Donald Trump elected as America's 45th President.

Last night he called for a full out investigation of the vote. Claiming illegal immigrants and dead people voted. Lol.
Let's waste that taxpayer money.

He can't get over that Hillary won the popular vote.

The USA have so many pressing problems and Trump has so much responsibility - worldwide, but Donald Ego Trump is pissed because of that popular vote.

"Donald first, Donald first!"
Mike Pence is going to be the most powerful VP and will indeed ruling the country for Trump. After reading this article, Pence scares the crap out me, I knew him being a fundamentalist Christian would be bad for the USA and probably the world but this is seriously terrifying.

I Was Trained for the Culture Wars in Home School, Awaiting Someone Like Mike Pence as a Messiah

Posted by Kieryn Darkwater on <time class="entry-date"> January 26, 2017 at 8:40am UTC</time>

I was working the polls on election day, handing people ballots and explaining how to fill them out properly. I made it my mission to come up with interesting uses for the removable tabs and entertain people for the 30 seconds that I had their captive attention. When 7 pm hit, people came in looking grim. &#8220;Did you hear about the polls?&#8221; they&#8217;d ask. &#8220;No,&#8221; I said, &#8220;but don&#8217;t tell me, I need to get through the next hour.&#8221; I guarded my polling location from news of what was happening because we still had to close &#8211; I still had to close &#8211; and needed to be able to focus without dealing with the sheer terror of reality.
I checked Twitter as I got in my Lyft back home. Shock bombarded and horror filled me as I scrolled through my timeline. I hoped the panic would vanish once the CA votes were counted. It didn&#8217;t. Slowly the new reality set in &#8211; the one where I wake up horrified and lose more of my basic human rights every day. The one where I wake up and am reminded that I was prepared for this, I saw this coming, I know what&#8217;s happening.
I grew up in the far-right evangelical conservative (Christofascist) movement; specifically, I was homeschooled and my parents were part of a subculture called Quiverfull, whose aim is to outbreed everyone for Jesus. I spent my teen years being a political activist. I was taught by every pastor I encountered that it was our job as Christians to outbreed the secularists (anyone not a far-right evangelical Protestant) and take over the government through sheer numbers. I was part of TeenPact, Generation Joshua and my local Teenage Republicans (TARS).
When the Tea Party rose in 2009, that was my culture. The Tea Party was step one. I was laying the groundwork for those elections in 2006. These people didn&#8217;t come out of the blue like it seemed. This plan, this Christofascist takeover of the US government, has been in the works for decades. When evangelical conservatism started becoming popular and more mainstream around the 1970s, the foundation was being laid for the tragedy playing out right now.
Evangelical conservatives started taking over their local republican parties and founding organizations like Operation Rescue, Homeschool Legal Defense Association, Family Research Council and Focus on the Family, just to name a few.

Michael Farris founded HSLDA in 1983 as a way to ensure that homeschooling was legal, but what he&#8217;s been striving for is the wild west. His organization is trying to keep homeschooling away from any interference so the children he trains through his sister organization, Generation Joshua, would be able to fly under the radar. Generation Joshua started in 2003, primarily catering to children homeschooled by extremely religious rightwing adults. Its purpose was to train us to fight in what the Christofascists have been calling the &#8220;Culture Wars.&#8221; It&#8217;s a loose and ambiguous term that basically means anything or anyone that doesn&#8217;t align with this very specific view of Christianity must not be allowed to continue.
Mission statements of GenJ, TeenPact, NCFCA, CFC

How do you do that? Well, you overturn Roe v. Wade, Griswold v. Connecticut, Brown v. Board of Education and Bob Jones v. The United States. Each of these decisions currently protects reproductive rights or non-discrimination based on race. As retribution, you amend the Constitution to discriminate against queers, trans people, women and people of color. Then, you make laws legislating morality. The only way to do this is to infiltrate the government; so Generation Joshua, TeenPact and other organizations exist to indoctrinate and recruit homeschooled youth who have ample free time to participate in politics. The biggest resources for teaching civil discourse are the National Christian Forensics and Communications Association and Communicators for Christ (since renamed Institute for Cultural Communicators). Through these programs we learned how to argue effectively. As students, we were taught critical thinking skills but given only a narrow view of what was acceptable to argue for. We were, after all, being trained to take over the country for Christ, literally. We knew how to perform logical gymnastics about abortion, Christianity and any evangelical talking point you could throw at us.
When we showed up to city council, local political party meetings and tours of the Capitol we asked intelligent questions, were respectful and had a vested interest in how our local political machine ran. We impressed every government official and staff member with our questions, earnesty and demeanor. In short, we were sneaky and polite Trojan horses; we had an agenda. Yes, even as 15-year-olds. It was forcefully handed to us by the adults in our lives who had been preparing for this since before we were born.
I watched the Tea Party takeover and was surprised no one saw it coming. After all, this was part of the plan. Trump being elected is also part of the plan, although not Trump specifically; the true goal is Pence.
Christofascists have been wanting someone like Pence in the White House and, until now, didn&#8217;t have a way to get one in. They know Trump is easily manipulated and will change his mind with the wind if it makes him feel more powerful and famous. Trump couldn&#8217;t care less about policy, a fact he&#8217;s made quite obvious. The Right has given a tyrant power and fame; he will do whatever they want him to do in order to keep it. This way they can sneak Pence in on a piggyback while filling Congress with even more evangelical conservative Republicans. Compared to Trump&#8217;s abrasive and terrifying behavior, Pence seems much less threatening. This is not the case. Pence has a proven track record of legalizing discrimination and acting against women and marginalized people. Those of us who didn&#8217;t leave the far Right are being elected to federal positions or are taking over states and cities. With Pence in office, even the reasonable-seeming incumbents &#8211; who have been and are still at the mercy of the Tea Party &#8211; are growing more bold in their attempts to further the Christofascist agenda: To Take Back The Country For Christ.
This was the mantra we heard. This was our mission. This is how we were to win: Outbreed, Outvote, Outactivate. Every class, every event, every pastor or guest speaker reiterated this, choosing to risk the 501c3 status of their church to push their agenda. To take back the country for Christ, we needed to outbreed, outvote and outactivate the other side, thus saith The Lord.
Meanwhile, mainstream Democrats shake their heads in confusion and fundamentally misunderstand the meaning of grassroots organizing, which is where all of this happens. Republicans have a vast network of homeschoolers that HSLDA and others have given them to tap into as a source of free labor. Republicans in state governments are lax on homeschooling oversight because their Get Out The Vote base is made of homeschoolers thanks to Generation Joshua and Teenpact.
Via Generation Joshua

Homeschoolers may make up a small portion of students as a whole, but they are loud, have time and can be activated with one email blast. When HR6 was brought to Congress in 1994, homeschool families realized their power. With an alert from HSLDA, homeschool families flooded the lines of Congress demanding that they exclude private, home and religious schools from the bill. They succeeded. The reach of HSLDA to activate the homeschool community has only grown since then. We are the secret no one knew about and it&#8217;s time to come to light. Homeschoolers are a huge reason for the evangelical conservative takeover we&#8217;ve seen over the last decade or so; it would be a mistake to write them off.
Self-proclaimed constitutional lawyer Michael Farris, the founder of HSLDA, and revisionist historian David Barton have spent years twisting their interpretation of the U.S. Constitution as some kind of God-breathed document into the minds of parents and their families who will just believe what they say because they&#8217;re &#8220;Good Christians.&#8221; They don&#8217;t necessarily practice critical thought, are dissuaded from looking at the Constitution themselves without a law degree and don&#8217;t bother to read history from all angles, relying only on the whitewashed Christian versions of the Constitution and our founding.
If you&#8217;re thinking that declaring the nation a Christian one and turning into a theocracy is a ludicrous idea that has no basis in our constitution, you&#8217;d be correct. However, Christofascists have imbibed this theory and now believe it is their Christian duty to save the country from its secular ways in the name of religious freedom. In this worldview, any non-Christian (including Catholics and Jews) is doomed to eternal torture if they don&#8217;t convert. Thus, we are all going to hell in a handbasket if &#8220;good Christians&#8221; don&#8217;t save the country from the liberals who think people should just &#8220;do what they want regardless of what God says.&#8221; Their religious extremism is worse than any group they fearmonger over, but the irony is lost on them.
Evangelical conservatives are convinced that their agenda will save the country from God-ordained death. Pat Robertson and many others believe that natural disasters are sent from God specifically to punish America for letting marginalized people have rights and be alive. This motivates them to do everything in their power to &#8220;save&#8221; the country from the ungodly &#8211; even, maybe especially &#8211; if it involves stripping others of the freedoms they deem to be against God&#8217;s wishes. They don&#8217;t care if their war for Christ hurts humans they see as living wrongfully, because they are capital &#8220;R&#8221; Right and that&#8217;s what matters. Their Rightness, they believe, comes from God Himself. Their beliefs are callous and without empathy, prioritizing dogma over people. These beliefs are dangerous. Many of us who have come out as queer, trans, or even merely gone to college, have lost family because of this worldview. A single powerful person who is convinced of their own Rightness with no thought of introspection is dangerous. We now have a government full of them.
It is important to understand that they are coming at this from a place of passion and dedication. They have a fire in their bellies. While it looks like a bunch of backwoods hillbillies playing with guns to anyone outside, they are resilient and in it for the long haul. They want America to succeed, but in their America there isn&#8217;t room for anyone unlike them. There&#8217;s a reason Trump&#8217;s mantra stuck despite his deplorable behaviour. They think America was founded on conservative Protestant ideals because that&#8217;s what they&#8217;ve been fed, because that&#8217;s what aligns with their interpretation of the Bible and they will not go down without a fight.
They are scared of anything newer than the 18th century; you can&#8217;t logic the fear of change away from people. If you do no research and are instead predisposed to the belief that older is better, it&#8217;s easy to think the Puritans were good and wholesome. People wore funny hats, were conservative and hated science. Church was basically mandatory and women weren&#8217;t allowed to speak or be autonomous people. These are all comforting things for people who feel as though the world is against them because of their religion, rather than the fact that their views and actions are bigoted, racist and actively harmful to millions of other humans. You cannot be this version of evangelical and not force your beliefs on others. Failing to convert is a failure on you and your dedication to your faith. This religion is based entirely on fear; you can&#8217;t argue away a fear so intense that it hardens you to anyone unlike you or your tribe.
They will not be won over with sit-downs and respectability politics. This kind of dogma cannot be reasoned with; it must be fought against. Trying to convince them to come to the other side is a waste of time unless they&#8217;ve already started on that journey themselves. The ones in power, actively harming our lives, are past this point. We can only fight back.
The revolution has come and we are the resistance.
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^ I agree that the current leadership lineup is deeply worrying. Why has Bannon got a higher 'place' on the National security Council than the Defence Chiefs of Staff and Head of Intelligence?

The UK has a current official parliamentary petition (started by a member of the public) to prevent Trump making an official state visit to the UK (ie to stay with HM the Queen, and be involved in military reviews, State banquet etc etc). It is gaining massive numbers of votes in double-quick time. It will have to be considered for debate in Parliament as it has over 100K votes. (Just jumped from 365K to 407K in a matter of minutes. All UK press outlets online are reporting on it).

Prevent Donald Trump from making a State Visit to the United Kingdom.

Donald Trump should be allowed to enter the UK in his capacity as head of the US Government, but he should not be invited to make an official State Visit because it would cause embarrassment to Her Majesty the Queen.
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Paris-Michael K. J. ?@ParisJackson 18m18 minutes ago
"let's kick a group of people out of a country that's not even rightfully ours" #murica

Paris-Michael K. J. Retweeted
Cole M. Sprouse ?@colesprouse 49m49 minutes ago
Your brand is not in jeopardy by public opposition to Trump. Your nation is in jeopardy without it.

Paris-Michael K. J. ?@ParisJackson 2h2 hours ago
scary times we're living in. maybe the time has come for the human race to finally learn how to come together for a bigger cause.
73 replies 506 retweets 1,474 likes

Paris-Michael K. J. ?@ParisJackson 2h2 hours ago
i hope you realize it's because of your own words and actions that we will, sir, start a revolution. it will be beautiful. @realDonaldTrump
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I'm watching the local news now and it's amazing how many people are at the airport protesting. We had over 20K people at the Women's March last weekend. Haven't seen this kind of protesting here since I was a young kid and the Vietnam war.
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This country was founded on immigrants, (un documented immigrants who slaughtered like terrorists if we want to really get into it)..

My father came to this country to get his PH.d., spent over 30 years here, is a citizen, has made American companies (including NASA) millions of dollars, which in turn helps the economy.. He is also a man who was born in Libya! and currently STUCK in Libya..

smart move for Trump?
Trump is centered around his ego. PLUS he obviously does not have any in depth knowledge about politics, history, cultures and diplomacy = A very dangerous mix.
KOPV;4182727 said:
This country was founded on immigrants, (un documented immigrants who slaughtered like terrorists if we want to really get into it)..

My father came to this country to get his PH.d., spent over 30 years here, is a citizen, has made American companies (including NASA) millions of dollars, which in turn helps the economy.. He is also a man who was born in Libya! and currently STUCK in Libya..

smart move for Trump?

This "not-a-Muslim-ban" Muslim ban is just unconscionable. I'm very sorry about your dad, I hope he gets to return home soon.

I'm sure this is just a coincidence...


respect77;4182741 said:

That's what he says but his nominees for the SC are all deeply conservative and so is his VP. I don't believe Trump is personally homophobic but I wouldn't count on him to be an advocate for the LGBT community either.

I've read three articles this week in the NYT and WaPo about the upcoming national elections in Germany, France and the Netherlands and the role of the far-right in these countries. They try to draw a parallel to the US but since religion is not really a political factor in Western Europe, it's hard to compare. Don't get me wrong, the AfD (Germany), FN (France) and PVV (NL) still have loathsome ideas esp. when it comes to Muslims and immigrants, but at least they're not pandering to social conservatives all the time. Among PVV voters for example, 93% support gay marriage and 82% support adoption by gay couples. You couldn't pay them to care about which bathroom people go to. And can you imagine an article like this about any Republican in the US? :

Far-right presidential hopeful Marine Le Pen attacked her main rival Francois Fillon on Tuesday over the link he has made between his political stance and his Christian beliefs, exposing a thorny issue facing their campaigns.

In an interview with France 2 Television ahead of the presidential election in April, the National Front (FN) leader evoked the French principle of secularism in public life.

Known as 'laïcité', the principle aims to separate religion from state affairs and has spawned a culture where civil servants cannot wear headscarves at work and children at state schools do not learn about religion.

Modern references to it are made in the context of tensions with the country's Muslim community, but a mistrust of religion in government dates from the 18th century when revolutionaries identified Catholic Church leaders with the royalty they overthrew. A law that enshrines it goes back to 1905, long before large-scale immigration by people of other religions.

"The French are of course very attached to their religious beliefs ... but the opportunistic use of that faith, to defend a certain political line, I find is contrary to the principle of laïcité and contrary to our (French) values," Le Pen said.

Religion adds an extra layer of bigotry to the far-right and even the mainstream right in the US. Now that they're in power, I have no doubt they will try to roll back some of the progress that has been made in the past decade when it comes to LGBT rights. And Trump will go right along with it if it's politically expedient for him.

I have to say, Donald Trump is exceeding my worst expections so far. I had hoped he would surround himself with qualified advisors that would have a moderating influence on him but instead he's managed to put together the most god-awful, inexperienced, ethically challenged team I've ever seen in any administration ever. I'm not one to be overly dramatic but I believe the US is on a dangerous path right now. The daily attacks on independent media, the brazen lies (or "alternative facts"), the delegitimisation of election results ("millions of illegal votes"), the scapegoating of minorities, the unabashed corruption and nepotism, the shady deals and conflicts of interest, the promise to bring back "law and order" and to build up and display military strength, the plans for a deportation force and 1900 mile border wall, the threats of a trade war with China, the hostility to traditional allies like Europe and Japan... and it's only been 11 days! :eek:hno:

I read this article today and thought it was really thought-provoking: How To Build An Autocracy It's long but I'd recommend to read it till the end.
Religion adds an extra layer of bigotry to the far-right and even the mainstream right in the US. Now that they're in power, I have no doubt they will try to roll back some of the progress that has been made in the past decade when it comes to LGBT rights. And Trump will go right along with it if it's politically expedient for him.

I have to say, Donald Trump is exceeding my worst expections so far. I had hoped he would surround himself with qualified advisors that would have a moderating influence on him but instead he's managed to put together the most god-awful, inexperienced, ethically challenged team I've ever seen in any administration ever. I'm not one to be overly dramatic but I believe the US is on a dangerous path right now. The daily attacks on independent media, the brazen lies (or "alternative facts"), the delegitimisation of election results ("millions of illegal votes"), the scapegoating of minorities, the unabashed corruption and nepotism, the shady deals and conflicts of interest, the promise to bring back "law and order" and to build up and display military strength, the plans for a deportation force and 1900 mile border wall, the threats of a trade war with China, the hostility to traditional allies like Europe and Japan... and it's only been 11 days! :eek:hno:
Every day they announced a new Cabinet nominee, I just shook my head in disbelief. It's as if he was nominating the worst possible people for the job-people that only care about the wealthy and the more wealthy.
Not a good example of a supposedly "populist" President.

I'd laugh if I didn't live here. I imagine that Trump will eventually get impeached-which, of course, will just put Pence in charge, and that's what the far right really wants anyway.
LindavG;4182758 said:
I'm sure this is just a coincidence...


During a rally on August 21, the day Trump created four of those companies, he said he gets along well with Saudi Arabia.

"They buy apartments from me," Trump said during the Alabama rally. "They spend $40 million, $50 million. Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much.&#8221;

In January of this year, Trump said on Fox News he "would want to protect Saudi Arabia.

"I would want to protect Saudi Arabia," he said during the interview. "But Saudi Arabia is going to have to help us economically. They were making, before the oil went down ... they were making $1 billion a day.&#8221;

During his presidential campaign, the president-elect often called out his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, for accepting money from Saudi Arabia for the Clinton Foundation.

11 Sept attack, 15 of the 19 were citizens of Saudi Arabia, and the others were from the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and Lebanon.
These countries are not on Trumps list.
respect77;4182783 said:
Yes, it is stupid. It is just posing to his voters because if it is serious why just selected countries? When most terrorist did not even come from those countries? Not that a general ban on Muslims would be effective in any shape or form. It is generalizing every muslim as a terrorist and that is not the solution. But even if we go by Trump's intent, it isn't effective in solving that.

I do think what is going on in Europe is the other extreme - with letting in millions of people without any vetting, any border control, without anyone knowing anything about their identity, who they are, why they came, where they came from. That's crazy madness as well and IMO that resulted in the rise of populist parites in Europe such as AfD and Le Pen. Because the traditional parties completely dropped the ball on the immigration issue. Like David Frum wrote in the article by Sam Harris I quoted on the previous page: "When liberals insist that only fascists will defend borders, then voters will hire fascists to do the job liberals won&#8217;t do."

The rise of populism is very sad but it is cause and effect. Traditional parties completely dropped the ball on this issue.

That's another reason why comparisons between right-wing populism in the US and Europe don't make sense. As you said, this Muslim ban is just posturing, not just because it doesn't affect some of the most terror-prone countries but also because the US wasn't taking in massive amounts of Muslim immigrants in the first place. Between 2010 and 2016, a total of 18,000 Syrian refugees were resettled in the US. That's 18,000 in a country twice the size of the EU with a population of 325 million. Just to put that in context: Sweden with a population of 9 million admitted 110,000 Syrian refugees in the same time span. I doubt most Americans have ever even met a Syrian refugee in real life yet Donald Trump thought it necessary to ban Syrian refugees indefinitely? Not to mention that the US already has one of the strictest vetting processes for refugees in the world:


What is there to improve? This backlash against refugees is borne of ignorance and xenophobia. There is no justification for it.

Another interesting fact: the US donated $4.5 billion in humanitarian aid to Syria between 2010 and 2016. The EU donated $8.6 billion in the same time span. Tiny Norway with a population of 5 million donated $674 million. Keep that in mind next time Donald Trump complains about how the whole world is leeching off the US -_-
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Well, considering Germany, everybody seeking asylum has got the right to come into the country to APPLY for asylum. When the many many refugees started to come, Germany and other European countries were not prepared, of course. But: Many of the refugees come from war areas like Syria or different African countries. Many refugees lost their lives during passage of the mediteranean.

In 2016 alone, almost 5000 refugees drowned in the mediteranean sea while trying to reach the European shore in nutshell boats. (source:,24931854,35047882.html) 5000.

How to choose the ones to send back immediately? (If that were even possible)
This is effecting more than just refugees or 'recent' immigrants.. There are American citizens that immigrated to the U.S. decades ago that went to visit family and are stuck.. People losing jobs because they cannot come back.. People that left on a winter break and have to skip out on school.. Think of parents that went to visit and there children stayed here being babysat by friends/family here.. There are medical professionals that had work/surgeries an various life threatening emergencies to attend to.. These are Americans we are talking about - not illegals! lets not forget other aspects.. How about those who were traveling that are ill and needed to be back for medication/surgery or various health needs..

And to me a big one Is that there has NOT been ONE fatality in acts of terror from individuals from any of the banned countries for over 10 decades.

I guarantee Trump just risked the lives of more people than he 'saved'....
U.S. president Donald Trump gave a speech in Melbourne, Florida, Saturday evening.

While speaking about keeping America safe he mentioned the major terrorist attacks in Nice, Paris and Brussels &#8211; and in the same sentence he pointed out an unspecified event in Sweden Friday evening.

&#8221;You look at what happened last night in Sweden&#8221;, he said.

Some things happened but nothing I need to worry about
Linda, it is a Muslim ban even if by law they hide it as other... Trumps words exactly "Donald J Trump is calling for a total and complete shut down of Muslims entering the United States until our countries representatives can figure out what the hell is going on"

You can put lipstick on a pig and dress It up like a lady but it's still a pig.. By law trump could not make it happen by those words but he stated what his intent is.. Which I would like to note that of the banned countries no American on America soil have been killed for over four decade.
<twitterwidget class="twitter-tweet twitter-tweet-rendered" id="twitter-widget-0" data-tweet-id="834699637198057473" style="position: static; visibility: visible; display: block; transform: rotate(0deg); max-width: 100%; width: 500px; min-width: 220px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;"></twitterwidget><blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This anecdote about about Donald Trump's disastrous 1990 trip to Japan is the best thing you will read today<a href="">#WhereIsMichaelJackson</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Andrew Bloch (@AndrewBloch) <a href="">February 23, 2017</a></blockquote>
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How embarrassing :lol:

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In Germany, it´s Rosenmontag today, the main day of carnival.

The carnival parade in Düsseldorf is traditionally very political and very drastic in its satire. Trump was one of the main focus there.

Some pictures:




The most talked about and crassest piece shows Trump raping the Statue of Liberty.
I'm sick and tired Orange Hitler is dominating the news every day because of his idocies and outrageous actions against minorities but it's nice when the most iconic psychopathic, murderous clown mocks him.

The Trumpster quotes by the Joker are back! :woohoo: :lmao:

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Daaaamn Donald, back at it again with the crazy accusations!
LindavG;4185115 said:
<twitterwidget class="twitter-tweet twitter-tweet-rendered" id="twitter-widget-0" data-tweet-id="834699637198057473" style="position: static; visibility: visible; display: block; transform: rotate(0deg); max-width: 100%; width: 500px; min-width: 220px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;"></twitterwidget><blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This anecdote about about Donald Trump's disastrous 1990 trip to Japan is the best thing you will read today<a href="">#WhereIsMichaelJackson</a> <a href=""></a></p>&#8212; Andrew Bloch (@AndrewBloch) <a href="">February 23, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
How embarrassing :lol:

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that book story... 100% I could see that happening. straight Trump right there