[Discussion] Sexual Abuse Claims Against MJ Estate - Robson/ Safechuck/ Doe

Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate


You do know Corey Feldman was a victim, but certainly not at the hands of MJ, as he has repeatedly stated? The fact he had a normal relationship with MJ but was terribly abused by some completely unrelated "Hollywood mogul" is rather curious and casts serious doubt on all MJ accusers. He has nothing but admiration for MJ.

Yes, of course, but the haters only care and only want it to be MJ.

The fact that he was a drug addict with such a messy teenage/early twenties, is something they wish they could use as a basis for him being abused by MJ, not caring about who really did abuse him or what damage that caused. It's just like the police officers in 1993 - they kept telling other kids that MJ was the reason for Corey's drug addiction, even though at the time Corey had stated he was abused already by others, and told the police that, but they didn't care. It was MJ who they wanted to blame it on, just like these haters.

I mean it's interesting how he praises MJ now, talks about him as an older brother, someone who helped him at the time, etc - and how he HATES his real abusers, has no compassion or concern for them at all. Very different from Safechuck and Wade.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

That what i am saying Wade and James do not act like they have been abuse there is no hate there it all love and the way they tell it they did not think anything was wrong. Now that MJ is gone Wade and James now discovery it was wrong (shaking my head)
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

They are all knobjockeys if I met them on the street Id punch them out in the name of frustration, truly and honesty. its just so sad how low people go .
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

They are all knobjockeys if I met them on the street Id punch them out in the name of frustration, truly and honesty. its just so sad how low people go .

Great to see the word knobjockey being used :)
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

That's the new one?
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Do we have to click on Radar to read it?? Or is it straight to the PDF file?

It's a PDF.

I read it now.


- Despite of what Desiree said in her article, Safechuck doesn't just claim he just recently connected the dots that there is a connection between his anxiety issues and the alleged sexual abuse. He claims, just like Robson, he did not know it was wrong until recent therapy.

- He claims MJ did not threaten him with physical violence but told him their "lives would be finished" which he believed because he had "no reason to doubt or question what he said". He continues to repeat this over and over again throughout his declaration. That this threat by MJ that "his life would be finished" if anyone found out had a lasting impression on him and kept him in terror and fear all his life, until recent therapy.

- He claims he lived in fear and continued to live in fear even afte MJ's death because of his fame and worldwide popularty which only grew every day. He harps a lot on MJ's fame, money and popularity as a reason why he did not claim this earlier. MJ's popularity kept him in fear and terror and that's why he did not claim this until recently.

- He was in the Earth Song video as a double (the hands scratching the ground are his).

- He was in a musical band until 2003-04 (so he did try to get into showbiz).

- He claims that MJ continued to call him after 2003-04 once or twice a year. Claims that either MJ was intoxicated and ask him about his sex life or would tell him they would do something great together. He claims that this was MJ's subtle way of keeping him in check and intimdate him. This is a new element, we did not hear it before, nor did D mention it in her article, so I wonder if he just newly threw this in the mix to explain how this so called "intimidation" was kept up for so long.

- We discussed earlier that claim that MJ allegedly threatened him that he would get him for perjury. We discussed that it did not make sense because for MJ to claim he perjured himself in 1993 MJ would need to say that he did abuse him, which of course would be more incriminating to himself than to Safechuck. Because it did not make sense I assumed that he maybe meant that in case Safechuck would testify for the prosecution MJ would get him for perjury - that way it would make more sense. But no, indeed he claims that MJ told him he would get him for perjury because of his 1993 testimony. Well, this way it does not make any sense.


- The whole supposed confession to his mother. I don't know if in earlier documents he claimed he told his mother he was abused, but now he kind of backtracked on that if he did, because now he claims he just told his mother some vague things:



Okay. Again, how does this make sense? "Please don't tell him you know anything"? But his mother didn't know anything. And as a mother after all this you would not ask your son what the hell he is talking about?



Why the heck would MJ keep pressuring him towards the end of his trial when testimony about Safechuck was not even allowed? And someone should tell him already that no cooks testified about him. Also, why would MJ tell him that Gavin just wanted money and why would he expect James to believe him when he supposedly molested him?

- "I was even unwiling to continue with a family tradition and give my son the name "James"".
Somehow that too is supposed to be MJ's fault. LOL.

Then he goes into this whole I was in fear, intimidated by MJ's power, popularity etc. He actually tries to play on the Judge's emotions and people's prejudices by playing this whole "me little David vs. this big Goliath" thing. The whole "celebrity justice" narrative.





Trying to push out his 60 day period given in PC 9103. Now he claims despite of going to therapy in May 2013 after seeing Wade he did not acknowledge and face what allegedly happened to him until late 2013. So does he claim he first went to Robson's lawyers and only then realized there was something wrong with allegedly being abused?



Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

When you have to redo legal claim can your of claim be used against you?
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

So James is saying he understood this long ago, that he saw Gavin's family be ruined, he was terrified he'd be ruined when he saw Wade come forward, and all of this time what was holding him back was fear? So how does fear get you around the statute of limitations? WHAT AM I MISSING????

And that is a bunch of lies about Michael and his attorneys calling him and his parents over and over and over to testify. If Michael was a child molester, he wouldn't be that stupid.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

There are odd statements in Section 5, which don't 'match' each other. There seem to be subtle implications of 1993 'evidence tutoring', but then a turn-around:

'In 1993 I had testified for the decedent in the Jordan Chandler sexual abuse trial. .........The decedents lawyers rehearsed questions and answers with me, and I did what I was told'

The word 'rehearse' implies some form of tutoring, but he goes on to say 'I did what I was told'...not 'I said what I was told'. So he is maybe implying an untruth (he was told what to say) but not actually stating an untruth ('did what he was told'... which is presumably to attend the Grand Jury hearing (is that right?), but not actually 'saying what he was told to say'...because he actually wasn't 'told' what to say.

Also, In Section5, he says 'During the Jordan Chandler trial, I was a young teenager'. This seems to be misleading as regards his expected level of understanding.If he was born in 1978 (S3), he would have been aged 15 during the Chandler trial (is that right?). It is quite hard to believe that a 15 year old would not understand the difference between 'love' and 'abuse, especially when the 'love' is to be kept secret 'or our lives would be destroyed', and he is being asked to provide testimony to a Grand Jury regarding alleged abuse.

The real motivation for the current allegations and attempted money grab appears to be in para 7:
'7- In 1997, when I was 19 I enrolled in Moorpark Community College because I thought community college would be easier for me to try to get good enough grades so I could try to get into USC. I was never able to do that, and was never able to get the University education I had always wanted because of the decedent's overpowering influence over me and my parents'.

(In S13 he mentions using drugs (unspecified type) in 2003 -05 to 'numb himself' and also to using drugs (unspecified) before then. Maybe that had something to do with his lack of success.)
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Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Jordan Chandler trial?.... Oh yeah
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

From a legal POV I can see how he attempts to claim things which would get him around statutes of limitations. He tries to claim two things to support why he could not file his complaint earlier than he did:

- MJ telling him as a child that if anyone found out his "life would be finished". And he claims this threat kept him in fear and terror until recently.
- MJ's popularity as a reason why he was afraid that he would be shunned.

Of course, all of this is hard to believe.

Safechuck could see that neither Jordan's or Gavin's lives were over after accusing MJ. He claims that the Arvizos were pariahs in the media after accusing MJ, but that's just not true. Most of the media were on the accuser's side, not on MJ's. As well as public opinion was on the accusers' side, with polls showing most people thought he was guilty.

For the same reason he cannot claim somehow MJ's popularity and fame stood in the way for him in 2005. MJ was anything but very popular or powerful in 2005.

Now, from the POV of statutes of limitations, the problem for him is that even after seeing Robson on TV in May 2013 and seeing a therapist in May 2013 he did not file his complaint until a year later. He is now trying to circumvent that by claiming that he somehow needed the birth of his second child in August 2013 to realize things (despite of already being in therapy for it in May 2013...) and he claims: "it was only after I began a regular course of therapy in late 2013... that I was able to acknowledge and face what happened to me."

We know from other docs that he contacted Robson's lawyers in October 2013. But even if the Judge accepted it was "true" when he said he did not "acknowledge and face what happened to [him]" until about that time I still cannot see it getting him around the statute. His problem is that even after contacting Robson's lawyers they waited another 8 months to file. Not 60 days. (Apparently it was more important for his filing to intervene with the release of Xscape than to be within the 60 days given in Probate Code 9103.) Those 8 months are hard to explain. You contacted the lawyer of another guy with similar claims and you claim you still did not know or realize you were abused/it was wrong/your psychological problems are linked to alleged abuse (whichever version he claims) until 6-8 months later? Doesn't make any sense.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

If you didn't know you were a abused why you contacting lawyers?
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

So how does fear get you around the statute of limitations? WHAT AM I MISSING????

Well, he needs to claim something that would keep him in such terror and fear that he was not able to make his claim earlier. I think it has to do with equitable estoppel (that's what they try to use to get around statutes). Like we discussed here before equitable estoppel is a doctrine which says that legally no one is allowed to benefit from his own wrongdoing. In cases of alleged sexual abuse this is usually when an abuser threatens a victim so that he or she would not be able to make a claim within statutes of limitations. Or if the abuser misleads the victim so that he or she would not be able to make a claim within statutes - for example he misleads the victim about the victim's legal possibilities. It's things like that why equitable estoppel is usually applied.

Apparently Safechuck's attempt to achieve that is this claim that because of MJ's alleged threat that his life would be finished and because of MJ's popularity he was in terror and fear all his life which made him unable to file earlier. I personally doubt if such a claim would be enough to invoke equitable estoppel though.

Here is a post I wrote last December about their whole equitable estoppel argument: http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/t...tate/page611?p=4063086&viewfull=1#post4063086

That still stands. Even if they now somehow manage to shift his great epiphany to the end of 2013 (which is what they are trying to do with this latest declaration), it still would not work because even after meeting Robson's lawyers he still did not file for another 8 months. How can you claim you did not know you were abused and it was wrong and your psychological problems are linked to it when you already contacted a lawyer to sue someone for sexual abuse?


And yes, acc. to that Estate demurrer he did claim initially that he told his mother in 2005 he was abused. That looks like a direct quote from his complaint:


Now he is trying to backtrack from that, for obvious reasons, because it is not good for his equitable estoppel argument. So now he claims did not tell his mother he was abused, just some vague thing about "something bad happened".
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Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I'm confused on one hand he didn't know it was wrong. On the other hand he didn't come forward because he was afraid?
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Well, he needs to claim something that would keep him in such terror and fear that he was not able to make his claim earlier. I think it has to do with equitable estoppel (that's what they try to use to get around statutes). Like we discussed here before equitable estoppel is a doctrine which says that legally no one is allowed to benefit from his own wrongdoing. In cases of alleged sexual abuse this is usually when an abuser threatens a victim so that he or she would not be able to make a claim within statutes of limitations. Or if the abuser misleads the victim so that he or she would not be able to make a claim within statutes - for example he misleads the victim about the victim's legal possibilities. It's things like that why equitable estoppel is usually applied.

OK, thanks. That makes a little more sense now.

Now he is trying to backtrack from that, for obvious reasons, because it is not good for his equitable estoppel argument. So now he claims did not tell his mother he was abused, just some vague thing about "something bad happened".
But what mother or father wouldn't press their kid to find out exactly what they were talking about? And if their kid doesn't talk, obviously, Mom and Dad were talking to Michael on the phone and wouldn't you start asking HIM about it?? You wouldn't just have a nice conversation with the guy, and then say "sure, I'll testify for you."
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

The real motivation for the current allegations and attempted money grab appears to be in para 7:
'7- In 1997, when I was 19 I enrolled in Moorpark Community College because I thought community college would be easier for me to try to get good enough grades so I could try to get into USC. I was never able to do that, and was never able to get the University education I had always wanted because of the decedent's overpowering influence over me and my parents'.

I agree. I noticed that besides the greed it's always about some sort of entitlement with these kind of people. There is also this:


It seems like he had many showbiz aspirations (music, directing) but all of them failed. And didn't he say earlier that by about 1996-97 he and MJ drifted away? I so want to see his original complaint but these things about 2003-04 seem like new claims compared to that. So far everything I read from his complaint suggested that his contact with MJ ended some time around 96-97. Now he claims MJ still kept calling him once or twice a year "intoxicated" to "keep him in check" and somehow he still controlled his life in 2003-04? How? With those annual calls, once or twice in year?
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I'm going through some old posts here, because I kind of forgot them since. LOL. So here is a thing I found about equitable estoppel vs. delayed discovery: http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/t...tate/page610?p=4062994&viewfull=1#post4062994

This shows well why Safechuck needs to allege some sort of intimidation rather than just thinking it was "love". In the latter case it would be delayed discovery not equitable estoppel.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

The real motivation for the current allegations and attempted money grab appears to be in para 7:
'7- In 1997, when I was 19 I enrolled in Moorpark Community College because I thought community college would be easier for me to try to get good enough grades so I could try to get into USC. I was never able to do that, and was never able to get the University education I had always wanted because of the decedent's overpowering influence over me and my parents'.

Cry me a River.

Also, I notice he mentions Michael prophesying to him, too. These guys are unbelievable.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

BTW, he also seems to sue Michael's companies, not just Michael. Michael's companies are called DOES 2 and 3.


And for him to be this anxious litte wreck that did not come forward before because of publicity, he made sure to run to Diane Dimond to get her report about his complaint when it was hardly even filed yet - and actually it was apparently more important for him that his complaint would interfere with the release of Xscape than to be within 60 days of PC 9103....

The next hearing date is July 21, 2015.
respect77;4082295 said:
I agree. I noticed that besides the greed it's always about some sort of entitlement with these kind of people. There is also this:


It seems like he had many showbiz aspirations (music, directing) but all of them failed. And didn't he say earlier that by about 1996-97 he and MJ drifted away? I so want to see his original complaint but these things about 2003-04 seem like new claims compared to that. So far everything I read from his complaint suggested that his contact with MJ ended some time around 96-97. Now he claims MJ still kept calling him once or twice a year "intoxicated" to "keep him in check" and somehow he still controlled his life in 2003-04? How? With those annual calls, once or twice in year?

About this.

I really would love to see his initial complaint. I'm intrigued if these claims about 2003-2004 and continous contact with MJ are in it or this is a new element. It appears to be the latter, at least it is in no earlier versions I heard about this. In fact, even in that lengthy presentation by that hater, D, she actually says: "Nearly ten years passed (after about 1996) before Jackson made another self-serving appearance in James’s life." So it seems like he did not claim anything about keeping contact with MJ between 1996 and 2004-05. But now:


I can see why this change would be needed if indeed it's a new claim compared to his initial complaint. I guess in his initial complaint he tried to play on the narrative that MJ drops kids when they grow up (not true, but a very presistent media myth). However now for his equitable estoppel argument, to explain how MJ had a grip on him all these years and why he could not come forward earlier, he has to establish some sort of continious control by MJ over him. So these claims now appear. How convenient.

And he should not volunteer to give a legal analysis of the Arvizo case because he only makes himself look demagogue and ridiculous.



And if he was so conserned for "justice" for Gavin he should have testified for him.

IMO this is also an attempt to try to manipulate Judge Bleckoff.
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Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

But all this I was concerned for justice and I was afraid you just makes it fairly obvious to me that he knew it was wrong
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

how can any one claim with a straight face that hE was abused 100 times, sympathized with Gavin and his family, understood what they were going through but he hand never considered that his "issues" might have been related to those 100 incidents of abuse. FOR GOD'S SAKE is this even a REASONABLE ARGUMENT.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

where can we read the legal documents ?
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I still get the feeling that James is like 4 steps behind Wade, and where he is now is where Wade was around 6 months ago when all he had was a hearsay of something "the deceased" allegedly told him that made him feel threatened, no soild evidences to support it, which the Estate already answered on Wade's case and the judge seemed to think it wasn't enough either. I get a little deja vu with this back and forth thing. I know these are 2 seperate cases but I'm not sure I understand why James' lawyers don't go ahead of what they already know they will be asked for because they have the exact same claims with Wade. I guess it will be considered as shooting themselves in the foot if they do.

Anyhow Safechuck's new desperate declaration isn't too overwhelming to me. In my opinion as weak as we think Wade's case is, Safechuck's case looks much weaker and nothing changed it.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Give me a break. Gavin and his family were nothing more but a bunch of scheming con artists who made a living from lying/extortion. It was revealed in court documents that the mother Janet Arvizo had met with a civil attorney about suing Michael Jackson for sexual abuse BEFORE she even met him, which shows that the whole thing was a set up from the beginning. They set out to meet Michael Jackson for the sole purpose of scamming him just like how they scammed JCpenny and many others. They were not only found to have lied in the past but were also caught in numerous lies on the witness stand. They were a total disaster for the prosecution and that is why Jackson was acquitted of all counts, so enough with this whole "oh he's a superstar, he's above the law, nobody can take him down" blah, blah, blah...Only an idiot would believe that Jackson would ask a child whom he had planned to molest to appear in a documentary with him that's going to air on national tv and sit there holding hands with the child and talk about sleeping in the same bedroom and then after the documentary airs and he is under severe worldwide scrutiny for allegations of being a pedophile, he then starts molesting the boy and committing all those heinous acts. Perhaps people should try doing some research on pedophiles and see how they operate.
ivy;4080594 said:
as for delayed discovery vs. 340.1 , allow me to copy La_cienega's post from LSA

Well, we can see why he's claiming he didn't "understand" it was wrong:

Prior to the 1990 amendments to C.C.P. 340.1, California courts all but refused to apply the delayed discovery doctrine to in childhood sexual abuse cases. It was not until the 1990 decision in Evans v. Eckleman, supra, that a California appellate court, while not deciding whether the discovery rule applied to the facts of the case, left open the possibility that the plaintiffs could amend their complaint, to invoke the rule, by alleging "unawareness" that the abuse was wrongful, or repression of the abuse.29

California courts have routinely followed the DeRose decision where the court distinguished two types of case fact patterns in reference to the delayed discovery rule. Plaintiffs who alleged complete repression of the molestation would be entitled to delayed accrual of the statute, while those who did not allege repression of the abuse, but instead argued that other factors had caused their delay in filing suit were not entitled to the rule.
In DeRose, the court held that the allegations within plaintiff's complaint, including that the abuse was "against plaintiff's will and without her consent" and that she "felt great fear," precluded an application of the discovery rule. (Id. at p. 1017)
DeRose was allegedly molested by her step-grandfather over an eight-year period, beginning when she was four years old. She filed suit some thirteen years after the last incident of abuse. The court, reviewing Section 340.1(d), declined to apply the discovery rule, stating that the statutory language "…does not mandate application of the delayed discovery doctrine in any particular case." (Id. at p. 1020) The legislative intent, the court reasoned, was to "avoid the implication" that the longer statutory period was a "rejection" of the discovery doctrine. (Id. at p. 1020)

Sexual Abuse & Delayed Discovery - California Abuse Victim Attorneys

Cases involving this discovered trauma thing and how they tend to get dismissed:
Whatever the context, the delayed discovery doctrine applies only when a plaintiff has not discovered all of the facts essential to the cause of action. Conversely, if the plaintiff has discovered all of the essential facts, the doctrine does not apply. In this case, the allegations of the complaint leave no doubt that DeRose was actually aware long ago of the facts necessary to state a cause of action against Carswell based upon the sexual assaults. In her complaint, DeRose alleged affirmatively that the assaults "were all committed against plaintiff's will and without her consent" and that, "[a]t the times of said sexual molestation, plaintiff felt great fear and acceded to defendant's acts due to her perceptions of his greater size and strength and his ability and intent to carry out his threats of harm." The immediate harm caused by the alleged assaults gave DeRose a right to sue at that time. (Sonbergh v. MacQuarrie (1952) 112 Cal. App. 2d 771, 773-774 [247 P.2d 133].)

DeRose argues that her cause of action did not accrue until she experienced later emotional harm and recognized its connection with the earlier [196 Cal. App. 3d 1018] assaults. There are, indeed, times when awareness of a wrongful act does not carry with it awareness of harm. That is true, for example, when an incorrect pharmaceutical prescription cannot be appreciated as tortious until it has caused harm. (See, e.g., G. D. Searle & Co. v. Superior Court, supra, 49 Cal. App. 3d 22.) [3] An assault, however, which by definition is perceived as unconsented to and offensive, causes harm as a matter of law. (Sonbergh v. MacQuarrie, supra, 112 Cal. App. 2d at pp. 773-774.) [2b] For us to hold that no cause of action accrued until 13 years after the assault would suggest, incorrectly, that a victim of sexual assault cannot sue unless and until there are delayed consequences.
If DeRose could and did allege that she repressed her memories of the sexual assaults until one year before filing her complaint, she might be able to invoke the delayed discovery rule. fn. 1 [4] While the assaults that DeRose has alleged caused serious harm as a matter of law, DeRose could not logically be charged with awareness of the harm if she had not been aware of the assaults. In fact, there are allegations in the complaint that might be read to suggest that this was the case. DeRose, however, both in the superior court and on appeal, disclaimed that interpretation of the complaint. While we must construe the complaint to state a cause of action, if possible, there is no rule that compels us to interpret the complaint to allege particular facts which the pleader disavows.

In the relevant portions of her complaint, DeRose alleges that Carswell's acts caused her to develop "psychological mechanisms" and "psychological illnesses" which "prevented her from knowing, recognizing and understanding the nature or extent of her injuries ... and the causal relationship between her present injuries and defendant's past acts." Elsewhere in her complaint, DeRose alleges that she failed to discover "the fact of her injuries and their cause." At the hearing on the demurrer, the superior court specifically discussed with DeRose's counsel the interpretation and effect of the complaint's delayed discovery allegations. Counsel's remarks made it clear that DeRose does not interpret her own complaint to allege that she had repressed her memories of the sexual assaults. "[Counsel]: And the medical literature we cited in the brief I think attests to the fact that there are times, frankly, and it's in the literature, where they're fn. 2 not even aware of the initial [196 Cal. App. 3d 1019] wrongful act after years of therapy. [¶] I recall -- The Court: That's not an issue here. [Counsel]: Not as alleged. Not as alleged."

Counsel's response, "[n]ot as alleged," naturally raised the question whether DeRose could make such allegations if afforded leave to amend. The court also asked this question, and counsel's response demonstrated that DeRose would not be able to make the necessary allegations. "The Court: She was aware of the fact she was injured? [Counsel]: Correct. [¶] Well, she was aware she was molested. And she was aware of the wrongful act. [¶] It's a tort, and we are talking four elements here. We are talking wrongful -- The Court: She was aware of the wrongful act. She was aware of the incidents that took place. [Counsel]: True." Counsel went on to explain the very different theory underlying this action: "But the key thing is the other element of the tort, namely proximate causation, we are saying that it was not until the plaintiff began receiving psychological therapy that she began to make the connection and was able to make the connection between her present injuries and the earlier misconduct."
On appeal, DeRose's position has not changed. She does not suggest that she repressed the memories of the sexual assaults. [5] [2d] Instead, she argues that, "although appellant here was aware of the repeated sexual molestation that occurred, it is alleged that she was unaware of the later serious and ongoing injuries that have plagued her in her adult life until of [sic] one year of the filing of the complaint." fn. 3
As a matter of law, for the reasons discussed above, DeRose's allegations do not justify application of the delayed discovery doctrine. Because she has disclaimed the ability to make the allegations that might justify the doctrine's application, the court properly sustained the demurrer.

DeRose v. Carswell (1987) 196 Cal. App. 3d 1011 [242 Cal. Rptr. 368] :: Volume 196 :: Cal. App. 3d :: California Case Law :: US Case Law :: US Law :: Justia

In Snyder, supra, plaintiff's sexual abuser was a former Boy Scout leader who allegedly sexually assaulted plaintiff over a three-year period. Plaintiff's complaint was filed in 1985, a little more than four years after the last incident of abuse, and several months after plaintiff's 19th birthday. Plaintiff's delay in filing suit, he alleged, was due to "embarrassment, humiliation, fear and sorrow" over the abuse. (Id. at p. 1322)
In opposing defendant's motion for summary judgment based upon the one-year statute of limitations (Section 340[3]), plaintiff presented the declaration of a psychiatrist who opined that embarrassment, humiliation and fear were "byproducts of post-traumatic syndrome" which explained plaintiff's delay in divulging the abuse earlier. (Id. at p. 1322) In refusing to apply the discovery rule, the court emphasized that plaintiff had established in his own declaration that he had suffered "appreciable harm" before his eighteenth birthday. (Id. at p. 1324) The statute began running on Snyder's eighteenth birthday since all of the facts essential to plaintiff's cause of action were known by him at that time. (Id. at p. 1324)'

Basically, if you state you experience something traumatic then you will obviously be going through trauma as it's happening and later on. You don't just "discover" that later on.

This court case actually gives more validity to repressed memories in that way - which is funny because Harvey Levine said the same thing, that repressed memories made more sense.

But now it makes sense why he's claiming he didn't understand it was wrong until last year. It's his way of trying to circumvent the statutes.

The court stopped short, however, of a wholesale extension of the delayed discovery rule to cases involving adults who sue for injuries suffered as a result of childhood sexual abuse. In order to successfully argue that the discovery rule applies, the court stated:
"For plaintiffs to prevail they must be able to show they remained unaware of, and had no reason to suspect, the wrongfulness of the conduct until a time less than three years before the action was filed." (Id. at p. 1619) (Emphasis added)

Anyway, that's made all the more ridiculous with him having testified about it twice before.

Therefore, where the victim does not purport to have repressed the abuse itself, but instead alleges only to have recently discovered the extent of their psychological injuries from the abuse, tolling of the statute does not occur. (Evans, supra, at p. 1620)
Doesn't sound good for him, doesn't sound like it would make it to a hearing.

He needs to go back to the repressed angle.

Reading this makes it all the more obvious how this is orchestrated. He made sure to say he didn't understand it until 1 year ago, which is what he needs to legally claim. He's trying to make this case work.

All I know from reading this post that both Robson and Safe**** don't stand a chance. Even for Robson who claims he did not understand it was wrong , it will not work. Did not he say under oath that he would not allow his son to share a bed with a grown man who has the same book collection MJ had? Does not this one small example demonstrates that he understood showing such books to kids was wrong ? How does he claim he did not understand then?

He testified at a trial where a man was standing to be jailed for 20 years for merely TOUCHING Gavin Arviso , still he did not understand that 7 years of rape could be considered wrong . Ok makes perfect sense.
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Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I still get the feeling that James is like 4 steps behind Wade, and where he is now is where Wade was around 6 months ago when all he had was a hearsay of something "the deceased" allegedly told him that made him feel threatened, no soild evidences to support it, which the Estate already answered on Wade's case and the judge seemed to think it wasn't enough either. I get a little deja vu with this back and forth thing. I know these are 2 seperate cases but I'm not sure I understand why James' lawyers don't go ahead of what they already know they will be asked for because they have the exact same claims with Wade. I guess it will be considered as shooting themselves in the foot if they do.

Anyhow Safechuck's new desperate declaration isn't too overwhelming to me. In my opinion as weak as we think Wade's case is, Safechuck's case looks much weaker and nothing changed it.

yep. that's right. his case comes off as a carbon copy of robson's except some minor changes here and there.

still, his case remains a case of delayed discovery (connection between the psychological harms, if any at all, and the alleged abuse) and because of that he's still bared by the 60 days statute. there is no way he can get around that.