Michael Jackson’s Family Demands Estate’s Executors Resignation / Estate Responds

Alan Duke says Katherine is at this time still in Tuczon, Arizona.
My advice to Katherine is to get back to Calabasas, California and take care of Michael's young children.
Alan Duke says Katherine is at this time still in Tuczon, Arizona.
My advice to Katherine is to get back to Calabasas, California and take care of Michael's young children.

Wait a minute, you mean they left her there, while they placed this letter online for the world to see? I wonder if she knows everything that is going on, and if Katherine was able to contact the children by now?
I don't want to sound crazy but these people seem to be dangerous. They should take some time to think things over. They are desperate and don't think that if the children are not allowed to speak to their legal guardian, Katherine might end up losing the guardianship and with that the income she receives from the 3 children. I think part of the children's alimony go to other members of the family. Money is making them blind.
Since I found abouts the brothers' and sisters' reaction to Michael's will I stopped being pro Jackson family and these recent decitions they made it increases my even more my anger despise and disgust! :mad:
Alan Duke says Katherine is at this time still in Tuczon, Arizona.
My advice to Katherine is to get back to Calabasas, California and take care of Michael's young children.

If this is true and they are left all alone , that is just disgraceful
I see desperate people, resorting to desperate actions........just plain sad......I am sure Michael would be horrified (but at the same time probably not surprised)at the way his family has behaved since his passing.

BTW.....did Randy draft that letter? 'cause it most definetly was not drafted by anyone in the legal profession and did the other siblings just blindly sign to it or did they even bother to read it? 'cause it makes no sense to me that anyone with sense could've affixed their signatures to that poorly constructed letter.

I just saw the Jane Valez Mitchel report on HLN. The reporter named Alan Duke said that last Sunday Janet, Randy, and Rebbie came to Calabasas, picked up Katherine Jackson and took her on vacation to a Spa in Tuczon, Arizona. Katherine Jackson's lawyer told the reporter that Paris Jackson has been calling the Spa to try and speak to her grandmother; but no one there will let her speak to her grandmother. This has made Paris Jackson extremely upset. (Rememeber folks Paris just lost her father, Michael, three years ago.)

Question: Why are their aunts and uncles being so mean to Michael Jackson's children: Prince, Paris, and Blanket Jackson?

So if this report is true and they just whisked Katherine off, who is taking care of the kids????

This is just ridiculous!
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Question: Why are their aunts and uncles being so mean to Michael Jackson's children: Prince, Paris, and Blanket Jackson?

Cuz they are jealous that the kids inherit mjs money and they wont be getting any of it imo
Poor Michael.... :( *big sigh*

Jermaine Jackson ?@jermjackson5
Re our letter to Estate: while fans only have limited info right now, we ask for patience because much is yet to emerge in this jigsaw...


OMG! :swoon: Really Jerma????
:tease: Let's see....

Why have I heard this before? And where is that popcorn gif? :D


Instead of fighting the Estate why don't u go bring ur "advisor" Thomme Thomme to answer serious questions and bring back what he stole from Michael? Why did has he turned to smoke after Michael left ? Wasn't it U that you brought him to Michael to work for him with FORCE?We were there We Remember !


I would love that!
by including her, he included us. The lioness takes care of her cubs, and that philosophy has always been understood in our family. "

yeh right jermaine! You can keep dreamin!
Janet Jackson, I’m told, was pressured into signing a very vitriolic letter sent to Michael’s executors.

I dont understand how that can be true cuz janet was always known to stick to her guns if she felt something was wrong....

I guess $$$$ changes everything
I dont understand how that can be true cuz janet was always known to stick to her guns if she felt something was wrong....

I guess $$$$ changes everything

Maybe when it concerns her life and business. She doesn't want to be left to take care of the family like Michael did. The AEG suit is their last chance to get the big money for the family.
Michael Jackson’s siblings, kids and mom battle over reopening his will

Once again there’s turmoil in Michael Jackson’s family — but this time it seems more intense than ever. At the bottom of it all? Basically a desire by certain Jacksons to increase their share of Michael’s estate.

The latest dustup is over the very strongly worded letter — one source called it “insulting” — sent by Jackson siblings, led by Randy and Jermaine, the executors of the Michael Jackson estate. At the root of their missive is an ongoing desire to reopen Michael’s will and direct a larger amount of funds to his mother, Katherine Jackson, his children and other family members.

However, Michael’s mother is not in favor of those particular changes — nor are Michael’s children, particularly his daughter Paris and older son Prince.

A longtime family source said Thursday, “This is yet another power grab by Randy and Jermaine. … Another grab for money as well.”

Paris went so far as to call her uncle Randy a liar in a tweet — something he has countered by saying everything in the letter is correct.

† On top of all this a wrongful death lawsuit has been filed by the family against AEG Live, the company that produced Michael’s ill-fated London concerts and related projects.

The suit claims that it was AEG’s hiring of Dr. Conrad Murray (who administered the doses of Propofol) that led to Michael Jackson’s death. The company is vigorously fighting the lawsuit, arguing that it was Jackson himself who demanded the hiring as Dr. Murray as his personal physician.

† In addition, Paris and Janet Jackson have become somewhat estranged in recent days. “Aunt Janet” reportedly locked horns with her niece, trying hard to dissuade Paris from launching her career in the entertainment biz too soon. Janet Jackson knows all too well the price of lost childhood paid by becoming a professional performer at too young an age.

Maybe when it concerns her life and business. She doesn't want to be left to take care of the family like Michael did. The AEG suit is their last chance to get the big money for the family.

It was alright for michael to be the one to take care of everyone else but when its everybody esle's turn its all "HELL NAWWWWWW"

The unfairness to michael is so obvious to the fans & most of the general public but they are just oblivious its unbeliveable
They want to reopen the will so more money can be given to Katherine, the kids and THEM. They are not in the will. They are not entitled to anything. They need to get over it and go on with their lives. I think Prince and Paris want to respect their father's wishes.
I STILL want to know Janet role in this... I mean the woman got money, she ain't broke by ANY means..??
As we said from the beginning of the thread, this most likely was precipitated by the fact that the AEG case is not going well. They thought AEG would be ashamed and decide to settle. Most likely some lawyer told them that most big companies settle so to go ahead with their case. Hopefully the situation will get worse for them, and they will drop this case that is based on greed.

That makes sense... and makes me hopeful, because if she didn't sign it then then hopefully she won't.

I'm hoping they don't get to Kath and then PPB. The kids are susceptible to whatever ish the family feeds them.

I'm really curious about the AEG lawsuit. If they drop it it will be very embarrassing for them after their claims of seeking justice over Michael, all of Randy's obsessive tweeting about it like he gave a monkeys about justice, Janet cancelling tour dates and flying all over the world just to see Randy Philips testify... so why would they drop the lawsuit which would supposedly do that? Very embarrassing. When is Randy's deposition due? And Jermaine's? I want to read both before this lawsuit is dropped. AEG should counter sue them for mental stress and grief and defamation.
Anyone can see this is NOT about money. Why would Janet sign if it was? This is about some shady business going down with the estate. I'm surprised most fans are even okay that Branca is around these days....the guy was fired in the 90's for a reason.
The children are left alone without their guardian and no way to contact her??? I see a social worker paying a visit to Katherine!

And I seem to have missed out on Hayvenhurst - Who is living there now if it isn't Katherine and the Kids?? Because if I'm not mistaken the Estate is paying for that house!
Anyone can see this is NOT about money. Why would Janet sign if it was? This is about some shady business going down with the estate. I'm surprised most fans are even okay that Branca is around these days....the guy was fired in the 90's for a reason.

You got it all wrong.
JB has done so much for MJ. if you can't see that, you never will.

he helped MJ with the most lucrative music deal in showbusines. He got MJ his masters back. plus he got MJ sony/atv and just recently got the Estate to buy a stake in EMI publishing. now he's about to clear MJ's debt, something no other previous manager was able to do. He's growing the MJ Estate while making MJ3 stinking rich.

What have the Jackson siblings done for MJ?

They were cut out of the will for a reason.
If that is true then that is wrong. She should be able to talk to her grandmother anytime she wants to.

I agree. And if the reports are true, then Katherine needs to get back to California real quick, in my opinion. I'm sure she doesn't want social workers knocking on her door.
Anyone can see this is NOT about money. Why would Janet sign if it was? This is about some shady business going down with the estate. I'm surprised most fans are even okay that Branca is around these days....the guy was fired in the 90's for a reason.

Janet herself says she is Randy's advocate. Branca was put on and off retainer for most of the duration of Michael's career, sometimes Michael took him off and sometimes he resigned. It costs a lot of money to have a lawyer on retainer and it's a waste when the lawyer really isn't doing anything but something basic or nothing at all. John Branca was rehired for good reason. That tour had the posibilty of bringing in big bucks and Michael needed a lawyer who could make sure his maximum income potential was being utilized. No it's not just about money, its also about getting legal help from the Executors in fighting AEG. The only people who will make any money off of this lawsuit will be the lawyers that are handling it. The Jackson's attorneys are being paid out of Katherine's allowance. Dr. Murray killed Michael Jackson. If stress is damaging Katherine's health then this wreckless lawsuit needs to be dropped.
.........The only people who will make any money off of this lawsuit will be the lawyers that are handling it. The Jackson's attorneys are being paid out of Katherine's allowance. Dr. Murray killed Michael Jackson. If stress is damaging Katherine's health then this wreckless lawsuit needs to be dropped.
Co-Sign 100%

If this arizona thing is true it kinda sounds familiar doesnt it. they take kj away on a nice break when infact the break is for nothing more than to talk her into agreeing and signing the letter. just like when they were hassling mj to do their texas reunion show. i guess kj needs an intervention now.

its pretty clear why janet is supporting this. The family are running out of ops to get and make money. the AEG suit isnt going the way they want. they cant make any decent amount touring so who will the family turn to next? the only other one with a decent amount of money. shes supporting them in the hope they might get something so they dont go sniffing around her.

but at the end of the day its like groubdhog day with the family. they made the same accusations three years ago. never produced any evidence never went to court. same ole. but this time they are pressuring katherine to support it. i guess they havnt read the clause about benificaries losing everything if they object and lose

u know branca and mclain are doing a great job when it p***** off the jacksons and their fans. all that money and they cant get a dime of it. mj truely had the last laugh.
Anyone can see this is NOT about money. Why would Janet sign if it was? This is about some shady business going down with the estate. I'm surprised most fans are even okay that Branca is around these days....the guy was fired in the 90's for a reason.

I'm surprised that some fans have not bothered to check out the history Branca and Michael. Branca & MJ had a history together since 1980 which continue on and off until Michael's death.
[size=+3]Randy, Jermaine Jackson
Plot to Get MJ's $$$ ...

Randy and Jermaine Jackson are trying to get at Michael Jackson's money, by hatching a sinister plot involving Katherine Jackson ... so claim sources connected with the Michael Jackson Estate.

Randy, Jermaine, Janet, Tito and Rebbie Jackson all signed a letter, demanding that the Executors of the MJ Estate step down, claiming the executors are failing so badly, the stress caused Katherine to suffer a stroke.

Sources connected with the Estate are now lashing back, telling TMZ they believe Randy and Jermaine (they are not including the others) are strapped for cash and know when Katherine dies there is no way they can get their hands on a penny of MJ's fortune -- that's because all of the money goes to charity and in trust for Michael's 3 kids.

Our sources believe ... Randy and Jermaine are trying to make it appear that Katherine is infirm and may need a conservatorship. And the sources further believe Randy and Jermaine will try and get themselves appointed as her conservators, which would give them access to more than $70,000 a month.

We know Katherine's people have denied she had a stroke. As for the Estate failing miserably, it seems like bad timing, because new court docs just revealed the Estate has grossed nearly half a billion dollars, wiping out MJ's massive debt.

Calls to Randy and Jermaine have not been returned.

Branca was working for mj in the 00's so why he was fired in the 90's is irrelevent to us and it seems michael aswell.

id love to know what these dodgy things that are going on in the estate are. please share the evidence you have cause we see alot of hot air and the estate making money but not much else
OnlyMJfansUnderstand ‏@OMJFU
u can't be serious about Paris not being allowed to talk to her grandma. where did u get that info? & how do u know it's true? @AlanDukeCNN

Alan's reply to question above
@OMJFU 3 very good sources.
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6:06 PM - 19 Jul 12 via Twitter for iPhone · Details

What the heck is going on in that hornets nest?
Randy and Jermaine should be put into jail for what they are doing!!!!

If Katherine is still in that health farm, and Paris cannot talk to her,who told Paris to delete her tweets to Randy???
Are they threatening Paris now when Katherine is not there?
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