Have you ever...?

you mean if i ever watched football? yes :p

Have you ever felt angry that your fave team lost a game?
I think so, i dont remember :p

Have you ever eaten so fast that your stomach hurt so bad after ? :p
:yes: I read Peter Pan in German:D

have you ever been to Asia?

:rant: I'm so jealous you've been in so many places!!!

have you ever felt like this?:lol:
Not as many as I wish, I wish to travel and travel around the world, but it's impossible. And you are so young so don't be sad, you'll travel :yes: :huggy:.
btw, you were born in California and have lived there. I wish to travel there, but it costs a lot :(.

TPBM loves USA?
^wrong thread:lmao:

I do:p

have you ever been to Canada?