MJ Tributes At 2013 Billboard Music Awards By Chris Brown And Tracy Morgan


Proud Member
Aug 4, 2011
Chris Brown gave a performance to his new hit, “Fine China” with a surprise guitar solo by Orianthi from “This Is It.”Chris ended the performance with a silent tribute to his idol Michael Jackson. He finished the song behind a lighted panel emulating Michael’s silhouette dance and ended with MJ’s signature pose.

Tracy Morgan gave honor to Michael tonight with his outfit. Here’s what he said.

“Since this is a music show, it’s the perfect time for me to talk about an artist, that was and is special to us: Michael Jackson. (He raises his arm for more applause) I went to a show and Michael was wearing this (he grabs his jacket and slightly pulls it open) and I said to myself, “this is the dopest thing I ever saw” and it showed me that Michael wasn’t about being big, he wasn’t about being bigger, he was about being the biggest. So I went out and had one made. (The crowd yells and applauds) Michael, this is for you.”

He raised his arm to the sky to Michael.

here is an older Pic from Tracy...I did not find his speak on youtube...
Awesome tribute to Michael :clapping:

I like to think that this was their way to show support to Michael against Wade's claims without actually saying a word.
^ Agree, seems like not many (only the usual suspects) are taking WR's allegations with a large pinch of salt.
The ending of Chris Brown's performance was SWEET!

Thank you Mr. Brown!

Thank you for posting, I didn't see the show last night, and that was a pleasant surprise. (Take that Wade Robson. I guess Chris Brown will NOT be calling you to choregraphy any of his future performances.)
I thank them for showing support to Michael.
Nice to have a tribute to MJ, but Chris Brown's MJ dance segment didn't even compare to MJ's dancing.
Nice to have a tribute to MJ, but Chris Brown's MJ dance segment didn't even compare to MJ's dancing.

The main thing is that even with all this BS going on, Chris and Tracy paid tribute to MJ. Maybe they even did it BECAUSE this BS is going on. It's amazing that somebody would do that at this time IMO.
The main thing is that even with all this BS going on, Chris and Tracy paid tribute to MJ. Maybe they even did it BECAUSE this BS is going on. It's amazing that somebody would do that at this time IMO.

I'm convinced that their tribute to Michael was only because the bs going on with WR. Prince was being honored on that show, and you would think that they paid tribute to him, but no they paid tribute to Michael.
^True that! Lol!

I love seeing Chris do his thing in regards to his homage to MJ.
With that said, I've seen him do it better and Tracy was just goofy.

Kudos to them for their love for MJ.
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i dont see a tribute to michael jackson. if so he would mentioned it to the crowd.
for me that was only copying the king. using michael jackson choreography, moves for his own. and that was not that much. so i'm sure noone, only mj fans, recognized that.

and i dont like how he is 'dancing'. thats more karate. waving around with his arms and feeds. it doesnt make sence, and dont harmonize with the music. it does not create a feeling between dance and music. it always was like this with this guy.
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No you don't mention it .. you just do it .. and people watching knew what is was. When he went behind that screen.
Even MJ fans recognised it as a tribute .. well most anyway .. every year MJ should be present somehow .. IMO

Why is that that sometimes fans says when other artists pays tribute to Michael that they actually just copy his style?
Then again when Michael paid tribute or showed his respect to his inspirations thru his singing and dancing, it is accepted that it is what it is, tribute to them.

We have seen James Brown, Fosse, Astaire, Wilson etc in Michael's dancing, is Michael copying them or respecting them?
I say respecting them, as much CB respect MJ by imitating and paying tribute to his inspiration.
That is the way Michael's legacy carries on to the next generations.
Without MJ, I personally wouldn't have had a clue who was James B or Wilson, but MJ naming them as his inspiration, I pay attention to them and got to know their music, thus their legacy is carried on.

Why is that that sometimes fans says when other artists pays tribute to Michael that they actually just copy his style?
Then again when Michael paid tribute or showed his respect to his inspirations thru his singing and dancing, it is accepted that it is what it is, tribute to them.

We have seen James Brown, Fosse, Astaire, Wilson etc in Michael's dancing, is Michael copying them or respecting them?
I say respecting them, as much CB respect MJ by imitating and paying tribute to his inspiration.
That is the way Michael's legacy carries on to the next generations.
Without MJ, I personally wouldn't have had a clue who was James B or Wilson, but MJ naming them as his inspiration, I pay attention to them and got to know their music, thus their legacy is carried on.

A thousand times this! I mean how can you copy Michael?! lol

:clapping: A big thank you to them both for their tributes to Michael keeping his positive light in the public eye.
I'm not a Chris Brown fan but I watched the performance. I thought of it as tribute and I think it's cool. And I'm a person who generally isn't too crazy about remakes, tributes, etc. I think by now, a lot of people know what a huge Michael Jackson fan he is. So when he does stuff like this, we all sort of know it's tribute and not "copying." There is a difference. I admire that he went on stage and gave his own little "defense" of MJ in the midst of the controversy by paying tribute to what's most important: His legacy and musical genius. He was positively portraying Michael Jackson in public and that's something that needs to be seen right now.

Thumbs up from me.
Great of him/them to show MJ support!

It's lovely to see that some people use common sense and know what kind of BS the new claims are!!

Show respect and support to MJ - ALWAYS!!

i dont see a tribute to michael jackson. if so he would mentioned it to the crowd.
for me that was only copying the king. using michael jackson choreography, moves for his own. and that was not that much. so i'm sure noone, only mj fans, recognized that.

I don't think either it was a tribute to MJ. He performed his new song Fine China in which the choreography, the dance moves, and some vocals are inspired by MJ' s style.

I also think that only MJ Fan and those who know very well MJ songs and his short films will notice that CB inspired from MJ

If you look at his official video clip Fine China it will recall you a couple of MJ's video and more (Ooooooh - only heee heee is missing ;-))

Chris Brown reveals himself that :

So to me, it was not a tribute (first sense of the word).

I have nothing against Chris Brown, I like some of his songs.
And above all, I love the fact he cried while singing on the Man in the Mirror when he paid tribute to MJ.
No you don't mention it .. you just do it .. and people watching knew what is was. When he went behind that screen.
Even MJ fans recognised it as a tribute .. well most anyway .. every year MJ should be present somehow .. IMO

you are wrong.
you are wrong.
Well Chris, I will agree That's very possible. I could be wrong, being it's just my opinion after observing the performance. Your "opinion" could also be wrong. I can't state for certain. All I can state is I believe it was a tribute. You can believe as you wish, I have no problem with that, my friend.
If it was or was not a tribute, the fact that it was something positive related to Michael is what counts. Especially when it came days after Wade went on tv and did what he did. When he went behind the screen he was doing Michael's moves and people knew it. I just appreciate the timing of it with what has happened lately. Tracy Morgan didn't have to talk about his jacket either but he did.