Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 994*

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

^^Ha Ha, I told you already last night that I got your thinking process all figured out and I agree with it too.

Something tells me that your answer is not the same as mine.:) I did not say that Jacksons want to fool everybody. Not at all.They have all rights to say what they say.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

Something tells me that your answer is not the same as mine.:) I did not say that Jacksons want to fool everybody. Not at all.They have all rights to say what they say.

Oh, I know you did not say that, and I did not say that either. However, I have been following your way of thinking for some time because you interest me. You think in a broader way and analyze things more calmly. 144,000 is another person who thinks differently and I admire that. I am not against the Jacksons, and I know your idea is NOT about that.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

Oh, I know you did not say that, and I did not say that either. However, I have been following your way of thinking for some time because you interest me. You think in a broader way and analyze things more calmly. 144,000 is another person who thinks differently and I admire that. I am not against the Jacksons, and I know your idea is NOT about that.

The question is would you share it here? I would not in order not be attacked.lol Jackons are a nice family but with their own issues like any family and I am very far from the idea to call them liars. Cascios are a good family too but it would be better if they never showed up on Oprah imo.
Maybe they made this choice because it was the only choice? I do not have a answer yet but I will. I juts need a couple more things to know.
Eddie btw was not 100% confident when he was talking about those tracks. So add Eddie to your "logical" picture too.
We are talking about serious stuff here.

Edited: I wanted to say thank you for your interest in my "way of thinking". :flowers:
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Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

Oh, I know you did not say that, and I did not say that either. However, I have been following your way of thinking for some time because you interest me. You think in a broader way and analyze things more calmly. 144,000 is another person who thinks differently and I admire that. I am not against the Jacksons, and I know your idea is NOT about that.

that's sweet of you, Petrarose.

there is something i would like to say about the Jacksons. and this is not aimed at you Petrarose...this is in general,

i have certainly had my disagreements with them. certainly. i think Michael is a special individual that nobody understands. and for anybody to claim to know exactly what he was ever thinking, is stepping way over the line. and that happens a lot, here. not with everybody. but still, too much...whether it be with family, or us, on this board.

none of us knows Michael. none of us knows what he REALLY went through. NONE of us knows who truly..at the very end, was truly there for him, in every bad spot. NONE of us knows that...although there are a lot of claims saying people know what went on in MJ's walls, 24/7. i'm sure i made that mistake, too.

but in the end...Michael did have blood relatives. they will always be his blood relatives. and, it's my hope..that nobody here, is out to break up that family, or destroy them. because..everybody here, has a family. and i would like to know, which one of us, would like a stranger to come in, and destroy your family. no matter how bad things get, with you and your family, i am sure each and every one of you would have a REAL problem, if somebody else on this board, tried to butt in and destroy YOUR family. you would rather handle your own business with your family, no matter how bad it gets. you don't want somebody else doing it for you. i don't care if they are in the public eye.

yeah...disagreeing vehemently with Jackson family members is one thing. but, if ever, another member of this Jackson family dies, as a result of the wishful thinking of somebody on this board. they'll have to live with the guilt of all of that, by themselves, forever..if they have a heart.

i don't care what the relationship was between Joe Jackson and his son. i wouldn't wish the worst upon Joe Jackson. simply because he is Michael's father. and, i had a father. and i wouldn't want that done to me.

there were many mistakes. but in the end. this was father and son. and Michael graced our hearts. and the family once did begin, as the Jackson family. and, then, there was Michael. i have real problems with members of that family. but i would never want to see them broken up. they are a royal family. they are Michael's family. they are a national and international treasure, like Princess Diana's family..who probably has their own ups and downs. while America didn't really appreciate the jackson family like they should. they are an american royal family, that hopefully, America will appreciate, while they're still here, at the end of the day. and the rest of the world, as well.

Michael has nephews that he adored and trusted, too. so, if this was a matter of trust, then that was family he trusted...for those who say he trusted the Casicos. you remember, he traveled with his nephews to the far east. and they were there for him.

whatever is going on now...just remember. MJ has family, just like YOU have family.

and i have my own family. and i just want to make sure i can look in the mirror, and remember that.

it's my hope that other people feel that way.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

The question is would you share it here? I would not in order not be attacked.lol Jackons are a nice family but with their own issues like any family and I am very far from the idea to call them liars. Cascios are a good family too but it would be better if they never showed up on Oprah imo.
Maybe they made this choice because it was the only choice? I do not have a naswer yet but I will. I juts need a couple more things to know.
Eddie btw was not 100% confident when he was talking about those tracks. So add Eddie to your "logical" picture too.
We are talking about serious stuff here.

I think bringing your idea out in the present climate of the forum, or should I say the prevailing thinking of the majority, is not a good idea. It would not be appreciated right now. Heads are too hot, but you can continue disclosing guides of your thinking for those who are interested to follow. Just my way of keeping the peace. Good night.
Only 3 tracks are fake and those are, Monster, BN and KYHU, nothing more.
BOY is like the Beegees and it's clearly MJ. HT could be questionable sometimes, but i think that's because of the oooh soo ugly auto-tune (i really hate it). MJ doesn't need the effect on his voice, which is ruining the whole hiphop industry at the moment! I think the song would be better without the stupid effect. I like the melodie and voice though.
Im saying that sounds Bee Gees like, never say it was them, we all know Michael admired the bee gees.

And yes 3 songs are completely FAKE, but also, there are 2 more tracks that have a little real MJ and ALSO mix up some fake doing a few lines

but i do love on these 2 particular tracks, the parts in which we can hear Michaels real voice, i will have to ignore the fake singer/s, thanks Sony....was it so hard to just eliminate the fake singer??? even if the songs where incomplete, we all know Michael is no longer with us, and sincerely that fake is AWEFUL because NOONE can reproduce his voice NOONE, thast just a liar IMPOSTOR, but as always Sony Phony, you won, once again....but Michael was right about you... he said " Sony is phony", do i have to add something more????
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

They had all sorts of other pictures/videos of him. Not one of him recording? Not one of him posing with a friend in the studio? A co-worker? Anything?

Do you not see the paradox of the privacy argument when put against them going on Oprah? And hey, they have to defend themselves - that's cool, I'm not judging anyone. Mike could even be on the tracks. But their case is weak. They really didn't defend the tracks very much at all. It's a case of we're supposed to take their word. Fair enough, I guess.
exactly :agree:
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

that's sweet of you, Petrarose.

America didn't really appreciate the jackson family like they should. they are an american royal family, that hopefully, America will appreciate, while they're still here, at the end of the day. .

144,000, I see your point very well and it is very interesting what you say. But I have to disagree about your "royalty" theory for the whole family. Royalty comes from God, not from blood in my theory. I came to this conclusion after a few years of being interested in this subject.
No doubt, Jacksons are a very special family but, Royalty blessings imo are only on Michael. This child was chosen and given a talent. European families made mistakes many times in human history trying to keep their royalty blood lines, thinking that God's blessings come automatically to all relatives and in the end our history is full of bloody dictators and weak rulers. I do not what to go deep into this because it is not a proper forum.
I just wanted to say that Michael is only the one who was chosen imo The rest of the family just have to keep his legacy alive. If somebody has God's blessings of royalty it is hard to miss.
I would agree with the rest of your post about Jacksons. They deserve more respect :flowers:
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You know I knew she was going to ask The Child Molestation question. That Burns me. How come everytime Ms.O has a guest that knew Michael for years or has been around him when it comes to kids,She has to ask that question ?

Yes, she has to ask because it still lingers for many, including her viewers, almost all parents.

But asking is good because everyone she asks says they believed in him and he never harmed their children. That only serves to bolster his innocence.

An alleged pedophile was welcomed into someone's home with three small boys and never touched any of them??? Right. The only explanation is that he wasn't a pedophile.

Ask on, Oprah!! Keep clearing Michael's name.
Kapital77;3120779 said:
You can tell whatever you want.

But the truth is that the Cascio´s did not show any PROOF that Michael recorded voices with them.


They don't have to. The Jacksons are the ones who should be showing proof that the tracks are fake. They are the ones making the accusations. So far they haven't shown anything.
They don't have to. The Jacksons are the ones who should be showing proof that the tracks are fake. They are the ones making the accusations. So far they haven't shown anything.

I agree. I believe Michael had something to do with the three songs but in the studio, they were either heavily edited or they added an imposter with/over his vocals.
It's incredible that the filthy press never found out about this family. I mean Michael obviously spent alot of time with this family and he had to travel there. Surely you'd think the press would eventually find out or notice it, but nope. Of course there wasn't always media around, but they hunted him alot...and could have easily followed him. Impressive i must say.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

that's sweet of you, Petrarose.

there is something i would like to say about the Jacksons. and this is not aimed at you Petrarose...this is in general,

i have certainly had my disagreements with them. certainly. i think Michael is a special individual that nobody understands. and for anybody to claim to know exactly what he was ever thinking, is stepping way over the line. and that happens a lot, here. not with everybody. but still, too much...whether it be with family, or us, on this board.

none of us knows Michael. none of us knows what he REALLY went through. NONE of us knows who truly..at the very end, was truly there for him, in every bad spot. NONE of us knows that...although there are a lot of claims saying people know what went on in MJ's walls, 24/7. i'm sure i made that mistake, too.

but in the end...Michael did have blood relatives. they will always be his blood relatives. and, it's my hope..that nobody here, is out to break up that family, or destroy them. because..everybody here, has a family. and i would like to know, which one of us, would like a stranger to come in, and destroy your family. no matter how bad things get, with you and your family, i am sure each and every one of you would have a REAL problem, if somebody else on this board, tried to butt in and destroy YOUR family. you would rather handle your own business with your family, no matter how bad it gets. you don't want somebody else doing it for you. i don't care if they are in the public eye.

yeah...disagreeing vehemently with Jackson family members is one thing. but, if ever, another member of this Jackson family dies, as a result of the wishful thinking of somebody on this board. they'll have to live with the guilt of all of that, by themselves, forever..if they have a heart.

i don't care what the relationship was between Joe Jackson and his son. i wouldn't wish the worst upon Joe Jackson. simply because he is Michael's father. and, i had a father. and i wouldn't want that done to me.

there were many mistakes. but in the end. this was father and son. and Michael graced our hearts. and the family once did begin, as the Jackson family. and, then, there was Michael. i have real problems with members of that family. but i would never want to see them broken up. they are a royal family. they are Michael's family. they are a national and international treasure, like Princess Diana's family..who probably has their own ups and downs. while America didn't really appreciate the jackson family like they should. they are an american royal family, that hopefully, America will appreciate, while they're still here, at the end of the day. and the rest of the world, as well.

Michael has nephews that he adored and trusted, too. so, if this was a matter of trust, then that was family he trusted...for those who say he trusted the Casicos. you remember, he traveled with his nephews to the far east. and they were there for him.

whatever is going on now...just remember. MJ has family, just like YOU have family.

and i have my own family. and i just want to make sure i can look in the mirror, and remember that.

it's my hope that other people feel that way.

This is a great post. I was reminded of the importance of that family to each other when Katherine was on Oprah. While she irritiated me with some of her comments, the one thing that struck me the most was when she said Paris wanted to kinow where would they go when it was time for them to leave the hospital. It dawned on me all over again that Michael's children were orphans. I could just imagine the three of them atanding there in the midst of horrific grief, thinking they had no place to go. How terrifying and alone they must have felt. The importance of having Katherine and all the Jacksons there to surround them with love, compassion and reassurance cannot be minimized.

Yes, they are a dysfunctional group and I wish they would handle situations better, but at the core, they love each other, Michael loved them, and they are giving his children a sense of belonging they desperately need.
I see your point Gerry Evans but if Mike's family is telling the children that your father was a drug addict, how is that going to be positive for them? Those kids probably have always seen their father alert and loving towards them but now to hear their grandmother, grandfather, uncles and aunts talk down about their father how is that positive?
I definitely agree with 144,000 and i'd never say anything about the Jacksons, i didn't agree with some things after his passing and didn't like them...but i won't go badmouth them. It's not my right to judge them, or at least...i don't feel it's right to judge them. If Michael taught us one thing it's not to judge too quickly but look in the mirror first. Michael definitely loved his video, and you could see that from certain things..like how he would always thank his whole family during his concerts and after a certain song. And don't forget the trial...he always had family members at his side, which is normal but still very good.
After watching the interview, I feel the Cascios and Mike shoulda never made music together. They seem like genuine friends to him, I appreciate that, but their relationship shoulda stayed strictly within the personal friendship category. Even if it was 100% Michael on those tracks, they sound ok to wack, period.
Also, what about Eddie Cascio claiming that Mike really wanted these songs to be officially released? Given their warm relationship with him, I want to believe it's true. But how can I?

In a nutshell, the moment the personal relationship started getting mixed with business, the seeds of problems got planted and now it's a real headache. Eddie Cascio is not one of the great musicians out there, either.
they are a royal family. they are Michael's family. they are a national and international treasure, like Princess Diana's family..who probably has their own ups and downs. while America didn't really appreciate the jackson family like they should. they are an american royal family, that hopefully, America will appreciate, while they're still here, at the end of the day. and the rest of the world, as well."

Like Diana’s family? No disrespect, but on what basis the Jacksons are compared to monarchs ? Just asking. What are the similarities between the two? In case you did not know, Diana was not the reason they are Royals, just saying.
Are you telling me the parents who sent their kids to perform in sex clubs to pay their bills and still for this freaking day refuse to admit or take any responsibility for the tragic consequence their choices in raising those kids caused, should be treated as Royals and celebrated as such? Seriously?
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com<img src=" /><o:p></o:p>Do you believe the family could have succeeded even as a group without the extraordinary talent MJ was blessed with?
Do you believe Jackie, Tito, Marlon and Jermaine would have succeeded as a group?
<o:p></o:p>Besides being cute kids singing and dancing, what over the top contribution did they offer to music history? They were the Nsyncs of that area, The black version of the Osmonds , who cares about the Osmonds now? Sure no one call them Royals!!lol. Do you compare them with the Beatles? The Rolling Stones?
They were a bunch of kids lucky enough to have one member with huge potential, that’s what they were nothing more nothing less. They did not even break the racial barriers MJ latter did.
Solo careers: what did they do? What levels of success did they achieve as solo acts to be called the Royals of America? What contributions did they make to be treated as monarchy? Jackie is a national treasure? Marlon? Jermaine? FREAKING JOE & LATOYA?
On personal levels: Beside 90% of them being irresponsible husbands, deadbeat dads what have they done to humanity, charities in general to be considered special people. Many ordinary people work 18 hours a day to take care of their families and no one demand they be called royals.
No doubt many of them firmly believe that, hence the names Jermajesty and Royalty, that's why everyone is trying to be the next big thing regardless of 0 talent . Reality is besides being Michael Jackson’s family there was absolutely nothing remotely special about them.
Rose Kennedy V Katherine Jackson (not even fond of the Kennedys) Could you even compare the two women?
No woman covering for years for someone like Joe on her children’s expense ,especially a woman who failed to learn from the past and repeated her mistakes decades later by selling her grandchildren to the highest bidder which turned to be a porn producer should be considered a national treasure, not even a good model if you ask me.
MJ was the extra ordinary talent,MJ changed the music with his SOLO career. MJ dedicated his life to charities and good causes. MJ was a responsible dad, a loving SON ,MJ was the forgiving sibling and supporting uncle. It was MJ's contributions & achievements not the Jacksons'. If it was up to Kate& Joe no charity would have received a dime, everything would have been given to the Jacksons tribe, even MJ's kids share, deep inside we know it eventhough some will deny it. Don't take what MJ did and give it to them.The last thing the world need is to complemente parents for abusing and exploiting their child, they did not nourish his raw talent, they exploited him to the MAX . No one have to admire siblings for causes unlike their brother they did not actually believe in or support .
Excellent post Soundmind.. I've always said that without MJ and his talent the Jacksons would still be in Gary Indiana. That is why their disloyalty to MJ and the fact that they threw him under the bus after his death is heartbreaking to me. If it wasn't for him none of them would be in entertainment. They should've been doing everything in their power to support MJ and help him yet they abandoned him.
We don't know what goes behind closed doors, we simply don't know for sure. We process the trickles of info given to us and we make the judgments. There is no proof for either side really. We believe what we believe in the end of the day.
Soundmind;3122869 said:

Like Diana’s family? No disrespect, but on what basis the Jacksons are compared to monarchs ? Just asking. What are the similarities between the two? In case you did not know, Diana was not the reason they are Royals, just saying.
Are you telling me the parents who sent their kids to perform in sex clubs to pay their bills and still for this freaking day refuse to admit or take any responsibility for the tragic consequence their choices in raising those kids caused, should be treated as Royals and celebrated as such? Seriously?
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com<img src=" /><o:p></o:p>Do you believe the family could have succeeded even as a group without the extraordinary talent MJ was blessed with?
Do you believe Jackie, Tito, Marlon and Jermaine would have succeeded as a group?
<o:p></o:p>Besides being cute kids singing and dancing, what over the top contribution did they offer to music history? They were the Nsyncs of that area, The black version of the Osmonds , who cares about the Osmonds now? Sure no one call them Royals!!lol. Do you compare them with the Beatles? The Rolling Stones?
They were a bunch of kids lucky enough to have one member with huge potential, that’s what they were nothing more nothing less. They did not even break the racial barriers MJ latter did.
Solo careers: what did they do? What levels of success did they achieve as solo acts to be called the Royals of America? What contributions did they make to be treated as monarchy? Jackie is a national treasure? Marlon? Jermaine? FREAKING JOE & LATOYA?
On personal levels: Beside 90% of them being irresponsible husbands, deadbeat dads what have they done to humanity, charities in general to be considered special people. Many ordinary people work 18 hours a day to take care of their families and no one demand they be called royals.
No doubt many of them firmly believe that, hence the names Jermajesty and Royalty, that's why everyone is trying to be the next big thing regardless of 0 talent . Reality is besides being Michael Jackson’s family there was absolutely nothing remotely special about them.
Rose Kennedy V Katherine Jackson (not even fond of the Kennedys) Could you even compare the two women?
No woman covering for years for someone like Joe on her children’s expense ,especially a woman who failed to learn from the past and repeated her mistakes decades later by selling her grandchildren to the highest bidder which turned to be a porn producer should be considered a national treasure, not even a good model if you ask me.
MJ was the extra ordinary talent,MJ changed the music with his SOLO career. MJ dedicated his life to charities and good causes. MJ was a responsible dad, a loving SON ,MJ was the forgiving sibling and supporting uncle. It was MJ's contributions & achievements not the Jacksons'. If it was up to Kate& Joe no charity would have received a dime, everything would have been given to the Jacksons tribe, even MJ's kids share, deep inside we know it eventhough some will deny it. Don't take what MJ did and give it to them.The last thing the world need is to complemente parents for abusing and exploiting their child, they did not nourish his raw talent, they exploited him to the MAX . No one have to admire siblings for causes unlike their brother they did not actually believe in or support .

preach it :clap:
We don't know what goes behind closed doors, we simply don't know for sure. We process the trickles of info given to us and we make the judgments. There is no proof for either side really. We believe what we believe in the end of the day.

u are right ,we don't know what goes behind the but action speak louder than word .by looking how Michael kept his family way away from him ,i guess i can decide who was closer to him ,people who needed to take appointment to him (aka jackson clan) or people(aka cascio) where he went in the middle of night or to rejuvenate for 4 months .i guess it is very easy pick.
blankyluvdoodoo;3122919 said:
u are right ,we don't know what goes behind the but action speak louder than word .by looking how Michael kept his family way away from him ,i guess i can decide who was closer to him ,people who needed to take appointment to him (aka jackson clan) or people(aka cascio) where he went in the middle of night or to rejuvenate for 4 months .i guess it is very easy pick.

I guess you should better listen to your idol’s own words about his family. He had issues with his father but he forgave him (Oxford speech about love and forgiveness). Did you see many families without issues?
MJ loved his family very much and he said it many times in his interviews. I think it should be good enough for fans to accept it as it is and not to bring up this subject again. It is not nice and it is not fan's business. Pay attention to your own family and everything will be all right.
Im saying that sounds Bee Gees like, never say it was them, we all know Michael admired the bee gees.

And yes 3 songs are completely FAKE, but also, there are 2 more tracks that have a little real MJ and ALSO mix up some fake doing a few lines

but i do love on these 2 particular tracks, the parts in which we can hear Michaels real voice, i will have to ignore the fake singer/s, thanks Sony....was it so hard to just eliminate the fake singer??? even if the songs where incomplete, we all know Michael is no longer with us, and sincerely that fake is AWEFUL because NOONE can reproduce his voice NOONE, thast just a liar IMPOSTOR, but as always Sony Phony, you won, once again....but Michael was right about you... he said " Sony is phony", do i have to add something more????

Sony kills music.
^ That is absolutely insane thinking. Not only is the idea that 3 songs are fake, now some fans are bold enough to insist two others are fake? Oh give me a break.

I've lost all hope for some of you!
^ That is absolutely insane thinking. Not only is the idea that 3 songs are fake, now some fans are bold enough to insist two others are fake? Oh give me a break.

I've lost all hope for some of you!

For me the question is only about Cascios tracks. Anything else on this album is pure MJ :) But even 3 tracks with strange vocals it is big deal imo. Nobody wants to be fooled.
u are right ,we don't know what goes behind the but action speak louder than word .by looking how Michael kept his family way away from him ,i guess i can decide who was closer to him ,people who needed to take appointment to him (aka jackson clan) or people(aka cascio) where he went in the middle of night or to rejuvenate for 4 months .i guess it is very easy pick.

Even Beyonce said the same things Soundmind posted about the Jacksons,,,

she was offended and she refused to let anyone to compare her parents and her family to the Jakcosns , she said that her family are not about greed and money...Beyonce is a big fan and friend of MJ and a big name in Hollywood.... this is more than a proof how ppl even the black celebrities (Oprah & Beyonce& Quincy Jones, Diana Ross , Elizabeth Taylor) think about the Jakcosns.....