Letters Michael's children wrote to Kai

Did she ever say why she was let go in May? She was asked on The Today Show, but she said something like "oh. um contract" and then moved on very fast like she didn't want to talk about it.
i think its cool the chef showed these letters to the world. some haters wont believe hearsay, so actual evidence of these kids being great children isnt a bad thing.

i would have responded earlier, but i was debating whether or not "smoothcriminal05" was being serious with his avy pic. ha.
:agree:I think all of you who are opposing Kai saying anything about her book are full of crap. You know that under any other circumstances, you would love a cookbook with the recipes that Michael enjoyed. I know I would. I don't see anything wrong with her writing a cookbook with Michael's favorite recipes. This is just another insight for US to see some of the things Michael liked and can draw us closer to him in a way we normally would not have had. I know some of the foods Mike had said he enjoyed in the past were things I tried but could not bear a taste for like artichoke hearts. When he was a pre-teen, he said he had a habit of eating too many of them. I, personally, would love a cookbook noting Mike's favorite foods with maybe some intimate stories of meals they shared together. I think that would be endearing.:yes:

Amen could not of said it any better. So what if she has a cook book out it is a good thing. And her sharing the kids letters is an even better thing. PEople need to see the kind of children their father reared them to be.
Amen could not of said it any better. So what if she has a cook book out it is a good thing. And her sharing the kids letters is an even better thing. PEople need to see the kind of children their father reared them to be.
Agree too. I think our anger should be directed to those more deserving of it. I don't know if you've read this, but the kids and MJ were helping her write this cookbook!
Below are transcripts of two of the cards that Paris wrote to chef Kai Chase:

Dear Kai,

Thank you for those beautiful gifts you gave us. Oh, and I'm writing this letter with the Magic Wand pen you gave me. I hope you like the presents & pictures. And thank you for the presents for P, B, & Daddy. They like them!

Lots of love,

Paris Jackson

P.S. The theme of P of the C is called "He's a Pirate" from the 1st movie.

Hey, Kai!

Thanks for getting the aprocots.

Daddy loves em'
The theme of P of the C? Is she talking about Pirates of the caribbean?
Amen could not of said it any better. So what if she has a cook book out it is a good thing. And her sharing the kids letters is an even better thing. PEople need to see the kind of children their father reared them to be.

and this is ONLY the beginning, people will want to know every little thing about them why? because they are Michael's children! the kids are what 11 and 12? it's scary how people how people want to know more and more about them - like what they ate for breakfast, what their writing looks like, how much do they resemble MJ in how they walk, how they talk etc etc
this is how it starts...with small things
they are his living memory.

still you're right. imagine you are Paris watching that letter and box being talked about and held by other people. its just odd.
Amen could not of said it any better. So what if she has a cook book out it is a good thing. And her sharing the kids letters is an even better thing. PEople need to see the kind of children their father reared them to be.

Yeah, at least it's not about 'inside dirt' on Mike, I can live with a cook book.
I'd like to get it too, I'm not a big cook myself but maybe knowing that Mike liked those recipes will give me inspiration :cheeky:
Personally I wish the kids would be left alone for now. All this fascination with them...I can understand it but I find it a little bit odd. I just want them to have the kind of life Michael worked so hard to let them have. :(
Nothing is kept special or sacred by people anymore..................................

Did she promote her new cookbook as well??????? *shakes my head* -_-

I dont think everyone who knows Michael is trying to cash in, on the contrary, I think many recognize the confusion his leaving us so prematurely has caused, and tho I know what you mean about keeping things sacred, I'm glad that so many are sharing such personal tokens of their memories of Michael.
I agree with those saying Kai is humanizing their family by sharing a little bit of their bond. At least she's not selling the gifts Paris made for her or anything.

Were they fans of Pirates of the Caribbean? Even more reason to love them!