Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon by David Gest (merged)

Re: Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon - Excl Advanced Blu-ray & DVD Cover Preview *Update Post 13

No Jermaine wouldn't like it. But, not only because they paint him as a pain which I agree with. But, I also think he would'nt like it even more because over all the doc makes it as if MJ was a addict. Then u have Tito and Rebbie goin around saying MJ was while promoting the film. Jermaine is doing the opposte in his interviews and on Twitter saying MJ wasn't. And to me that is another bad thing about this doc when u break it down. So there is an obviously and ugly divide here yet again wth this family. As to Latoya I can care less to be honset she likes to only blame Jack Gordan and that is not true in so many ways. Even MJ knew this.
Re: Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon - Excl Advanced Blu-ray & DVD Cover Preview *Update Post 13

I notice that too and I think its actually a pic of the E! News MJ reenactment of the 05 trial. Atleast one of the pics to T-mez left behind him was I believe? Don't know why though? lol I could have sworn he didn't like what they did?

I just had to look for those photos and that's not Michael.
Re: Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon - Excl Advanced Blu-ray & DVD Cover Preview *Update Post 13

^^Yeah... TMez spoke highly about Chris Tucker and McCauley Culkin in one of the Positively Michael podcasts as well. As always, thanks for your review. I think this documentary can help clear some misconceptions up among non fans.

I would include some "fans"to that also because i have been reading things today from so called fans that have made my blood boil.
Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

She said that some of the porn magazines were sent to him, not all magazines. Sounds believable, given the fact that there are some crazy fan girls out there! lol Of course Michael read them and added them to his collection... So, Michael bought some of his Playboys and received some as gifts. I bet he liked those gifts. XD
Re: Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon - Excl Advanced Blu-ray & DVD Cover Preview *Update Post 13

I don't think the family is united in much to be honest. This group thinks this way and the other thinks that way. I wouldn't mind seeing the Tito part about Latoya and the trial part. When they say Michael was hurt by all that I believe that. It's the other stuff that is like speculation and I don't know what to believe.
Re: Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon - Excl Advanced Blu-ray & DVD Cover Preview *Update Post 13

just to clear up something - none of my reviews are aimed to convince people to buy or not buy. I just aim to provide some information. the rest is up to you to decide and to buy or not buy.

Never thought you were trying to do that Ivy, its clear you were only giving your views after watching it.
Re: Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon - Excl Advanced Blu-ray & DVD Cover Preview *Update Post 13

What is the urge lately to show that Michael is an addict. I find this behavior very strange among some members of his family. It seems many of you liked this doc except for the over-emphasis of certain areas. I still feel that a mother should not sit in a doc where some of her children are spoken about disparagingly. Likewise the other siblings should not do so either. They should keep these things for family counseling sessions.
Re: Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon - Excl Advanced Blu-ray & DVD Cover Preview *Update Post 13

^I would add certain MJ friends to that list too!
Re: Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon - Excl Advanced Blu-ray & DVD Cover Preview *Update Post 13

Ok, finally have time to watch it all tonight. In general it's an ok documentary. I guess it's a little better than I expected after I saw Gest's interview and all the review. I guess my expectation just dropped so low so I actually think it's not that bad. The first part is kind of boring since all the stories are well known in MJ fans. However, it might be useful for people who didn't know too much of the J5 history. The second half, some of the comments of the plastic surgery are quite annoying. Someone said MJ had to change to get in the white man society etc (can't remember the correct quote)? I just want to say seriously? Why Gest include that in the documentary. MJ didn't have a choice to becoming so called "white". Jesus, that part really pissed me off. I also think it would be better that they explain more when Katherine talking about MJ bleaching his skin....orz Again seriously? Why they need to put things in that way? Otherwise, I don't have too much complains.

The 05 trial part shoot quite good. I guess JRT finally made up his mind about which side he is going to be on. In his book, I always felt that he was so confused that he can't make up his mind. lol My other question is did he really know MJ so well an talked to him all these years??? um~~~ I am kind of skeptical about this. Maybe someone can share some info I didn't know about JRT and MJ. I always thought JRT is also kind of tabloid writer although his book is lot better than other crap but still tabloid like.

As for, TII, it's quite interesting that Frank Cascio also said MJ only agreed to do 10 shows and pissed off when he knew it's 50. um~~~This TII thing never make sense to me. Some people said this, and some people said that. I am kind of wanting to know what Frank DiLeo would say in the documentary about TII. After watching the documentary I kind of feel that DiLeo truly cared about MJ.

The last part really made me want to cry. Gest really make it quite emotional. As always, Tom Mesereau never disappoint you. He is great in the documentary and I really admired Macaulay Culkin and Chris Tucker to stand out for MJ at that hard time. They are true friend.
Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

Okay, I just got done watching this on you tube and all that I care to comment on would be the later parts of the documentary which just had me crying, did'nt expect to be crying again.

God, I miss him.
Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi


David Gest doesn't think any actor is up to the task of portraying Michael Jackson on screen.

The producer, who this week released the DVD documentary Michael Jackson: The Life Of An Icon, said no one could play his late friend The King Of Pop.

When asked who would star as Jackson in a film of his life, David replied: "Nobody. I can't stand when you see these films where somebody's trying to play Michael Jackson.

"It worked well in the Ray Charles film because Jamie Foxx was so brilliant and I knew Ray Charles and I think he would've approved. But I do not see anybody portraying Michael Jackson."

David also insisted he wasn't trying to make money out of his connection with Jackson.

"People have tried to cash in since his death but I feel this is very different because I knew him as a friend, growing up, for more than four decades," he said.]

"I think the documentary really shows who the Jackson family is.
You keep learning things in this documentary, it's not a rehash, it's not a show where you're going to see all those famous dances - which are wonderful.

"This tells you who the man is behind the celebrity and it shows you warts and all, but it shows you he was a very good human being."

David said the star's children - Prince, Paris and Blanket - are also set to watch the DVD with their grandmother, Katherine Jackson.

"The kids haven't seen it yet but Katherine is definitely going to show it to them next week, she told me she was," he added.
Re: Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon - Excl Advanced Blu-ray & DVD Cover Preview *Update Post 13


David Gest doesn't think any actor is up to the task of portraying Michael Jackson on screen.

The producer, who this week released the DVD documentary Michael Jackson: The Life Of An Icon, said no one could play his late friend The King Of Pop.

When asked who would star as Jackson in a film of his life, David replied: "Nobody. I can't stand when you see these films where somebody's trying to play Michael Jackson.

"It worked well in the Ray Charles film because Jamie Foxx was so brilliant and I knew Ray Charles and I think he would've approved. But I do not see anybody portraying Michael Jackson."

David also insisted he wasn't trying to make money out of his connection with Jackson.

"People have tried to cash in since his death but I feel this is very different because I knew him as a friend, growing up, for more than four decades," he said.]

"I think the documentary really shows who the Jackson family is.
You keep learning things in this documentary, it's not a rehash, it's not a show where you're going to see all those famous dances - which are wonderful.

"This tells you who the man is behind the celebrity and it shows you warts and all, but it shows you he was a very good human being."

David said the star's children - Prince, Paris and Blanket - are also set to watch the DVD with their grandmother, Katherine Jackson.

"The kids haven't seen it yet but Katherine is definitely going to show it to them next week, she told me she was," he added.
Re: Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon - Excl Advanced Blu-ray & DVD Cover Preview *Update Post 13

^The kids are goin to see a film that portrays their father having a drug problem...........well doesn't that tells me that's pretty much all they hear coming from the Jacksons.
Re: Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon - Excl Advanced Blu-ray & DVD Cover Preview *Update Post 13

The kids are going to see this? I wonder what they are being told.
Re: Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon - Excl Advanced Blu-ray & DVD Cover Preview *Update Post 13

I'm watching it on YT right now and I currently stand Taraborrelli, :rant: :angry: he thinks he knows EVERYTHING about Michael! How the fuck does he know Michael was using propofol for a number of years!!!??? A drug addict don't have healthy organs FOR FREAK SAKE! :mad:
Re: Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon - Excl Advanced Blu-ray & DVD Cover Preview *Update Post 13

Using propoful doesnt constitute MJ is a drug addict- it means he couldnt sleep when he was creating, rehearsing and touring.
Re: Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon - Excl Advanced Blu-ray & DVD Cover Preview *Update Post 13

I totally agree with you qbee! Having insomnia is one of the most frustrating and annoying cronical desorders you could have. According to my mother, I've had it since I was a baby; probably it hasn't affected me that much because I can't do many activities due to my physical limitations but imagine Michael who is professional dancer, a hardworking perfectionist rehearsing 8+hrs 6 days a week must be horrific sleeping just 2, 3 hours or nothing.
No matter what you do but it's true you don't fuction the same way, that's why I don't judge him because I know how is like and it makes agree more with Walgren when he said: "Michael wasn't reckless, Murray was"


Michael had this ritual every time we said goodbye," recalls Tito Jackson, from beneath his trademark bowler hat. "All of us brothers would hug and tell each other we loved each other, but Michael's favourite thing was to say, 'I love you more' and that night was no different."

The night in question, at a restaurant in the Jackson family's adopted city of Los Angeles, was the 60th wedding anniversary of Joseph Jackson and his wife, Katherine. "The entire family was there," says Tito. "We just talked and took pictures and shared ideas and caught up with what we'd all been doing. It was a very happy night. Michael was full of life and full of spirit, and he was just getting ready to start enjoying his life again.

"He was going to buy another place, as he was sick of Neverland. He wanted to start doing movies and just take it easy and be with his children."

The following month, on 25 June 2009, Michael Jackson had a heart attack in bed at his mansion in LA. After his death, an autopsy ruled that the sedative Lorazepam and the powerful anaesthetic Propofol found in the 50-year-old performer's blood were primarily responsible for Jackson's premature death. On 8 February 2010, his doctor Conrad Murray was charged with involuntary manslaughter.

At the time of writing, the resulting trial was nearing its conclusion, but whatever the outcome, the process hasn't produced emotional closure for Jackson's relatives.

"I don't think there will ever be closure for our family," admits Tito, who is in London this week for the world premiere of a documentary on Jackson, The Life of an Icon. It has been produced by David Gest, concert promoter and longstanding friend of the Jackson family.

"I'm not a doctor but whether he knew better or Michael knew better he shouldn't have been doing that. He's a doctor. He's in charge. He's taken an oath and at that time he should have been doing what he needed to do to get my brother straight, not contributing to the situation.

"The world has lost a great man, but for our family it has nothing to do with music. To lose your brother, someone that you've known all your life and loved all your life and to know what happened to him …" Tito trails off.

Regardless of his legal culpability, for Tito at least, Conrad Murray represents a type of person who began to contaminate his brother's life as his popularity peaked in 1982 with the release of the album Thriller.

"I thought he would be able to handle it," says Tito, of the pernicious celebrity that accompanied Michael's success. "And to start with he did handle it very well, but he was put in a position that no one's been put in, and the problems came when a whole lot of other people got involved more and his family got involved less. That's when the trouble started."

The film suggests that the second-degree burns Michael suffered to his scalp on the set of a Pepsi commercial on 27 January 1984, when faulty pyrotechnics accidentally set his hair alight, were pivotal in his physical and psychological deterioration.

The incident, and resulting rhinoplasty, triggered a spiralling addiction to painkillers and plastic surgery.

By the time 13-year-old Jordan Chandler went public with accusations of sexual abuse – eventually settled out of court – against Jackson in 1993, stories of sleeping in an oxygen chamber, adopting chimpanzee companions and wild financial excesses had already corroded his reputation. Despite his acquittal from further child sex abuse charges in 2005, Jackson never regained the effervescent verve that had propelled him to such stratospheric musical heights in the late 70s and early 80s.

"All of that had something to do with where he was with his career, his life, the whole thing," agrees Tito.

"Divide and conquer," he continues, "that's what happened to Michael. Purely in the interests of financial greed, people in the business – and we're talking lawyers, managers, all kinds of people – wanted to divide him from his brothers.

"Michael's problem, just like his mother, is that he trusted people too much. He really did. He trusted too much and was taken advantage of.

"We tried to reach him but the people round him made it very difficult. When he got into trouble a few times they all ran – and when he was exonerated they all came back."

Tito's exasperation is palpable and his measured baritone bristles: "Am I still angry about it? I'm fucking furious. It makes me feel like shit how people wanted to use him. As a family we did try to help him but although Michael knew who these people were, and tried to keep them at arm's length, he didn't see everything because he was too close to it. I could see that these people were there for the wrong reasons, but I couldn't run Michael's life for him. But if I'd known then how tragically this journey would end, I wouldn't have taken it.

"I'd give it all up to have my brother here with me now. I'd do anything to have my brother with me."

One of nine Jackson children, Tito was born five years before Michael on 15 October 1953 and remembers his brother as a child: "He was always different. He was the little one that always used to suck his finger. He sucked it so much I thought he was going to have buck teeth, but his personality was different too. He was like a grown man in a little man's body. My brothers and I, we'd go to a city and were more interested in seeing the stadium where the New York Giants played – Michael would want to meet the politicians or see the local history. He was always a heavy reader and always interested in other countries' cultures."

As the family's musical talent blossomed, marshalled militarily by their steel-worker father, Joseph, so did the brothers' more playful side. "We laughed to keep our sanity and Marlon and Michael, my two little diddy brothers, when they were nine or 10, used to love to go to New York and fill balloons with water then drop them on people from above. We were just normal boys having fun."

Normality for the Jackson brothers who were to become the all-conquering Jackson 5 – Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon and Michael – entailed four hours of after-school rehearsals, a 90-minute round trip to an evening gig, homework, then eventually bed between 2am and 4am.

The schedule was relentless and in 1993, speaking to Oprah Winfrey, Michael admitted that he was physically and emotionally abused by his father during rehearsals and that he would often vomit at the sight of his father.

The public picture of Joseph as a bullying tyrant is not one Tito accepts. "To pull off what he pulled off, how he pulled it off, where he comes from, where his family was born from, I think my father is one of the greatest men that ever lived."

Tito strongly denies accusations that Joseph's authoritarian regime contributed to Michael's emotional acquiescence and eventual retreat from conventional adult life. "I'm pretty sure that everybody at some time in their life has a few words with their pop, but the difference between the Jackson family and other families is that it gets written about. The relationship we've got with our father is not different at all."

After Michael's death, his mother Katherine, now 81, became the legal guardian of his son Prince, 14, and daughter Paris, 13, from his second marriage to former nurse Debbie Rowe, and nine-year-old Blanket, conceived via artificial insemination by a still anonymous surrogate mother.

"My mother is still a very strong lady," says Tito, "so they're in good hands. If you've been watching the court case you can see she's got her wits about her. We're there every day, and they have a lot of cousins the same age to hang out with so it helps them to know their family is around them."

Inevitably, Michael's death has also brought the rest of the family closer together. "We've always been tight but we're tighter than ever now. We're closer than people could ever imagine, but the hole that Michael has left will never be filled.

"Everyone has their perception of who my brother was and he was just a person that loved life, loved seeing people happy and loved making a difference through his music. It's not for me to say how much of a difference he made, but I don't think I could have asked for a better brother."

• Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon is out on DVD


Michael had this ritual every time we said goodbye," recalls Tito Jackson, from beneath his trademark bowler hat. "All of us brothers would hug and tell each other we loved each other, but Michael's favourite thing was to say, 'I love you more' and that night was no different."

The night in question, at a restaurant in the Jackson family's adopted city of Los Angeles, was the 60th wedding anniversary of Joseph Jackson and his wife, Katherine. "The entire family was there," says Tito. "We just talked and took pictures and shared ideas and caught up with what we'd all been doing. It was a very happy night. Michael was full of life and full of spirit, and he was just getting ready to start enjoying his life again.

"He was going to buy another place, as he was sick of Neverland. He wanted to start doing movies and just take it easy and be with his children."

The following month, on 25 June 2009, Michael Jackson had a heart attack in bed at his mansion in LA. After his death, an autopsy ruled that the sedative Lorazepam and the powerful anaesthetic Propofol found in the 50-year-old performer's blood were primarily responsible for Jackson's premature death. On 8 February 2010, his doctor Conrad Murray was charged with involuntary manslaughter.

At the time of writing, the resulting trial was nearing its conclusion, but whatever the outcome, the process hasn't produced emotional closure for Jackson's relatives.

"I don't think there will ever be closure for our family," admits Tito, who is in London this week for the world premiere of a documentary on Jackson, The Life of an Icon. It has been produced by David Gest, concert promoter and longstanding friend of the Jackson family.

"I'm not a doctor but whether he knew better or Michael knew better he shouldn't have been doing that. He's a doctor. He's in charge. He's taken an oath and at that time he should have been doing what he needed to do to get my brother straight, not contributing to the situation.

"The world has lost a great man, but for our family it has nothing to do with music. To lose your brother, someone that you've known all your life and loved all your life and to know what happened to him …" Tito trails off.

Regardless of his legal culpability, for Tito at least, Conrad Murray represents a type of person who began to contaminate his brother's life as his popularity peaked in 1982 with the release of the album Thriller.

"I thought he would be able to handle it," says Tito, of the pernicious celebrity that accompanied Michael's success. "And to start with he did handle it very well, but he was put in a position that no one's been put in, and the problems came when a whole lot of other people got involved more and his family got involved less. That's when the trouble started."

The film suggests that the second-degree burns Michael suffered to his scalp on the set of a Pepsi commercial on 27 January 1984, when faulty pyrotechnics accidentally set his hair alight, were pivotal in his physical and psychological deterioration.

The incident, and resulting rhinoplasty, triggered a spiralling addiction to painkillers and plastic surgery.

By the time 13-year-old Jordan Chandler went public with accusations of sexual abuse – eventually settled out of court – against Jackson in 1993, stories of sleeping in an oxygen chamber, adopting chimpanzee companions and wild financial excesses had already corroded his reputation. Despite his acquittal from further child sex abuse charges in 2005, Jackson never regained the effervescent verve that had propelled him to such stratospheric musical heights in the late 70s and early 80s.

"All of that had something to do with where he was with his career, his life, the whole thing," agrees Tito.

"Divide and conquer," he continues, "that's what happened to Michael. Purely in the interests of financial greed, people in the business – and we're talking lawyers, managers, all kinds of people – wanted to divide him from his brothers.

"Michael's problem, just like his mother, is that he trusted people too much. He really did. He trusted too much and was taken advantage of.

"We tried to reach him but the people round him made it very difficult. When he got into trouble a few times they all ran – and when he was exonerated they all came back."

Tito's exasperation is palpable and his measured baritone bristles: "Am I still angry about it? I'm fucking furious. It makes me feel like shit how people wanted to use him. As a family we did try to help him but although Michael knew who these people were, and tried to keep them at arm's length, he didn't see everything because he was too close to it. I could see that these people were there for the wrong reasons, but I couldn't run Michael's life for him. But if I'd known then how tragically this journey would end, I wouldn't have taken it.

"I'd give it all up to have my brother here with me now. I'd do anything to have my brother with me."

One of nine Jackson children, Tito was born five years before Michael on 15 October 1953 and remembers his brother as a child: "He was always different. He was the little one that always used to suck his finger. He sucked it so much I thought he was going to have buck teeth, but his personality was different too. He was like a grown man in a little man's body. My brothers and I, we'd go to a city and were more interested in seeing the stadium where the New York Giants played – Michael would want to meet the politicians or see the local history. He was always a heavy reader and always interested in other countries' cultures."

As the family's musical talent blossomed, marshalled militarily by their steel-worker father, Joseph, so did the brothers' more playful side. "We laughed to keep our sanity and Marlon and Michael, my two little diddy brothers, when they were nine or 10, used to love to go to New York and fill balloons with water then drop them on people from above. We were just normal boys having fun."

Normality for the Jackson brothers who were to become the all-conquering Jackson 5 – Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon and Michael – entailed four hours of after-school rehearsals, a 90-minute round trip to an evening gig, homework, then eventually bed between 2am and 4am.

The schedule was relentless and in 1993, speaking to Oprah Winfrey, Michael admitted that he was physically and emotionally abused by his father during rehearsals and that he would often vomit at the sight of his father.

The public picture of Joseph as a bullying tyrant is not one Tito accepts. "To pull off what he pulled off, how he pulled it off, where he comes from, where his family was born from, I think my father is one of the greatest men that ever lived."

Tito strongly denies accusations that Joseph's authoritarian regime contributed to Michael's emotional acquiescence and eventual retreat from conventional adult life. "I'm pretty sure that everybody at some time in their life has a few words with their pop, but the difference between the Jackson family and other families is that it gets written about. The relationship we've got with our father is not different at all."

After Michael's death, his mother Katherine, now 81, became the legal guardian of his son Prince, 14, and daughter Paris, 13, from his second marriage to former nurse Debbie Rowe, and nine-year-old Blanket, conceived via artificial insemination by a still anonymous surrogate mother.

"My mother is still a very strong lady," says Tito, "so they're in good hands. If you've been watching the court case you can see she's got her wits about her. We're there every day, and they have a lot of cousins the same age to hang out with so it helps them to know their family is around them."

Inevitably, Michael's death has also brought the rest of the family closer together. "We've always been tight but we're tighter than ever now. We're closer than people could ever imagine, but the hole that Michael has left will never be filled.

"Everyone has their perception of who my brother was and he was just a person that loved life, loved seeing people happy and loved making a difference through his music. It's not for me to say how much of a difference he made, but I don't think I could have asked for a better brother."

• Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon is out on DVD
Re: Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon - Excl Advanced Blu-ray & DVD Cover Preview *Update Post 13


(2-11-2011) Prince, Paris and Blanket talk about their Dad every day, Michael's sister says.

"Every day, all the time when I'm around them, they say, 'Dad used to do this, Dad used to say it like that.' You hear it all the time," Rebbie Jackson said.

Rebbie also said the children are aware of the current trial going on against Dr. Conrad Murray and that they are coping fairly well with it.

"I've been around them and seen how they are aware of it. They're dealing with it OK from what I've seen, as best can be expected," she said.

Rebbie and her brother Tito are in London to promote the release of the David Gest documentary, Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon.

Tito Jackson said he misses a lot about their brother.

"Just being around him, listening to music, having fun, family days. Just being a family, being my brother," he said.

Tito also expressed how proud he is of his brother, saying, "I just want people to remember the loving person he was, more than the music. How he cared. He was one of the few people that I know that I can put up in the category of some of the greats such as Dr. [Martin Luther] King. He changed the world. He did it through his music... that was his thing. Dr. King did it through speech. Michael did make a difference, and he's still making a difference today."

Source: MJFC / Press Association
Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi


(2-11-2011) Prince, Paris and Blanket talk about their Dad every day, Michael's sister says.

"Every day, all the time when I'm around them, they say, 'Dad used to do this, Dad used to say it like that.' You hear it all the time," Rebbie Jackson said.

Rebbie also said the children are aware of the current trial going on against Dr. Conrad Murray and that they are coping fairly well with it.

"I've been around them and seen how they are aware of it. They're dealing with it OK from what I've seen, as best can be expected," she said.

Rebbie and her brother Tito are in London to promote the release of the David Gest documentary, Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon.

Tito Jackson said he misses a lot about their brother.

"Just being around him, listening to music, having fun, family days. Just being a family, being my brother," he said.

Tito also expressed how proud he is of his brother, saying, "I just want people to remember the loving person he was, more than the music. How he cared. He was one of the few people that I know that I can put up in the category of some of the greats such as Dr. [Martin Luther] King. He changed the world. He did it through his music... that was his thing. Dr. King did it through speech. Michael did make a difference, and he's still making a difference today."

Source: MJFC / Press Association
Re: Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon - Excl Advanced Blu-ray & DVD Cover Preview *Update Post 13

Tito strongly denies accusations that Joseph's authoritarian regime contributed to Michael's emotional acquiescence and eventual retreat from conventional adult life.
And I strongly disagree with you Tito.

The rest of the article I can see where he's coming from on some areas. But, the Jacksons too where ones to make MJ feel as though he was just a commodity to them also. So yea.
Last edited:
Re: Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon - Excl Advanced Blu-ray & DVD Cover Preview *Update Post 13

I've seen some of it now, the old days, and I love it. This is what I want to see and listen to, just great stuff - all about the music. So nice to hear all those cute stories about Michael, heard many of them before but still great.....
Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

Why does Tito and other family insist that Michael didn't know his feelings about his relationship with their father? They discount Michael's words as if he never spoken them. And when this family talks, it is always about them (reminds me of what the prosecutor said about how it was all about Murray's feelings, etc.) and how if Michael had stuck with them (the brothers), he would have been better off. Really? Who exactly needed whom career-wise?

They need to stop acting as if they were not without fault in their relationship with their brother. It's like they couldn't be bigger stars than he was, so they must find some other way to be larger.
Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

Why does Tito and other family insist that Michael didn't know his feelings about his relationship with their father? They discount Michael's words as if he never spoken them. And when this family talks, it is always about them (reminds me of what the prosecutor said about how it was all about Murray's feelings, etc.) and how if Michael had stuck with them (the brothers), he would have been better off. Really? Who exactly needed whom career-wise?

They need to stop acting as if they were not without fault in their relationship with their brother. It's like they couldn't be bigger stars than he was, so they must find some other way to be larger.

The biggest slap in their faces is that they'll be forever remembered (if at all) as Michael Jackson's bands, his ''back up'' vocalists. etc
No matter how hard they try to bring Michael down by calling him a junkie, an addict in denial, an idiot or whatever name they will come up with in the future. The biggest slap is that they are nothing, while he is everything. These morons can't bring him down, no matter what they do or say.
And if these clowns weren't his brothers nobody would have a problem by calling them what they were during Mcihael's J5 days.
Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

If they've got nothing to positive to add other than
wanting their their 15 mins,
go sit down somewhere and shut the eff up
The ship has set sail.
If they cannot re-invent themselves,
console themselves they have memories to live on.
At least, they can lay claim to having
the greatest entertainer of all time as their band leader
and a brother in blood for their gravy train
Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

I do not like david gest. Correction, I hate David Gest, I will never support anything he does. Just saying.
Re: Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon - Excl Advanced Blu-ray & DVD Cover Preview *Update Post 13


Norwegian fans dancing to Michael in the middle of the street in Oslo celebrating this new documentary.