Michael Jackson’s Family Demands Estate’s Executors Resignation / Estate Responds

I just don't get it. I would expect it from most of the, but Rebbie and Janet? what's going ong....
Michael’s Estate is clearly trying to protect Michael’s name and legacy from being dragged through the mud during the AEG lawsuit that was filed by KJ. The Jackson family knows full well that the Will is valid and it was proven to be so 3 years ago. They have undermined the Estate and sullied Michael’s name on every hand since the day he died in an attempt to gain control of his money so they can squander it all before his children are grown. They have done NOTHING to build up or defend Michael in the press but instead they have fueled the media with stories about his so-called ADDICTIONS and their (fake) attempts to help him. The truth is that the only member of the family Michael was communicating with was his mother and he was even holding her at arm’s length. The truth is that the family has done nothing but come up with one get quick money scheme after the other using MJ’s name and image Illegally. They have done nothing but divide the MJ Community and sabotage projects that benefit Michael’s children and secure his catalogs and legacy. I’m sorry to hear KJ had a MILD stroke but she is elderly and Michael’s Estate is in no way responsible for her condition. The Jackson family should be ashamed for attempting to use their mother’s age and health as a weapon in their greedy, disingenuous plots to extort money from AEG and the Estate.
I just don't get it. I would expect it from most of the, but Rebbie and Janet? what's going ong....

Really, not from Rebbie? Rebbie whose husband Nathaniel hates MJ and who is still friends and works with Stacy Brown who thinks MJ is a pedophile and actually testified against him about this in 2005 and wrote a nasty book about him and tried to write another one with the juror's and is best friends with Diane Dimond... but Mike's sister Rebbie was still paying tribute to this guy at her shows after his death in 2009? That Rebbie?

No, this is expected.
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I just don't get it. I would expect it from most of the, but Rebbie and Janet? what's going ong....

Rebbie has been backstabbing Mike for a long time. Her friendship with Stacy Brown and all...
This last will is just like the one from the late 90's like someone mentioned earlier. Michael sure didn't want his family to get their hands on his estate because if Branca and Mcclain couldn't do then Bank of America was next to do so. Michael was sending a huge message there but his family is to consumed with greed to get it.

How in the name of all that is good did Michael Joseph Jackson come from this tacky family?!!!!!
Rebbie is the worst of all of them. imo she lost her right to call herself mjs sister when she sided with stacy brown over her own flesh and blood. and considering how nasty and bitter she is i wouldnt be shocked if mj told her that. (i can wish)

the fact she had the gaul to make that comment about your fans but we are family tells me she knows very well who mj saw as his family. family that never betrayed or wanted anything from him. family that would travel around the world to support mj with nothing wanted in return. the same cant be said for others
While I don't believe that the will is fake, I was always confused by the date it was signed. Michael was definately in New York on that day so why does it state it was signed in LA? Can anyone explain how this works in the US?
^ I always got the impression that mj liked the no 7 and so would have liked the fact his will was signed on 7/7 when he just so happened to be in NY, but he and his witnesses put LA as it was his normal place of residence. But that's just my theory, i don't really know how important it is.

The shock of Michael’s sudden unexpected passing was overwhelming to our family, to say to least. At that time we could’t possible fathom what is so obvious to us now: that the Will, without question, it’s Fake, Flawed and Fraudulent.

I was just posting yesterday in another thread about the jacksons hiring lawyers 2 days after mj died to take over the estate and then to challenge the will when branca presented it. Their bill was $350k and they were wanting mj's estate to pay for it. They really can't claim they were completely paralysed with shock - they did all they could to get round that will.

Wonder what randy meant in his letter about things becoming clearer in 'the coming weeks.' - hopefully another of his ineffectual threats. Interesting that he thought to include tom barrack in his cc along with martin bandier, the ceo of sony/atv as well as the usual suspects at aeg - i suppose he;s working along the lines of an aeg/colony capital/sony/executors grand conspiracy.
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How in the name of all that is good did Michael Joseph Jackson come from this tacky family?!!!!!
I can almost believe he was an alien or they took wrong baby from the hospital


Michael Jackson’s estate faced a tumultuous beginning three years ago after he unexpectedly died. First his mother, Katherine, and then his father, Joe, filed challenges against the executors of his Estate, John Branca and John McClain. Katherine backed off her attack and Joe’s case was thrown out of court.
Since then, the Estate has been relatively peaceful, at least on the surface. Branca and McClain have led the Estate from a debt-ridden start to enormous profits. They began around $500 million in the red when the King of Pop died. Three years later, the Estate reported $475 million in profits.
Of course, Branca and McClain have enjoyed a huge financial windfall from this as well. They have a special arrangement, blessed by the probate judge who oversees the estate, allowing them to earn 10% from most deals they cut for the Estate. Branca and McClain are now facing a new attack over their earnings … and that’s just the beginning.
Several of Michael’s brothers and sisters — including Janet, Randy, Tito and Jermaine — signed a letter that they sent to Branca and McClain accusing the pair of fraud, forgery, exploitation and abuse. The letter was published on acelebrity gossip website yesterday.
In it, Jackson’s siblings claim his July 7, 2002 will was “Fake. Flawed and Fraudulent.” They say Michael was not in Los Angeles that day and couldn’t have signed the will. The letter also says that Michael told them in the months leading up to his death that he despised the pair and didn’t want them to have anything to do with his life or estate.
But that’s not all. The letter states that Branca and McClain lied and took advantage of their 82-year old mother, managing to get her to agree to increases in their percentage fees from the gross income of the estate. They claim to be considering retaining a well-respected law firm, Baker Hostetler, who advised them of potential criminal misconduct by the executors. They promise legal action in the weeks to come.
Branca and McClain released a prompt statement refuting the allegations. They deny that the will or their actions have been fraudulent and point out that three separate courts have rejected a challenge to the will. The executors say the courts laid to rest any doubts as to the will’s validity. They lament that the accusations have been brought in the midst of their remarkable progress in securing the financial future of Michael’s children. Branca and McClain say they have diligently carried out their fiduciary duties. They decry the Jackson siblings “false and defamatory accusations grounded in stale Internet conspiracy theories”.
So, yes, it looks like the fighting over Michael’s Estate may soon return to court. If so, it will likely be a short-lived battle. The reason that Joe Jackson lost his legal challenges is because he is not a beneficiary and lacks legal “standing.” Because he would not benefit from the estate, he could not challenge the executors. Michael’s siblings will have the same problem if they try to bring suit.
However, this raises an interesting point regarding the executor’s statement. Because Joe did not have standing to bring his challenge to court, and because Katherine withdrew her claim before it was ruled on, no judge has ever decided the issue of whether Michael’s will was valid or not. In other words, Branca and McClain’s statement in response to the Jackson siblings’ letter was somewhat misleading.
At this point, unless Katherine reverses course and brings a formal will challenge (which is likely too late at this point), no court of law will resolve the question of whether the will was validly signed anytime soon. The Jackson siblings say that their mother, who is 82 and recently had a mini-stroke, is afraid to challenge the will in court. If that is the case, that type of claim could only proceed if brought by Michael’s children. Once they each turn 18, any of his children will have the legal right to challenge the will and the actions taken by the executors. Michael’s son Prince is 15 years old.

It’s interesting that the Jackson siblings focus on Michael’s will and do not mention his trust. Michael also had a trust, along with his will, but interestingly, the trust was dated a few months before the will. The will provides that Michael’s assets are to be distributed to his trust, and from there to Katherine, his children, and charity. But the entire document is far from the quality one would expect from any experienced estate planning attorney. Usually, wills and trusts of this nature are prepared and signed together. And estate planning documents prepared for someone of Michael’s wealth and status are almost always much more comprehensive and well-planned than Michael’s will and trust.
Does that mean that the Jackson siblings’ allegations of fraud and conspiracy are true? No; that remains to be seen. But certainly there are a number of questions that would be very interesting to see explored through a lawsuit brought by people who actually do have proper legal standing. It may be that there are legitimate explanations for the question raised by the Jackson family. Perhaps someday it will all play out in court.The reality is many people in our country fall victim to abuses through coercive changes to wills and trusts — even for people of modest wealth. Too many people see the elderly or others who have medical conditions as easy-prey, and lawsuits to challenge invalid wills and trusts are often complicated and expensive. Anyone who thinks they have a loved one who was taken advantage of in a way that led to a will or trust that wasn’t what they really wanted should consult with an experienced probate litigation attorney before it’s too late, to learn what legal rights they have.
i suppose he;s working along the lines of an aeg/colony capital/sony/executors grand conspiracy.

I'm guessing that the Judges, from the 3 individually courts who sided with the Executors will also be a part of any conspiracy. LOL!

AEG, Colony Capital, Sony, Executors and the 3 Judges. They were ALL in it together. One HUGE conspiracy, so HUGE that even Judges were involved.

I was just posting yesterday in another thread about the jacksons hiring lawyers 2 days after mj died to take over the estate and then to challenge the will when branca presented it.
Their bill was $350k and they were wanting mj's estate to pay for it. They really can't claim they were completely paralysed with shock - they did all they could to get round that will.

Is there more info on this?

I know TMZ had a strange updated on the 27th of June where they said they had been informed that Mike's estate would be run by Randy Jackson and Leonard Rowe.

Yes, they work fast indeed.

Reminds me of when my grandmother died, my uncle's wife went in and had all her nice furniture shifted into their own house by lunchtime. You never see greed quite like the one that comes out when relatives die.
Wonder what randy meant in his letter about things becoming clearer in 'the coming weeks.' - hopefully another of his ineffectual threats. Interesting that he thought to include tom barrack in his cc along with martin bandier, the ceo of sony/atv as well as the usual suspects at aeg - i suppose he;s working along the lines of an aeg/colony capital/sony/executors grand conspiracy.

Yeah, he knows which words to drop in for the tinfoil hat wearers to tune in. Much like the whole debacle on twitter involving the Cascio tracks. Wish I'd ever seen 3T act as concerned about MJ's legacy in the last few years than they were over those 3 songs.

Maybe one of them will actually - gasp - call their lawyer in the coming weeks. Just call them mind. If they ask them to do any work they'd expect some money and they'd need to let the estate know about that first.

Michael Jackson's Estate: Family's Claims Of Will Being Fake 'False, Defamatory Accusations'


By Jen Heger - Radar Assistant Managing Editor

Michael Jackson's estate says a letter allegedly written by the singer's siblings -- claiming the late King of Pop's will is fake -- is a collection of "false and defamatory accusations," RadarOnline.com is reporting.

A new letter from Janet, Rebie, Tito, Randy, and Jermaine Jackson, allegedly, continues perpetuating claims the Thriller singer's will is fraudulent, and it calls for executors John Branca and John McClain to resign immediately. (This comes after three failed legal challenges in the matter already.)

"Any doubts about the validity of Michael's will and his selection of executors were thoroughly and completely debunked two years ago when a challenge was rejected by the Los Angeles Superior Court, the California Court of Appeals, and finally, the California Supreme Court," famed attorney Howard Weitzman, who's representing Branca and McClain, told RadarOnline.com in a statement. "Under the supervision of Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff, Co-Executors John Branca and John McClain have diligently carried out their fiduciary duties as well as their obligation to Michael to make sure that his Estate benefits the only family members he named in his will - his mother and his three children.

"We are saddened that false and defamatory accusations grounded in stale Internet conspiracy theories are now being made by certain members of Michael's family whom he chose to leave out of his will. We are especially disheartened that they come at a time when remarkable progress has been made to secure the financial future of his children by turning around the Estate's finances as well as during a time when so many of Michael's fans are enjoying his artistry through exciting new projects launched by his Estate."

Since Jackson's 2009 death -- a time he was nearly $500 million dollars in debt. -- the executors have earned a whopping, $475 million dollars, nearly getting the number out of the red. In doing so, Branca and McClain negotiated a lucrative deal [anm. war schon von radaronline hervorgehoben] with Pepsi to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the late singer's Bad album, as well as striking a pact with Cirque de Soleil for a Jackson-themed tour.

None of Jackson's siblings were named in his will, as the sole beneficiaries are his three children and mother Katherine. Jackson personally chose his executors, Branca, a long-time trusted entertainment lawyer, and McClain, a family friend.
Yeah, he knows which words to drop in for the tinfoil hat wearers to tune in. Much like the whole debacle on twitter involving the Cascio tracks. Wish I'd ever seen 3T act as concerned about MJ's legacy in the last few years than they were over those 3 songs

How insulting to those of us who have genuine concerns about Michael's artistic legacy and believe, with good reason, that the songs in question are fraudulent. A belief which has absolutely nothing at all to do with any comment made by any member of the Jackson family. This is an issue which will be brought to the forefront over the coming months.
I don't fully understand the purpose of this, three years AFTER!:no: Are they questioning the MJ Family Trust, signed in 2002, too?? If so, on which grounds? Because they don't mention anything about it in the letter.

Or are they only questioning the appointment of Branca and McClain as executors directed in the will? (Already tried on Probate Court by Joe and failed, with the approval of the executors by Katherine and the Guardian of the kids.)

Thanks to anybody who can provide some more light.:)
marc_vivien;3672387 said:


Michael Jackson’s estate faced a tumultuous beginning three years ago after he unexpectedly died. First his mother, Katherine, and then his father, Joe, filed challenges against the executors of his Estate, John Branca and John McClain. Katherine backed off her attack and Joe’s case was thrown out of court.
Since then, the Estate has been relatively peaceful, at least on the surface. Branca and McClain have led the Estate from a debt-ridden start to enormous profits. They began around $500 million in the red when the King of Pop died. Three years later, the Estate reported $475 million in profits.
Of course, Branca and McClain have enjoyed a huge financial windfall from this as well. They have a special arrangement, blessed by the probate judge who oversees the estate, allowing them to earn 10% from most deals they cut for the Estate. Branca and McClain are now facing a new attack over their earnings … and that’s just the beginning.
Several of Michael’s brothers and sisters — including Janet, Randy, Tito and Jermaine — signed a letter that they sent to Branca and McClain accusing the pair of fraud, forgery, exploitation and abuse. The letter was published on acelebrity gossip website yesterday.
In it, Jackson’s siblings claim his July 7, 2002 will was “Fake. Flawed and Fraudulent.” They say Michael was not in Los Angeles that day and couldn’t have signed the will. The letter also says that Michael told them in the months leading up to his death that he despised the pair and didn’t want them to have anything to do with his life or estate.
But that’s not all. The letter states that Branca and McClain lied and took advantage of their 82-year old mother, managing to get her to agree to increases in their percentage fees from the gross income of the estate. They claim to be considering retaining a well-respected law firm, Baker Hostetler, who advised them of potential criminal misconduct by the executors. They promise legal action in the weeks to come.
Branca and McClain released a prompt statement refuting the allegations. They deny that the will or their actions have been fraudulent and point out that three separate courts have rejected a challenge to the will. The executors say the courts laid to rest any doubts as to the will’s validity. They lament that the accusations have been brought in the midst of their remarkable progress in securing the financial future of Michael’s children. Branca and McClain say they have diligently carried out their fiduciary duties. They decry the Jackson siblings “false and defamatory accusations grounded in stale Internet conspiracy theories”.

So, yes, it looks like the fighting over Michael’s Estate may soon return to court. If so, it will likely be a short-lived battle. The reason that Joe Jackson lost his legal challenges is because he is not a beneficiary and lacks legal “standing.” Because he would not benefit from the estate, he could not challenge the executors. Michael’s siblings will have the same problem if they try to bring suit.

However, this raises an interesting point regarding the executor’s statement. Because Joe did not have standing to bring his challenge to court, and because Katherine withdrew her claim before it was ruled on, no judge has ever decided the issue of whether Michael’s will was valid or not. In other words, Branca and McClain’s statement in response to the Jackson siblings’ letter was somewhat misleading.

At this point, unless Katherine reverses course and brings a formal will challenge (which is likely too late at this point), no court of law will resolve the question of whether the will was validly signed anytime soon. The Jackson siblings say that their mother, who is 82 and recently had a mini-stroke, is afraid to challenge the will in court. If that is the case, that type of claim could only proceed if brought by Michael’s children. Once they each turn 18, any of his children will have the legal right to challenge the will and the actions taken by the executors. Michael’s son Prince is 15 years old.

It’s interesting that the Jackson siblings focus on Michael’s will and do not mention his trust. Michael also had a trust, along with his will, but interestingly, the trust was dated a few months before the will. The will provides that Michael’s assets are to be distributed to his trust, and from there to Katherine, his children, and charity. But the entire document is far from the quality one would expect from any experienced estate planning attorney. Usually, wills and trusts of this nature are prepared and signed together. And estate planning documents prepared for someone of Michael’s wealth and status are almost always much more comprehensive and well-planned than Michael’s will and trust.
Does that mean that the Jackson siblings’ allegations of fraud and conspiracy are true? No; that remains to be seen. But certainly there are a number of questions that would be very interesting to see explored through a lawsuit brought by people who actually do have proper legal standing. It may be that there are legitimate explanations for the question raised by the Jackson family. Perhaps someday it will all play out in court.The reality is many people in our country fall victim to abuses through coercive changes to wills and trusts — even for people of modest wealth. Too many people see the elderly or others who have medical conditions as easy-prey, and lawsuits to challenge invalid wills and trusts are often complicated and expensive. Anyone who thinks they have a loved one who was taken advantage of in a way that led to a will or trust that wasn’t what they really wanted should consult with an experienced probate litigation attorney before it’s too late, to learn what legal rights they have.

Very interesting article! so are they saying the court let Branca/McClain be executors without knowing/proved that the will is valid or not???
This is an issue which will be brought to the forefront over the coming months.

By whom?

The family members who signed that silly missive are not beneficiaries to Michael's will and therefore have no legal standing to make any claims. Notwithstanding that the time to make such a claim has passed.

But you know what, I'm not surprised, we see this type of thing everyday in life, i.e. when family members are left out of a Will they ALWAYS cry foul.

If the family got an equal cut of Michael's assets, I'm sure they wouldn't give a hoot as to who the Executors were, as long as they got their slice. They are so very transparent with their actions, in my opinion.
By whom?

The family members who signed that silly missive are not beneficiaries to Michael's will and therefore have no legal standing to make any claims. Notwithstanding that the time to make such a claim has passed.

But you know what, I'm not surprised, we see this type of thing everyday in life, i.e. when family members are left out of a Will they ALWAYS cry foul.

If the family got an equal cut of Michael's assets, I'm sure they would give a hoot as to who the Executors were, as long as they got their slice. They are so very transparent with their actions, in my opinion.

Nothing to do with Michael's family.
looks like Mrs Jackson is in "The catbird seat." She can ask the estate for the moon, the stars and she will get it and much more.
Is there more info on this?

I know TMZ had a strange updated on the 27th of June where they said they had been informed that Mike's estate would be run by Randy Jackson and Leonard Rowe.

Yes, they work fast indeed.

There were media reports about a year ago that lawyers were looking to get paid by mj's estate to er.. usurp mj's estate.

Katherine Jackson's former attorneys are continuing their legal battle against her son's estate and in their latest filing, have asked the court to award them $350,000 for costs and fees they say were run up in the days immediately following Michael's death in 2009.
In the court documents obtained by RadarOnline.com, the fees and costs the firm of Rosenfeld, Meyer & Susman are requesting are termed "reasonable under the circumstances," of Katherine briefly taking control of Michael's estate, and even include $18,000 incurred in connection with Michael's funeral!

The breakdown of the fees are listed in the documents:
$18,070.00 Petition for Payment of Funeral Expenses
$40,613.61 for Appointment of Mrs. Jackson as Special Administrator
$58,939.61 Petition Confirming Ability to Challenge Personal Representatives
$231,575.21 Negotiations with Subsequent Special Administrators and Their Council, Including Review of Contractual Arrangements.

As randy's letter now proves, the jacksons were aware that branca had a copy of the will within days of mj's death yet still ran up $40k to get mrs j appointed as special administator in the absence of any will - probably taking advantage of the fact branca had informed them he was abroad on holiday.
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Los Angeles (CNN) -- Janet Jackson and four of her siblings sent a scathing letter to the men who control Michael Jackson's estate, accusing them of fraud and of abusing their mother."THIS HAS TO STOP NOW: NO MORE!!" the Jackson siblings wrote in the letter obtained by CNN.

Relations between the Jackson family and executors John Branca and John McClain have been strained for most of the three years since Michael Jackson's sudden death from an overdose of an anesthetic used as a sleep aid.The letter mostly repeats allegations made by family members, but it also threatens new legal action against Branca, an entertainment lawyer, and McClain, a music executive, who worked with Jackson at several points in his career.

"We know there is most certainly a conspiracy surrounding our brother's death and now coarse manipulation and fear are being used to cover it up," they wrote. "Your heartless pursuit of wealth, fame and power is at the expense of our family, whose deepest desire it to give to the world a gift of hope, love and unity through our music."

It was signed by Janet, Jermaine, Tito, Randy and Rebbie Jackson. Jackie, Marlon and La Toya Jackson did not sign it, nor did parents Joe and Katherine Jackson.

"We are saddened that false and defamatory accusations grounded in stale Internet conspiracy theories are now being made by certain members of Michael's family whom he chose to leave out of his will," estate spokesman Jim Bates said in a statement to CNN.

"We are especially disheartened that they come at a time when remarkable progress has been made to secure the financial future of his children by turning around the Estate's finances as well as during a time when so many of Michael's fans, old and new, are enjoying his artistry through exciting new projects."

The will, which was validated in probate court in the months after Jackson's June 25, 2009, death, put all of Jackson's assets into a trust that benefited his mother, Katherine; his children, Prince, Paris and Blanket; and charities. Branca and McClain were named as executors.The signature page indicated that Michael Jackson signed the will in Los Angeles on July 7, 2002, on which date the Jacksons say he was in New York.

The siblings' letter charged that "without question, it's Fake, Flawed and Fraudulent."

"According to what is witnessed in the document, it is impossible and illogical that he could have been in two places at one time," the letter said. "We have evidence that undoubtedly supports and proves that Michael was absolutely not in Los Angeles, California, on the date his signature reflected in the will at hand."

They also questioned why their brother would name as executors someone he disliked.

"Our brother told us, in no uncertain terms and without hesitation in the months prior to his death, that he despised both of you and that he did not want either of you to have anything to do with his life or estate for that matter," the letter said. "We know that and you know that."

Courts have already settled the matter, the estate spokesman said.

"Any doubts about the validity of Michael's will and his selection of Executors were thoroughly and completely debunked two years ago when a challenge was rejected by the Los Angeles County Superior Court, the California Court of Appeals and, finally, the California Supreme Court," Bates said.

The Jackson brothers and sisters also accuse Branca and McClain of abusing their 82-year-old mother through lies and manipulations.

"Your actions are affecting her health, and on top of that, we've just found out she recently had a mini-stroke. Please understand, she's not equipped to handle the stress load you are putting on her," her children said. "She feels, as she has said, 'I'm stuck in the middle.' She too knows and acknowledges the will was forged. She wants to do the right thing, and move in the direction of justice for her son and family, yet she fears the POWERS THAT BE."

Katherine Jackson's lawyer Perry Sanders disputed that she was in poor health.

"Mrs. Jackson is extremely lucid and does a great job caring for Michael's children," Sanders said Wednesday.

The siblings also attacked Sanders, Katherine Jackson's manager Lowell Henry and adviser Trent Jackson for discouraging her from joining their challenge of the will's validity."

Instead, her so-called advisers are convincing her to let them negotiate 'deals' with Branca and McClain on her behalf, or is it on the behalf of all of you," they wrote.

"Her advisors' loyalty seems to be skewed by the percentage you offer them, preventing them from advising her properly."

Sanders responded that he's always been available "to speak with or meet with any of Mrs. Jackson's children to answer any questions they might have. It is unfortunate that they haven't taken me up on the offer."

"Anyone who actually knows me knows my only loyalty in this matter is to Mrs. Jackson, and the public record of my success for her speaks for itself," Sanders said. He pointed to success in paying off her $14 million civil court judgment to a South Korean company, convincing the estate not to sell the family's Hayvenhurst mansion and "helping get her family allowance increased almost tenfold, to name a few.

"The siblings' letter told the executors they've "dishonored everything our brother stood for."

"Your greed and hasty business decisions have shown that you have no regard for the preservation of his legacy, nor the quality of work that he exemplified, they said. "You have disrespected our parents and family too many times. We do not respect you as executors, and we don't respect the projects and choices you've made, nor do we appreciate the public perception that the Jackson family is behind all of this, exploiting Michael our brother for financial gain, when it's the two of you and your affiliates who do so."

Finally, the five Jacksons wrote that they would "take every appropriate action to seek justice and to see to it that the truth be known."

"Be informed, we are considering retaining a law firm, Baker Hostetler, who have advised us on the potential criminal misconduct in your actions. We will hand this over to proper authorities," they wrote.

Bates said the executors "have diligently carried out their fiduciary duties as well as their obligation to Michael to make sure that his Estate benefits the only family members he named in his will, his mother and his three children."

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I know TMZ had a strange updated on the 27th of June where they said they had been informed that Mike's estate would be run by Randy Jackson and Leonard Rowe.

Yes, they work fast indeed.

Reminds me of when my grandmother died, my uncle's wife went in and had all her nice furniture shifted into their own house by lunchtime. You never see greed quite like the one that comes out when relatives die.

4 days after Michael died they were in court saying Michael died without the Will.
2 days after Michael died, Janet and LaToya had moving van's at Michael's house.
I cannot remember how fast Rebbie started selling Michael's items @ebay.

They are fast indeed.
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werent they asking grace where the money was kept on the same day? after asking the police to unseal the house.the same police they blamed later for not keeping the house secure!
"Katherine Jackson's lawyer Perry Sanders disputed that she was in poor health."Mrs. Jackson is extremely lucid and does a great job caring for Michael's children," Sanders said Wednesday.

You see that, their greed is going to lead to Children's Services paying ANOTHER visit to Mrs. Jackson's door step in order to confirm that she is well enough to take care of Michael's three YOUNG children.

Are they all like the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz - BRAINLESS.
by now the story was reported on most major medias and not on TMZ???? Why?
so... did Janet or whoever confirm the authentic manuscripts of their participation in that letter via Twitter or FB?

Why the hell nobody can ask them if the letter is real, if most of you use such social nets... (I dont.)