A theory about how this was done.........


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
et sted i det kalde nord:)
I think its clear that there are a number of loose ends when it comes to Michaels death.

I really want to hear what you think about this theory:

See, there is something I just can not find an explanation for: Murrays behaviour after finding Michael is either intended, or a man in panic. If indeed something unexpected happened, he may have panicked- as he would not understand why this happened.

I am not defending Murray- just looking at the possibility.
What if Murray is treated as a scape goat? It would be possible maybe to switch some of the medication. Or to replace some of it with something of a stronger dosage. How were anyone to know? If Murray indeed treated Michael with propofol over a period of time, and this was "known", what if someone replaced one of the bottles with the same type of medicine, just with a stronger % of the active ingridient? It wold have been fairly easy.
And then one could just sit back and wait for disaster to happen.

I may have been reading to many crime stories. But in my mind- this could easily have happened. I am not saying it is what happened. And I am sertainly not defending Murray. But it propably could have been done like that.
Ad what scares me is that this is not just some random pop star, this is a multi million brand who will continue to generate money, after his death. Only difference now, is that they do not have to bother with a real person anymore.

It would be the perfect way to do it. Because how could this be proven, if they did their job right?

What makes me very suspicious is (among other things):

1. Murrays shady past. How could a company like AEG accept to pay someone a salary like that, and not sheck his past? And if they knew- how could they still hire him? If I wanted to protect someone- a very valuable someone, I would have made shore his records were clean.

2. Michaels addmittance to having had addiction issues, and his known medical problems, and insomnia makes this convinient; its just another troubles star who dies of drug abuse.

3. The timeline, and Murrays behaviour from the time he claim to have found Michael and till now- nothing of that makes any sense. The badly performed CPR, the phonecalls etc..

4. The missing CCTV tapes.

This would explain Murrays behaviour, because even if he knew he had done something wrong in doing a lousy job as a doctor by accepting to give someone propofol, in a home environment and without having the proper equipment if something went wrong, he may have realised that this is a set up- and there is no way anyone would look further in to it. because he did what he did, and that could easily explain why Michael died. He was the one injecting the propofol. And he was the one who was with Michael at the time. Why look any further?
Also; I think he had more to gain by keeping his client alive. Now, he propably will lose his license, and even if he was paid a huge amount to do this the negative side to this would be huge. He would become a target, because there are a lot of mad people out there wanting revenge. He will forever have to keep his guard up, as there are plenty of people in the world who are crazy and angry enough to take the law in to their own hands.
He would have known this, and I think that is part of the reason why he is panicking.

I don`t know- but it seems to me to be the perfect plan.
Am I crazy, or does this sound like something that could have happened?
So many things could have happened, but I don't think your theory is likely. Murry didn't do anything a normal person or a doctor would have done in an emergency situation. I think I could have walked into the situation with no knowledge of what was going on and done a better job. I learned how to call 911 in preschool. :no:
I think Tohme Tohme has also what to do with this ..
He was fired one month before Michael's (...)
Maybe he didn't want Michael to do the shows..
I don't know !!
I don`t know either, its just that I do not see why he acted like he did. That is just plain odd behaviour from someone with any medical knowledge.
Nothing about it makes any sense. And what kind of motive would he have for risking knowingly to kill his patient?

The most likely explanation is either that Murray is as incompetent and recless as he seem to be, or that he played the part and was payed to do so. Or that something happened that he did not expect. And he panicked because he then realised this was a set up, but he could never prove so.

All I am saying realy, is that this seem to be so incredibly convinient if someone wanted Michael to die.
Murray already has a shady past, money problems etc... he is the perfect scapegoat. Nobody would bother to look any further, would they?
I think Tohme Tohme has also what to do with this ..
He was fired one month before Michael's (...)
Maybe he didn't want Michael to do the shows..
I don't know !!

He also made a very public threat against Michael life.

I am sure he had all the security codes to gain access to Michael that night.

This man haad complete control over Michael's entire life, it makes sense to me that he had access to Michael's security system.
He also made a very public threat against Michael life.

I am sure he had all the security codes to gain access to Michael that night.

This man haad complete control over Michael's entire life, it makes sense to me that he had access to Michael's security system.

A public THREAT? What public threat? Can you post a link?

Tohme was fired, but then WHY did he show up at the hospital press-conference. Where is he NOW?

I'm thinking more and more that the entire propofol idea is planted. Maybe not real? We don't KNOW that Michael ever requested that. Just other people saying that he did. . . but that doesn't make it true. I simply cannot imagine someone getting ready for concerts, rehearsing, but then having a general anesthetic by I.V. every night for six WEEKS. That makes no sense.

The thing that stands out is how quickly propofol vanishes from the system. Nearly a perfect murder weapon. Suppose that Michael WAS having nightly I.Vs, but for rehydration, not medications. Once the I.V. is in place, anything can be put into that. To KILL him. That would explain why there was no "rescue" apparatus there, or genuine monitoring equipment. It would explain why Murray made nearly an hour's worth of phone calls before doing CPR. He never expected him to survive. That's one possibility.

Another possibility is that Murray really IS supernaturally stupid, gave Michael the meds and then sliipped out to see his girlfriend. Came back, found Michael quite dead, and took the security tapes that revealed him leaving. A lot was spoken about early-on, that now seems to have gone away. There was that info about missing security tapes. I remember hearing that on CNN, that the tapes for tha morning were GONE. And then I haven't heard it mentioned since.

To return to Tohme. Who ELSE was in the house that night? Was HE? WHY was he at the hospital for the press conference? And even, WHO, exactly, picked up Murray from the hospital when he fled.

Keep searching,

My personal feeling is really that Murray did something wrong that day (OK, well, he did LOTS wrong), but I mean, whatever it was that caused Michael's death. I don't think he intended it to happen; I think it was an accident. Then he did panic because, even though he is a doctor, he was MICHAEL JACKSON'S doctor. And I'm sorry, but I think that would affect anyone differently. This wasn't Joe Schmoe he was working for, it was the biggest star on the planet. That is going to affect someone!

Isn't is possible, especially given his changing story, the screwy timeline, and his omission of details, that he simply made a mistake that caused Michael's death? Maybe he actually thinks he only gave MJ a small amount of propofol. Maybe he set the IV drip wrong and instead gave him way too much...or maybe he was out of the room longer than he said and then came back and found MJ dead...or maybe he didn't give MJ the drugs according the hour-by-hour dosage he told the police, but all at once or something.

There are so many things he could have done wrong that day that caused Michael's death. And he just panicked afterward because he knew he'd made a mistake and so he tried to cover it up. The panic would make more sense when you're a doctor treating Michael Jackson, and knowing you were the one giving him medication he should NEVER have been given, and knowing that there'd be no one else to blame but yourself. Like I said, Murray wasn't treating just anyone. And this would have affected everything he did.

I really just think it's more likely that Murray screwed up, he knew it, and in the midst of and after the panic, he went about trying to cover up whatever he could.
He also made a very public threat against Michael life.

A public THREAT? What public threat? Can you post a link?

Yes, please, I'd also like to see a link if there's one. I remember reading something about threats this Thome person had made but I can't remember if there was any link to an article or a video to back it up.
A public THREAT? What public threat? Can you post a link?

Tohme was fired, but then WHY did he show up at the hospital press-conference. Where is he NOW?

I'm thinking more and more that the entire propofol idea is planted. Maybe not real? We don't KNOW that Michael ever requested that. Just other people saying that he did. . . but that doesn't make it true. I simply cannot imagine someone getting ready for concerts, rehearsing, but then having a general anesthetic by I.V. every night for six WEEKS. That makes no sense.

The thing that stands out is how quickly propofol vanishes from the system. Nearly a perfect murder weapon. Suppose that Michael WAS having nightly I.Vs, but for rehydration, not medications. Once the I.V. is in place, anything can be put into that. To KILL him. That would explain why there was no "rescue" apparatus there, or genuine monitoring equipment. It would explain why Murray made nearly an hour's worth of phone calls before doing CPR. He never expected him to survive. That's one possibility.

Another possibility is that Murray really IS supernaturally stupid, gave Michael the meds and then sliipped out to see his girlfriend. Came back, found Michael quite dead, and took the security tapes that revealed him leaving. A lot was spoken about early-on, that now seems to have gone away. There was that info about missing security tapes. I remember hearing that on CNN, that the tapes for tha morning were GONE. And then I haven't heard it mentioned since.

To return to Tohme. Who ELSE was in the house that night? Was HE? WHY was he at the hospital for the press conference? And even, WHO, exactly, picked up Murray from the hospital when he fled.

Keep searching,


Those security tapes probably aren't missing. My guess is that the media went looking for them and they were told the were missing. Then the media later finds out the cops are the ones that took them.

And speaking of the things we don't know, do we really know if Tohme was under contract to represent michael in the areas he took control of? There was a lot of people critical of Rowe's interview on Larry King but I thought he brought up some points that should be addressed. His best moment is when he stated that there are going to be a lot of people saying things but what they won't do is present a contract to back up their claims. Even though Rowe is slimy too, he is the only one who produced a contract stating he represented MJ. And Rowe and Tohme claimed to have not recieved a notice of termination that Frank claimed to have sent them. Where is Frank's contract with MJ's signature on it that confirms he was in a position to send out these notices?

I Hope the FBI is really interested in solving this case because they can really figure this stuff out if they wanted to.
I think its clear that there are a number of loose ends when it comes to Michaels death.

I really want to hear what you think about this theory:

See, there is something I just can not find an explanation for: Murrays behaviour after finding Michael is either intended, or a man in panic. If indeed something unexpected happened, he may have panicked- as he would not understand why this happened.

I am not defending Murray- just looking at the possibility.
What if Murray is treated as a scape goat? It would be possible maybe to switch some of the medication. Or to replace some of it with something of a stronger dosage. How were anyone to know? If Murray indeed treated Michael with propofol over a period of time, and this was "known", what if someone replaced one of the bottles with the same type of medicine, just with a stronger % of the active ingridient? It wold have been fairly easy.
And then one could just sit back and wait for disaster to happen.

Here is my theory that I posted several days ago on the KOPD.

IMO, they are all involved and they all know each other (not including Jermaine). My theory so far Thome stole most of MJ's cash so he would have to depend on him and AEG for an advance in order to pay for his living expenses and staff. AEG wants this for leverage so they can have more control over MJ's life and business to set the stage for MJ's death. Not only that, the stress would take MJ out of his healthy routine. They force the rehiring of Dileo and Branca and hire a doctor as a hit man. First the doctor does sneaky things to send MJ's health in a decline. Things such as like give MJ diet pills and tell him that they were something else and injecting him with things when he was probably supposed to be giving him fluids to maintain weight and things like that. It was working. People involved were noticing weight loss and stuff like that and looked the other way. Then, the doctor spent days (or nights I should say) trying to kill MJ and make it look like an accident. The morning of the 25th, he did whatever it took to kill MJ because that is what he was told to do. They never wanted MJ to do those concerts.
My personal feeling is really that Murray did something wrong that day (OK, well, he did LOTS wrong), but I mean, whatever it was that caused Michael's death. I don't think he intended it to happen; I think it was an accident. Then he did panic because, even though he is a doctor, he was MICHAEL JACKSON'S doctor. And I'm sorry, but I think that would affect anyone differently. This wasn't Joe Schmoe he was working for, it was the biggest star on the planet. That is going to affect someone!
I really just think it's more likely that Murray screwed up, he knew it, and in the midst of and after the panic, he went about trying to cover up whatever he could.

I agree. If it is a conspiracy, then murray himself didn't know about it.... no one would want to be known to the world as the person who killed michael jackson, his life would be ruined. I think murray's fishy actions before that day were due to greed and stupidity, and his fishy actions afterward were due to panic and stupidity.
I think so too. Because it is just too many obvious mistakes for a doctor to make. Either he was as incompetent as he seem (but then- how could he possibly be accepted and hired by AEG- remember he was supposed to protect their "asset"- Michael).Or something very unexpected happened, that he did not understand.

And then he tried to cover up, but in a way that seem completely off. None of the things he did, would make people convinced that this was a natural death. Nor would the timeline be accepted, as there are too many contradictions.

That is the reason why I started to develop this theory. Because it would explain his behaviour, and his panick.
And it would not be a difficult thing to do, assuming that people knew Michael was getting something (?) intravenously on a fairly regular basis.
If someone did this- they could truly just sit back, and wait for it to happen.
With a doctor being on the premises, with Michaels history of addiction, with the stress of the situation and the number of people involved in the production and planning and rehearsals of "This is It", it would be the time and the way to do it.

I hate thinking about this, so I do not speculate about it for my entertainment. Its just that I do not find any plausible explanations for Murrays behaviour. Its confusing me, and it just do not seem belieavable that a trained medial professional would react like he did, unless there is something more to it.
A public THREAT? What public threat? Can you post a link?

Tohme was fired, but then WHY did he show up at the hospital press-conference. Where is he NOW?

I'm thinking more and more that the entire propofol idea is planted. Maybe not real? We don't KNOW that Michael ever requested that. Just other people saying that he did. . . but that doesn't make it true. I simply cannot imagine someone getting ready for concerts, rehearsing, but then having a general anesthetic by I.V. every night for six WEEKS. That makes no sense.

The thing that stands out is how quickly propofol vanishes from the system. Nearly a perfect murder weapon. Suppose that Michael WAS having nightly I.Vs, but for rehydration, not medications. Once the I.V. is in place, anything can be put into that. To KILL him. That would explain why there was no "rescue" apparatus there, or genuine monitoring equipment. It would explain why Murray made nearly an hour's worth of phone calls before doing CPR. He never expected him to survive. That's one possibility.

Another possibility is that Murray really IS supernaturally stupid, gave Michael the meds and then sliipped out to see his girlfriend. Came back, found Michael quite dead, and took the security tapes that revealed him leaving. A lot was spoken about early-on, that now seems to have gone away. There was that info about missing security tapes. I remember hearing that on CNN, that the tapes for tha morning were GONE. And then I haven't heard it mentioned since.

To return to Tohme. Who ELSE was in the house that night? Was HE? WHY was he at the hospital for the press conference? And even, WHO, exactly, picked up Murray from the hospital when he fled.

Keep searching,


Great points here Victoria83 - it frustrates me so many 'buy' whatever the media tell us is 'news' - we should question it all. Something is being covered up with Michael's death I feel and this Dr Tohme I feel may be involved. Especially after some of the things that have been found on his associates on another thread(my Tohme, AEG, Colony Capital thread) and the fact he was there at the hospital despite being sacked and Michael being 'fearful' of him(according to Today Show vid) We need more information on this man...
I'm curious on a couple of things here...

Why are so many people so sure that Dr. Murray is incapable of making mistakes? Being a doctor is not being God. Doctors are human. Doctors make mistakes. I've had several doctors make mistakes on me over the years--one of them almost performing a surgery that wasn't even needed!. Doctors DO make mistakes.

Who said that Dr. Murray was hired by AEG? I've read a bunch of things that suggest that it was at Michael's insistence that Murray was hired, that Michael wanted him as the doctor for the tour. Murray had signed a contract with AEG, but (if reports are correct) Michael and AEG had yet to complete the details and sign the contract too. I haven't read anything that suggests that AEG hired Murray.

And why wouldn't a doctor panic if they made mistakes that directly led to the death of Michael Jackson? Nothing in these circumstances was normal; everything was so beyond normal here. So how can it be said that there's no way he would panic, simply because he was a doctor? If you killed someone, even accidentally, and you were the only one there (or the last person to see him alive) when it happened, and factor in that the victim is Michael Jackson, well...um...I think a person would panic!

I respect everyone's right to their own opinion, which is why I read all of the posts about conspiracy theories, the doctor and everything else surrounding the circumstances of MJ's death. But most of what I read and hear anywhere suggests, to me, that Murray did something wrong (or many things wrong), Michael died, and then he panicked and tried to cover it up. His monumental mistakes are very plausible in a state of panic, guilt, and confusion.

I just don't see where it all points to the intention to kill Michael Jackson, on Murray's part or anyone else's. Are there lots of people who benefit financially from Michael's death? Absolutely...and far too many. So I'm sure they carry their "grief" with them all the way to the bank. But I'm just not seeing where all of that points to a giant conspiracy to kill him. Correlation does not equal causation.

But hopefully we will learn the truth one of these days.
Does anyone have the letter that shows Thome was fired? I know I've seen but didn't study it well.

I don't think MJ asked for drugs that night. I think he was ambushed from behind in the house with someone bigger than him that placed an anesthesia mask on his face until he was knocked out enough to place him on the bed to get these injections without his consent.

Conrad's behavior does not even suggest accident imo.

If you see what is written here, I think this may add something to may theory. I think its very helpful to read the afficavit /seach warrant, and to look at how this whole case has evolved- both in the media and from what we hear from the police.
Also; as someone say: follow the money.

Either Murray was set up, or he did this knowing the result ( inteding for Michael to die), or- he did nothing but mistakes.

Doctors do make mistakes. But this seem unreal. If he truly was panicking to that extend he would not have acted rationally. And he did in fact act ratoinal, as he was able to take charge over the ambulance personel, and arranged to clear out his stuff from storage. If this was intentional, he would have done so before. If he was panicking, he still would have called for help sooner, or at least done proper CPR. A doctor may be in panick, but doing CPR on the bed is not panicking, its unheard of from a medical professional ( he was after all a cardiologist).
If it was a set up, more of his actions seem understandable. He may have left Michael, not knowing what would happen- and then found him dead.

Listen; I am not usually making conspiracy theories. I highly doubt there is a "secret world order". I am rather naive to the point of stupidity when it comes to people. Initially I bought the propofol abuse story, and the doctor being incredibly stupid and reckless. But there are too many contradictions here, and to many unexplainable actions.

I think that we may never know what happened. Because if my theory is right ( someone tampering with the medication), then it would be ignored due to the fact that his death is from day one been looked at as a typical drug overdose, due to Michaels admittance of addiction to painkillers, his use of different doctors and the amount of mdicine found.
It would also be ignored due to the fact that Murray admitted to treating him with propfol- a drug that is very risky to use in a home setting witout the proper equipment.
Murray was alone with Michael at the time, and his credibility is nothing to speak of. So nobody can claim to know the truth about what was going on. We can theorise all we want, but it would be close to impossible to prove anything.

Ending with a sigh from my soul. I still can not quite believe this has happened. Everytime I think about it, my heart breaks. It just hurts. And its so bloody unfair. Michael seemed to be in a good place this last year, getting creative again, having come to terms with everything that has happened. Its sad beyond words. :(
A public THREAT? What public threat? Can you post a link?

Tohme was fired, but then WHY did he show up at the hospital press-conference. Where is he NOW?

I'm thinking more and more that the entire propofol idea is planted. Maybe not real? We don't KNOW that Michael ever requested that. Just other people saying that he did. . . but that doesn't make it true. I simply cannot imagine someone getting ready for concerts, rehearsing, but then having a general anesthetic by I.V. every night for six WEEKS. That makes no sense.

The thing that stands out is how quickly propofol vanishes from the system. Nearly a perfect murder weapon. Suppose that Michael WAS having nightly I.Vs, but for rehydration, not medications. Once the I.V. is in place, anything can be put into that. To KILL him. That would explain why there was no "rescue" apparatus there, or genuine monitoring equipment. It would explain why Murray made nearly an hour's worth of phone calls before doing CPR. He never expected him to survive. That's one possibility.

Another possibility is that Murray really IS supernaturally stupid, gave Michael the meds and then sliipped out to see his girlfriend. Came back, found Michael quite dead, and took the security tapes that revealed him leaving. A lot was spoken about early-on, that now seems to have gone away. There was that info about missing security tapes. I remember hearing that on CNN, that the tapes for tha morning were GONE. And then I haven't heard it mentioned since.

To return to Tohme. Who ELSE was in the house that night? Was HE? WHY was he at the hospital for the press conference? And even, WHO, exactly, picked up Murray from the hospital when he fled.

Keep searching,


I also believe more and more that the propofol idea has been planted, I don't believe MJ was a drug addict at all (despite his past dependency) I know a little about iridology enough to know he was not a drug addict, the whites of his eyes are really clear and white, drug addicts don't have clear whites of eyes, they are usually yellowy.

Also I can't help thinking it is strange that MJ use of propofol was for 6 weeks which coincides with when Dr Thome was fired, although obviously can't rely on what Dr Murray says. SoI'm not sure whether they were giving him this whilst he didn't know or more likely just the other drugs, I think he may have been given drugs thinking they were something else ie like diet pills or vitamin pills etc as someone suggested earlier
OMG OMG OMG I think I know how it might have been orchestrated. Iposted a thread a while ago about a link I read that Dr Murray was a holistic doctor who favored chopraesque zen like holistic treatments that Michael favored which resonated with what I feel about Michael being into health and holistic treatments. That has what has been bugging me that he was into organic juices like me for hydration etc and health, so why would he take drugs, the two don't go together, but I got lyched for posting it althoug I was just trying to show that he may have been the fall guy and felt bad about it, esp when Murray admitted giving propofol I knew it was more than that.


BUT WHAT IF Michael thought Dr Murray was an holistic doctor because that was how it was set up , he was introduced as a holistic doctor, but really he was a hit man, so Michael thought he was getting vitamin injections, but he was really getting these drugs. Nurse Lee said she gave him B 12 shots, and I have an auto immune condition not lupus, but similar, and I get B 12 shots and other holistic supplements through injection and it is possible to have IV for this and hydration.

I prefer holistic medicine because I had a bad experience and past dependency on pharmaceuticals that was horrific and I would never go back there, and that is why I think Michael also preferred holistic medicine. OMG I feel sick.
That is very strong theory, Gaiaschild.

But I cant help thinking that Michael has been taking a lot of different medications over the last 25 years. He would know the different between vitamins and powerful meds. At least the effect of them.

Perhaps june 25 was the first time Murray gave him "hard drugs". I guess the autopsy would show that.
Anything is possible, Murrey was beyond wreckless in giving all those drugs, surely a doctor would know that was endangering his life, then leaving him alone and then delaying calling for help.

It is his behaviour after the event that make him look so suspicious, doctors are used to emergencies, they generally don't panic. If Michael was not breathing and still had a heart beat he didn't have time to ring for advice, 6 minutes and you have catastophic brain damage, and he would know that.

This whole thing has a rotton smell about it, was Murrey really so incompetent that he didn't know what those drugs would do? CPR on a domestic bed? OK so he panicked, I think he gave Michael those drugs and left him alone and when he came back Michael was dead and beyond help, and he spent his time trying to work out how he could save his sorry backside, as I said in another post, if he had allowed the paramedics to call it, the house would have been treated as a crime scene and sealed, and he could not have tried to remove evidence.
I'm curious on a couple of things here...

1. Why are so many people so sure that Dr. Murray is incapable of making mistakes?

2. Who said that Dr. Murray was hired by AEG? I haven't read anything that suggests that AEG hired Murray.

I'll just respond to a couple of these points, and maybe more later, time permitting.

1. Nobody is saying Murray was incapable of making mistakes. There were just too MANY of them. The time-lapse when he made nearly an hour's worth of phone calls, instead of calling 911. Doing CPR on a bed. Refusing to let paramedics transport to the hospital right away. Refusing to sign the death-certificate. Vanishing from the hospital. Also suspicious are the vanishing security tapes. The three phone calls made, one to employees to remove incriminating material from a storage facility. And much more. This is far more than panic. This is quite calculated, to cover tracks. If he panicked, he sure was calm about everything EXCEPT calling 911 in a timely way. Having items removed from a storage facility was quite thoughtful and calculating.

2. AEG HIRED Murray. Randy Phillips SAID so, and said he negotiated with Michael about how much Murray would be paid. He also said that Murray was Michael's doctor of choice. We have no way of knowing if that it true, now.
That is very strong theory, Gaiaschild.

But I cant help thinking that Michael has been taking a lot of different medications over the last 25 years. He would know the different between vitamins and powerful meds. At least the effect of them.

Perhaps june 25 was the first time Murray gave him "hard drugs". I guess the autopsy would show that.

It is possible to switch med/vitshots for something else, without the person being aware, I wouldn't be surprised if something was given to affect his awareness slightly

I don't think Michael was heavily into drugs for 25 years, he took pain relief, morphine/demoral when he had the pepsi burns as anyone would and did develop a dependency at that time that he later was reduced off. I think he would have been more cautious a second time round

Funny how demeral has never been mentioned again since the first days after his death when they all said he died of demoral overdose, it seems now that he was not given demerol after all, so that demonstrates that he did get off his dependency on demeral after the burns. So if that wasn't true, I don't believe the propofol is true now.
2. AEG HIRED Murray. Randy Phillips SAID so, and said he negotiated with Michael about how much Murray would be paid. He also said that Murray was Michael's doctor of choice. We have no way of knowing if that it true, now.

I read there was no contract and MJ had not signed a contract for Dr Murray, so there is no proof that AEG hired Murray. Also I read that AEG said Michael hired Murray but Murray wasn't paid by AEG and was told by AEG to sue the estate. I don't know whether that is true but if there is no contract with AEG that is suspicious
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