I never thought I'd say this but....

I never thought I'd say this....but I am so BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORED! :lol:
I never thought I'd say this, but I think the old actors (Gene Kelly, Gregory Peck, Rock Hudson, etc.) were SOOO HOT and totally my type!! :lol:
I never thought I would say this but... check yourself YO! :lol:
I never thought I would say this but you need to shape up or get out :eek:
I never thought I would say this but if you feel that way as you say many times why do you still come here at all? :lol:
:huh: That wasn't hinting it was an outright question asked to you ;) there's a difference...

I never thought I would say this but I think I want to quit my job :eek:
Never thought I'd say this but, I kinda forget how to post in random thoughts...lost the groove. It's been a while.
I never thought I would say this but... I cant say it but maybe some day then again maybe not then...... who knows :lol:
I never thought I'd say this but... SAY IT!! (lol.. nvm, I thought I'd say that... but you really don't have to)
:lol: Phew, thank you for righting all universal wrongs with that one post Poe.
No one would be satisfied if it were. People are weird that way. Never thought Id say this but.. people are weird? nah I always say that. We are. But better to be weird than abnormally normal.
some are weird in good ways and some? Id
rather not go there :lol: some amaze me at how
far they will go to be noticed and or whatever
their gig is at that given moment? sad but true?
maybe they are trying to compensate for something
lacking personally in life? shrugs who knows?
by the way Im not trying to be judgemental here
it was merely an observation on my part.
I never thought I would say this and I really never thought I would but.... I love facebook :doh: :lol: