Paris Jackson Rushed to Hospital After Possible Suicide Attempt

Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Media engaged in outlandish rumor- mongering. And as usual pointing fingers, dodging responsibilty.

Facts-be-damned, another scandal for the media to exploit.
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Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Again... please there's no sense in blaming anyone, that's also no way helping Paris... this happens in all kind of families with billions of possible reasons!

Paris was saved, so something went right.

oh and side note before someone jumps on me: I'm no way friends with the Jackson family!
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK


Cops officially classified the Paris Jackson incident as a "suicide attempt," but they do NOT believe her intent was to kill herself.

Law enforcement sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... based on the information the L.A. County Sheriff's Dept. has gathered ... "She wanted attention." One source involved in the case tells us ... her call to a suicide hotline is compelling evidence "she wanted to be saved." The source added, "It makes no sense if you really want to die to call a hotline, where the person on the other end will get an ambulance over to your house."

TMZ broke the story ... Paris used a meat cleaver to cut her arm and took a bunch of Motrin, and our sources say as a result they must classify it as a "suicide attempt." But, as one source put it, "Who takes Motrin to kill themselves? She called the suicide hotline because she wanted the attention and wanted to make sure EMTs got there in time."

We're also told Paris was conscious when EMTs arrived and did not argue or put up a struggle when she was placed on a stretcher.

One source connected with the case tells us, "She's into the drama."
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

What an unbelievably stupid, insensitive and reckless article. So much BS, I don't even know where to start! It is not uncommon for people to panic and change their minds during the act. And also, if her intentions weren't to kill herself, it was not for "attention" but a cry for help. These scumbag media people and "sources" should rot in hell.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK


Cops officially classified the Paris Jackson incident as a "suicide attempt," but they do NOT believe her intent was to kill herself.

Law enforcement sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... based on the information the L.A. County Sheriff's Dept. has gathered ... "She wanted attention." One source involved in the case tells us ... her call to a suicide hotline is compelling evidence "she wanted to be saved." The source added, "It makes no sense if you really want to die to call a hotline, where the person on the other end will get an ambulance over to your house."

TMZ broke the story ... Paris used a meat cleaver to cut her arm and took a bunch of Motrin, and our sources say as a result they must classify it as a "suicide attempt." But, as one source put it, "Who takes Motrin to kill themselves? She called the suicide hotline because she wanted the attention and wanted to make sure EMTs got there in time."

We're also told Paris was conscious when EMTs arrived and did not argue or put up a struggle when she was placed on a stretcher.

One source connected with the case tells us, "She's into the drama."

Oh, so she's just being a drama queen. Bravo TMZ. Now your resident troll readers can keep on bashing her and her father without feeling bad about it - she's only a drama queen after all.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK


Cops officially classified the Paris Jackson incident as a "suicide attempt," but they do NOT believe her intent was to kill herself.

Law enforcement sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... based on the information the L.A. County Sheriff's Dept. has gathered ... "She wanted attention." One source involved in the case tells us ... her call to a suicide hotline is compelling evidence "she wanted to be saved." The source added, "It makes no sense if you really want to die to call a hotline, where the person on the other end will get an ambulance over to your house."

TMZ broke the story ... Paris used a meat cleaver to cut her arm and took a bunch of Motrin, and our sources say as a result they must classify it as a "suicide attempt." But, as one source put it, "Who takes Motrin to kill themselves? She called the suicide hotline because she wanted the attention and wanted to make sure EMTs got there in time."

We're also told Paris was conscious when EMTs arrived and did not argue or put up a struggle when she was placed on a stretcher.

One source connected with the case tells us, "She's into the drama."

Into the drama? Really? What person tries to kill themselves just because they like a bit of drama?

Like father, like daughter. Blame the victim
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK
Paris Jackson's Alleged Suicide Attempt: La Toya Jackson "Grateful" for Concern, Requests Privacy for Family

by Melanie Bromley and Natalie Finn Wed., Jun. 5, 2013 4:44 PM PDT

La Toya Jackson is looking out for her niece.

"We are grateful and appreciate the overwhelming concern for Paris from both the public and the media, but request privacy at this time while our family handles these issues together," Michael Jackson's older sister said in a statement exclusively obtained by E! News.

Paris Jackson, 15, was hospitalized earlier today following an overdose of pills that sources have characterized as a suicide attempt.
katherine was given a chance once to raise her own kids ,she did a miserable job . How anyone would agree to give her a second chance with MJ's kids is beyond me.

Sorry but what a silly thing to say when it was Michael's very own wishes that made KJ a guardian - Did you not read his WILL?
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Again... please there's no sense in blaming anyone, that's also no way helping Paris... this happens in all kind of families with billions of possible reasons!

Paris was saved, so something went right.

oh and side note before someone jumps on me: I'm no way friends with the Jackson family!

Totally agree. It was obvious during granny kidnapping she loves her grandma. She is obviously struggling. I don't think it's our place to comment on her reasons.


I hope this will be the occasion to get to the bottom of this, hopefully privately. A kid who has been struggling for many months and ends up with a meat cleaver, hopsitalized for a minimum of 3 days, is a very serious situation, not a "drama queen".
I come to think of a clown showing her happy face for the world to see but crying inside.
It´s not easy for Michael´s children.

Paris is not the only teenager who cry out for help,there are many.
Are they all into the drama?

It´s really sad to read information from insiders,she´s a child and should be protected.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Jackson trial lawyer Kevin Boyle spoke to reporters outside of court Wednesday afternoon, saying Paris can decide if she will testify during their part of the case, but AEG Live has subpoenaed her, calling her a key witness.
"The Jackson family and the Jackson lawyers are putting no pressure on Paris regarding this case at all," Boyle said. "It is AEG who is putting this case at Paris' back door."

Paris and Prince were questioned separately over two days by AEG lawyers just before the trial began in April.
"A grilling of a child regarding the loss of her father is going to create a lot of pressure," Boyle said. "Paris Jackson was asked intimate details about her father and her father's death; it was a very intense situation."

Is there no limit to how low Boyle will go?

It could really be a number of things. There is so much going on related to Michael and it, no doubt, will get her thinking more about it. Especially when people are saying such horrible things. I took a peak at her twitter earlier today and saw her replying to a tabloid last night calling her "J**o's girl." She sees these things, sadly, and I'm sure she knows about Robson's claims. Plus the anniversary and the trial probably bring memories flooding back. There's a lot coming at her all at once at the moment. She's so young and has a weight on her shoulder. That quote by Paris is so sweet yet sad. That last line about him being the only thing to bring her true happiness is very telling. How sad. I pray that she finds peace within herself and can learn to move on step by step. It won't be an easy or quick process, but every bit counts. She's been so strong so far and she can pull herself through this. My love is with her. :heart:

And I wonder how many of her fathers fans got on at her about re-tweeting that tabloid article.


Cops officially classified the Paris Jackson incident as a "suicide attempt," but they do NOT believe her intent was to kill herself.

Law enforcement sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... based on the information the L.A. County Sheriff's Dept. has gathered ... "She wanted attention." One source involved in the case tells us ... her call to a suicide hotline is compelling evidence "she wanted to be saved." The source added, "It makes no sense if you really want to die to call a hotline, where the person on the other end will get an ambulance over to your house."

TMZ broke the story ... Paris used a meat cleaver to cut her arm and took a bunch of Motrin, and our sources say as a result they must classify it as a "suicide attempt." But, as one source put it, "Who takes Motrin to kill themselves? She called the suicide hotline because she wanted the attention and wanted to make sure EMTs got there in time."

We're also told Paris was conscious when EMTs arrived and did not argue or put up a struggle when she was placed on a stretcher.

One source connected with the case tells us, "She's into the drama."

No words!
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Oh man, how sad. That latest TMZ article is doesn't surprise me one bit. The way the destroyed MJ, it could only be the same now. We have no idea why the poor girl did what she did, IF it actually happen like that, cause nowadays you just never know. I'm surprised no tabloid has already said that the reason this apparently happened is because she believes her father was guilty. I truly wouldn't put anything past the media, certain media...oh shit let's not give them ideas now. We don't know what goes around in her head, but i bet she still misses her dad very much and if the bullying stuff the media say is true, that's just damn sad. Bullying can be real real severe, but a lot of people don't realize that.
I keep thinking of when Paris blanketed her wall with photos of MJ, and then took them down because Katherine told her it was too much. That was the opinion of those around her because of their own way of handling grief. For THEM, it was too much. For Paris, it may have been needed.

Genuine sensitivity and understanding of Paris’ needs are mandatory now. Which I understand are difficult for anyone to fully grasp because NO ONE is in her situation. NO ONE. Not even royal princes have had to adjust to the kinds of things Paris has had to with the loss of a famous parent. Even her siblings, who are in the same situation, may not experience or feel things as she does because as individuals we are all uniquely different.

The sad part of it all is that now Paris has to deal with this with a public that will never truly let it be put behind her. This will be referenced for years. No matter what she does, good or bad, there will be some reference of Paris Jackson, who tried to take her life blah blah blah…

But I do think she is inherently strong, and will triumph. I just hope she gets all the real support she needs to do so. As others have said, this is a big wake up call. It cannot be ignored or DENIED.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Sorry but what a silly thing to say when it was Michael's very own wishes that made KJ a guardian - Did you not read his WILL?

Unfortunately he didn't have any better option.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Whatever the reason (or several reasons), this has trully been a cry for help from her part. I hope she will get the help she needs. I also think that she might need some care, understanding and advide coming from a "mother-figure" of another generation (don't get me wrong, but I think KJ might be too old to handle a teenager...).
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I went back to read transcripts to Katherine's interview with Oprah.

OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): What did you think of the way he was raising them? You know, all the world, all we knew of the way he was raising these children was the time Blanket was held out the window and the time we would see the children walking around with the veils on. What did you think of that?
KATHERINE JACKSON: I didn't approve of that, but I didn't say anything to him about it. But then I heard their mother, their biological mother, she told me it was her idea, not Michael's.

OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Mm-hmm. I'm assuming when you say that you didn't approve it- -approve of it is because you thought that having them walk around with their faces covered would not be good for them or not good for him or...
KATHERINE JACKSON: Well, it's what the people would think, you know. I know how people think and how they say ugly things about you.

4 years later, after after being pushed to public eye to support Jackson's various business deals, stun gun incident, child services investigation, granny-napping episode etc what has been going on, I'm going to say it out loud, Katherine failed as mother, and now she massively failed as granny to Michael's kids. She had nerve to judge Michael's methods protecting his own kids, but she has done nothing to protect either Michael, not his kids.

@Gaz, Michael didn't have crystal ball to see what might happen in the future and how Katherine might raise his kids. If he had one, I have no doubt kids will not have been in Katherine's care.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

As a parent myself and having written wills, the hardest thing to do is chose a guardian for your children, and to be honest the one we chose 5 years ago would really not be suitable now. But Michael chose them and that's it, again hindsight is wonderful, would he choose them again? We will never know.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I love Michael with all that's in me but he did make a few mistakes. One was trusting his mother with the care of his kids in my opinion. Love is blind.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

One of the things that bothers me most is when a suicide attempt is called a "cry for attention." Especially when it concerns someone as young as Paris. It's obvious to me that this country doesn't take suicide or even psychiatric/mental health patients as seriously as it should. That's why these things happen in the first place. "Oh she's just being a drama queen. She wants attention." NO. They don't understand what kind of state of mind you have to be in to physically harm yourself. Feeling like you want to die is not a wonderful feeling, even if deep down you truly know you don't want to. It's still that feeling of wanting to. And it's not healthy to feeling that way. It's not a tingly feeling that goes away in 5 minutes. It's real. Real pain, real, real hurt. Those saying she just wants attention are underestimating the situation. They don't know what's going on with her psychologically. It's not healthy for any teenager, or person for that matter, to do this. How anybody can brush off a teenager's suicide attempt as a "cry for attention" and "drama" is beyond me. God forgive me for saying this, but what if she had succeeded? Just because she didn't mean doesn't mean we can say, "Oh well she's alive and ok, so she wanted attention." She's not "ok" and won't be for a long time. I know how scary it is to be in that state of mind as I have been one too many times. I'm very glad to hear that she'll be in the hospital for three days. She's in a very safe place where people actually do care and will help her. Psychiatric units are extremely confidential and protective of the patients.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I've just learnt about those news today. I can't do anything other than wishing all my support to her. It may be too early to jump to conclusions, but I'm pretty sure this tragedy speaks boundaries of how much her family really cares about her. Sad.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

One of the things that bothers me most is when a suicide attempt is called a "cry for attention." Especially when it concerns someone as young as Paris. It's obvious to me that this country doesn't take suicide or even psychiatric/mental health patients as seriously as it should. That's why these things happen in the first place. "Oh she's just being a drama queen. She wants attention." NO. They don't understand what kind of state of mind you have to be in to physically harm yourself. Feeling like you want to die is not a wonderful feeling, even if deep down you truly know you don't want to. It's still that feeling of wanting to. And it's not healthy to feeling that way. It's not a tingly feeling that goes away in 5 minutes. It's real. Real pain, real, real hurt. Those saying she just wants attention are underestimating the situation. They don't know what's going on with her psychologically. It's not healthy for any teenager, or person for that matter, to do this. How anybody can brush off a teenager's suicide attempt as a "cry for attention" and "drama" is beyond me. God forgive me for saying this, but what if she had succeeded? Just because she didn't mean doesn't mean we can say, "Oh well she's alive and ok, so she wanted attention." She's not "ok" and won't be for a long time. I know how scary it is to be in that state of mind as I have been one too many times. I'm very glad to hear that she'll be in the hospital for three days. She's in a very safe place where people actually do care and will help her. Psychiatric units are extremely confidential and protective of the patients.

I agree. It's one thing that TMZ says that. But I really hope those who are around Paris won't brush this whole thing aside that she's just being a drama queen. Unfortunately the Jacksons have a tendency of sweeping problems under the carpet instead of dealing with them, so I'm a bit afraid of how they will handle this.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

What I find worrisome is the behaviour of some fans which tend to be aggressive and hostile towards other fans. Let me state this:

It is OK to be a fan/supporter/sympathizer of the Jackson family, not just Michael. Why should it not be OK?

It is NOT ok to claim that anyone criticising the Jackson family would be a "fake fan", "idiot", "charlatan" or even a racist.
People are not criticising the Jackson family for no reason, their actions or lack of are speaking for themselves.
There are some facts that should not be whitewashed:
It is the Jackson family who is suing AEG.
All three still young children plus mother Katherine are influenced by other family members - we don't have to speculate to which degree, it is a logical conclusion.
The trial is about money and only money. Neither Katherine nor the three children do have an urgent necessity for it.
It is also logical to which conclusion an objective and judicuous observer will come bona fide.

I have been witnessing (as many have) how fans continue to drift further apart, simply due to different point of views. However there's a totally unnecessary alienation between fans taking place. This alienation is mostly based on a) lack of knowledge, b) nonrational personal convictions and c) accumulating abysmal hatred towards other individuals and corporate bodies.

Eg even though and are linked to Randy Jackson as a "family source" / "family insider", some fans continue to claim that the "evil bad" MJ Estate would be providing info to these two sites because the "powers that be" (Randy Jackson quote often cited by some fans) would maintain an alleged smear campaign against the family.
Apart from the fact that Michael's estate is no party in the Jackson family's trial against AEG Live, to think that these statements who are clearly reported as being from a source within the family would be fake, is simpleminded and indicates a prejudiced way of looking at things.

Let me also explain this in detail:
In journalism you have protection of confidential sources which means that the identity of a source does not have to be disclosed to the public. HOWEVER if a statement that is published is untrue and is infringing personal rights, you can file a lawsuit in which the identity of the source will be disclosed in order to allow the plaintiff to request recovery of damages (eg damage to reputation).

Now let me remind you:'s article was the first one to contain claims by a "family source" who was suggesting (and the article emphasized on this several times) that the current AEG trial would be a main factor to Paris' personal issues.

And yet I am reading on forums and other social networks that the media or even fans would associate Paris' issues with the AEG Live trial. HUH?!!
There are ACTUAL QUOTES from that very "family source" which are now re-quoted, re-phrased etc.

Now I'm asking who on earth wants to tell oneself that AEG or the "evil bad" MJ Estate would have anything to do with this media exploitation which is all bringing public attention to the trial again, prompting another (desperate) attempt at intimidation towards AEG's lawyers for alternative dispute resolution.
Why attacking AEG?
Why attackig MJ Estate?
And WHY _ _ attacking other fans? REALLY?

The Jackson family is known to have been arguing out publicly for years since 2009.
Eg Randy Jackson knew very well about the formal error on Michael's will (which can't be faulted) in 2009 (source for his knowledge:, yet in 2012 he suddenly complained about it on Twitter like a little whining kid when it is a private matter - and no business of the general public - which the authorities have dealt with.

With all due respect, I like The Jackson 5 and The Jacksons as ARTISTS.
HOWEVER IMO people and fans MUST be able to distinguish between the Jacksons as artists/public figures and their real life personalities.

The real life personalities do not haveanything in common with the artists/public figures that have once sung:

All the colors of the world should be
Lovin' each other wholeheartedly
Yes, it's all right
Take my message to your brother and tell him twice
Spread the word and try to teach the man
Who's hating his brother, when hate won't do
When we're all the same, 'cause the blood inside me is inside you


Katherine Jackson is simply too old and naive. She's been a Jehovah's Witness for most of her life and she's supporting her children and children's children and is listening to all of them. Just think about Jermaine explaining their family's "little lion cubs" philosophy or how she was lulled by Howard Mann. Don't get me even started on Joe's illegal businesses who's still trying to exploit Michael's likeliness in countries that don't care much about the law and are far, far away from the MJ Estate's agency...

If you for once put aside the musical talent of a few Jackson family members, then there's just a family left that hardly enjoyed education and has been advised for many, many years by corrupt and dubious people (lawyers, managers, business associates etc.) that all knew there was always a way to make $$$ when working for that family. What shall we expect from such a family?
Even though they managed to escape from their rather poor social background, their newly acquired richness by itself did not make them smart and civilized. This recent acting up as "the musical family dynasty" and the sudden popping up of Twitter accounts and web sites to this effect by Jermaine, Randy & Co. are speaking for themselves.

And just to remind everyone that Randy Jackson wrote in 2012 in that "nice" defamatory letter adressing the allegedly "fraudulent" estate executors that the Jackson family would take their "evidence" to the proper authorities. LMAO!
A short excursus about the will again:
If Branca, Siegel and Green had forged a will, they would have known FOR SURE where Michael was on that specific date.
It further demonstrates well that it's a formal error only, an obvious slip of the pen which happens often(!!!) and is factored in by the law by requiring further strength of evidence.
It also makes ZERO sense for them to fake a will that is not any different to a previous one, they are not even beneficiaries by the will, they are administrators. They were so in the previous will, too. Why fake something without any advantage? There is not any sign of the 2002 will being fake.

Haven't we noticed something similar in the recent trial against AEG Live? The Jackson family's lawyers are struggling to build a case upon private emails of AEG staff. It's as doomed as Murray's defense was, yet those lawyers are getting paychecks from the family nonetheless, of course.

Life should be harmony in this world of self-destruction (Michael Jackson)
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Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I agree. It's one thing that TMZ says that. But I really hope those who are around Paris won't brush this whole thing aside that she's just being a drama queen. Unfortunately the Jacksons have a tendency of sweeping problems under the carpet instead of dealing with them, so I'm a bit afraid of how they will handle this.

That last TMZ piece is disgusting and I would like to know who their source is. If those photos yesterday in TMZ are true, then Paris has been self harming in the past and doing so in a fairly obvious place, it's an absolute cry for help it is not attention seeking, but if she has been doing that clearly in the past why is she not already in therapy - as far as we know anyway.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I agree. It's one thing that TMZ says that. But I really hope those who are around Paris won't brush this whole thing aside that she's just being a drama queen. Unfortunately the Jacksons have a tendency of sweeping problems under the carpet instead of dealing with them, so I'm a bit afraid of how they will handle this.

and what's really sad is that there are people out there who will say ''Oh it doesn't matter because she's Michael Jackson's daughter''
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I agree. It's one thing that TMZ says that. But I really hope those who are around Paris won't brush this whole thing aside that she's just being a drama queen. Unfortunately the Jacksons have a tendency of sweeping problems under the carpet instead of dealing with them, so I'm a bit afraid of how they will handle this.

It's very likey she is kept at the hospital for a psychiatric evaluation & if Paris actually called for help herself, then it's no longer only in the family's or Debbie's hands.

We'll see how it turns out, let's try not be too negative, she has good chances to recover completely. Other people are involved now, who are professionals.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

That last TMZ piece is disgusting and I would like to know who their source is. If those photos yesterday in TMZ are true, then Paris has been self harming in the past and doing so in a fairly obvious place, it's an absolute cry for help it is not attention seeking, but if she has been doing that clearly in the past why is she not already in therapy - as far as we know anyway.

All of Michael's kids could have benefitted some sort of councelling after their father passed, and some sort of guidance what to expect from media and how to deal with it. Michael was just pushed to the public without any awarness what is to come, but Katherine didn't have to do the same mistake with Paris or other ones.

I wonder if she is bullied by family members (the same way Michael was in his time) about her looks or what happened last summer wildfire episode? I know some of her cousins (granny-nappers kids) tweeted some nasty words towards Paris and unfollowed her because she let the cat out of the bag? It is Jackson's habit that what happens behind the walls, stays behind the walls and they are only supposed to show happy united front to the media. Paris doesn't fit in to their little box that they have tried to put her into, so they might be angry with her and takes swipes at her.

She needs someone who listens what she needs to say, not someone who tells her what to do.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I wish these kids all the luck in the world. Unfortunately they are going to need it to survive unscathed in this world without Michael here to look out for them. Everything has been a spiralling out of control mess since June 25, 2009.