Anyone notice a full moon lighting up the night sky.

here is what it looks like right now.
Normal, and with 2 sec closing time.

but look what michael brought me through the sun on the 25'th..
See the sevens? ;)

wow! ;)
I noticed it too!! I went to bed late last night, but when I was up in my room, I just happened to look through the window, and when I saw the moon, I said to myself, "Wow, the moon sure looks really bright tonight." :heart: That is so amazing!!
in australia just last night i see? i was watch moonwalker movie on tv
mins later my dad yells have see what the moon is doing
i try to look at the moon but it was missing i think the moon did its veison of a aclispe or from what i see michael was on the moon dancing
trying to hide the moon
the moon was so beautiful, round, with a wonderful yellow glow....I kept looking at it on the 25th from my window and it made me feel so good inside...almost as if I was looking at Michael. :)
In holland it was full moon too!!!

It was a very deep colour this time, it looked orange/gold.....and after a little while there came a little shimmer cloud in front, it looked magical, it was only for few seconds when it appear.
Yes, the moon was extraordinary beautiful that night. I knew it has something to do with Michael. It was bright and clear with layered clouds surrounding it. Very beautiful :(
I seen the moon lit up so brightly at midnight on the 25th in Ireland :) and I thought of MJ then too.
I didn't spend the sad days here in the city. I had to leave, to be alone, to try to find some peace. I went to the desert and yes... there we had too the most amazing, bright moon you can imagine. So bright to light up the cold night.
And yes... Michael and his memory is everywhere. Always.
The weird thing was I was walking with Stacey about 10.20 as we were walking down to join the rest of the group for the silence and she says to me 'Soph, look at the moon.' This moon was orange it was glowing so brightly and I was just admiring it. Stacey said to me 'if that moon disappears behind those clouds in the next few mins I know that's Michael'. A few mins later I hear Stacey saying 'Soph, come here.' I looked up and the moon had indeed disapeared behind the clouds just like we said it would if Michael was around looking out for us all.
I took this pic of the moon while being at the HIStory statue over here in The Netherlands.
Been staring at it the whole night long (read: laying down on the floor, LOL) pretty!


Yeah! I did! I even took a picture! I was on a short holiday in Barcelona and was sitting at the beach (or more like the marina), watching the moon and the sea thinking about Michael and what happened the past year!
