MJJC Meet Up UK......2nd April...........THREAD UPDATED, INFO RELEASED!

It was said earlier in the thread by an older member that 'on 25th prefered to go off to Slug & Lettuse away from other fans' which is what I meant by seperating yourselves and I looked through some old meet up threads before when another different older member asked why you were going to the theme park as 'once again it will only be 8 people' or whatevs. (and I noticed this member got the same snappy responses as I seem to be getting now) if we are not aloud to make any suggestions to improve things without fear of being snapped at it is a bit odd. Well anyway I am not going to either this or even the fulham meet up either now, the other people I was going to bring probably will but I will not as I do not like being accused of being horrid just for making constructive suggestions.

OK, well that's fine. To me it's not about numbers but I understand people will want different things from meet-ups. I hope you do find a group that is more suited to you.

No hard feelings eh?
Now I have had a chance to think when not in an angry mood, was angry about the crapping on comment as I was not trying to crap on anyone or anything with my first post I just wanted to give some suggestion on what might make nicer events as we all love Michael so all want to do Michael stuff right? I was not trying to say anybody should not do these meets but just thought it would be cool to see them have a bit more Michael relevance which in turn might bring the numbers up but it is up to you what you do. I probably should not have argued so much though as that is not a good thing to do. I am passionate about Michael fans coming together united for Michael so to think there is people seperating from each other at times, as pointed out by others, makes me feel sad but I probably should not have argued so much on it. No there is no hard feelings on my part and I hope that even if some of you do not understand where I am coming from with my points that I was not intending to upset people as individuals even when I was angry.
Thank you to everybody for expressing their different views and opinions.
Lets get back on to this topic now!

So 4 DAYS to go MJJC fam!

I will use my mobile for central contact on the day, so pls PM me and I will send you my number which I ask you not to pass on to others without my permission.

Any other questions about the day at all, just ask :)


It was so funnn! I'm sad to be home, thanks for a great weekend guys. :)