Aaron Carter Claims MJ Gave Him Drugs *Update Post 41* Merged

good. don't fan the flames.. if you don't see anything that's a good thing

Oh I won't, don't worry. IF the story started to circulate here, I would do something about it. But as it stands, Finnish media hasn't picked up on it. Let's keep our fingers crossed it stays that way :)
Aaron never said he saw him doing drugs. that was a "bashir" stunt. BUT he did say the thing about the bedroom and being scared.now no mater how edited the video is Aaron did say that, unless they copy and past the who segment to make it look like he said it. and i doubt that.

i can't understand how this is compared to what bashir really.........

Yeah , but that's what Jermaine is saying about the fans..that we are doing exactly what Bashir did, bullshit. True..Aardon didn't directly say he saw MJ doing drugs,, but saying shit like 'hey you never know..he can go to the bathroom..anything might have happened' is just bullshit on his part, definitely his intention to speculate and imply things.
Yeah , but that's what Jermaine is saying about the fans..that we are doing exactly what Bashir did, bullshit. True..Aardon didn't directly say he saw MJ doing drugs,, but saying shit like 'hey you never know..he can go to the bathroom..anything might have happened' is just bullshit on his part, definitely his intention to speculate and imply things.
very true
Although the slanderous story about this interview originates from OK! Magazine, which is all but a reference known for being a reputable publication, it hasn't taken long for over 150 media outlets to copy the story and run with it. It is frustratingly apparent that facts are not of great concern to the media, which is shameful.

Just a quick query..I thought this was a great letter but I didn't understand the 'all but a reference' phrase and wondered if that could be clarified?


all but a reference = it is all, anything, you name it, but it certainly isn't any kind of journalistic reference and it certainly shouldn't be taken seriously.
Aaron Carter - Aaron Carter Considering Suing Tabloid Over Michael Jackson Misquotes

04 July 2011 01:40
Picture: Aaron Carter Radioshack's HTC EVO 3D Launch Party Held At The RadioShack Pop-Up 3D Lounge West Hollywood, California - 23....
Aaron Carter Considering Suing Tabloid Over Michael Jackson Misquotes

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Former child star Aaron Carter is considering taking legal action against a U.S. tabloid after he was quoted suggesting Michael Jackson had offered him cocaine when he was a teenager.
Carter, a longtime pal of Jackson's, reportedly told OK! magazine's Daphne Barak the King of Pop had offered him wine and drugs when he was 15 in an interview that recently ran in the U.S. and Australian issues of the publication.
The young singer angrily blasted the allegations, insisting he did not make the remarks and now Jackson's older brother, Randy, claims Carter is looking at his legal options.
In a series of Twitter posts on Saturday (02Jul11), Randy Jackson wrote, "I was suspicious about the Aaron Carter comment... From what I understand, Aaron Carter has already denied ever making that statement & is considering suing ok magazine.
"When negative things like this surface, it is hard not to have an emotional reaction. But the truth eventually comes out."
^^^ This is the advantage of the Jacksons' PR approach. For once they're doing Michael a favor in the press. I seriously doubt they actually care about Carter, they just seem to me to be trying to contain this story, in part by urging fans to stop posting on news outlets that Carter is sincerely saying horrible things. Even if he did, it's crazy to keep reminding press and public of it.

And it's working. The story is dying, at least for now.

Sorry, but for once I say thank you Randy and Jermaine. (Except for the stupid dig at Cascio.. Talk about unproductive).

(And I'm as angry at Carter as anyone, don't misunderstand me.)
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Frank Cascio, Chris Tucker Mike Tyson....detailing what happened at Neverland that day/night

Surely, if it became necessary, Michael Jackson's reputation could rest on sturdier shoulder's than Mike Tyson's?

According to the New York Times, Mike Tyson declared bankruptcy in 2003 despite making about $400 million in the preceeding 20 years!

Tyson is a career criminal. He had already been arrested 38 times by the age of 13! He has been involved in innumerable altercations often involving serious assault. In 1992, he was sentenced to six years, serving only three (!), on a rape conviction. Many believe he has raped other women but those incidents were never reported; most rapes aren't. He also served some jail time on a drug conviction.

He also confessed to battering his first wife, actress Robin Givens,who also accused him of rape.

So, in short, Mike Tyson wouldn't make a credible material or character witness since he has neither!

It sickened me that he attended Michael's memorial but that is a topic for another thread.
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Gee, I wonder if he has an explanation for why he didn't respond to the fans who used twitter to inform him of this before the magazine actually hit the stands.
Surely, if it became necessary, Michael Jackson's reputation could rest on sturdier shoulder's than Mike Tyson's?

According to the New York Times, Mike Tyson declared bankruptcy in 2003 despite making about $400 million in the preceeding 20 years!

Tyson is a career criminal. He had already been arrested 38 times by the age of 13! He has been involved in innumerable altercations often involving serious assault. In 1992, he was sentenced to six years, serving only three (!), on a rape conviction. Many believe he has raped other women but those incidents were never reported; most rapes aren't. He also served some jail time on a drug conviction.

He also confessed to battering his first wife, actress Robin Givens,who also accused him of rape.

So, in short, Mike Tyson wouldn't make a credible material or character witness since he has neither!

It sickened me that he attended Michael's memorial but that is a topic for another thread.

Despite all of that, Mike Tyson is still respected in the press and public opinion.



(I'll stop now...)
Gee, I wonder if he has an explanation for why he didn't respond to the fans who used twitter to inform him of this before the magazine actually hit the stands.

He was deafened and blinded by financial desperation and drugtaking. After agreeing to sell the interview, he probably convinced himself he'd successfully walked the thin line between exaggerating just a teensy bit to provide the juiciness he was being paid for, without crossing over into lying slander of his friend. Drugs probably helped him tell himself this.

He knew MJ fans would be outraged, but his spaced-out brain probably said "It's not really THAT bad. They'll get over it, and I REALLY need the money and exposure or I'm finished. I only insinuated falsehoods; I didn't come right out and say them. It's not my fault if people assume the worst."

He would not have been given the finished story and headline to approve. When he saw the result, I'm guessing he was startled and upset, saw he hadn't walked that thin line as well as he thought, and had sold his soul to the devil. But will blame everyone but himself, of course.
Despite all of that, Mike Tyson is still respected in the press and public opinion.



(I'll stop now...)

That was Mike, he never judged people. Even though all of Tyson's arrests and what not, Mike just didn't judge him, that's obvious. THe last pic shows a MJ from...around the Invincible era?
what's the most anoying is that the media reported this story but when the the story was denied and proven wrong noone bothered to post anything about it. At least here in Croatia. So this is why a lot of people have completely distorted opinion on Michael. These are the people who take everything they read at the face value and don't use 1% of their brain cells to acctualy do a little research and form their own opinion. :mad:
Mike Tyson always defended MJ in the media. When everyone was running and hiding, Mike Tyson was there punching the venomous media.
what's the most anoying is that the media reported this story but when the the story was denied and proven wrong noone bothered to post anything about it. At least here in Croatia. So this is why a lot of people have completely distorted opinion on Michael. These are the people who take everything they read at the face value and don't use 1% of their brain cells to acctualy do a little research and form their own opinion. :mad:

Casopisi u bivsoj Jugi su vec odavno prozvali Michaela cudnim. Ne moze tu vise ni Tito promjeniti sta ljudi misle na Balkanu o Michaelu.
No he didn't say it like that, but he DID say things like 'I don't know about drugs, you know..he could have gone to the bathroom, bla bla ' wow...this is so different from how he defended him at those older interviews, this sounds like an asshole to me. He's not saying MJ did drugs, but he's speculating on what might have went on in the bathroom. Instead of saying something along the lines of ' I don't and never did drugs, i never seen him using any and neither did he ever offer me any' .

As for the second video...he clearly implies wrong intentions from Michael, waking up, MJ sitting on his bed, him being scared....sigh. I'm am disgusted by Jermaine and Randy that they just DONT see this...this is so clear and yet they are almost...defending the little prick? Have they not seen the previews interviews where Aaron clearly denies ever sleeping in his room....jesus.

Exactly. He's not completely innocent. He could have defended Michael and made things clear but he didn't. The way he answered these questions is as if he wanted people to think Michael really did something inappropriate. He did this on purpose. There's a different between clarifying and saying obscure things to leave doubts. I too really don't understand why the family members are still defending him and pointing fingers at the fans. This is ridiculous!
^^^ I don't understand why you (and others) keep attacking the Jacksons' public position on Aaron.

Why don't you think it's much better PR to keep the media and public focused on the "Aaron denies attacking MJ, thinks only well of him" stories, which are obviously far less harmful to MJ than "Aaron attacked MJ, has turned against him" stories?

It's a no-brainer.

Aaron of course isn't really innocent in this, but that's utterly irrelevant as far as the PR angle goes. Got to prioritize. THIS is what I want to see, which Randy accomplished:

Aaron Carter Considering Suing Tabloid Over Michael Jackson Misquotes

Don't you???
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by la_cienega
On the second anniversary of Michael Jackson’s death, his former friend and confidant, Aaron Carter, 23, has come clean about his close – and controversial – relationship with the pop singer, revealing all to internationally renowned interviewer Daphne Barak during a charity visit to Marbella, Spain.

Exposing their most intimate moments together, Aaron tells OK! how MJ gave him drugs and alcohol when he was just 15. ‘I never talked about it… This is the first time. I do… I miss Michael… I have spent such incredible times with him. I did things with him that nobody else did… But I was also troubled about what he did to me,’ Aaron says.

When asked whether Michael gave him alcohol, Aaron tells Daphne, ‘Yes, he gave me wine. I mean, I could have refused, but I was 15.’ As for drugs? ‘He gave me cocaine.I felt weird about that and other stuff… We spoke afterwards, hours and hours, on the phone. I admired Michael, but his behaviour bothered me a lot. Then my mother called the police…"


In totally unrelated news he owes his former manager $100 thousand dollars, the IRS $1 million dollars and is dropping a new album.

this was the last i read about it and also heard he was a methhead. so
I've found this today on this blog, if it was already discussed, sorry

Wait a minute… Did Barak’s office just confirm they DONT have AC on tape claiming those things?

I emailed Daphne Barak (nydesk@daphnebarak.com) last night to find out, and surprisingly, I received a speedy response. A woman named Linda Green (who works for “Daphne Barak’s office”) told me the following:

“We NEVER post any of Daphne’s interviews on our website. She is syndicated worldwide through leading TV and print outlets, which carry the interviews exclusively in their markets. On the website – we only post short Mpegs of some of her lengthy interviews. In this case – couple of minutes out of hours!“Another short Mpeg will be posted after all our outlets finish with it, as usual. The published version is still much softer than what Aaron said in length.”

Wait, what? So we’ll never see proof of Aaron Carter’s alleged claims that Michael Jackson supplied him with alcohol and cocaine? We’ll never get to hear Carter’s supposed declaration that his mother called the police on Jackson in either 2002 or 2003?

Because if I’m reading this correctly, Linda Green appears to have stated that, even after Barak’s “outlets” are finished with the valuable video/audio proof of her interview with Carter . . . we, the public, will only ever have access to a short, “much softer” version. For some reason.

This entry was posted on July 4, 2011 at 8:24 am and is filed under 2011


much softer:bugeyed:
Exactly. He's not completely innocent. He could have defended Michael and made things clear but he didn't. The way he answered these questions is as if he wanted people to think Michael really did something inappropriate. He did this on purpose. There's a different between clarifying and saying obscure things to leave doubts. I too really don't understand why the family members are still defending him and pointing fingers at the fans. This is ridiculous!

You're absolutely right! -_-
@Ginvid, the main difficulty I had with the correction was the use of your past simple (a finished action in the past, e.g. was, did, visited, etc.) vs. past perfect (a finished action in the past which occured before another action in the past, e.g. had been, had done, had visited, etc.). It all depends on how you see the things in your head while telling the story.

For example:

-Carter always claimed blahblahblah... = He did it in the past and he doesn't do it any more.
-Carter had always claimed blahblahblah... = He did it in the past before he started claiming the opposite as seen in the interview from last month.

If you want to talk about an action that started in the past and is still true today, the you have to use the present prefect:

-Carter has always claimed (until now) blahblahblah... = He did it in the past and he still does it in the present.

In green = suggestion
In blue = alternative
In red = correction

ginvid;3425943 said:
On 29 May 2011, 90s pop singer Aaron Carter was filmed for an interview with freelance 'journalist' and friend Daphne Barak for OK! Magazine's 27 June Australian edition. The article and excerpts that have been released have spread rapidly across the media for one reason - it involves Michael Jackson.

Carter’s friendship - and we use that word loosely - with Jackson is not in question. What is in question are the elements in the interview suggesting that Mr. Jackson would have given Aaron Carter drugs or alcohol, or that he would have acted somewhat improperly towards him, which the Michael Jackson Fan Community strongly disagree with.

Any such claims made by Mr. Carter can be easily debunked simply by referring to his previous consistent assertions. It is well known that Mr. Carter had always spoken / always spoke highly of Jackson’s positive influence on his life and work, and (had) unquestionably denied that anything inappropriate had ever occurred between them (see Howard Stern interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nE2Cq6WGCpk&feature=player_embedded) even as recently as 2010. In several past interviews, including his interview with Howard Stern referenced, he claimed that he only spent one night at Neverland, which occured on the occasion of Mr. Jackson's 45th birthday party. On that particular night, Mr. Carter said he slept in the theater with Chris Tucker - he on one side of the theater and Mr. Tucker on the other. Furthermore, Mr. Carter emphasized that he never slept in a bed with Mr. Jackson, nor did he go into Mr. Jackson's room. As a matter of fact, Aaron Carter so steadfastly denied any inappropriate behavior in his friendship with Mr. Jackson, that he was on the witness list for the defense in the 2005 trial.

Indeed, after all the years of defending Mr. Jackson, the Fan Community finds it quite puzzling that Mr. Carter would all of a sudden give such an inconsistent interview.

Let's not lose sight of the fact that Frank Cascio, who (had) maintained his friendship with Jackson since his childhood, tweeted in defense of Mr. Jackson on 30 June 2011 as follows: "I knew Michael for over 25 years and NEVER once did he use cocaine or suggest to anyone else to use cocaine. Never!!!!" (http://twitter.com/#!/fdcascio/status/86547254990733312). Mr. Cascio and his family had been / was visited by Mr. Jackson on a regular basis. Also, Mr. Cascio (had) frequented Neverland and (had) even traveled with Michael from a young age. In addition, Mr. Cascio also attended the party at Neverland to which Mr. Carter refers.

In light of the above mentioned and all other undeniable evidence, the Michael Jackson Fan Community is questioning the real motive behind this seeming change of heart and story.

The timing of the interview is also extremely suspect. In June, while millions around the world were mourning the passing of Mr Jackson, some -with even the most remote connection to him- seemed to find it an ideal opportunity to promote their book, CD, or project, or, to use an acquaintance with Mr. Jackson as an opportunity to get free promotion and make profit. Mr. Carter's current $1,000,000 debt to the IRS cannot be downplayed. Neither can it be ignored that he is currently promoting the impending release of new music as well as a reality show. Aaron Carter’s willingness to jump on the aforementioned bandwagon, although quite disappointing, is not surprising.

The slanderous story published by OK! Magazine, surfaced on 15 June prompting some concerned Jackson fans to immediately reach out to Aaron Carter via twitter, only to be rebuffed and ignored by the latter for not less than two weeks. An official and strong statement of denial would have obviously halted this slander in its tracks. Indeed, this is what an honorable person would do in love and respect for a deceased friend and mentor. Unfortunately, the sickening speculation and insinuations have been allowed to linger. As a result, the only person who has been fully damaged in this appalling debacle is Mr. Jackson --an easy target-- who is unfortunately not here to defend himself.

Now that this story has been thoroughly reported, Mr. Carter, through his representative, has issued a statement saying that he was misquoted in the article. Yet in still, as the edited excerpts of the interview clearly demonstrated, Mr. Carter skillfully and purposely answered questions in an ambiguous way which has allowed for speculation and has resulted in apparent innuendo. Consequently, the public opinion has been utterly misled.

Carter's denial through TMZ on 1 July 2011 is now being widely reported, nevertheless, more needs to be done. Ideally, Mr. Carter must demand a full retraction from OK! Magazine, if it is indeed misrepresenting what he really said. However, as the slander continues to unfold, it is increasingly clear that the Carter camp have seen the benefits of tying his name in a negative way to Mr. Jackson’s and is taking full advantage of the frenzy and (inter)national media coverage.

Daphne Barak has also had an extremely dubious past. She is known to have previously "forged" stories.

Let's not omit the fact that Grace Rwaramba, who had been Jackson's children's nanny for several years, was approached and befriended by Daphne Barak with the sole aim of taking advantage of her in the hopes of finding out information about Michael Jackson. In a story written by Mallika Chopra and published in The Huffington Post on 28 June 2009, Mallika said the following: "I witnessed Daphne act as a friend while trying to bait information from Grace on her conversations with Jackson family members and friends about his death... I found that Daphne indeed had written an article full of quotes by Grace for a tabloid magazine. (A quick search of her other work not surprisingly shows she did a recent feature on Amy Winehouse.) Grace’s quotes are now being picked up by other tabloids and will find their way into numerous magazines and articles. (People Magazine is also featuring some inaccuracies today, such as the claim that Grace pumped Michael’s stomach on several occasions. For the record, Grace never pumped Michael’s stomach. She does not have the slightest idea how she would even do such a thing.)... " (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mallika-chopra/bloodsuckers-and-the-worl_b_222023.html "Bloodsuckers and the World of Michael Jackson")

Daphne Barak was also at the center of controversy in reference to an inteview with Sanam Bhutto. An article published by SouthAsiaWatch on 24 March 2009 chronicles her faux journalism.
It says, "Daphne Barak [...] has been foisting herself upon the famous and noteworthy families of the world for years now. Her living is made by offering "exclusive" interviews, scintillating gossip, and manufacturing rumor and innuendo at every turn. She is often spotted interviewing members of families in crisis, taking advantage of their grief and need for hope, in order to fuel her personal drive for fame, access, and notoriety. Daphne portrays and tarnishes the image of Bhutto by revealing or blatantly manufacturing details that cannot be independently verified about Bhutto's life... any references to Bhutto or Pakistan that she writes should be taken as near-fiction or nothing less than a complete fabrication... In more recent Pakistan news, Daphne Barak has done the nation of Pakistan and its people a grave disservice by manufacturing a news story featuring "statements" from Benazair Bhutto's sister, Sanam, regarding the President of Pakistan, Asif Zardari. While biased journalism may be tolerated in many circles, Daphne Barak crossed the line into complete fiction. Sanam Bhutto, outraged and distressed at the lies attributed to her, vigorously denounced the fiction produced by Daphne Barak, via print and video ."
The article also mentions how she "cozied" up to the parents of Amy Winehouse, "feeding off their grief and concern for their daughter" in order to get a story on Amy Winehouse. (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2009/...-tabloid-vulture-masquerading-as-a-journalist)

Her methods have been consistent: befriending a person for the purpose of interviewing them so that she can then put a spin on said interview. Is this what happened with Aaron Carter? Note her tweet about him on 29 May:

This speaks volumes about Ms. Barak's ethics and values as a journalist. It also speaks volumes of the character of both Ms. Barak and Mr. Carter. As far as they and others who have been involved are concerned, they have been able to raise their profiles on the back of Mr. Jackson.

Furthermore, it is quite disturbing that we live in a time when our media is blindly willing to copy-paste a story without first verifying its accuracy and veracity. Very few media outlets hardly made mention of Carter's previous denials, not to mention the reputation of the interviewer. Although the slanderous story about this interview originated from OK! Magazine, which is most certainly not known for being a reputable publication, it hasn't taken long for over 150 media outlets to copy-paste the story as fact and run with it. This becomes even more disturbing when this practice is adopted by news outlets that are supposed to report factual stories, such as CBSnews, USA Today and CNN. It is frustratingly apparent that facts are not of great concern to the media, which is regrettable.

Now that some aspects of the interview have been denied, we can only hope that there will be a more rigorous screening process before stories are aired or published, especially when the source is a tabloid and the author has a questionable reputation (see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9Dz7rs8VfA).

We call on all Michael Jackson fans to boycott the magazine and to express their disagreement to the editors of OK magazine as well as their distress to Daphne Barak (the author). Fans also need to let their sources of news and information know that they are no longer interested in uncorroborated, salacious stories.

Michael Jackson was defamed and maligned in life. His fans are committed and determined to see that this defamation does not continue in death.
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^^ Bumper, second paragraph - which the Michael Jackson Fan Community strongly disagrees with. - I added an 's' to disagree :D

Also, does the second 'or' need a comma after it?

seemed to find it an ideal opportunity to promote their book, CD, or project, or, (remove comma?) to use an acquaintance with Mr. Jackson as an opportunity to get free promotion and make profit.
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^^ Bumper, second paragraph - which the Michael Jackson Fan Community strongly disagrees with. - I added an 's' to disagree :D

I have added because "If you want to talk about an action that started in the past and is still true today, the you have to use the present prefect" :giggle:
^^ Bumper, second paragraph - which the Michael Jackson Fan Community strongly disagrees with. - I added an 's' to disagree :D

No "s", it's a plural. The community =we. It represents a group. Unless I mixed up UK and US English.
I have added because "If you want to talk about an action that started in the past and is still true today, the you have to use the present prefect" :giggle:

In US English, present perfect is not used as frequently as in UK English. Arklove uses US English.

For example,

UK English = "I've just done it."
US English = "I just did it."

No "s", it's a plural. The community =we. It represents a group. Unless I mixed up UK and US English.

No, the 'community' is singular as a whole, no? The community disagree....Doesn't make sense...

The community disagrees

The communities disagree

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No, the 'community' is singular as a whole, no? The community disagree....Doesn't make sense...

The community disagrees

The Community, they disagree...

It's like family or the police.

Do you say "the family/police has or have?"

In UK English it's plural.