Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Thanks Mod Alert and Mjbunny for your explanations on how you can get to see sparkles! Much appreciated!
I have seen floaters plenty of times but that is something else entirely isn't ? Maybe I have a fried brain and I should head to bed and read both your posts again tomorrow. Love to all of you!

Love those pictures of Michael!!(hate seeing Thome Thome on them though, scary guy, he really gives me the creeps!)
Thanks Mod Alert and Mjbunny for your explanations on how you can get to see sparkles! Much appreciated!

Love those pictures of Michael!!(hate seeing Thome Thome on them though, scary guy, he really gives me the creeps!)
Oh, me too! I thought that as well! I was like, ohhh, Michael :wub:... wait... dang, can't we photoshop Tohme Tohme the heck out of there? I never liked him. Just bad vibes :mello:
Has he shown you what YOU look like to him? Wait for that one! :D

Maybe. The meditation we did in May I appeared as a kid, about 11 or 12 years old. And he told me in a later meditation, that that is how he sees me.

Asedora, welcome to the sparkles club. :lol: When I see them they're usually white or clear. I haven't seen any colored ones as far as I can recall. And yeah they are different from floaters. Sometimes I don't even think I'm perceiving them with my eyes.
Here we go... no Tohme...


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Asedora, welcome to the sparkles club. :lol: When I see them they're usually white or clear. I haven't seen any colored ones as far as I can recall. And yeah they are different from floaters. Sometimes I don't even think I'm perceiving them with my eyes.

Oh, thank you hon :) I dunno what do you mean by "floaters".... ? I def saw sparkles and they were VERY bright like the brightest stars on the sky. And they had the same colors as stars have, bluish/white. Besides, I have 100% good vision. I def saw them with my own eyes. At least that how it feels. Crrrrrazzzzzy stuff. I wish I could know what was it.... .
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Yes, it makes total sense. For me I still see him much as he looked here, but I guess it's only if I focus on an image, otherwise he is a feeling, a knowing. Sometimes I think of him almost like a ball of energy in some way.

Just wanted to say that from my experience, Michael always appeared to me in solid body. It never changed since last June. I have never seen him or felt him as an energy ball or something. I could feel an energy FROM him, I know how his energy feels like, I can recognize him feeling THIS kind of energy, yes, but always a solid body and it always looks like him. I actually love it. Once he even appeared as a cute child with an afro hair style. When I am awake and if I feel his energy around me, I could hear him sometimes,yes, but I still see him in my mind as he used to be here.
I had a somewhat mj related dream last night!
I dreamt that i was in some place that all people in it and all i could hear was "heal the world" playing. I was upstairs with ppl and we were like waving our hands in the air singing along, but it wasnt in a concert areana. All i can remember is the place looked like a jail cell sort of thing!!!

I dont think i saw michael but i could hear him singin.
mjbunny said:
when the bright light in those conditions (like a bright sky when it's high lux) hits the white cells it's like a little zippity sperm dude pops into existence for a minute and darts half an inch and disappears when the light isn't hitting it again. It looks like hundreds of these little creatures under a microscope.
LOL! That's a great way of explaining it, actually :rofl:

CaptainEoLove85 said:
Maybe. The meditation we did in May I appeared as a kid, about 11 or 12 years old. And he told me in a later meditation, that that is how he sees me.
Aw that's cute! I'd love it if he saw me as I was when I was a kid. That's the me I feel is most real.
Btw, does anybody ever get butterflies in their stomach when they feel a spirit around? Lately I've been having butterflies in my stomach come up out of nowhere... and the only thing I sense about it is maybe it's a spirit.
My adult son and I have been hearing sounds that cant be rationally explained in our house. Always in the same areas of the house, ( on the stairs) and always the same sound, like a gentle 'thud', as if someone or something is on the stairs.
This had been happening less often recently to the point where we had ''forgotten'' about it.
However over these past 2 days it's picked up again, almost as if to say ''Don't forget about me, I'm still here!'':bugeyed
I was thinking of trying to find out the history of my house to try to get an explanation.
I had to go out earlier this eve and spend several hours away from home. Whilst at the place I went I again heard similar sounds, and quite flash movements, not 'lights' but black darts of movenment, not unlike a small fly! :yes:
But it definately wasnt a fly! So maybe whatever this is, it's not just confined to my house, but rather something that's affiliated to me! ?
Sorry this is long and probably boring to read, but thought I'd post it anyway incase anyone else has similar experiences.
God Bless all of you on this thread :wub:
Btw, does anybody ever get butterflies in their stomach when they feel a spirit around? Lately I've been having butterflies in my stomach come up out of nowhere... and the only thing I sense about it is maybe it's a spirit.

I can feel it too sometimes, but I think it is something to do with hormones :lol:
Btw, does anybody ever get butterflies in their stomach when they feel a spirit around? Lately I've been having butterflies in my stomach come up out of nowhere... and the only thing I sense about it is maybe it's a spirit.

I definately get an adrenalin rush and goosebumps at certain times. Also sometimes what feels like a 'heightened awareness', as in feeling on 'the alert' in anticipation of something! :yes:
Is this kind of what you meant Amygrace? :wub:
and my btw is I added you as a friend on here. cos I love your posts! :D
What no gum? LOL

See, if it was Michael- I'd gladly offer myself up to help him chew the yellow thing. I'd happily do whatever. Prechew to test for poisenous substances, my first name is that of a someone who buried christian martyrs, I can help Michael with chewing gum, I won't forsake him in time of need.
Watching Thome with yellow gum, not so much.
It's funny that this time it wasn't Michael with the gum, 'cause Lord knows, when I look up "bubble gum" in the dictionary, there's a cross reference to Michael Joseph Jackson. :hysterical::hysterical:

This posting was made before the consumption of white wine. :hysterical:
Btw, does anybody ever get butterflies in their stomach when they feel a spirit around? Lately I've been having butterflies in my stomach come up out of nowhere... and the only thing I sense about it is maybe it's a spirit.

i had stomach cramps of the worst kind before I finally realized, woah, they are saying hi. There are so many around.
I used to get stomach cramps with Michael too until I got better at this "thing". Butterflies would have been nice! I found automatic writing to be a huge relief. In the beginning it was like an enormous pressure sometimes, building for hours until I was finally able to get into the groove of things and literally "write them all away." Sometimes Michael would even suggest writing, "you'll feel better."
I used to run to the bathroom (yeah, nice, huh?) hoping it'll be better.

Other people get stuffy noses, plugged up ears etc- not that rare. Often in people who were natural mediums but never knew that because nobody ever spoke to them about it. There is a lot of suffering involved (especially in children!) for some who are mediums and have no clue.
Billie_Jean09 said:
I definately get an adrenalin rush and goosebumps at certain times. Also sometimes what feels like a 'heightened awareness', as in feeling on 'the alert' in anticipation of something! :yes:
Is this kind of what you meant Amygrace? :wub:
and my btw is I added you as a friend on here. cos I love your posts! :D
Sometimes it feels like I suddenly got nervous in anticipation for something about to happen...but I don't even know for what! lol. I'm having it happen right now in fact. All night tonight I keep getting butterflies.
Thanks for the friend add, I accepted your request. :huggy:

Modulation Alert said:
i had stomach cramps of the worst kind before I finally realized, woah, they are saying hi. There are so many around.
I used to get stomach cramps with Michael too until I got better at this "thing". Butterflies would have been nice! I found automatic writing to be a huge relief. In the beginning it was like an enormous pressure sometimes, building for hours until I was finally able to get into the groove of things and literally "write them all away." Sometimes Michael would even suggest writing, "you'll feel better."
Oh interesting! I tried to go in with my guitar tonight to see if maybe they wanted me to write but I wasn't feelin' it. Maybe they just need my attention for a bit...I might do a little meditating.
I only get butterflies in my stomach when I've got bad anxiety unfortunately. :doh: and it's not fun at all.

Only thing I get that I take as a sign that there's a spirit close by, is feeling a pressure on my back/shoulder blade area. Sometimes I feel it when I'm thinking about something to do with Michael. Actually, I've been feeling that more lately like I did last summer. It kinda stopped for a while mostly until now.
I had a dream about Michael last night which I know was really long but the only bit I remember is the part when he was riding a horse. Damn it!
I always get the warm and fuzzies when Michael comes around--depending on his mood, of course. And trust me, he's got a LOT of 'em! :smilerolleyes: :p

BTW... I'm ssooo going to get in trouble for all this. :rofl:
I sometimes remember lines from "I'll be there" and my mind just edits "If you should ever find someone new, I know he better be good to you" to "If you should ever find someone new, I know they better be good to you..." and I think of Michael in the spirit world with all the spirits around him. Call me crazy if you like but it always tears me up.
I sometimes remember lines from "I'll be there" and my mind just edits "If you should ever find someone new, I know he better be good to you" to "If you should ever find someone new, I know they better be good to you..." and I think of Michael in the spirit world with all the spirits around him. Call me crazy if you like but it always tears me up.

He 'surprised' me on my birthday with this song. I believe it's pretty much his number one 'anthem' towards the fans, among many others, of course. But yes... I feel you... and obviously I don't think you're crazy. :lol:
Btw, does anybody ever get butterflies in their stomach when they feel a spirit around? Lately I've been having butterflies in my stomach come up out of nowhere... and the only thing I sense about it is maybe it's a spirit.

Yes i too get that when spirts are around. My friend does too. At first i didn't understand
it, but now i do.
I just HAD to pop in here to post my 'just now' experience!!:yes:
I was on my twitter account just a few mins ago, and all of a sudden I could hear Liberian Girl song! Out of nowhere! I wasnt listening to any music, and didnt have i tunes open. I could clearly hear the Liberian girl song, so I inclined my ear to my pc!!
The next song I could 'hear' in my head was '' Let me show you, let me show you the way to go!!'' :bugeyed
Lastly and thanks for staying with me on this, I 'heard' Man in the mirror song, but all 3 of these songs were only in my head, or some other way! :doh:
Has anyone else here had a similar experience? Of hearing clearly Michaels songs in your heads? :scratch:
I do hope I'm not alone with this!!

Hi yes, i get it pretty much all the time. So you are not alone with this.
I also get Michael talking to me in my head too sometimes.
Here's a great quiz about Earth Angels. Anyone think they know what kind of EA Michael was?

This quiz is derived from Doreen Virtue's EA studies. I love, love, love Doreen Virtue, and own practically all of her oracle decks. :D

476 other people got this result! That's 26%

Your Result



Often described as "a breath of fresh air", that my friend is exactly what you are. Your soul is of the powerful and ethereal family of the elemental spirits. With your impish charm and striking sense of humor and optimisim, you are constantly surrounded by friends and admirers, many of whom watch you from afar, beguiled by your magnetic personality and wit, but too shy to approach you. People of your origin often find themselves in the entertainment industry, as they love to make people laugh and feel better about life. You are most likely fascinated by the origin of fairies, elves and other magical beings, and feel a sense of inexplicable clarity when you watch such movies as Harry Potter and Lord Of The Rings. You live for your dreams and most likely your closest friends are other Elementals and Wise Ones, the reincarnated witches and wizards you worked alongside in a past life. You love animals and nature and are greatly angered at man's abuse of it. You hide your anguish behind a beautiful smile and dazzling eyes. Don't let the world's drudgery wiegh your wings down, as the human race is counting on you for its sense of morale and hope, which is forever being tested. Stay true to yourself, and one day it will all come together.
Hi girls! :heart: I think the heat has really gotten to me. :heat: I started feeling really sick last night and fell asleep way early. Drinking water like crazy, but feel 'heat sick' :puke: Hope you're all doing ok today.

I had some dreams with MJ-ness last night, but a lot of it I don't remember. I woke up quite early for some moments with some really weird creepy stuff from a dream that I don't want to mention here. Probably best to keep it away. Then much later I was dreaming about shopping and just going about some random stuff (I found a big hunk of cheddar cheese in a store - oh, I miss cheddar, lol) and then I saw a headline from TMZ. It said, "Jackson Estate Confirms: The kid is too his son!" It was about someone born in 1984 being confirmed by paternity test to be Michael's child :lol: Talk about totally random, lol.
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Amygrace, Asedora, ModAlert, PYT, Andrea, etc - About the butterflies or other sensation in the stomach... wow. That's something I've never mentioned before. I do get something like this, but not every time. In fact, not most times. I get this beautiful joy and/or calming feeling with presence and warmth usually. But sometimes it's different, as if there are different ways of connecting, maybe? Like maybe one time is a visit, another time a more mental connection... I don't know, still trying to figure it out. But anyway, YES, there are times when out of the blue I get this sensation in my solar plexus chakra along with "Michael???" in my mind. The best way I can describe it is an very strong longing and also being longed for in return, like a pulling and being pulled all through the stomach. Does that make any sense? Remember we're talking about the solar plexus, girls, not the 2nd chakra... not this time, anyway, lololol. It's like this weird, occasionally almost painful (but not really) sort of intense energy, yeah, something like intense anticipation butterflies. Very interesting that this was mentioned. I wish I could figure it all out, the subtle differences with different spirits and on different occasions. Like I said, I feel that there are different ways they can come to me, different approaches and maybe different 'levels' of intensity, and each of these ways feels different.

I used to get stomach cramps with Michael too until I got better at this "thing". Butterflies would have been nice!
Other people get stuffy noses, plugged up ears etc- not that rare. Often in people who were natural mediums but never knew that because nobody ever spoke to them about it. There is a lot of suffering involved (especially in children!) for some who are mediums and have no clue.
Oh, I get the plugged up ears, like big pressure changes or even the sensation of pressure being pushed into my ear canals (not nice), and the electrical spine zapping that used to scare the bejesus out of me years ago and other assorted things. Interesting about the tummy probs. I was working with Michael and guides recently and when the energy would get intense after a short time I kept feeling like I was going to vomit. I have a very senstive stomach, so energy can make me barfy. I guess it will take some time to learn to handle that particular new aspect.

BillieJean09 - Weird things happening in your house! How long have you lived there?
Here's a great quiz about Earth Angels. Anyone think they know what kind of EA Michael was?

This quiz is derived from Doreen Virtue's EA studies. I love, love, love Doreen Virtue, and own practically all of her oracle decks. :D

476 other people got this result! That's 26%
:lol:, ok these silly quizzes are seriously over-estimating reality, lolol ... Guru, Prophet, "truly enlightened" :hysterical: and now:

Incarnated Angel :innocent:
An exquisite spiritual being you are. The world is starved of love and kindness, and it turns forlornly on a rusty axel forged by man's treachery and greed. Your assignment here on Earth is to teach the values of true, unconditional love and to reach out to those with no-one else to turn to. Your heart is immeasurable in its compassion and pain for the human race. Everywhere you see death and poverty, evil and despair, and your Angel heart feels at the point of breaking. You're so willing to love and blossom in the love of another, but beware. There are those who will wrecklessly play with your fragile emotions and take advantage of you. Don't let them. Surround yourself with people you know you can completely trust, and let your inner light shine.
Here's a great quiz about Earth Angels. Anyone think they know what kind of EA Michael was?

This quiz is derived from Doreen Virtue's EA studies. I love, love, love Doreen Virtue, and own practically all of her oracle decks. :D

476 other people got this result! That's 26%


WOW! An interesting quiz
This is what I got:


Incarnated Angel
An exquisite spiritual being you are. The world is starved of love and kindness, and it turns forlornly on a rusty axel forged by man's treachery and greed. Your assignment here on Earth is to teach the values of true, unconditional love and to reach out to those with no-one else to turn to. Your heart is immeasurable in its compassion and pain for the human race. Everywhere you see death and poverty, evil and despair, and your Angel heart feels at the point of breaking. You're so willing to love and blossom in the love of another, but beware. There are those who will wrecklessly play with your fragile emotions and take advantage of you. Don't let them. Surround yourself with people you know you can completely trust, and let your inner light shine.

mjbunny I have those "Butterflies" a couple times a month. I dunno if it is a spirit around but I even was taking pills at one point to relax becuase I could not sleep.It is very annoying…
mjbunny;2885912[B said:
]:lol:, ok these silly quizzes are seriously over-estimating reality,[/B] lolol ... Guru, Prophet, "truly enlightened" :hysterical: and now:

Incarnated Angel :innocent:
An exquisite spiritual being you are. The world is starved of love and kindness, and it turns forlornly on a rusty axel forged by man's treachery and greed. Your assignment here on Earth is to teach the values of true, unconditional love and to reach out to those with no-one else to turn to. Your heart is immeasurable in its compassion and pain for the human race. Everywhere you see death and poverty, evil and despair, and your Angel heart feels at the point of breaking. You're so willing to love and blossom in the love of another, but beware. There are those who will wrecklessly play with your fragile emotions and take advantage of you. Don't let them. Surround yourself with people you know you can completely trust, and let your inner light shine.


Wise One
With an intelligence far beyond your earthly years and an awareness of the unknown to rival the greatest of astrologers, as a Wise One you're an extremely gifted and significant spiritual agent, and have a special mission of teaching and awareness in your mortal life. In the spiritual world, you were called out of retirement due to your impeccable track record on Earth. You get the job done, and nobody else does your particular job better. You have eons of magical power and wisdom in your soul, though it may lie dormant. Your presence is magnetic and powerful, and when angered your eyes become alight with intensity and conviction. You are truly majestic and beautiful, the most respected and reverred of the Earth Angels. Remember, your hopes and dreams when applied are as good as casting a spell, whether good or bad. Be cautious of what you wish for, because it may just come true. Use that amazing capacity to learn, teach and work to your advantage, and it will take you everywhere you want to go.

Shall I print that out and stick it onto my mirror for the sucky days?? :angel::wild:
mjbunny I have those "Butterflies" a couple times a month. I dunno if it is a spirit around but I even was taking pills at one point to relax becuase I could not sleep.It is very annoying…

I've been feeling like this, too, the past couple of days. I keep waking up and checking what time it is like I have somewhere to go or something. I don't know if maybe Michael is restless right now or what. :scratch: