Alejandra Jackson to Have a Reality Show with Children by Jermaine and Randy & Also with Donte


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Jul 25, 2011
[SUB]Members of Michael Jackson's Extended Family Step Out of 'Bubble'
for New Reality Show

July 12, 2014 - 7:31 pm EDT

BEVERLY HILLS, California — Members of Michael Jackson's extended family are stepping out of what they call "the Jackson bubble" for a reality show.


picture from:

The six-episode show, debuting Nov. 18 on Reelz, focuses on Alejandra Jackson, the ex-wife of Michael's brother Jermaine, and her five children. After Michael's death five years ago, they left the Jackson family home in suburban Encino, a move that a clip from the show suggests wasn't their idea.

"We didn't want it to happen that way," Alejandra's daughter Genevieve said Saturday at the summer TV critics' tour.
Son Donte Jackson added, "Some of the politics came into play." At the same time, Genevieve said the family lived under constraints at the Encino house.

"We were very sheltered," she said. "There's a lot of outside people coming in and out of our house. We had to watch what we said."
Alejandra Jackson and her brood started a new life away from the home of grandparents Katherine and Joe Jackson. She had two children with Randy Jackson — Genevieve and Randy Jr. — and then married Randy's brother Jermaine, having sons Jaafar and Jermajesty. Alejandra has raised Donte since he was 2 after he was adopted by Katherine and Joe.

"It's a long story," Alejandra said about her love life.
Considering the amount of tabloid attention the Jackson family has received, why not keep their lives private?

"People already had a preconceived judgment of us and we weren't speaking," Randy Jr. said. "Now we feel comfortable enough to show how we really are."

“Living with the Jacksons” A Special Television Event To Premiere on REELZ November 18, 2014 – Plus, Network Sets Premiere Date For Original Reality Series “Polka Kings”

For the First Time Ever Viewers Will Get An Inside Look at Life Outside of the "Bubble" of the Jackson Family Estate. Plus, "Polka Kings" Premieres Tuesday, January 6, 2015 and Follows The Chardon Polka Band in Their Quest to Achieve Mainstream Success

Beverly Hills, CA (PRWEB) July 12, 2014
REELZ today announced a special television event – "Living with the Jacksons" (working title) featuring the Jackson family members who grew up inside the Jackson Family Estate and who are now living outside of it for the very first time. From the charmed and cursed life of the Jackson family, Alejandra Jackson emerges as a single mother to her five children: her two sons, Jaafar and Jermajesty from her marriage to Jermaine Jackson, Genevieve and Randy Jr., Alejandra’s daughter and son from her relationship with Jermaine’s brother Randy Jackson, and Donte, who Alejandra has raised since he was two years old. Together they are stepping outside of the inner world of the Jackson family and are ready to take on the world and embrace it with all the passion, joy, trials and tribulations that most families deal with but with one more ingredient that no one else on the planet has—they are Jacksons. "Living with the Jacksons" is produced by ID Productions.
“Jackson is the ultimate name in the world of entertainment and ‘Living with the Jacksons’ is an excellent fit for our network,” said Stan E. Hubbard, CEO of REELZ. “We are committed to providing a rich experience for our viewers and this family’s story of loyalty, heartbreak and perseverance is universally relatable.”

“The Jackson family’s journey has been a topic of interest for decades, and we’re fortunate to be able to share this first-hand account with our viewers,” said Rob Swartz, SVP of Development and Current Programming at REELZ. “The series provides an emotional and entertaining insight into an extraordinary yet familiar family dynamic, ideal for the network’s Hollywood Happens Here programming slate. ‘Living with the Jacksons’ is truly a show worth finding.”

*Working title

The Family


The mother of this amazing brood, Alejandra has navigated the press her entire life and has dealt with the drama of the Jackson family. Alejandra is from Colombia and has never lost her accent, something her kids repeatedly tease her about. As a single mother she has to grapple with letting go of her oldest children the same way all parents must but being a Jackson provides its own set of challenges. Turning her attention to her abandoned career path of fashion design, Alejandra partnered with her brother Franklin in Peru where they plan to relaunch her fashion line.


The oldest of Alejandra’s kids, Genevieve is a beautiful and gifted singer and performer facing the task of getting her stalled career and dreams back in high gear. But that won’t come easy and the tremendous expectations could short-circuit her ambitions if she isn’t careful. Beneath her dream lies the deep pain of an estranged relationship with her father, Randy Jackson, and on top of everything her love life is anything but simple. With an ex-boyfriend producer wanting to work with her, Genevieve has to convince her disapproving mother that she can handle dating and a career at the same time.

Randy Jr.

Alejandra and Randy Jackson’s oldest son, Randy Jr., dreams of becoming an actor, producer and mogul but needs extreme determination in order to face the high expectations that come with it. In stark contrast to his sister, Randy Jr. has set himself on a road of forgiveness with his father. He thinks his sister can’t let go of the pain and disappointment of the past and won’t be able to fully move forward if she doesn’t. Always the prankster, Randy Jr. is constantly getting in trouble and plotting the next joke. Like his sister he has a tight rope to walk with the pressures from his mother to focus more on his career and less on his social life.


Almost the same age as Randy Jr., Donte is the adopted son of Katherine and Joe Jackson. When Donte was two years old his birth mother granted full custody to Joe and Katherine who brought him to the Jackson Estate. Soon after, Alejandra and Jermaine fell in love with this beautiful child and raised him as their own. It was difficult for Donte when Alejandra and Jermaine divorced 13 years later but Alejandra was a passionate mother and never let him go. Donte is thoughtful, quiet and prefers to stay in the background until he’s sure of his surroundings. Donte is allowing his story to be told for the first time and his story of adoption is one that holds many surprises and will show the power of love this family holds like no other.


Jaafar is the 17-year-old heartthrob of the bunch and son of Jermaine and Alejandra Jackson. He has a surprising singing voice and his gentle manner disguises his mischievous ways. Like Randy Jr. he’s a big joker and is always looking for the best way to trick his sister and brothers. With his 18th birthday quickly approaching Jaafar is ready to celebrate in true Jackson fashion.


The youngest son of Alejandra and Jermaine Jackson is 13-year-old Jermajesty who is the baby of the family. He is playful and mischievous, and is always around looking for fun. Like his siblings, Jermajesty is working to mold his talents while living in the shadow of his famous aunt and uncle.


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Re: Alejandra Jackson to Have a Reality Show with Children by Jermaine and Randy & Also with Donte

Oh, great. I'm surprised Oprah didn't try to get this show for her network.

I will say that the kids are all gorgeous, though.
Re: Alejandra Jackson to Have a Reality Show with Children by Jermaine and Randy & Also with Donte

Okay! That show should be a very hot mess to watch. :upside_down:
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Re: Alejandra Jackson to Have a Reality Show with Children by Jermaine and Randy & Also with Donte

Alejandra and her children were living in a bubble ? give me a ****ing break
Re: Alejandra Jackson to Have a Reality Show with Children by Jermaine and Randy & Also with Donte

How nobodies in show business can have "reality" shows? :no: If it wasn't for Michael supporting the children instead of their deadbeat fathers, I wouldn't know who the hell they are, I don't think people will be interested. And yes, Alejandra and children are shameless liars and fame whores!
Re: Alejandra Jackson to Have a Reality Show with Children by Jermaine and Randy & Also with Donte

I hope they don't drag in Prince and Blanket for guest episodes. I mean on their own, they don't have much clout to draw in big viewer numbers. So I'm sure they've considered guest stars, and who else is better for that than their cousins - Michael's children? Sheesh...
Re: Alejandra Jackson to Have a Reality Show with Children by Jermaine and Randy & Also with Donte

I hope so too-but they probably will be. I watched the show that Tito's kids did in England recently on You Tube today. Taj, Taryll and TJ went through their life story and talked mainly about Dee Dee and Michael and a little about Janet. And a little about their own dad. But the end showed them at a family party at their house and all of these kids were there with Prince. (It's where some of those pictures came from-Donte's birthday party, etc) They all looked like they were having a great time and Prince seemed very comfortable with all of them-horsing around, etc. He looked very happy.
It seems everybody in the family wants a show biz career-no one has talked about going to college or anything.
Re: Alejandra Jackson to Have a Reality Show with Children by Jermaine and Randy & Also with Donte

Prince & Paris both want to go to college and they have real aspirations but their cousins just want to live the rich life
More tidbits from their press release:
Randy Jr., Jaafar, Donte, Genevieve, and Jermajesty Jackson didn’t have a normal childhood.

“Growing up we were very sheltered,” said 24-year-old Genevieve, during the TCA summer press tour panel Saturday for Reelz’ Living With the Jacksons. “…Coming from this family there’s a lot of politics involved in it and there was a lot of outside people coming in and out of our house. So we had to watch what we said, how we acted because the media, the world was looking at us.”

Living With the Jacksons, a six episode event series, follows the siblings - and their mother Alejandra - as they adjust to life outside the “Jackson bubble.” They lived in Hayvenhurst, the Jackson family estate, until their uncle Michael’s 2009 death.

“This is just a chance for us to openly and honestly express ourselves,” said Donte.

Despite their restrictive upbringing, the siblings - Jaafar and Jermajesty were Alejandra's children with Jermaine Jackson, while Donte, Genevieve and Randy Jr. were with Jermaine's brother Randy - were quick to defend their grandparents, Katherine and Joe Jackson, explaining that Katherine and Joe helped raise them.

“We weren’t reprimanded by them, more by the lifestyle,” said Donte.

The lifestyle included paparazzi camping outside the house, security guards, and waves of people coming and going.

Other highlights from the panel included:
—The siblings said they didn’t know growing up who liked them for them and who liked them for their last name. Randy explained that he would introduce himself as Randy Johnson to try to get to know the person first.

—Alejandra doesn’t mind that her older children are still living with her. “The longer they stay, I feel like is better for them.”

—On wether the name helps or hurts: “We just know that we have to work twice as hard,” said Randy, citing the pressure to live up to the name.

—The five of them fondly recalled their Uncle Michael, saying that he would play hide and seek with them and let them ride the Neverland rides. “He was such a tender, childlike, and the whole house would come to life,” said Alejandra. “He was just such a wonderful person.”

Living With the Jacksons bows on Reelz Nov. 18 at 8 p.m. ET/PT.
Re: Alejandra Jackson to Have a Reality Show with Children by Jermaine and Randy & Also with Donte

:puke: I don't know why they think talent is something one inherits, like it's genetic. . .it ISN'T! How presumptuous of them to think anyone in show business would even be interested in them (outside of this obvious attention-whoring money grab)!

Haven't they lived off of Mike's name and dime long enough? Funny how they don't ride their own fathers' jocks like they do their deceased uncle's. :smilerolleyes:
Re: Alejandra Jackson to Have a Reality Show with Children by Jermaine and Randy & Also with Donte

Yawn... who's going to watch?

The leach club is at it again.

Instead of going to college and get an education so they can later find decent jobs, they decide to waste their lives being fame whores.

So much for the first family of music or whatever they call themselves.
Re: Alejandra Jackson to Have a Reality Show with Children by Jermaine and Randy & Also with Donte

Oh, great. I'm surprised Oprah didn't try to get this show for her network.

because nobody will be watching.
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Re: Alejandra Jackson to Have a Reality Show with Children by Jermaine and Randy & Also with Donte

Alejandra and her children were living in a bubble ? give me a ****ing break


Maybe this is part of her deal with kj. doing reality shows as opposed to writing a tell-all book about the whole clan. with the reality TV Alexandra no longer can dish the dirt on Joe and KJ and the brothers she slept with.
Re: Alejandra Jackson to Have a Reality Show with Children by Jermaine and Randy & Also with Donte

Deary me How tacky. no doubt its all about using mj and his kids cause no one knows or cares about the rest of them.

living in the jackson bubble lol. She didnt mind living off mjs money and in his house in her bubble.
Re: Alejandra Jackson to Have a Reality Show with Children by Jermaine and Randy & Also with Donte

So Alejandra didn't write tell-all book after all, so she spills the beans on reality show.
According that introduction, it is 6 episodes, so in order to get longer run, they have to make it juicy so they get audience and possible second season. I wonder how they are going to make it juicy as none of them are interesting as their own?

"We didn't want it to happen that way," Alejandra's daughter Genevieve said Saturday at the summer TV critics' tour.
Son Donte Jackson added, "Some of the politics came into play." At the same time, Genevieve said the family lived under constraints at the Encino house.
"We were very sheltered," she said. "There's a lot of outside people coming in and out of our house.

This is were delusions comes in, their house? Since when it is their house? As far as I know it, the house was owned by Joe and Katherine, and later MJ so it was never their house. Outside people! Once again that "family" mantra, there is family and rest of people are outsiders, like some sort of Jackson cult.

" Alejandra has raised Donte since he was 2 after he was adopted by Katherine and Joe."

Well, that clears up some things.

Too bad that most of the family members are not taught that there are other professions to pursue other than being member of Jackson family.
Re: Alejandra Jackson to Have a Reality Show with Children by Jermaine and Randy & Also with Donte

According that introduction, it is 6 episodes, so in order to get longer run, they have to make it juicy so they get audience and possible second season. I wonder how they are going to make it juicy as none of them are interesting as their own?

Well, I think the Wade case is up for a decision on whether it should be thrown out without a hearing in October, and this airs in November...I really hope they are not going to incorporate discussion of the case. They may think that they can influence the public by saying nice things about Michael, but public opinion doesn't work like that...not when people are talking about their own relatives.
Re: Alejandra Jackson to Have a Reality Show with Children by Jermaine and Randy & Also with Donte

don't worry, defending MJ is the last thing that comes to their minds especially when they want to get public support. Don't ever think they will bring up any discussion about sexual allegations ; bad publicity.

They are two greedy and selfish to do that.

Expect MJ's kids to show up often , and be brought up all the time in discussions . This is their way of profiting off the kids without giving them anything. Unless another adult Jackson get upset for not getting a share of the pie Alejandrah will do her best to maxims the exploitation of MJ's kids .

I doubt Rebbie, Latoya, Randy and Jermaine will allow Alejandrah to get paid without having giving them something. So expect a lot of headache for the kids behind the scene
Re: Alejandra Jackson to Have a Reality Show with Children by Jermaine and Randy & Also with Donte

U think she would want to keep quiet the fact she went with two bros. makes u wonder if she ended up with joe considering donte

totally agree bubs. the delusion over our house is so jackson. outsiders coming in and out of the house. the outsiders prob had more right to be there than them. u worry about how they will exploit mj and the kids after all thats all the creaters of the show are intrested in
Re: Alejandra Jackson to Have a Reality Show with Children by Jermaine and Randy & Also with Donte

O.K. folks, "Brace yourself." My brother
thinks they are going to drum up interest by implying that Donte is the love child of the most famous member
of the Jackson family. Now, just who would that be?
The answer would be, of course: Michael Jackson.

If Alexandra does that she is a bigger whore than even I thought she was.

To quote Michael Jackson, "Some people will do anything for money."

Please, pray for Michael's real children: Prince, Paris, and Blanket.
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Re: Alejandra Jackson to Have a Reality Show with Children by Jermaine and Randy & Also with Donte

I don't understand who has these people as some kind of interest? Even most of the MJ fan community don't care about them THAT much.
Re: Alejandra Jackson to Have a Reality Show with Children by Jermaine and Randy & Also with Donte

The only intrest is using them to talk about mj and reveal some gossip (not like they ever saw him) or get ppb in the show. no doubt they will try and hype it up with revelations in the promo. the fact they are mjs extended family in the first line sums it up
Re: Alejandra Jackson to Have a Reality Show with Children by Jermaine and Randy & Also with Donte

don't worry, defending MJ is the last thing that comes to their minds especially when they want to get public support. Don't ever think they will bring up any discussion about sexual allegations ; bad publicity.

They are two greedy and selfish to do that.

Expect MJ's kids to show up often , and be brought up all the time in discussions . This is their way of profiting off the kids without giving them anything. Unless another adult Jackson get upset for not getting a share of the pie Alejandrah will do her best to maxims the exploitation of MJ's kids .

I doubt Rebbie, Latoya, Randy and Jermaine will allow Alejandrah to get paid without having giving them something. So expect a lot of headache for the kids behind the scene

They are all competing for reality TV. Jermnaine and his wife, Titos kids, Latoya, now jermaine ex-wife and his kids/nephews.

This is what happen when you have no talent or education. so the only route is reality TV.
Re: Alejandra Jackson to Have a Reality Show with Children by Jermaine and Randy & Also with Donte

U think she would want to keep quiet the fact she went with two bros. makes u wonder if she ended up with joe considering donte

That's also a possibility in that house of tacky. Incest all over the place.
Re: Alejandra Jackson to Have a Reality Show with Children by Jermaine and Randy & Also with Donte

Wasn't Donte brought by Joseph when he was 2 or 3 years old from Las Vegas? It's Joe's love child, not Michael's, how dare they? He doesn't even look like MJ but Joe and I highly doubt he liked messing with whores like Alejandra!
Re: Alejandra Jackson to Have a Reality Show with Children by Jermaine and Randy & Also with Donte

Yeah imho hes from one of joes affairs
Re: Alejandra Jackson to Have a Reality Show with Children by Jermaine and Randy & Also with Donte

I don't know guys, but I laughed at LaToya's idea of a tacky reality show after we heard her video introduction, and guess what, that show is still alive in tv land. Now here comes Alejandra and her brood in a reality show, so maybe there is an audience for that too. There seems to be an audience for every smutty, foolish, drivel show even if it lasts only 6 episodes or one season. Since reality shows are not real anyway and a team suggests what should be done/said, then I guess they could find some good writers to make 6 good episodes. If the individuals, themselves, are interesting to people, they will watch this thing. Regardless, I am sure they offered her some money up front, so she will be a little richer than she was before.

I see she did not say she was kicked out of the home because she was leaching off an unemployed elderly woman, and a man who was not the kids father, so the man's estate told her it was time to go or find a job. When she did not want to go or find a job, the man's estate put her up in a condo. I guess this is what she calls politics, so be it. Glad she found a job though. As long as she does not damage Michael in her show, I wish her well. Let her make her money.
Re: Alejandra Jackson to Have a Reality Show with Children by Jermaine and Randy & Also with Donte

It's a pity they had to call it 'Living with the Jacksons''s too reminiscent of 'Living with Michael Jackson'.

Here's another summary:

The series focuses on Alejandra's family, which can be a little confusing... her children are Genevieve and Randy Jr. by Randy Jackson, and Jaafar and Jermajesty by Jermaine Jackson, plus Donte, who was originally adopted by Joe and Katherine Jackson. All were present at the panel today, and did not openly admit to having any issues with their cousins being their half-siblings, or an uncle acting as a father figure. They all live together, and collaboratively afford their house outside of the sheltered Jackson Family Estate, though they still get together with their cousins at least every weekend... and there are 29 family members in the generation!

Family has long been important to the Jackson clan, and Genevieve, Randy Jr., and Jaafar all have memories of playing with the Uncle Michael at the Neverland Ranch - riding the attractions, eating candy, and even tossing water balloons at one another. Alejandra recalls Michael as "tender and child-like," and his presence causing "the whole house [to] come alive," as "he was just such a wonderful person."

Although they find nothing unusual about their own family makeup, they do have a lot of trust issues of the outside world, due to growing up in a fishbowl of sorts. Randy Jr., 21 years old, sometimes introduces himself with a different surname to avoid having people judge him on his family history. Each member of the family hopes to make their own individual marks in the world, so tune in to find out more about their interests and what their lives are really like.

Watch Living with the Jacksons on Reelz beginning November 18th at 8pm ET/PT. Reelz can be found on 238 DirecTV, 299 DISH, 233 FiOS, and 799/1799 U-Verse, plus other carriers.
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Re: Alejandra Jackson to Have a Reality Show with Children by Jermaine and Randy & Also with Donte

Is Reelz a new network, and is it stationed in LA?

Myosotis maybe they wanted that name to make an obvious connection to a famous uncle who had a similar name. It seems they are using the fame of Michael to help push this thing, but we expected that. The article mentions the cousins, and I guess they mean Michael's children, so here we go. How about the one using a different last name at times, and here he is on a reality show using that same Jackson name to sell himself and his show. I wonder if he realized what he is saying.. Why do they have trust issues with the outside world, when no one really followed them. They were just some kids in Michael's house, and most people did not have any interest in them. Ask most fans or media if they followed those kids and they will tell you no. It seems they are trying to make their social situation similar to that of Michael who was famous, photoed, talked about, lied about and could not go around easily in peace.
Re: Alejandra Jackson to Have a Reality Show with Children by Jermaine and Randy & Also with Donte

Yeah imho hes from one of joes affairs

The rumor is that Donte is the son of Alejandra and Joseph Jackson, and I believe this rumor is, indeed, true.