Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon by David Gest (merged)

Re: Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon - Excl Advanced Blu-ray & DVD Cover Preview *Update Post 13

157 min... Thats nice and long I look forward to this

Nice. that's a very long documentary. - I will look so much forward to it.

Hope it will be positive and show MJ in a great light!
Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

This is just going to be marketed to mj fans to make a buck and i get tired of all the (non-estate) stuff we are meant to support to help other people's bank balances. I'm only really interested in things that can rehabilitate mj's image to the wider public, just can't see how this dvd is going to do that.
I totally agree!

To top that off, I have a feeling that there will be nothing NEW in this DVD. At this point, we have seen and heard it all from the folks who CLAIM that Michael loved them the best. LOL!

Not to go off topic, but if folks are looking for something new about Michael, then it could possibly come from that Casico kid (forgot his name). One thing we know for sure is that Michael spent a lot of time with that family right up to the very end. If there are any new stories, that's where they will come from, not David Gest and Company.

To Mr. Gest: Thanks, but NO THANKS!
Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

^^ Yes, we have alot of sources on mj for up to the mid 80s, until he distanced himself from his family - probably to get some privacy as well as the other issues. I agree Frank Cascio's book will probaby have fresh stories, but i'm sad that frank dileo died as apart from appearing to be a nice man, his book that he was planning would have been a really good insight on mj in the 80s as they seemed really close.
Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

I understand that we all want justice for Michael and that is our number one priority. However, that doesn't mean we have to occupy ourselves with everything about the trial. I still listen to Michael's music on a daily basis. I still watch his DVD's. I still go to work. I still watch TV and movies. I still meet up with friends. I still carry on with my life. If the Cirque show comes to NY, I'd have no problem in letting myself be entertained for a few hours.

As for this DVD, I'm keeping an open attitude now because I truly respect Tom Mesereau. He's a person of grace and dignity. I don't think he would endorse a "money scam". I'll be completely honest here. He's the reason I look at this DVD from a different perspective. Not everything that is not authorized by the Estate is money scam. Joe Vogel's book is not offically authorized by the Estate. Frank Cascio's book is not authorized by the Estate. Spike Lee's birthday bash is not authorized by the Estate. All of the above three projects aim at Michael Jackson fans. None of them is attractive enough for a wide audience. Do you think a non-fan would know who Frank Cascio is? I bet David Gest has a better name recognition than Frank Cascio.

It takes much more than a book or a DVD or a documentary to educate the public about Michael's artistic and humanitarian legacy. However, I'm confident that Michael Jackson will be remembered and studied by generations to come. History will do its job and does him justice. It's not going to happen overnight. We just need to be patient.
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Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

Spike Lee's birthday bash is not authorized by the Estate.

In my opinion, Spike Lee's joint shouldn't even be mentioned with the other's, BECAUSE Spike doesn't charge any money for the pleasure of honoring Michael's birthday. IT'S ALL FREE!

Big Ups to Spike Lee and The City Of New York for picking up the cost of this lovely celebration.
Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

I personally feel its good to watch this. Many (not all) of those who are choosing not to watch this is fallowing the traditional pattern of masking away anything bad or imperfect around Michael and mentally creating only happy thoughts around him which ends up in ways forcing a person to glorify him into a perfect like being.

Michael was arguably the most gifted individual that has ever lived with a heart of an angel.. Yet we have to axept the fact that he was a human that went through a lot and hurt. In the cause of that hurt (because he's human) had effects, many good, and some bad. He went through hell a lot of his life and he held a lot of sadness.

Michaels good and pure side was not his greatest quality.. But I think his greatest gift (OVER his heart of an angel) is going through what he went through and still have the will to fight, still have the will to want to heal others, still have that angel like quality beaming through him. In ways it may have been dimmed but it still was there, and strong..

I don't think we can truly love or appreciate someone (MJ) without excepting the hard times and character flaws. Everyone has major character flaws from addiction, jealousy, hatred, egoism, over pride, self esteem issues and this list goes on.

Michael was in imperfect man that strived for perfection.. Appreciate the fact he strived for it and never look away to the times he did not become perfect, for part of his imperfectness came from the mental torment that comes with striving for perfection. someone holding him to that only would have made it harder on him.

Some people will want to attack me for saying this, but if there is ONE person that gets SOMETHING out of this than I am happy that I said it
Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

In my opinion, Spike Lee's joint shouldn't even be mentioned with the other's, BECAUSE Spike doesn't charge any money for the pleasure of honoring Michael's birthday. IT'S ALL FREE!

Big Ups to Spike Lee and The City Of New York for picking up the cost of this lovely celebration.

My point is that not everything that is NOT authorized by the Estate has evil motive. Like you said, Spike Lee's annual event is a lovely celebration that happens to be free. Joe Vogel's book is not free of charge nor is it Estate authorized. But, it's probably the most accurate and important book on Michael Jackson. We do live in a capitalistic world. It's important for people behind the projects (the worthy one, like Joe Vogel's book) to make a profit.

I know we all have become very weary now, after the Cardiff tribute fiasco and all the so-called memoirs by family members. But, we can't paint every non-Estate authorized project with a broad brush. If someone who is determined and courageous enough to work on a fair and bias-free project about Michael, I have no problem in giving that person my money.

I don't know how good or bad this Gest DVD is. Is it honest enough? Is it fair enough? I really don't know. I'll wait till I see it until passing judgement.
Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

Who cares if anything is approved from the Michael Jackson Estate? I don't approve of several things that came from the Michael Jackson Estate
Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

I personally feel its good to watch this. Many (not all) of those who are choosing not to watch this is fallowing the traditional pattern of masking away anything bad or imperfect around Michael and mentally creating only happy thoughts around him which ends up in ways forcing a person to glorify him into a perfect like being.

Michael was arguably the most gifted individual that has ever lived with a heart of an angel.. Yet we have to axept the fact that he was a human that went through a lot and hurt. In the cause of that hurt (because he's human) had effects, many good, and some bad. He went through hell a lot of his life and he held a lot of sadness.

Michaels good and pure side was not his greatest quality.. But I think his greatest gift (OVER his heart of an angel) is going through what he went through and still have the will to fight, still have the will to want to heal others, still have that angel like quality beaming through him. In ways it may have been dimmed but it still was there, and strong..

I don't think we can truly love or appreciate someone (MJ) without excepting the hard times and character flaws. Everyone has major character flaws from addiction, jealousy, hatred, egoism, over pride, self esteem issues and this list goes on.

Michael was in imperfect man that strived for perfection.. Appreciate the fact he strived for it and never look away to the times he did not become perfect, for part of his imperfectness came from the mental torment that comes with striving for perfection. someone holding him to that only would have made it harder on him.

Some people will want to attack me for saying this, but if there is ONE person that gets SOMETHING out of this than I am happy that I said it

Very well said. I couldn't have said it better myself.

I always said that I don't want a positive documentary. Instead, I want a FAIR documentary because of the reason you mentioned.
Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

I personally feel its good to watch this. Many (not all) of those who are choosing not to watch this is fallowing the traditional pattern of masking away anything bad or imperfect around Michael and mentally creating only happy thoughts around him which ends up in ways forcing a person to glorify him into a perfect like being.

You can put me in the (not all) column.

For me, personally, I'm just tired of all of the money grabs being targeted towards Michael Jackson's LOYAL fans. For me, it's a simple as that.
Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

I just said what I said because I know I've been there, and when hard times come up I naturally wanted to block it away and I would force myself to think.. "NO, I don't know and the only way I can is to be open to all sides and then come to a conclusion." Thats with everything.. rumors, allegations, death and so on..

We tend to call someone a lier really fast as fans, but there have been enough times (even just in the current trial) that its proven what people have said in the past is true.. And thats why some are more shocked than others..

We have to be perceptive, and thats only with an open ear and an open mind..

I told people in the forum (well mjjf) a few years before he died that I believe Michael has insomnia or some type of sleep problem and was attacked for it. I said it out of worry and I was told not to start rumors... All I could say is that Michael has cried out to it so many times IN PUBLIC settings yet people were not being willing to be perceptive to it because it's not a PERFECT thought towards him.
Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

No offense to anyone here (I'm not looking to argue honestly :) ) but I think everyone needs to watch out with making generalizing statements.
Just because some people are not interested in this project or others because they have doubts about the content or the people behind it doesn't mean they want to think that Michael is perfect.
That's an argument that seems to have been around for years and everytime it pops up again. I think the majority here has an open mind when it comes to Michael, I have seen some people come and go who did think he was a perfect human being and they didn't last long around here because most people here seem to be open minded level headed. Personally I feel it sounds a little condescending and speaking for myself it's simple not true.

There is one thing to having an open mind in listening to others talking about Michael,but when people have been proven wrong about what they have said or done in the past regarding Michael I think fans have the right to speak out about their doubts frankly. I don't see anything wrong with that.
Also remember just because you hear a lie often enough it doesn't make it the truth. I think seeing the history of bad reporting when it comes to Michael it almost seems smarter to be sceptical than to just believe people at their word.
You can't blame fans for becoming that way after years of lies and having to stand up for him against so many people.
Even if the people behind it promise it's the best and most honest documentary about his life ever. (He (Gest) didn't say that as far as I know, I'm just making a point)

Now that may have been a little of topic so I'll end it with this. I said how I felt in the other thread about this documentary. I'm a bit weary after seeing the preview but I won't bash it right away. I don't have high hopes of new footage of Michael but if there is that would just be a good thing in my opinion. I personally like hearing new stories from people who were in his life directly for the last few years instead of seeing someone like JRT comment but that's just me. So I'm not hugely interested in this,but I''ll try and give it the benefit of the doubt.

I'm curious about these 100 celebrities that will come though, sounds a bit much lol
Reminds me of the "galaxy of stars" for the tribute. No offense ;)
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Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

You can put me in the (not all) column.

For me, personally, I'm just tired of all of the money grabs being targeted towards Michael Jackson's LOYAL fans. For me, it's a simple as that.

Thank you very much for this post!

I believe that many fans have become tired and uninspired by these sales gimmicks........

But, more importantly it dividing the MJ fanbase in to two groups:
1,) Some fans will stay very active in fan communities
2.) Other fans will distance themselves from anything MJ related in an attempt to get away from the sales gimmicks!

This also means that the money grab schemes are damaging future estate projects because it's killing all the excitement and enthusiasm........

The estate has also gotta learn from it's mistake....that being the Michael album......not just the track-list but also the promotion (but that's more to do with Sony).......
Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

There is one thing to having an open mind in listening to others talking about Michael,but when people have been proven wrong about what they have said or done in the past regarding Michael I think fans have the right to speak out about their doubts frankly. I don't see anything wrong with that.
Also remember just because you hear a lie often enough it doesn't make it the truth. I think seeing the history of bad reporting when it comes to Michael it almost seems smarter to be sceptical than to just believe people at their word.
You can't blame fans for becoming that way after years of lies and having to stand up for him against so many people.
Even if the people behind it promise it's the best and most honest documentary about his life ever. (He (Gest) didn't say that as far as I know, I'm just making a point)

Of course there is nothing wrong to be skeptical. Actually, I encourage everyone around me to be skeptical on media reporting, not only on topics related to Michael, but everything from pharmaceutical research to politics. One can't trust what's being written on paper 100%. However, some have crossed the line. Some comments I have read here do not demonstrate skepticism, but premature judgement. Some called this DVD a money grab after seeing just the trailer. I wonder how one can determine the entire content based on a one-minue clip. It's not a music video, but a full-length documentary.

I would also write this off as yet another money scam if I feel it's indeed a mediocre production after watching it. As of now, I have no idea. Furthermore, I wonder what people think about the fact that Tom Mesereau gave this film a glowing review and will attend the premier with his law firm partner, Susan Yu. I'm curious. Would he lend his good name to a money scam? But, if this is really a trashy production, then I have no problem in disagreeing with Mr. Mesereau despite my utmost respect and admiration on him.
Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

Of course there is nothing wrong to be skeptical. Actually, I encourage everyone around me to be skeptical on media reporting, not only on topics related to Michael, but everything from pharmaceutical research to politics. One can't trust what's being written on paper 100%. However, some have crossed the line. Some comments I have read here do not demonstrate skepticism, but premature judgement. Some called this DVD a money grab after seeing just the trailer. I wonder how one can determine the entire content based on a one-minue clip. It's not a music video, but a full-length documentary.

I would also write this off as yet another money scam if I feel it's indeed a mediocre production after watching it. As of now, I have no idea. Furthermore, I wonder what people think about the fact that Tom Mesereau gave this film a glowing review and will attend the premier with his law firm partner, Susan Yu. I'm curious. Would he lend his good name to a money scam? But, if this is really a trashy production, then I have no problem in disagreeing with Mr. Mesereau despite my utmost respect and admiration on him.

I've actually called it a money grab the very day it was announced. If it's not a money grab, tell me exactly where the money is going?
Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

I've actually called it a money grab the very day it was announced. If it's not a money grab, tell me exactly where the money is going?

Going by your logic, everything that was ever created or released is a money grab.
Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

I've actually called it a money grab the very day it was announced. If it's not a money grab, tell me exactly where the money is going?

I said this before and I'll repeat. Just because the money is not going into the Estate's account does not automatically make a project money scam. If Mr. Gest is doing a good job with this film, I think he, his production team and his distributor deserve to be rewarded monetarily.

Again, what do you think of TMez's review? Mind you, I'm not a fan of Gest. I'm just intriguied by TMez' favorable review.
Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

Well, it will keep striking until these vipers stop exploiting Michael Jackson's death.

Not a criticism, but I am surprised you are supporting David Gest and his (VERY OBVIOUS!!) money scam. Last I checked, Michael left all his assests to his estate...not to David Gest


Couldn't have said it better.

Reporting and support are two completely different things, I am sure someone of your intelligence can work that one out rather making assumptions,

And as some have stated some will like this some will not, its our job to serve "all" fans not just you and your opinion.
Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

Personally and not MJJC, I think we need to move on from this money making of MJ's name ish, we cant stop it an nothing never will, so why not look at it from another angle, anything that is MJ related keeps him in the lime light keeps his legacy strong, so to me its a matter as long as its positive for MJ then its good. again my opinion not MJJC's.
Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

I agree 100%, there is too much moaning going on. Some people would only be happy if nobody released anything related to mj, which of course would mean his legacy dies.
Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

I agree 100%, there is too much moaning going on. Some people would only be happy if nobody released anything related to mj, which of course would mean his legacy dies.

Not really..........

People will never stop buying MJ CD's.............

Think about Pink Floyd's legacy.........they never release new stuff and they are still considered one of, if not the best rock band ever!!!!

End of the day, fans want 100% MJ......not 50% accurate documentaries, not 50% accurate books, and certainly not Cascio songs!!!

If Sony announced the release of a remastered version of the HIStory World Tour on DVD/Blu Ray.......nobody will complain!!!!

It is as simple as that!!!!!!
Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

His best friend from childhood? Wasn't that Tito? ...And didn't David have a driver license already when

he started hanging out with MJ?
Not really..........People will never stop buying MJ CD's.............Think about Pink Floyd's legacy.........they never release new stuff and they are still considered one of, if not the best rock band ever!!!!End of the day, fans want 100% MJ......not 50% accurate documentaries, not 50% accurate books, and certainly not Cascio songs!!!If Sony announced the release of a remastered version of the HIStory World Tour on DVD/Blu Ray.......nobody will complain!!!!It is as simple as that!!!!!!
They should NEVER release HIStory world tour on dvd or bluray IMO. there is too much miming going on. But I wouldn't mind if certain songs were released in bluray package (e.g. WBSS, beat it etc.)
Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

They should NEVER release HIStory world tour on dvd or bluray IMO. there is too much miming going on. But I wouldn't mind if certain songs were released in bluray package (e.g. WBSS, beat it etc.)

miming not miming who cares as long as we have GP on BLURAY :mello:
Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

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Re: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Producter David Gest and Universal Pictures announce all-star World Premi

Personally and not MJJC, I think we need to move on from this money making of MJ's name ish, we cant stop it an nothing never will, so why not look at it from another angle, anything that is MJ related keeps him in the lime light keeps his legacy strong, so to me its a matter as long as its positive for MJ then its good. again my opinion not MJJC's.

I see your point, but unless you have seen the film and can attest to MJ not being called a drug addict on tape, i will pass.

Reporting and support are two completely different things, I am sure someone of your intelligence can work that one out rather making assumptions,

And as some have stated some will like this some will not, its our job to serve "all" fans not just you and your opinion.

The way I see it, David Gest's ONLY motivation is money. No doubt in my mind.
I support non estate-sponsored PRODUCT & EVENT (Spike Lee's annual celebration) if I feel the person is trying to add or enhance MJ's work.

I don't mind others making money from their hard labour, but i will be damned if i support these leeches. And no way in hell, do i want to spend my hard earned cash listening to these people calling MJ an addict.

They should NEVER release HIStory world tour on dvd or bluray IMO. there is too much miming going on. But I wouldn't mind if certain songs were released in bluray package (e.g. WBSS, beat it etc.)

Miming or not, watching MJ is ALWAYS entertaining. Bring it on!

miming not miming who cares as long as we have GP on BLURAY :mello:

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