5 years without Michael - June 25th

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Proud Member
Aug 4, 2011
As it is only one month to go, i hope it's ok, when i will put this thread to the news section.
I guess the coming days/weeks will give us some news...

Another 25th .....#wemissmj ...forever ! http://instagram.com/p/obIyqoHjlU/



24/05/2014 Pace Of Love ~MJ´s LEGACY Memorial Munich

Buy your rose for MJ! Last yr's final count was 13,447, ystrday's was 5,804. We have a month! http://onerose4mjj.blogspot.com/2014/03/annual-one-rose-for-michael-j-jackson.html
the worst day in my life :cry:.

Looking at those pictures what a beautiful man
worst day in my life. every year the same since 2009... why :(
Yes, I wish he was still here, and as I realize its been 5 years already, I can only think of how sad so many of us have felt and still are ...will we ever get "over" it?

I try to not let myself get down all the time, but try to enjoy everything he left for us to enjoy.
I am glad with the new album which gives us all an excuse to XSCAPE from real life ..
it feels like he opened up another door to us

Much strenght for everyone who's having a hard time dealing right now.
Together we will make it, keep the faith
Ahh thanks for the thread. I guess we will be posting flowers, messages, & thoughts. This year we have a new album, so in a sense we have a gift from Michael and I will be playing it on that day.
I was watching Living With Michael Jackson earlier and I realised something. Why people think MJ was weird. He was too full. There was just too much in him. I don't know if I'm making any sense, it's like 4am, but there was so much talent and so much love and so much pain and innocence and creativity and passion and generosity. More than I ever thought possible for one person to have, and more than I think any one person can bear long-term. People reacted to Michael like they would to Jesus and it's because he was literally otherwordly. People aren't meant to contain that much of anything. I don't think someone that full can ever be normal or even pretend to be normal, because they spend their entire lives overflowing with the extraordinary.
I was watching Living With Michael Jackson earlier and I realised something. Why people think MJ was weird. He was too full. There was just too much in him. I don't know if I'm making any sense, it's like 4am, but there was so much talent and so much love and so much pain and innocence and creativity and passion and generosity. More than I ever thought possible for one person to have, and more than I think any one person can bear long-term. People reacted to Michael like they would to Jesus and it's because he was literally otherwordly. People aren't meant to contain that much of anything. I don't think someone that full can ever be normal or even pretend to be normal, because they spend their entire lives overflowing with the extraordinary.

This is very beautiful. Where was the photo of Michael taken? YOu can see all the patches on his arms. Oh Michael the things you went through.
This is very beautiful. Where was the photo of Michael taken? YOu can see all the patches on his arms. Oh Michael the things you went through.
It's one of Frank Cascio's photos.
I was watching Living With Michael Jackson earlier and I realised something. Why people think MJ was weird. He was too full. There was just too much in him. I don't know if I'm making any sense, it's like 4am, but there was so much talent and so much love and so much pain and innocence and creativity and passion and generosity. More than I ever thought possible for one person to have, and more than I think any one person can bear long-term. People reacted to Michael like they would to Jesus and it's because he was literally otherwordly. People aren't meant to contain that much of anything. I don't think someone that full can ever be normal or even pretend to be normal, because they spend their entire lives overflowing with the extraordinary.
I agree; however, it is ironic the same people can not get enuf of him and still want to talk about him. As someone said on DL Hurgley show last week, "We just can not let MJ go".
I still miss him. ON SUnday, I just felt a feeling of depression. In the month of JUne, Lost my father and MJ (and my pet that died that I had for 12 years) and this season always bring up that feeling. And worst, it is hard because MJ should still be alive.
I'm sorry for you terrell

June 26 (early morning in europe when I heard it, before work) was the worst day ever for me! Also the following days. Needless to say I didn't go to work.
I even watched the dancer auditions video from TII 1-2 days before.

Still feels unreal.

I hope he is (finally allowed to be) happy now!
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I remember how the reality of losing you sank in oh so slowly and then crushed my heart swiftly and completely on the day of your Memorial. I remember watching your smiling face as you talked to Diana about being embarrassed and...how I knew, seeing your face at that moment, that you were no longer on Earth with us. I remember listening to your music... trying to find you....to hold on desperately to a part of you... not wanting to let you go. Five years later, this remains true.

The world goes on without you, dear Michael. But your music, your legacy, your love, is enduring. My every thought is you. I love you. I miss you. I hope you know. :heart:
Madame Tussauds to hold Michael Jackson night on June 13

Entertainment May. 28, 2014 - 06:40AM JST ( 0 )


Three new wax figures of Michael Jackson, spanning his life, are coming to Madame Tussauds Tokyo in Odaiba, from June 14 until Aug 17.

The three figures show Jackson when he was a member of the Jackson 5, during his BAD era and finally his Billie Jean era. With 13 figures made for Madame Tussauds London, Jackson—who died in 2009—is the most featured star in Madame Tussaud museums.

To celebrate the three new figures, Madame Tussauds Tokyo will hold a “Michael Jackson night,” showcasing the singer’s music and dance moves. Fans will also be able to dress up as Jackson at the event which will be hosted by DJ Hasebe.

The event will be held on Friday, June 13, from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Tickets cost ¥1500 each and can be purchased online.


MJJJusticeProject @MJJJusticePrjct · May 27.

So proud of the MJGlobal family trending #Respect4MJ -- The Love & Dedication for Michael is outstanding & beautiful !!
I was watching Living With Michael Jackson earlier and I realised something. Why people think MJ was weird. He was too full. There was just too much in him. I don't know if I'm making any sense, it's like 4am, but there was so much talent and so much love and so much pain and innocence and creativity and passion and generosity. More than I ever thought possible for one person to have, and more than I think any one person can bear long-term. People reacted to Michael like they would to Jesus and it's because he was literally otherwordly. People aren't meant to contain that much of anything. I don't think someone that full can ever be normal or even pretend to be normal, because they spend their entire lives overflowing with the extraordinary.

^^^ Just this. :heart: :cry: :heart: :cry:
Retweetet von Jackie Jackson
Off to Foreverland ?@ANeverlandDream 20 h.

WE miss this man, This smile, this love, this peace, THIS incredible human being. :( @JackieJackson5 pic.twitter.com/6JpyGLRFJR
5 Years Missing Michael Jackson- 2014 Ad in LA Daily News from MJGlobal family

“5 years Missing Michael” Is a group sending Michael Jackson roses to Holly Terrace on June 25th. Along with these roses to be delivered inside the Holly Terrace mausoleum, fans have the option to also contribute to a full-page tribute to him in the Los Angeles Daily News. This is the fourth year that Jody La, the organizer, has striven to create this full-page ad for Michael and we are fully behind the promotion of this most loving endeavor.

As in previous years, a Michael Jackson quote and message from his fans from all over the world adorn the ad. We feel this tribute is yet another display of the reknowned respect, love and dedication of Michael Jackson by his extended global family. What better way to demonstrate how profound the influence of this humble, generous and loveing individual has been worldwide?

Anyone wishing to participate in this year’s roses and the 2014 Ad in the Los Angeles Daily News paper- please do so by the Deadline: June 19, 2014. Roses are $4.00 – Any extra amount will be put toward the Ad and is greatly appreciatated and at this time the shortfall is only $500 -

Paypal: missingMichael1000days@yahoo.com —

Simply Sign-up for a paypal account on paypal. com. A credit card or bank account is required and an approval of the account will be sent via email. After receiving approval, simply log in, click on Send Money and type missingMichael1000days@yahoo.com in the email box, amount you wish to donate. and submit it. A confirmation from Paypal should be received after the submission/transaction is complete.

Your love will be part of a beautiful display of roses as in previous years, going into Holly Terrace. Be sure to include any message of love, respect and admiration you wish.
Forever Loving & Missing Michael Jackson facebook page- Translation are available on this page as well.

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Tom Mesereau,& Former MJ Friends celebrate his Life on the Fifth Anniversary of the Death of The Icon Micheal Jackson,at 9-10 we wil have friends of Michael Jackson (FriendsTBD) at 10pmest former attorney & Friend Tom Mesereau wil look back at this Icon ,We Will Celebrate The Life of this ICON looking back At The Man who brought us Thriller,Smooth Criminal,Bad,Billy Jean,Rock with you,,,Man in the Mirror,You Are not alone, They Dont Care About Us, Ghosts,We are the World,Heal The World,Jam,Remember the Time, You Rock my World, You are my life - June 23 9pmest please re-share

King Jordan TALK SHOW
on June 24 at 3:00 am
Michael is an eternal flower, immortalized within the moonlight.. in which he is twinkling bright among the night stars.. his angel encompassed the world into the hope that humanity can heal our wounded planet through us all coming together and joining in the adventure of love! he blessed this world, he walked in the wind with his harmonies sending shivers down people's spine.. One can not express the gratitude to a symphony of music.. but one can at least celebrate all that he was! from the moment he was born, till his last ever performance.. no light ever burnt brighter than Michael's & i'm sure that none ever will. We all L.O.V.E you Michael, we'll never let go of your message & your impact on all the desire, spell-bounding magic upon this world.. :heart:

When Michael died I had was thirty years old. My mum took me and my sister to a spa to celebrate in May of that year. I had got my this is it tickets for August. I was so excited being at the spa and then was so excited about going to the concerts. I knew I would feel the amazing feelings I have been lucky to have when seeing michael in concert. That Michael magic that is like a drug. It's like nothing in the world. Feeling his love and his goodness filing me up. Giving me the most natural high ever! I was eighteen when I went to the History concerts. That is around the time prince was baby, it's like my milestones were on a parallel to mine.
My life has forever changed on June 25th 2009. I heard it on Radio five live. My dad told me to come downstairs. It was saying he had a heart attack and was in a coma. Then it said he had died. My dad told me who is not an mj fan that he was really sorry. I remember seeing Latoya going into the hospital crying before they announced his death. I knew it must be bad. My world had been turned on its axis.
I had a mental breakdown a couple of months later.
Michael, since I was seven or 8 yrs old has always been there. Then get was gone. Just like that. My comfort was gone. I think he took a bit of me with him that day. I have learned to live with it now but it doesn't mean that I don't think about him a lot or miss him You don't get over it, you just learn to live with it.
If I could somehow jump in a time machine and make sure Michael never met Conrat I would.
I know that his death triggered a decline in my mental health. I suffer form generalised anxiety disorder.
Michael helped keep me going. His death was like having your anchor being ripped from you and being left to bob alone in the sea of life. I find that my faith had helped. My church was and had been very supportive of my live for Michael. They let me light our candle off him when he died, and talk about him. As I was talking a saw a woman in tears in one of the pews. It was a very intense moment to know that other people cared and were touched by his death. I also have has the opportunity to read Maya Angelous poem in church as well. I have and a poem about him published in our church newsletter. I have bought a rose for the oneroseformjj project.
I would live one day to see his final resting place, and get to tell him all the things that were never said. It was a great comfort to know that he came here and read our messages to and about him. That gives me some comfort. To know we loved him. I think maybe he is in heaven now and is having the childhood hey never had. I can see him in minds eye as a child again running through the fields of heaven free from the pain of this earth.
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