[Discussion] Sexual Abuse Claims Against MJ Estate - Robson/ Safechuck/ Doe

Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Yes. Who would see Michael doing things like that right in front of their face and not try to physically stop him or call the police? This is the craziest thing I've heard yet.

Exactly! It also creates a problem for those insisting that MJ had the censors and alarm in his room so he could molest children there privately and make sure nobody could catch him. What would be the point of that if he was going to do things to them outside his bedroom and in front of people? What a load of crap!

Kathy In Cali, Simi Valley, United States, 1 day ago

MJ has been suspect for a long time. These aren't like random people coming forward and making claims. These kids had a lot of contact with him. Think of what a difficult ordeal to go through that in court as a young boy. And parents having to spend a lot of money on lawyers, if they even have it. THAT'S why they don't always come forward. Trials, witnesses, settlements...Why at his age did he have so many little boy friends? Why an amusement park and so many toys at his home? Why the sleep overs? Sometimes it's a matter of putting puzzle pieces together, and they had fit together even before this unfortunate man.

Kathy In Cali, Simi Valley, United States, 1 day ago

O.J. was found not guilty too. Have you ever been molested? Can you even imagine going through that at 10? Let alone have to tell you story in court in front of a bunch of strangers and grown ups? Some parents don't go through with trials because it's in the best interest of the child. So as not to further traumatize them.

Saying MJ has been "suspect" for a while doesn't prove anything. There's a big difference between suspecting someone of something and having the evidence required to reach a conclusion. It's clear this person hasn't done their homework on the previous cases or they wouldn't be trying to use those past claims to validate their current opinion.

When she says this isn't "random" people making the claims what is she trying to achieve there? People targeted by real pedophiles usually aren't random children in the first place, it's usually close family members and friends so the claim isn't unusual in that way. Having a lot of contact with a child only proves they knew each other, nothing beyond that.

It's true that real victims can have great difficulty going through a case in the court system as children but this excuse could only count for 1993 when Jimmy was 15, and he wasn't a "small child" then either. Jimmy was 27 in 2005 so what's the excuse then? As has already been mentioned, when a criminal case goes to court it's the D.A who brings the charges, gets the indictment and prosecutes the case. It's not the responsibility of the plaintiff to do that, so their money doesn't get used to prosecute, that's not a problem there. If the case is a civil one that's a different story but that's not what's being referred to here.

She then questions why at MJ's age did he have so many "little boy" friends. She ignores the fact that there were also girls and their families. Having children as friends doesn't automatically mean anything sinister either, people only think this because of the hysteria surrounding child abuse. I remember when teachers were allowed to hold hands with children as they walked through the school yard and nobody blinked an eye because it wasn't seen as suspicious, it wasn't thought of as being sexual. These days people have a heightened suspicion of anybody who even talks to a child.

Having an amusement park and many toys also proves nothing criminal. Many children visited Neverland over the years, the point of it was to give children (some of which were terminally ill) some happiness in their lives. Last time I checked this was not a crime. Should every amusement park also be considered suspicious based on this reasoning? Should we shut down Disneyland because trying to entertain and make children happy is considered suspicious by some? I don't think so. You will have trouble finding a pedophile that would have a theme park at their own home because they don't want to draw any attention to their interactions with children at all.

Sleepovers don't prove or equate to criminal acts either, and no pedophile in the world will ever admit to having children anywhere near their bed, again, they don't want to get caught. It's not uncommon for people to equate more than one person being in a bed together with sex, but people sharing a bed does not automatically have to mean this. Yes, people will have suspicions when they think of an adult and a child in the same bed, but suspicion is not evidence. Molestation isn't an act which is exclusive to beds either.

Throwing O.J into the mix doesn't help her case either, the two have nothing to do with each other! You can't determine a person's guilt or innocence based on another case that had nothing to do with MJ's! This is terrible logic! If she wants people to believe MJ was really guilty why not focus on the facts of the case? I'll bet it's because she doesn't know what they are.

She then throws in an argument from emotion, asking if the people skeptical of the claims have been molested. This is a bad argument to use because molestation has not been proved here. I myself know people who don't believe these claims who were abused as children, but it has nothing to do with whether or not they believe Jimmy's claim because it's not about their own experiences, it's about the facts. This woman has not helped her case here, she's just jumped to conclusions using only speculation and logical fallacies. Nothing of substance there at all.
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Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Is it true that Justin Timberlake got him practically blackballed from the music industry and that's why Robson's got not work? It would explain why he suddenly decided that he was molested.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

If the case is a civil one that's a different story but that's not what's being referred to here.

And why would even a parent who suspects their child being molested think of lawyers and a civil lawsuit first instead of talking to the police and the DA? I know that happened over and over in MJ's case, people going to lawyers and starting civil lawsuits instead of a criminal investigation, but that just highlights their true motives.

She then throws in an argument from emotion, asking if the people skeptical of the claims have been molested. This is a bad argument to use because molestation has not been proved here. I myself know people who don't believe these claims who were abused as children, but it has nothing to do with whether or not they believe Jimmy's claim because it's not about their own experiences, it's about the facts. This woman has not helped her case here, she's just jumped to conclusions using only speculation and logical fallacies. Nothing of substance there at all.

It's nothing but a weak, appeal to emotions and prejudices rambling. But if this really comes from someone around Jimmy that means they do monitor these articles about them and the comment sections and try to manipulate public opinion. Remember when Robson's cousin, Jonathan was commenting those RadarOnline articles. Trying to use similar, falalcious appeal to emotions and prejudices arguments. It does seem important to them what the public thinks and to try to manipulate public opinion in their favour. I do think they want to play it out in the court of public opinion, rather than in a real court. In a real court such arguments will easily crumble.

And BTW, isn't Jimmy's story that he only recently realized abuse when he became a father and underwent therapy? So how does all this argument fly with that his parents only didn't report it because they didn't have money for lawyers or because Jimmy was a "small child" (yeah he was 16-17, in 1994...)? This Kathy may well be a relative or friend but I don't think they will use any of these arguments because they cannot be that stupid.
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Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Yes. Don't get me wrong but in a way I'm even "glad" (if one can say that about such a thing) that he claims anal rape because it makes his allegations weaker at the end of the day IMO. I wonder if Jimmy will too claim this to try to make a "pattern" for Wade.

I think they claim this for shock value (or maybe because that's what they saw in the Sandusky case - Wade first made his allegations to his therapist when the Sandusky case was in the news), but it eventually weakens their case. It makes it only harder for them to explain how as an adult in 2005 he did not know it was sexual abuse. How he did not realize it was abuse until 2012. How he could think it was "loving". How it did not cause any medical problems for him. How his mother or doctors never noticed anything. Etc. etc. Not to mention that no one else before him claimed such a thing. And Wade precedes the Chandlers in chronology, so how did Michael go from anal rape to just masturbation with kids later? If there is any kind of progress with this mental condition it should be in the other direction: going from milder acts to increasingly more brutal and violent acts, not the other way around.

I think he claims it because it increases the value of his story.

Anal rape would mean a higher compensation value, because of the severity and trauma of it.

I'm sure he expected the estate to settle very quickly and that they would then get into negotiations and the anal rape factor would mean he could ask for more. Just like the reason why it seems he claims MJ molested him the second night and molested him every time they were alone together - more trauma, more money.

His case seems orchestrated around being able to demand as much as possible, using all the other available bullshit he could find (Francia and the books) and expecting a quick settlement, without really paying attention to the details.

But yes, I agree, this will backfire on him big time.

When Suzy first told me he was claiming to be anally raped by MJ I was shocked and floored and thought that it would be so bad for MJ to have that claimed... but she's right in that the more you think about it, the more absurd it becomes. It's so hard to believe MJ anally raped him for 7 years and he had no trauma, either emotionally or physically, from it at the time, not until he was 29 years old. It's just completely ridiculous.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

^ I do not use it as the main evidence, but you also have to factor in Michael's personality. The Estate could put tons of character witnesses on the stand about how Michael was the anti-thesis of anything violent. I'm sure haters will say it was just a facade but how would that work in real life? How come he could never do anything violent to anyone ever in his life, in fact he felt really bad about it if someone around him got hurt, yet he would anally rape children behind closed doors with complete disregard to their physical and psychological pain? Michael should have had a sever case of multiple personality disorder for that. He should have been Jakyl and Hyde.

At least about the masturbation stories people could say that he was this misguided, poor, sick individual who didn't know what he did was harmful. But if you claim anal rape you will have to portray MJ as a person who has complete disregard for the physical and psychological pain and suffering of a child.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Let me get this straight. So McManus gets what she believes was a threat from Michael. But she stayed at her job? She didn't quit and leave? And she never thought to even try to sneak away from Neverland to get to a phone and call the police? Ridiculous. And since McManus wants to drag Bill Bray into this, I would love to hear what his family has to say about that.
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Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Yes, I was going to say that in my post but stopped because I knew it's too much into Character Witness type testimony, but yes.

But the thing is, even the general public believes MJ isn't that intimidating a person. I mean, you get the whackjobs like Adrian McManus or whatever, but there are no actual real stories of MJ ever threatening or intimidating anyone around him, ever.

So it's a big step for people to take - to see MJ as this confused stunted child the way many people do, to seeing him as an actual physically intimidating threatening rapist.

Though obviously some people would believe it and I do believe it would be big shocking news when it gets out that that is what he's claiming, I believe it will cause a LOT of skepticism. That suddenly people will go, "Hey, wait a second." It's just a very very very hard thing to accept, both Michael as being capable of hurting a child physically so terribly, to the idea of a child being abused this way for seven years and that his parents, doctors and nobody noticed and that he claims he didn't think it was wrong for another 20 years. Also, that it goes against Jordan Chandler's claims.

That's why it's so obvious to me he only included it to increase his price. Because I believe even HE knows and recognizes that it's a hard story to sell otherwise.

And the older MJ's kids get and the more they speak about him publicly - if Wade and Safechuck try and sell this story of MJ being a violent person who anally raped people, then I think people will really question that there too, because MJ's kids are very credible, solid, calm, intelligent, reasoned adults, and are very likeable, and I believe people will have a hard time trying to mesh these two different Michael's together.

So McManus gets what she believes was a threat from Michael. But she stayed at her job? She didn't quit and leave? And she never thought to even try to sneak away from Neverland to get to a phone and call the police? Ridiculous. And since McManus wants to drag Bill Bray into this, I would love to hear what his family has to say about that.

LOL last year after Wade she claimed Michael's bodyguard threatened to slit her throat or send a sniper out to shoot her if she told anyone.

So she was getting threats of all kinds from all corners. ****ing nutjob.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Another thing why her reasoning doesn't make any sense: As we know from the HIStory trailer photos Michael was in contact with Jimmy at least until 1994, when Jimmy was about 16-17.

So what did happen here?

Jimmy's parents knew since he was 10 that he's being abused but just turned a blind eye on it and let the relationship continue for Michael's money? And they even lied to authorities about it in 1993 and made Jimmy lie too? Then they should be held responsible just as much as Michael, because that would mean they knowingly prostituted their son for money.

If they didn't know, then, when did they find out? If before 1994 then how come they let Jimmy's relationship with Michael continue at least until 1994. And if they found out after 1994 then the "a trial is traumatic for a small child" argument doesn't work, since in 1994 Jimmy wasn't a small, 10-year-old child. Heck, they did not even have to start their own trial, they could have just gone to the prosecution in the Chandler case and Jimmy wasn't a small child during the Chandler case. He was 16-17.

I actually hope this is really a relative of Jimmy's and these kind of ridiculous narratives are what we will hear from them. It's easy to emotionally manipulate people in the comment section on a tabloid website but those people do not know any details about MJ and Jimmy and his family's history. If it goes to court it will be much more difficult to sell such narratives because they simply do not make sense in the context of the real facts and events. And IMO for that reason they do not really want it to go to court. They will try to play it out in the tabloids and court of public opinion to try to make the Estate settle. Or if they think they can go to court, accuse MJ and let their own parents off the hook then they are very stupid.

Yes that does seem like that is what she is suggesting. Nowhere in that article does it say his parents knew back then, so it's odd she would even mention that.

Maybe while trying to gain the sympathy vote :violin: when telling others, the Safechuck's hadn't quite thought this story through. :dntknw: Liars usually don't.
I too noticed that DD cannot even get her facts about this from her "sources" right.... *ahem* Wade & Safechuck's lawyers *cough* :nono: :eek:n_the_sly:
According to DD's article in TDB: Safechuck was molested for several years, and then she goes on to say it was from the ages 10 -14 or 15.

I guess we will have to wait to find out more. I expect the court docs will be released soon, as did Wade's.

I am only speculating whether these comments made on TDM are from someone connected to the Safechuck's. They most probably aren't, but still a big coincidence that they too are from Simi Valley too and odd that they would write these things. No harm in keeping a reference of them, just in case.
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Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Yes, I was going to say that in my post but stopped because I knew it's too much into Character Witness type testimony, but yes.

But the thing is, even the general public believes MJ isn't that intimidating a person. I mean, you get the whackjobs like Adrian McManus or whatever, but there are no actual real stories of MJ ever threatening or intimidating anyone around him, ever.

If there is only character witness testimony for someone then that in itself is weak. However when it's coupled with other evidence about the accusers and their witnesses being liars then it can add to the effectiveness of the defense, so I would not play down such testimony. It can be brought in and should be brought in if there is also other strong defense - to make it even stronger.

Like you said, other than from people who are easy to discredit, such as McManus, Guiterrez, Chacon etc., there has never been any proof or even claim of Michael being violent or brutal or this sociopathic personality who doesn't care about other people's feelings. On the contrary, you will rarely find a more empathic personality than him. A lot of people will be able to testify about that - credible, truthful people.

The prosecution in 2005 did try to portray him as some kind of Maffia Don with their conspiracy charge, but even they rather portrayed the likes of Frank Cascio, Vinnie Amen, the Germans as the threatening ones, not Michael personally. I guess even they realized it would be hard to sell. But even this way the conspiracy charge was hard to sell and a laughing stock even in the media which wasn't exactly pro-Michael.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

If there is only character witness testimony for someone then that in itself is weak. However when it's coupled with other evidence about the accusers and their witnesses being liars then it can add to the effectiveness of the defense, so I would not play down such testimony. It can be brought in and should be brought in if there is also other strong defense - to make it even stronger.

And with civil suits lots of character witness type testimony can be brought in, and basically the defense can parade around possibly up to 100 children (MJ's family - 27 grandkids, at least like 15 or so cousins, etc -- then the 50 or so girls I have on my site, then the other boys MJ knew either closely or pretty well) MJ interacted with throughout his life who could speak about him, and they would all say he was a good person to them.

Of course, Wade will have people testifying about his character too.

But if this makes it to court, the defense will go all out, and 100 children vs Wade/Safechuck now, and possibly Jason Francia as the only "victims" - the case is just not there and Wade's case will look very weak. Jordan won't testify, if he does he'd be exposed worst than anyone else.
The prosecution in 2005 did try to portray him as some kind of Maffia Don with their conspiracy charge, but even they rather portrayed the likes of Frank Cascio, Vinnie Amen, the Germans as the threatening ones, not Michael personally. I guess even they realized it would be hard to sell. But even this way the conspiracy charge was hard to sell and a laughing stock even in the media which wasn't exactly pro-Michael.
Janet I think did try and claim MJ threatened her directly in some way? Or was it Frank?

I think that's when she claims Gavin or Star overheard Michael saying this, and yet on the witness stand, they denied ever hearing any threats from anyone. So basically the entire conspiracy rested just on Janet's words.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Of course, Wade will have people testifying about his character too.

Yes, but it's the type of "witnesses" like McManus, Ralph "he stared at me and it was so intimidating I became unable to work and he needs to compensate me for that" Chacon etc - who are easily discredited. Oh, they can bring in Janet Arvizo too, if they want...

Michael on the other hand can have strong, credible witnesses on his side, just like in 2005.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

do you really guys think those who believe MJ was a molester , will find it hard to believe he raped Wade ? Please

Most of them never knew the first two did not claim he raped them, most of the comments always suggest they believe raping was part of the Chandler allegations.

Stanley Katz testified on the stand he believed MJ was a regressed man , not exactly a pedophile , probably that was their explanation for the lack of sexual intercourse in the two claims at the time( if they claimed rape , it would have been very easy to refute).

But you have to remember, the Chandlers and Arvizos claimed he was in the first stages of grooming before their families intervened. However, Wade is talking about 7 years of abuse. One of the main things we were saying for years how does a so called child abuser get satisfaction by just touching. It made no sense. So imagine if he claimed for example he continued to touch me for seven years, it would have been laughable, because everyone would have said , why did not he rape you ? how come it was only touching?

So no, I don't believe this is weakened their case. On the contrary.

On the other hand , as you all pointed out, being raped for seven years without your family noticing anything while the accuser was under a microscope globally seems very unrealistic to say the least.
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Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

do you really guys think those who believe MJ was a molester , will find it hard to believe he raped Wade ? Please

Most of them never knew the first two did not claim he raped them, most of the comments always suggest they believe raping was part of the Chandler allegations.

Stanley Katz testified on the stand he believed MJ was a repressed man , not exactly a pedophile , probably that was their explanation for the lack of sexual intercourse in the two claims at the time( if they claimed rape , it would have been very easy to refute).

But you have to remember, the Chandlers and Arvizos claimed he was in the first stages of grooming before their families intervened. However, Wade is talking about 7 years of abuse. One of the main things we were saying for years how does a so called child abuser get satisfaction by just touching. It made no sense. So imagine if he claimed for example he continued to touch me for seven years, it would have been laughable, because everyone would have said , why did not he rape you ? how come it was only touching?

So no, I don't believe this is a weakened their case. On the contrary.

On the other hand , as you all pointed out, being raped for seven years without your family noticing anything while the accuser was under a microscope globally seems very unrealistic to say the least.

Yes, some people of the general the public assumed the Chandlers/Arvizos claimed rape, but that makes it obvious that those people do not know anything about these cases. Of course, for people who are not willing to learn about the details anything can be feed, but in a court some things will be hard to sell. IMO Wade would have been more clever just to claim masturbation, oral sex like the rest. Anal sex just makes it so much more problematic for him to make sense of his case from so many aspects - and whether the (mostly ignorant) general public will find it believable or not is just one of those many aspects.

I think Ray once tried to claim somewhere that by stopping it they surely saved Jordan from anal penetration that certainly would have come, but in their official allegations they never make any claim about any attempt at anal penetration by Michael or anything in that direction at all.

The Chandlers claimed Jordan and MJ slept in the same bed between March and June 1993. They claimed Michael built it up as a gradual process of first just sleeping in the same bed, then an innocent hug, then an innocent kiss on the cheek etc - first these innocent things, one at a time, that is not abuse. But Wade claims Michael started to molest him right away on the very first night they spent together. There is no grooming, no gradual build up from innocent things. First night alone - abuse happens, according to him. Of course, he might claim that the anal rape was only later, but his claim is NOT consistent with that of the Chandlers.

But you have to remember, the Chandlers and Arvizos claimed he was in the first stages of grooming before their families intervened. However, Wade is talking about 7 years of abuse. One of the main things we were saying for years how does a so called child abuser get satisfaction by just touching. It made no sense. So imagine if he claimed for example he continued to touch me for seven years, it would have been laughable, because everyone would have said , why did not he rape you ? how come it was only touching?

I don't know who said that as one of the main things for years, but I sure didn't. IMO it's possible for someone to molest children without having the desire to penetrate.

I do not want to suggest in any way or form that homosexuality is related to pedophilia, so I hope no one gets it in the wrong way, but I know from talking to gay people that not every gay couple/person is into penetration, for example. They are doing other things in bed and that's just as satisfactory to them.
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Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Gavin's allegations were not also consistent with Jordan, as the chandlers never claimed pornography or alcohol. Let's hope none of that would be heard by a jury, as hearing one after another repeat that bullshit won't be easy.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Gavin's allegations were not also consistent with Jordan, as the chandlers never claimed pornography or alcohol. Let's hope none of that would be heard by a jury, as hearing one after another repeat that bullshit won't be easy.

Wade does claim pornography in his lawsuit. He obviously took elements from the Arvizo allegations. The pornography is one thing. Then it also appears that he tries to attach sinister meaning to nick names, like the prosecution did in 2005 to "Applehead" etc. Wade also felt the need to include in his lawsuit that Michael called him "Little One" until he died. And the whole "Dad" thing - the prosecution tried to make it sound sinister in 2005 that Gavin called MJ "Dad". Wade claims MJ encouraged him to call him "Dad". So he does try to use elements from the Arvizo case, but I think most is surface stuff, soundbites that they probably gathered from the media. On deeper levels there are lots of inconsistencies with those other allegations. Even if you take this "Dad" thing - when you read Gavin's actual testimony you will find that it were the Arvizos who started to call Michael "Dad" (like they called Palanker "sister" or Chris Tucker "brother" etc.) So nothing sinister could be made of it eventually, but the fact Wade feels the need to include this shows that he thinks it's something that can be sold as sinister and that will make him consistent with the Arvizos.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I am going to assume that Upchucks parents are dead or he estranged from them or like Wade's mother they are in on it. Because there is no way they claim ignorance. Some one from tmz of all places pointed out that when upchuck was on tour with Michael his parents were there and thanks to Latoya we know there is a claim that one million dollars claim is there. A garbage collector all of the sudden has one million dollars, you sold your son for a million dollars. If you are going to claim that I wonder if the IRS knew about that million? If they did surely there are tax records bank receipts and again thanks to Latoya I am sure Safechucks were looked at in 93 and that money was searched for
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

If they will claim he paid them 1 million then they should have then had more than enough to hire a lawyer to get them more lol

I bet Francia did not have enough money to hire a lawyer but Fieldman was more than happy to help her.

Many lies , it would be funny to see them get impeached on the stand still I pray their case is thrown out as MJ and his kids don't deserve what the media has in hand for them
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

It is no longer only kids being afraid to come forward, but complete families, with siblings and parents . How come they are going to justify all that ?

I will emphasize it again , these two are adults not kids; the amount of dirt the investigators are going to collect on them , especially their financial status, will be huge. I don't believe they will ever want to testify and get cross examined.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

You can't justify not only not coming forward but lying and saying you were not abused. In 05 Upchucks mother complained that the DA would not leave them alone and that Michael did not pay them a million dollars and that buy them a home.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I doubt they will embrace LaToya's story about the payment. Only if they are total idiots or if he is totally estranged from his parents. Because that would seriously implicate his parents. LaToya last lived with Michael in around 1987-88. But we see Jimmy with MJ up until at least 1994.

So how did this whole thing happen then? Parents realize MJ abused their son, MJ pays them $1 million and then they just let the relationship to continue for years then and turn a blind eye? In that case his parents should be held accountable for child prostitution.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Just like Wade yout must implicate your parent. That's why Joy took off to Australia before Wade came out. She is in it which I think she is or they are throwing her under the bus
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I'm hard pressed to see how a competent court would even want to hear a case like this. more so since the accused is no longer alive to defend himself. That would be extremely prejudicial to the accused . Indeed, what possible evidence can wade bring forward to even suggest he's been molested by MJ? All the court will hear are wades false stories, most likely copied from other accusations available online, that MJ cannot refute because he's no longer with us. I mean anyone with an internet connection and that was once in contact with MJ can easily do that.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

As i said though, i will reserve judgement until i see some evidence

I wonder what evidence you think they may have.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Yes, but it's the type of "witnesses" like McManus, Ralph "he stared at me and it was so intimidating I became unable to work and he needs to compensate me for that" Chacon etc - who are easily discredited. Oh, they can bring in Janet Arvizo too, if they want...

Michael on the other hand can have strong, credible witnesses on his side, just like in 2005.

Oh I mean I'm sure Wade will have his friends etc talking about what an honest good person he is who never lies or some BS.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Oh I mean I'm sure Wade will have his friends etc talking about what an honest good person he is who never lies or some BS.

Oh yeah, and SNAP vouching for him being the textbook victim.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I bet Justin will have nice things to say about him lol

If there is one to say good things about him , there are 100 to say the opposite, all his skeletons will be revealed. Hollywood has no saints.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

:angry: Since I recently found about Jimmy Safechuck or I should refer him as "STABCHUCK" having the gull to tell the world lies about Michael and teaming up Robson while Xscape is released? Both are such backstabbing traitors and I hate them so much. I should dub these 2 as "The Backstabbers".:ranting If there's gonna another person going to sue the Estate with that same crap like these 2 are doing, I'm gonna go hellbent over it and chuck my hockey sticks and pucks at them.:tickingtimebomb
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Can I just say that Xscape has entered the uk charts at number 1. I think this shows that the general public see this BS for the scam that it obviously is. I can't believe that this has gone as far as it has. I hope that these punks are hung out to dry. In 2005 they would have been courted by the prosecution but no need as they could still leach of Michael. Now they come up with ludicrous claims that are so far fetched that nobody, apart from known haters, believe them. I hope this ends soon.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Hopefully the judge will understand there is zero public outcry for him to set a precedent with this case, that says a lot about the credibility of the accusers. I pray and expect he has some sense and decency to respect what the laws state .
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

The only one thing that disturbs me a little is LaToya's story about the million dollar check. Ridiculous as it may be (which it is), how could LaToya knew about Safechuk's father's work?