Michael's mom reported missing /Grandma's Home/TJ appointed Co/Guardian with Katherine

Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

It's hard not to believe if MJ Will stated that he leaves a couple Million to Joe and each of his siblings that they would be saying the will is fake! By the way Jermaine on The View said yes he was surprised that they weren't named in the will so...lol
Didn't Jermaine say in the MJJCommunity interview that he was not surprised and by leaving money to Katherine, Michael was leaving money for them as well? I'm confused, cos he keeps changing the story so often :/
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

^Yes he did but, You and many (including myself) will always be confused when Jermaine states something because he is always changing his story.

When he was on The View promoting his book on MJ called "Through a brother's eyes" Barbara Walters straight out asked him if he was surprised that he and the siblings weren't named in the will and he said yes he was. He also once on Larry King said that he had no issue with the will and that people should respect MJs wishes! Not sure if he said that on Larry king after or before he knew he and the rest weren't named? But, either way he is always changing his story!
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

Top 12 Most Responsible For Feeding The Michael Jackson Addict Myth To The
first posted on June 29 2012

Over 3500 Fan Opinions Counted
1. Brian Oxman 542
2. Janet Jackson 473*
3. Conrad Murray 454
4. Ed Chernof/ Michael Fl. 438
5. Karen Faye 406
6. Rebbie Jackson 284*
7. Jane Velez Mitchell 241
8. Joe Jackson 205
9. Tito Jackson 184
10. Deepok Chopra 106
11. Oprah Winfrey 83
12. Lisa Marie Presley 68
13. Dr. Drew Pinsky 46
14. Randy Jackson 38*
15. Leonard Rowe 23
16. Dr. Arnold Klien 11
17. AEG 5

note: Due to recent news involving certain Jackson family members we have decided to post all of the research poll results. Previously only the top 12 was released.

Michael Jackson Was NOT An Addict
MJ Legacy7
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

I'm gonna copy this info from the original thread

I know TMZ had a strange updated on the 27th of June where they said they had been informed that Mike's estate would be run by Randy Jackson and Leonard Rowe.

This story is no longer on TMZ but I was able to get a snapshot of the article from wayback machine


link for the cached image : http://web.archive.org/web/20090629...9/06/27/michael-jackson-tito-meeting-funeral/

plus there are other websites that copied it from TMZ. This is exactly what is written

We've just spoken to Tito Jackson who tells us the Jackson family is currently together and discussing funeral arrangements for Michael.
Tito says the family is spending quality time together today and discussing plans about Michael's funeral. He tells us MJ's kids are in "good spirits."

We asked if there were plans for a public memorial, in addition to the private service -- Tito said that option was being discussed now.

UPDATE: We're told Randy Jackson will take control over Michael's estate for the Jackson family. Leonard Rowe, MJ's former manager will also assist Randy in this transition.

such as - http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2009/jun/28/michael-jackson-custody-children

here's a June 28th story from ABC referring to it

"The Jackson family has gathered in their family compound in Encino, Calif., and the superstar's three children are with their grandmother, Katherine. There are conflicting reports about the executor of the 50-year-old's will. The New York Post reports that Janet Jackson is the executor of her brother's will, but entertainment Web site TMZ says Randy Jackson will take control of his brother's estate."


This is a TMZ story from July 21, 2009. You'll see that not much has changed 3 years later

Jackson Family War Over Michael's Will
Jackson family sources tell us there's a bitter dispute over who will call the shots in probating Michael Jackson's will.

Katherine Jackson has hired an attorney -- Londell McMillan -- and we're told it's a done deal that McMillan will challenge the co-executors Michael selected. We're told most of the brothers -- Randy the notable exception -- are angry that McMillan has asserted himself by challenging co-executors John Branca and John McClain, both long time advisers and friends of M.J.

Ultimately, we're told, Joe Jackson has asserted his influence over Katherine to hire McMillan. We're told Katherine is really being manipulated and doesn't even have real objections to Branca and McMillan.

Randy is coy on who Joe and McMillan want as executor in place of or in addition to Branca and McClain -- the family is worried Joe and McMillan will rack up legal fees and the estate will suffer. Pretty ironic, since Michael cut Joe out of the will and he gets zippo as a beneficiary.

It's all shaping up to be an ugly mess.

Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

I have a question. If for instance the will was made null and void. What next, I'm told it would revert to the previous will which I believe has the same executors yet wipes out Paris and Blanket as beneficiaries as they were not born.

Is that true.

From what I have heard that is true. The previous will was executed back in 97 when Prince was born and it was exactly the same as this one leaving out all his family except Prince and Katherine. I don't have any confirmation though.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

I have to disagree with you strongly. Super Bowl made a huge impact on her career around Europe...
Nope, it didn't.
I was actually traveling back from the US to Europe a few days later and the only mentioning 'nipplegate' had was in reference to the attitude of US Americans toward what the Europeans perceived as the "hypocritical and prudish" attitude toward nudity. Janet Jackson only occurred on the sideline. Bands like Franz Ferdinand ruled the airwaves in Europe in 2004... parallel to local bands in the home countries.

1992 and 1993 was the time that I remember Janet Jackson being on the radio and on TV shows in Europe. Her rise came at the absolute height of Michael's fame in Europe as a lot of MJ fans were actually not very familiar with the rest of the Jackson family. Especially younger MJ fans in Europe have never perceived him as a part of a "Jackson musical family'.

"Poetic Justice" was talked about in Europe - and then she kinda faded away. Same with "Scream". It was the Michael connection. Always was.
Last edited:
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

this stuff is too painful to talk about. i'm not a fly on the wall so i can't know the entire truth. but i just hope there is peace in that extended family and Michael's children and mother will always be protected in God's righteous fashion and Michael's children get EVERYTHING that Michael expressly wished for. And i know that Michael is forever safe in God.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

Nope, it didn't.
I was actually traveling back from the US to Europe a few days later and the only mentioning 'nipplegate' had was in reference to the attitude of US Americans toward what the Europeans perceived as the "hypocritical and prudish" attitude toward nudity. Janet Jackson only occurred on the sideline. Bands like Franz Ferdinand ruled the airwaves in Europe in 2004... parallel to local bands in the home countries.

1992 and 1993 was the time that I remember Janet Jackson being on the radio and on TV shows in Europe. Her rise came at the absolute height of Michael's fame in Europe as a lot of MJ fans were actually not very familiar with the rest of the Jackson family. Especially younger MJ fans in Europe have never perceived him as a part of a "Jackson musical family'.

"Poetic Justice" was talked about in Europe - and then she kinda faded away. Same with "Scream". It was the Michael connection. Always was.
O/T every last word in your signature is so true.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

Guys you know you have gone way off with this thread. I suggest some read the Trial section, to get a lot of the information being asked about.

Nadia thanks for putting that information in one post.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

All aspects and sides of this fiasco considered, bottom-line - the Jackson siblings contested/are contesting Michael's will, that if by some remote chance isn't genuine, leaves his assets to his children and Mother. Therefore, it begs the question; why would they contest a will that benefits those that they know, in their heart of hearts (if they are honest with themselves), Michael would have wanted his assets to go to? Because the only conclusion I can come to is because they want a slice of pie for themselves, plain and simple. Estate controlling their Mother and Michael's children? My arse! Estate protecting them from Michael's greedy siblings, like past events have shown? More likely!
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

Michael and his estate should not have to pay for the Jacksons anymore. Enough is enough. His family depended and relied on Michael way too much. Michael's money and the money the kids and katherine get do not belong to the Jacksons. This whole we are one business needs to stop. Michael's estate and will is none of their business. Prince, Paris and Blanket it is their business and if they have problem with it then they have their own lawyer to deal with such matters. Michael didn't have to put his whole family in the will. He wanted everything to go to his children. Nothing wrong with that.

I can't help but think if Michael was closer to his family and he didn't have to take care of everyone most of his life then they probably would have been in the will. Included in some way.
Nope, it didn't.
I was actually traveling back from the US to Europe a few days later and the only mentioning 'nipplegate' had was in reference to the attitude of US Americans toward what the Europeans perceived as the "hypocritical and prudish" attitude toward nudity. Janet Jackson only occurred on the sideline. Bands like Franz Ferdinand ruled the airwaves in Europe in 2004... parallel to local bands in the home countries.

1992 and 1993 was the time that I remember Janet Jackson being on the radio and on TV shows in Europe. Her rise came at the absolute height of Michael's fame in Europe as a lot of MJ fans were actually not very familiar with the rest of the Jackson family. Especially younger MJ fans in Europe have never perceived him as a part of a "Jackson musical family'.

"Poetic Justice" was talked about in Europe - and then she kinda faded away. Same with "Scream". It was the Michael connection. Always was.

I agree with you 100%. I can't remember nipplegate being that big of a deal here. Like you said, only a small mention at the end of the news when they give some little tidbits lol. To me, Janet was just MJs little sis and I didn't think of her as a megastar. But I never was a fan so maybe the perception is different when you are.

And I think we've talked about this before in another thread and I agree that I never saw Michael as a part of a famous family. The Jacksons just weren't that popular in Belgium.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

All aspects and sides of this fiasco considered, bottom-line - the Jackson siblings contested/are contesting Michael's will, that if by some remote chance isn't genuine, leaves his assets to his children and Mother. Therefore, it begs the question; why would they contest a will that benefits those that they know, in their heart of hearts (if they are honest with themselves), Michael would have wanted his assets to go to? Because the only conclusion I can come to is because they want a slice of pie for themselves, plain and simple. Estate controlling their Mother and Michael's children? My arse! Estate protecting them from Michael's greedy siblings, like past events have shown? More likely!

They want us to believe that they are contesting the will only because the exec are not doing a good job. Let's see if this makes sense. They have a problem with the exec because somehow they are inept, so the only way to solve this problem is to show that the will is a fake. You have to admire Jackson thinking and problem solving skills. Everything is complicated. Don't forget, rather than have grandma call children on a phone, Jacksons rather hire a jet, pick up children, and fly them to Arizona. Amazing...
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

Geraldo Rivera is interviewing someone named Tenay Jackson who says she is TJ's sister about the family feud. I thought TJ said this woman was not part of the family?
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

Tanay has had no contact with Katherine or the family - it is rumoured she may be Tito's daughter but no one want to claim her. She is irrelvant. It evident she is using this for publicity reasons and knows NOTHING of what is goiong on but what she hears and reads via media. So I dont know what information she could possilby give on this issue.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

FYI: In case this hasn't been mentioned---Tonight, at 10:00pm, Geraldo is going to talk about Katherine. I don't know if it will be a 10 minute thing or more.


Geraldo is interviewing Tanay Jackson who claims she is Tito's daughter
The problem is she also did an interview with Eonline and
Taryll tweeted that she is not related to the Jacksons
Taryll Jackson ?@tarylljackson
@eonline Tanay Jackson is NOT related to us. Please clear up any confusion you may have caused. Thank You.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

tidbit from Geraldo

Anne Carrozza - an Estate lawyer- says that the Jackson family has no standing, and the Jackson are hoping for a settlement from the estate "w/o a doubt"
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

As usual they are not checking sources before giving them interviews. Unless Tito is the father but cannot remember.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

tidbit from Geraldo

Anne Carrozza - an Estate lawyer- says that the Jackson family has no standing, and the Jackson are hoping for a settlement from the estate "w/o a doubt"

Gee I hope the estate does not settle. Ivy do you have the estate e-mail address?

Sorry double post
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

tidbit from Geraldo

Anne Carrozza - an Estate lawyer- says that the Jackson family has no standing, and the Jackson are hoping for a settlement from the estate "w/o a doubt"

Is it possible to watch it online
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

I believe it's over now
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

tidbit from Geraldo

Anne Carrozza - an Estate lawyer- says that the Jackson family has no standing, and the Jackson are hoping for a settlement from the estate "w/o a doubt"

I knew that was their motive the same way they are trying to extort money from AEG.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

All the lawyers on the program agree that the Siblings have no standing and either wanted to have Katherine declared incapable and become conservators of Katherine (that won't work now that TJ is co-guardian) or harrass a settlement from the Estate.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home


When I think things are a little better now... I come here and see that are not. :doh: When will this stop? :( *big sigh*

I've been reading some of your posts, don't have time to read everything,but from what I've read from you, Justme, it it obvious to me, that you are a Janet fan.
Yep, I am a hardcore Janet AND Michael Jackson fan :)

Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

Did they speak about the Will signed in Los Angeles or did they just talk about what the siblings want.

Yes they did and they said the Probate judge investigated and validated the will even though it had the wrong city on the document.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

Did they speak about the Will signed in Los Angeles or did they just talk about what the siblings want.

see above what pug said.

Tanay was on there as Tito's daughter and TJ's sister. She gave a bunch of opinions and talked about her music - which I won't even bothered to repeat.

He had Twiggy - from hoax boards - talking about Branca being fired in 2003.

Then there were 4 lawyers , 3 of them live 1 pre-recorded. Mark Geragos was middle of the road saying this is a misunderstanding and such. The other lawyers all agreed that the siblings do not have a legal standing and that the time to challenge the will has long passed.

They discussed "why?" and they said they believed it's all about money. they talked about possible motives

one possible motive was they were trying to get Katherine declared incompetent to control her allowance and even get a salary for being her conservator - according to California law

the other possible motive was hoping for a settlement. The lawyer said the trust gives Executors the right to engage in settlements and the public mention of validity of the will when there's no chance for actually challenging it is without a doubt is being done for a settlement.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

I'm gonna copy this info from the original thread

This story is no longer on TMZ but I was able to get a snapshot of the article from wayback machine


link for the cached image : http://web.archive.org/web/20090629...9/06/27/michael-jackson-tito-meeting-funeral/

Thanks for finding all of that, I remember it had been taken down when I went to check again, so I'm glad some hardcopy of it was kept. 2 days after Mike's death and he was doing this. The addition of Leonard Rowe makes it even more ridiculous.

I don't even want to imagine what kind of estate we'd have right now if those two had reigned supreme.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

Isn't it embarrassing for the Jacksons that everyone, except Janet fans, know that they are trying to get a settlement from the estate. If these lawyers on TV know that the snatchers have no standing, how come Janet's lawyer does not know this too. What is his field of expertise anyway?

Of course Mark said it was a misunderstanding. It is lawyers like him that make Katherine think she can win AEG and the snatchers think they can get the exec to resign.