I just HATE this so much.

Sometimes a simple tactic works yeah...

Like saying: "If you dont have anything nice to say about MJ then please just SHUT UP because I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT (and that goes for all the next times too, unless you have something nice to say i DONT want to hear it)."
Staffordshire Bullterrier I am sorry you had to go through that with your aunt. And after reading what happen with your aunt. You had reminded me about this one birthday several years or so ago. My mother had invited her now late father over to my house for my birthday. I remember sitting at the dining room table with him talking. He had brought up the subject of Michael Jackson to me. Since he saw I was wearing one of my homemade MJ t-shirts back then. Well the things he had said about Michael to me were very hurtful to me. He knew he had hurt me when he had made those nasty MJ comments to me. And he didn't seem to care. So I just got up and left the dinning room because I just couldn't be in the same room with him anymore. Then again I should have expect that from my family since they all hate Michael Jackson. Especially my oldest aunt who is a huge Elvis Presley fan. She really hates Michael Jackson and she can't understand the L.O.V.E. that I have for Michael. Well I feel the same way with her and her L.O.V.E. for Elvis. I still don't understand what was so great about him. And she feels the same way with Michael. Even when I was in high school during the HIStory Era I had a problem with haters. I was practically the only MJ fan in the entire school full of haters. But back then I was a vicious attack dog when it came to Michael and defending him. I even almost put a girl in the hospital for making fun of my Michael. You really did not want to mess with me when it came to Michael Jackson back then. But I am really not like that anymore. I had finally learn to just ignored the haters. Which I usually do most of the time. But after being a fan of Michael's for nearly 30 years and a hardcore fan of his for 15 years. My old ways do sometimes come out when it comes to the haters.
I'm so sorry you had to go through that... :huggy: Especially when it was your birthday... Unfortunately some people can only think of themselves. :(

Actually I haven't really experienced that yet. I've noticed colleagues at work giggling and stuff like that. But no one has really dared to come up to me and tell it right to my face. Perhaps because they feel that I will crush them! And I will! All for L.O.V.E.! Hahaa! :giggle:
Sorry to hear.

Next time, just stare at her, point your finger in her face and start laughing for 10 seconds, then walk away.
It helps me sometimes when instead of trying to convince people like this to come around, I just intentionally annoy them so that they are frustrated instead of me.

So you troll them eh? lol That works sometimes, but sometimes a little knowledge does to. It really depends on the person who you are discussing this with. Some people are more fascinated w/MJ's celebrity rather than MJ, the human or MJ, the artist. I have never encountered anyone who was anti-MJ, irl, so I never got into any discourse about it. Even if I did I really don't care. No matter what they think, Mj's legacy will live on after we all die. So tough nuts to them.

Though, I really dislike it when people try to when people try to deny the very REAL existence of vitiligo. I have seen way too many people with this unfortunate condition and having had a temporary skin issue myself once, it's really no joke. That messes you up psychologically and it makes me realize just how much courage that man had by going out there everyday and facing the public knowing that he would be made fun of and that it had gotten to the point where he couldn't hide it anymore. I always think of it as that story where there's a bunch of people in a cave and one goes out. Then when they come back and try to tell the others, in the cave, of what they saw outside none of them believe him/her. People are just like that. Unless they see it for themselves, there's really nothing anyone can do about it.

You can't convince those who have hate in their hearts, but you can educate those who are indifferent or already on the fence.
Exactly , alot of people are just like 'Heh...i read this and i read that, i heard this and that' and simply don't do their own research. They let the horrible media feed them all the nonsense and never the truth. What does it take for these people to realize how WRONG they are? A long article where it explains everything about the accusations in 93 and 2003? A video documentary? Sometimes i really wonder if i am or am not capable of convincing someone of MJ's innocence, to let them see how misinformed they are. Where do i start?

So sorry this happened to you. Sadly like the saying goes...we can't choose our family. Its hard to change peoples minds when they have been brainwashed by the media for years. Sadly alot of people like to think badly of others even when its not true.

In response to your earlier statement about what can be done.. article, video etc... I recently joined this Facebook page.

William Wagener against Tom Snedden's crimes in MJ case.....
He wants to uncover all Sneddens crimes and make them public.I hope he can do it and show the world how wronged MJ was by Snedden and his team of crooks.

I apreciate Wagener alot, and what he's trying to do. He witnessed things, things like Sneddon and Gavin putting his fingerprints on the magazine...messing with evidence, sigh.

Next time (which will be another birthday, cause basically i only see my aunt at birthdays) if she starts with the shit again, i will definitely tell her to quit with that. However, next birthday won't be in my house, so for her to bring up MJ...that ain't gonna happen. I remember last year, i worked for three months at the company called Carglass, and this dude who works there acted like he knew everything. He was much older than me , and in his own annoying way he was acting like he was mister know it all and told me...listen to me...where there's smoke, there's fire. Of course he did wrong things to those children man. And he got worse.

It was around that time that i was happy as hell, cause my dad had called me and informed me about TII tickets, he managed to buy them. I am just glad that i wasn't working there anymore by the time MJ passed away. Cause for sure that idiot would have said something very nasty...and especially at such a time...i ain't having that.
The same thing happend,or similar to it at a July 4th party.I met this one girl(can't remember her name),and I just thought she was nice,until I told her I like Michael,then she got all up in my face,saying shit I knew wasn't true.Ugh,you are really not alone in this situation,seriously,it's happened to everyone.Nobody understands how much Michael means to ANY person on this forum who doesn't even see the REAL Michael.It's just sickening,but I never even see her anymore(thank god,I'd go mental and up in HER buisness too,like she did to me)
1.this kind of people are so shallow, they will believe the media because is easier for them to think Michael was a monster and that makes them great parents,great human beings, then accept how good he was, how much we had to learn from him...
2.i'm sorry to tell you but your aunt has no manners...a lot of people don't know to shut up when it's the case...if you don't like someone but you know another person in the room does, you just keep your comments to yourself...that's the nice thing to do...
3.this kind of things happened to me too and i think a lot of fans can relate to your story...we should try to spread the truth about our sweet angel but we have to accept that some people are lost they just want to believe that crap because it makes them feel better...but the new generation is open to Michael and it's our job to educate them right!
Sometimes, I think you just plant a seed in someone's thick head. Thankfully, I
don't have many experiences with the uninformed--but when it does happen, I
do my best not to show anger, but rather shake my head, smile and say I'm sorry
that the person has been so affected by media garbage for so long--and hope
that one day they will make their own decision about Michael Jackson and what
his life was about.

I remind them of his lifelong humanitarian work, which is inarguable, his immense
talent and the joy he brought to so many; suggest they take a moment to watch
Michael's Ghost short film and "...go ahead, give it a try, think for yourself..."
Shake my head, smile and say " 2 Bad"
I'm sorry to hear that. I know exactly how you feel because its the same thing with my family but now they try not to talk badly about Michael because I start to give them a long lecture lol they call me Michael's lawyer.. My brother still likes to annoy me when it come to Michael (and other things lol he's just like that) but I just don't bother to explain him anymore cuz it seems like a lost case..and frankly? I don't care..if people don't want to know the REAL Michael its their loss. I feel lucky that I know! ;)
Well if you think that's bad, my uncle was the one who got me into MJ as he was always playing his music and videos whenever I went to his house, he even saw him live but then he always slates him and calls him a child molester etc etc and says he definitely thinks he is guilty. I find that strange saying as at one time he saw him live and always used to play his music. I definitely think he used to be a fan but I don't know how your opinion can change like that especially if you saw him live, I would have thought that would be enough to make you like him forever. I'm used to it now, I just let it wash over me, people go on about MJ at work saying he was a weirdo etc whenever we get his books in (I work in a book shop) but I rise above and try and keep people informed about the FACTS. Even my parents aren't sure about MJ.
Well if you think that's bad, my uncle was the one who got me into MJ as he was always playing his music and videos whenever I went to his house, he even saw him live but then he always slates him and calls him a child molester etc etc and says he definitely thinks he is guilty. I find that strange saying as at one time he saw him live and always used to play his music. I definitely think he used to be a fan but I don't know how your opinion can change like that especially if you saw him live, I would have thought that would be enough to make you like him forever. I'm used to it now, I just let it wash over me, people go on about MJ at work saying he was a weirdo etc whenever we get his books in (I work in a book shop) but I rise above and try and keep people informed about the FACTS. Even my parents aren't sure about MJ.

Well, you know...going to a concert of him doesn't nessecarily have much to do with the allegations i think. If i didn't know anything about MJ, and i went to a show, sure i would be blown away as hell, but don't know what i'd think about the allegations, if i wouldn't do any research of my own. If i was a stupid mindless drone (like all these hater morons) and let the media keep feeding me nonsense...i'd be one of those too now.

When the 93 allegations broke, i was quite young but a huge MJ fan, but i was simply too young to research anything, hell i don't even think internet was around yet, right? hmmm...i never believed anything of it though. And thats also simply because i chose to not believe it, but also my dad who simply didn't try to influence me with media nonsense, he has an open mind as well and never believed anything of it.

Then when 2003 came...and i had been to a concert, i heard about the new allegations and i was like...wtf, again? And then i went to MJJC, and pretty soon started doing my own research, all those sites with groundbreaking info about both Chandler and Arvizo...a world opened up for me, in terms of the new and shocking things i found out, ever since then i've been trying to convince people on other forums about this. Just a shame that there are so many stupid mindless drones...at the end of the day, i feel they aren't worth my time anymore. If someone comes up to me and asks my opinion , i will tell it, and if i notice that the person wants to 'consider' his innocence, then we can get somewhere, you know. But...say...for example i am at a party or simply somewhere where there's alot of people, and MJ is brought up by someone..if i get the impression that its gonna be nasty, i'm not even gonna try, cause you know you are dealing with those mindless drones...yep :)
SBT- you are definately not on your own with the pain of having to put up with people making rude remarks about MJ.
In fact I'd say that every single MJ fan has been hurt by someone elses comments regarding Michael. :(
It's almost as if we go through this as a taster of what Michael himself faced each day of his life.
Try to be encouraged by Mike's strength. Unfortunately it seems that persecution is part of the deal when being a fan of MJ.
I could speak for hrs on this but to be honest people that dont see Michael for who he is, arent worth stressing over.
I've fallen out with many people due to my 'obsession' with MJ- I'm not going to change my ways for them or anyone.
Rant here anytime, there will always be support for you:wub:
SBT- you are definately not on your own with the pain of having to put up with people making rude remarks about MJ.
In fact I'd say that every single MJ fan has been hurt by someone elses comments regarding Michael. :(
It's almost as if we go through this as a taster of what Michael himself faced each day of his life.
Try to be encouraged by Mike's strength. Unfortunately it seems that persecution is part of the deal when being a fan of MJ.
I could speak for hrs on this but to be honest people that dont see Michael for who he is, arent worth stressing over.
I've fallen out with many people due to my 'obsession' with MJ- I'm not going to change my ways for them or anyone.
Rant here anytime, there will always be support for you:wub:

How can i disagree with that? I can't :)

Say if i were to meet a nice lady again, and eventually i show her my house...and she dislikes what she's seeing, there's a really big chance that will be the very last time we are seeing eachother, unless she simply accepts it , but for me to be together with a girl that really dislikes and doesn't believe in him, and doesn't care to learn the truth.....a challenge i probably won't participate in. :no:
Well, you know...going to a concert of him doesn't nessecarily have much to do with the allegations i think. If i didn't know anything about MJ, and i went to a show, sure i would be blown away as hell, but don't know what i'd think about the allegations, if i wouldn't do any research of my own. If i was a stupid mindless drone (like all these hater morons) and let the media keep feeding me nonsense...i'd be one of those too now.

When the 93 allegations broke, i was quite young but a huge MJ fan, but i was simply too young to research anything, hell i don't even think internet was around yet, right? hmmm...i never believed anything of it though. And thats also simply because i chose to not believe it, but also my dad who simply didn't try to influence me with media nonsense, he has an open mind as well and never believed anything of it.

Then when 2003 came...and i had been to a concert, i heard about the new allegations and i was like...wtf, again? And then i went to MJJC, and pretty soon started doing my own research, all those sites with groundbreaking info about both Chandler and Arvizo...a world opened up for me, in terms of the new and shocking things i found out, ever since then i've been trying to convince people on other forums about this. Just a shame that there are so many stupid mindless drones...at the end of the day, i feel they aren't worth my time anymore. If someone comes up to me and asks my opinion , i will tell it, and if i notice that the person wants to 'consider' his innocence, then we can get somewhere, you know. But...say...for example i am at a party or simply somewhere where there's alot of people, and MJ is brought up by someone..if i get the impression that its gonna be nasty, i'm not even gonna try, cause you know you are dealing with those mindless drones...yep :)

Hmm my uncle always denied being a fan but I definitely think he's a closet fan, he's a bit of joker so probably didn't want to be seen to be liking him maybe, not sure. He definitely got me into MJ's music, I think he may have saw him live after the 93 allegations, I'm not sure, it's something I've yet to quiz him on. If he did see him live after the allegations then it makes no sense if he thinks he's guilty. Would you go to a concert of someone you thought was guilty?

I definitely agree about when you're at a big party and the subject of MJ pops up. Last October not long after his death I was at a Halloween party and someone put one of the music channels on which was showing 100 Greatest MJ Vids and a few idiots made the same old remarks, "everyone thinks he's a God, he was a freak, he deserved what he got" etc etc. One old man got sooo drunk that he just kept insulting MJ all night to the point where I had to just take deep breaths and walk away. I couldn't bear to be in the same room as someone talking about him that way. I could have put up a fight but like you say it's not worth it at a huge party because you sure as hell know it'll turn nasty, especially when it'll be you against everyone else. I usually keep quiet yet silently my blood is boiling inside. But at the same time I also feel sorry for these idiots who believe everything the tabloids feed them and refuse to carry out their own research and then make up their mind, instead they just accept whatever The Sun, The Mirror, etc tells them. I also think MJ would be looking down on these fools with pity.