Michael Jackson’s Family Demands Estate’s Executors Resignation / Estate Responds

by now the story was reported on most major medias and not on TMZ???? Why?
I was thinking that the family "most likely" approached TMZ first, to publish their little letter, but Harvey Levin didn't take the bait.

Wasn't it TMZ who reported the recent information regarding how well Michael's Estate was doing under the guidance of Mr. Branca and Mr. McClain?
so... did Janet or whoever confirm the authentic manuscripts of their participation in that letter via Twitter or FB?

Why the hell nobody can ask them if the letter is real, if most of you use such social nets... (I dont.)

Randy and Janet have confirmed.
I want to emphasize that I do exclude Janet from the following:

More and more people and fans will look through the actions of this very family... now known by their self-imposed term "The Jackson Dynasty".

unprofessional, defamatory, disregarding the (clearly righful) law
warm words, not walking the talk, rather abusing social networks and fan communities for their own benefits

The first thing this family did was to send 3T and LaToya into Michael's mansion and securing his personal harddrives and other valuable belongings.
They are not able to win any court cases and never will be.
KingMikeJ;3672430 said:
Randy and Janet have confirmed.

...that... they signed that letter and insist on that "Will and Testament from 2002 was “Fake, Flawed and Fraudulent.”"????

Janet, really?
Why not Latoya, she is the conspriracy maker...
You see that, their greed is going to lead to Children's Services paying ANOTHER visit to Mrs. Jackson's door step in order to confirm that she is well enough to take care of Michael's three YOUNG children.

Are they all like the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz - BRAINLESS.

Good point.
Siblings haven't thought enough what their claims can possibly do to Katherine as guardian for kids.
The thing that really pisses me of is... Michael couldn't even TRUST his own damn FAMILY. How can they be so f*cking greedy??? And yet they say they are a family grieving for their beloved brother? honestly, this shows NO LOVE at all. Yeah grieving over $$$ that's what it is. SMHX10

What's even tragic is that not long ago, they were calling MJ a drug addict on national television. now suddenly MJ is their beloved brother. who are they kidding?
"we don't respect the projects and choices you've made"
I hope Spike Lee sees this! And Guy Laliberte must be thrilled too.
Damn this family. If their tribute concert in Cardiff is an example how they would do things then I am not impressed.
I want to emphasize that I do exclude Janet from the following:

More and more people and fans will look through the actions of this very family... now known by their self-imposed term "The Jackson Dynasty".

unprofessional, defamatory, disregarding the (clearly righful) law
warm words, not walking the talk, rather abusing social networks and fan communities for their own benefits

The first thing this family did was to send 3T and LaToya into Michael's mansion and securing his personal harddrives and other valuable belongings.
They are not able to win any court cases and never will be.

Janet was with LaToya when they went to Michael's mansion. She replied for those people who dared to question their speed and hurry to empty the house that they had to think about the rent which was 150 thousand/month. Well, what can say for that, you know how much they have spent of Michael's money for lawyers etc. So it wasn't the rent money they were worried, they were worried someone else gets there before them.

About Janet, I bet John McClain is not too happy to see that Janet signed this letter too.
After all, he helped to launch Janet's career.
Janet probably figures, if she doesn't help them, they might start sniffing around HER fortune. LOL! She knows how her family get's down
Will never understand why didn't she help them before. Hook them up with reputable folks that can help them make some money. No shit katherine failed as bad as she did when she has obvious vultures like Howard Mann beside her.
Paris wrote on Twitter :

i am going to clarify right now that what has been said about my grandmother is a rumor and nothing has happened , she is completely fine .
They contacted John Branca about a will the day after Michael passed????????? For crying out loud, I wasn't able to get my acts together for the whole week and I'm "only" a fan!

I feel so sorry for Prince, Paris and Blanket. I can see them in the future, in 20+ years time, and they will be receiving their uncles and aunts for a visit and listen to their "How are you's" and "I hope your fine's" before finally being asked if they mind sponsoring this great business deal Jermaine has been thinking of. This is so sad.

This is exactly how these people were draining MJ to the point where he left them seeking surrogate families that could love him as a human and not a cash machine.
Janet was with LaToya when they went to Michael's mansion. She replied for those people who dared to question their speed and hurry to empty the house that they had to think about the rent which was 150 thousand/month. Well, what can say for that, you know how much they have spent of Michael's money for lawyers etc. So it wasn't the rent money they were worried, they were worried someone else gets there before them.
Wasn't AEG paying the rent on the mansion? Plus leave it to the Jackson's to be worried about money at this time even though Michael's body was probably still warm. SMH
Wasn't AEG paying the rent on the mansion? Plus leave it to the Jackson's to be worried about money at this time even though Michael's body was probably still warm. SMH
Yes they did but that was their explanation/defence.
Paris just tweeted:

i am going to clarify right now that what has been said about my grandmother is a rumor and nothing has happened , she is completely fine

@randyjackson8 hello dear FAMILY member i don't appreciate you telling everyone things that aren't true thank you very much
Paris wrote on Twitter :

i am going to clarify right now that what has been said about my grandmother is a rumor and nothing has happened , she is completely fine .

Haha, indeed.


I bet that was Randy.

Randy Jackson said:
We ask that everyone respects that this is a serious matter that will be handled by the proper authorities.

A serious matter? You mean like you having defalcated money from MJJSource members?
Paris wrote on Twitter :

i am going to clarify right now that what has been said about my grandmother is a rumor and nothing has happened , she is completely fine .

Did Little Paris just call Janet, Tito, Jermaine, Rebbie, and Randy LIARS for stating that their mother was not well.

It sure looks that way, doesn't it.

She calls it a RUMOR. A rumor started by some of Katherine Jackson's own children.

marc_vivien;3672446 said:
Paris wrote on Twitter :

i am going to clarify right now that what has been said about my grandmother is a rumor and nothing has happened , she is completely fine .

she also tweeted this

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
if you guys know anything about who started this lie , i would really appreciate it if you told me , i'd like to know who made up the rumor…

that's really low fr the sibilings to lie about their mother's health
Paris also tweeted randy

@ParisJackson: @randyjackson8 hello dear FAMILY member i don't appreciate you telling everyone things that aren't true thank
Paris wrote on Twitter :

i am going to clarify right now that what has been said about my grandmother is a rumor and nothing has happened , she is completely fine .

BTW, Paris....

If she is able to post twitter pics and act like a young teen girl, she right now should focus on details about her family members and want to know whats going on..., including browsing the net and info like this about MJs will and that letter.

If she reacts about katherine she is aware of the situation...

Prince I and Paris should be more informed about the real world about their family and father..., its their money, rich heritage.... and of course, they should not be one sided.... just because katherine is their guardian, they can be later very disappointed or find out something that can shock them....
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>i will defend my beloved family member with all i have , even if it means from other family members .</p>&mdash; Paris Jackso&#951; (@ParisJackson) <a href="https://twitter.com/ParisJackson/status/225682795513655296" data-datetime="2012-07-18T20:05:46+00:00">July 18, 2012</a></blockquote>
<script src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Hey..., what a surprise..., paris answers what I was asking for...., the girl is clever..., she sees the situation....
Paris Jackso? ?@ParisJackson
i will defend my beloved family member with all i have , even if it means from other family members .
Completely ghastly situation. Mj's children are caught in the middle of all this - they're never going to get a moment's peace from this family when they're older.
Paris has no clue what kind of people and what's she dealing with. "Uncle Randy" ain't playing with a full deck, imo.
Oubah ?@oubah76
@ParisJackson @randyjackson8 Keep your family affairs out of twitter and have some respect for your uncle.

Paris Jackso? ?@ParisJackson
@oubah76 maybe he should have respect for his mother.