. So there, should I stomp with my feet now?? :D
I'd be very surprised if he won't be the first one some of us see.
So actually, that's a good macro to put in. The "are you high" is excellent, too. Always one of my favorites.

I had a couple more that were going into the direction "can you @#$%^&*( hear me, girls, I'm talking your ears off. "
Good morning everyone!

You guys are just full on LOVE in here, and so much positive energy, me like that. :) thats what we all need.... Im gonna try to be here more often from now on, I think I need that :).

Hope you all are well.

L.O.V.E. to you all
Hi. Sorry I haven't been participating. I've been trying to get away from it all I guess so I've been researching the other side of my family tree. It all started because of a meditation, then my mother decided to find my dad's grand-uncle's birth cert (not for any reason, it just came into her head when my dad was visiting). She had been keeping it in a safe place for about 20 years. She gave it to my dad and he asked what date it was that day. My brother told him it was 19th (June) and my dad sat there with tears in his eyes. His grand-uncle's date of birth is 19th June 1884. It was his 126th birthday. Isn't that crazy?! My dad was worried that he might need help or something. I told him after this length of time it's doubtful that he would need anything personally but maybe he wanted to tell him something. Maybe a warning or just to let him know he was there. I meditated and asked if he would talk to me. I got the feeling he might be moving on. The next day I asked if he was around and pressed shuffle on my iPod. xscape started. A few seconds in a man shouts "He's gone!" Could be a coincidence, I could have imagined that he was moving on. Still, I thought it was cool.


I had a bad night's sleep last night. Waking up every half an hour, having very weird dreams. Today I'm feeling like crap one minute and laughing at something the next. I don't want today to end.

The usual forums are closing in 1 hour. Are we gonna meet up on the MLP forum or the other one that was set up?

Love to everyone :heart:

P.S. I don't think we're moving tomorrow. We still haven't gotten a call from the landlord.
OMG. MJJC IS BACK TO NORMAL. I can breathe. It was so hard. I'll post about MLP soon.
Guys :cry: .... I couldn't tune in on MLP, I just couldn't concentrate cause I couldn't stop crying :cry: .. I'm so sorry! I wanted to be there, but I just couldn't do it :cry: I was so and still am a little weak :( I couldn't fall asleep last night, and my head was hurting so much :cry: ..... L.O.V.E to you all :heart: I Love You
I was so and still am a little weak :( I couldn't fall asleep last night, and my head was hurting so much :cry: ..... L.O.V.E to you all :heart: I Love You

I hope you feel better soon Tink :hug: Sending love to you :heart:

How are you doing guys? Hope you're feeling a little better :flowers: Glad the site it's back to normal :)

:hug: :hug:
Yay :) Still no MJ dreams for me (seems the last one was clear back on June 3rd?), but after I got offline very late last night (or very early this morning, depending how you look at it ... around 7am my time), I'd been laughing about something goofy that popped into my head and suddenly a flood of wonderful energy appeared all around me and intense warmth all along my face .... oh, Michael!!!! You're there! Thank you! Thank you!!!!!!!! :wub: And you know what? I haven't really been deeply sad since. I ended up with a crazy case of the giggles afterwards, like in some kind of bliss and thinking to myself, "Am I high?":lmao: Saw myself in the mirror and my eyes were all sparkling and I thought, so that's what I look like when I think of Michael :blush: I was hoping I would come in here today and find that everyone had an MJ dream or something. I wish it were so, really really wish it. I mentioned and thought of you gals and hoped everyone would be visited in some way. :flowers: And again, a part of the 'convo' with Michael went like this... you don't need to be so sad, we're never separate. We're one. Always. (Thanks for the reminder, Michael. Sorry for being so needy and always needing reminders. I'm really trying to understand. I just wish I could hold on to that feeling, that I-just-got-hugged-by-MJ feeling, all the time. I hope this hangover lasts a while ... ok a long while, considering... ~sigh~)


Hello all…apologies again for popping in and out-there never seems to be enough time to do all the things you want to do as well as all the things you need to do.

I had also been wondering whether the number of ‘connections’ (beeps!) would increase over the anniversary period……. A little bit of me wonders if the ‘connected’ dreams are just wishful thinking…but since they seem to be (for me) so rare, and since MJ has never said a word to me (and my greatest wish would be to have a conversation (really!), my ‘wishful thinking’ doesn’t seem very successful.

However, I did just have (only my second ever) ‘meaningful’ dream just 2 weeks ago, and it really did feel ‘true’. This time, I was flying to a fan event of some kind (OK wishful thinking there, as I do want to get over to the states sometime). There were various groups of fans scattered throughout the plane, and it was rumoured that MJ was also on board, though no-one had seen him. It was a long flight, and everyone eventually settled down, the lights were lowered and people were drifting off to sleep. I started to feel very cramped and hemmed in, in the narrow seating, and I stretched out, to try to get comfortable, raising my hands above my head and backwards. Suddenly ‘someone’ gently took hold of my hands, and without saying anything, (I ‘felt’ rather than heard the words) conveyed the message ‘you don’t need to ‘see’ to ‘know’’…which I interpreted as meaning ‘you don’t need to see me to know that I am there’.

I tried looking up and back, but no-one was visible…just an unseen presence…but it was very comforting…
I hope you feel better soon Tink :hug: Sending love to you :heart:

How are you doing guys? Hope you're feeling a little better :flowers: Glad the site it's back to normal :)

:hug: :hug:
Thank you so much, I really appreciate it :huggy: :heart: L.O.V.E to you too!
Hey lovelies!
I hope everyone is feeling better today. :group:

Suddenly ‘someone’ gently took hold of my hands, and without saying anything, (I ‘felt’ rather than heard the words) conveyed the message ‘you don’t need to ‘see’ to ‘know’’…which I interpreted as meaning ‘you don’t need to see me to know that I am there’.

I tried looking up and back, but no-one was visible…just an unseen presence…but it was very comforting…
Aw what a sweet dream :wub::cry: I always lament over I can't see him to really know when he is with me. Sorry if I whine about that too much Michael. I'm trying to get better at just sensing when he's around but I have so many ego issues (like not feeling worthy etc) that I think block me from feeling anything most of the time. Anyway thanks for sharing your dream. :angel: :hug: said:
thanku so much for sharing these xxx
Hello! :waving: Just wanted to write a little side note that you'll want to get your signature resized like 3 times less small before the mods just remove it. :giggle: Beautiful pic, though :wub:
Okay so we're back in business! Yay! :D I'll reply here now to you people instead of MLP forum.

@MJJLaugh: I was there too on August 29th!!! How funny. I was even being interviewed by this news crew...LOL! So you could've seen me yeah! And yes, it's a really peaceful place there at the HIStory statue and even more so at night. Just so calming and lovely. :heart:

Thanks you and Amy for the concerns about my heart-stuff. :huggy: Actually I woke up this morning being suprised that I still had pains and this not really comfortable feeling when I breath. It's like a big rock laying on my chest.'s less though now, so maybe it just was 100% to do with the energy that was 'in the air' the past days. Will go see a doctor if it's not fully gone in a few days.

Getting the pics of yesterday sent to me this night, so I'll pick a few for you guys to see!
Hi guys!
Just wanted to say hello to everybody. June 25th was a very sad day for many of fans. :cry:. I spend it very quiet staying at home, not really even doing anything, playing some MJ songs, thinking about him. That’s was it.
I hope everybody is OK.
Hello all…apologies again for popping in and out-there never seems to be enough time to do all the things you want to do as well as all the things you need to do.

I had also been wondering whether the number of ‘connections’ (beeps!) would increase over the anniversary period……. A little bit of me wonders if the ‘connected’ dreams are just wishful thinking…but since they seem to be (for me) so rare, and since MJ has never said a word to me (and my greatest wish would be to have a conversation (really!), my ‘wishful thinking’ doesn’t seem very successful.

However, I did just have (only my second ever) ‘meaningful’ dream just 2 weeks ago, and it really did feel ‘true’. This time, I was flying to a fan event of some kind (OK wishful thinking there, as I do want to get over to the states sometime). There were various groups of fans scattered throughout the plane, and it was rumoured that MJ was also on board, though no-one had seen him. It was a long flight, and everyone eventually settled down, the lights were lowered and people were drifting off to sleep. I started to feel very cramped and hemmed in, in the narrow seating, and I stretched out, to try to get comfortable, raising my hands above my head and backwards. Suddenly ‘someone’ gently took hold of my hands, and without saying anything, (I ‘felt’ rather than heard the words) conveyed the message ‘you don’t need to ‘see’ to ‘know’’…which I interpreted as meaning ‘you don’t need to see me to know that I am there’.

I tried looking up and back, but no-one was visible…just an unseen presence…but it was very comforting…
That's very beautiful. And that is exactly what I feel very, very often. It's real, very very real and I hold onto that.
Hey lovelies!
I hope everyone is feeling better today. :group:

Aw what a sweet dream :wub::cry: I always lament over I can't see him to really know when he is with me. Sorry if I whine about that too much Michael. I'm trying to get better at just sensing when he's around but I have so many ego issues (like not feeling worthy etc) that I think block me from feeling anything most of the time. Anyway thanks for sharing your dream. :angel: :hug:

Hello! :waving: Just wanted to write a little side note that you'll want to get your signature resized like 3 times less small before the mods just remove it. :giggle: Beautiful pic, though :wub:
Amy, girl, just go with it. If you sense that he's with you, HE IS. Guaranteed. Hold onto to that in faith and comfort. He is. Trust your intuition, don't doubt it. If you sense him with you, he is with you. Overriding our trained subconscious takes times, it's like reprogramming yourself. All your music that's coming to you, every time you think you sense him- that is as much as he can possible do from being on the other side without being on our our plane. Trust it.

I think I'm having a good day, I'm just glowing or something. :D I had a beautiful night, I'm very grateful.
^Thanks Mod Alert :hug: I used to be good at sensing him but I guess over time that all got muddied up by my over analytic mind. Glad to hear you had a good night. :)

Looking forward to seeing pics, Bianca!

Hi Zenab, Asedora, Merethe :group: